The Art of Feng Shui 🐾👑 Vick and the Bear 2024 🎬 SPECIAL EPISODE! 🎬 Best cartoon collection

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[Music] I'm feline [Music] [Music] fine where that little piss get to [Music] you wish to capture me you'll have to do better than that what he is not aware of is this but I was once the leader of all the feral fiz a title that I carry no more I eat to qus of pain hello boss yeah the Lumber's all loaded up I'm on my way to the station all right consider it done this is the best Lumber I've ever seen it's going to make me Rich what I just filled her up 2 days ago this can't be happening it's too expensive to always need a refill like I don't have no problems oh well once I get this Lumber delivered now'll be rolling in do yeah if Vick sells us wood then we'll never get him out of the forest let's get moving right hey hey ryer let's have a throwing competition this isn't for fun and be careful with these things oh don't worry I'm Swift and steady check this no oh no I'm really stuck R what's the matter can you help me out here huh come on you're such a clumsy o hold on what the heck is going on not those Bears they're always cramp in my style I've had it with those D pun Brier you think F no were back here huh I don't really know just hang on tight you oh now you've done it comfortable back there oh no [Music] that was way too close at least they're gone that was almost the end ofy well now it's back to logging and making money oh not [Music] again rer I can't believe this is happening watch out for my toes I I almost got it off that's really on there the wood's jammed hard I can't lift it oh what am I going to do I don't want to be stuck here forever having trouble there well it's just so perfect now don't move yeah what's wrong got nowhere to go prior go tell me there's no sense in both of us becoming wrong you're right nice knowing you say what what Bri wait don't leave me behind what are you crazy I'd never do that to you bro are you done neither of you was leaving now it's time to say goodbye what is [Music] that got you you little thief you're about to learn a real hard lesson about stealing son hey hey get back here until next time get back here you m [Music] Fe a train I'm not going to shoot you what I'll let the train take care of you you see it's a fate far deserving of [Music] you it's coming Don't Panic help me lift it Bramble it's moving keep lifting you actually think you get [Music] free almost got it come on stupid one get off my stinking what that really hurt oh darn it my foot stuck oh no oh my goodness my life flashed before my eyes did Bramble really get attacked by a cat or was I just seeing things no it really happened you two really did it this time I'm at my w end with you guys I almost got hit by a train I'm not going to rest until you two have been sold stuffed and decorating a pop huh oh my poor belly I haven't eaten anything all day good thing I packed this that looks [Music] Splendid what is this made out of what are you kidding me expires in 2008 FDA approved my foot I could have got worms from that nasty meat or that's just brilliant all right then two two it's time to get serious hope you'd like a companion but you've got one now this tastes like rat life is [Music] good I haven't eaten so well since I left home I'd better go and catch him [Music] as all cats know that's not a good [Music] sign how are you doing little [Applause] guy oh no shut up come on Bessie you got to get me out of this mess come on he's coming this way oh thank goodness hey you get back here how long was I out Bramble wake up huh I can't believe logger Vic got away huh ramble wake up huh snap out of it come on bro I don't want to go to school that's it it's on me well bro you really got to lose weight this is absolutely not my day a truck pull over no way stop trying to avade me all over you hear me that's right you've been warned we're clear now huh I'm sick of that lugger Vic now what was that flying thing anyway I've got to find out every time I set out to get the two bears something gets in the way of me and my brilliant plan I can't take it any more oh that's right I've got a partner in crime now what's your name little guy all right baby in it is let's start working on our the bearer of bad dreams look at all this lovely Timber all right [Music] yeah what's going on here the trees oh no is this some sort of sick joke what's happening it looks like goom stay out here voger Vic you love cutting down trees huh let us show you how it's done this just can't be for real I must be dreaming what's going on [Music] pleas help me here help oh somebody help me it was just a nightmare thank goodness [Music] what's wrong with me e my [Music] sleep what's going [Music] on why am I having nightmares why oh why [Applause] no dumb Bears right a hi there hi how you two doing you know it's probably going to rain in a bit so um I should be heading home don't think so please don't hurt me I beg of you oh the pain my poor face those dumb Bears ruin everything L of nightmares I'm having how can I do my job huh I feel like I'm going [Music] insane hey what's going on over there it's Vic what I've never had nightmares before what could possibly cause these horrible dreams that's crazy good morning and welcome back to ask Dr Marty Today's Show is about night terrors sleep deprivation and insomnia and it appears we're ready to to start taking calls the number is 555 250 7694 Dr Marty is standing by come on come on let's take our first caller hello caller this is Dr Marty Dr Marty I've been having nightmares lately they're recurring and I I can't sleep I see well people do have nightmares for many reasons too much stress from work traumatic past events or even serious health problems can cause nightmares H what is going on with that crazy logger anyway there aren't many environmental noises that can distract our unconscious as well a dripping faucet too much traffic these things can noises like the dripping faucet huh hang loal I know how to get back at those stupid stinking Bears Brer I want to eat fish for lunch okay time for those Bears to feel the wrath of Vicki [Music] ha I'm so [Laughter] smart no way huh how did I get here so strange oh no what are those Vicks doing no stop it lugger [Music] Vic bad [Applause] move oh my paw huh what the huh I I'm a tree stay away from me no my honey that was scary [Music] M Bramble where he huh I'm sleeping I had a nightmare last night oh come on we need to make sure huh great Vic is cutting trees again let's go bro all right no sign of them a it's you twoo that's right and you never learn bro go huh seriously wake up raino it looks like my mischevous plan work who would have thought wake up bro wake up come on my you should give up you're no challenge for me longer VI oh man no problem we'll see you guys it hurts so bad that's darn Vic attacking us when we're too tired I think I know what to do but first we need to get some sleep M [Music] okay wow a huge beehive so good give that honey back to me or die no another nightmare raino you too it was horrible vlogger Vic he was chasing me in a tank so scary so terrible yeah the same only Vic was a bee and he took my honey maybe maybe we can hold each other's eyes open it might be worth a shot roer what do you have any other ideas Bri brle VI's doe on a go he's Lan you have to stop him huh you guys what are you two doing hey dudes we're short on time not now Bramble and I are trying to keep the nightmares away we got to stay awake yeah sorry Warren but you're on your own with Vic we aren't going anywhere until we get rid of these nightmares dude I don't know what you're talking [Music] about hey guys what's this let's make it a real racket that sound oh that's it yes there AR many environmental noises that can distract our unconscious what is going on with that crazy ler anyway weird that has to be it noises I figured it out bro logger Vic quick turn that off get ready bro we have to pay Vic a visit all right stay away no I'll get off me leave me alone stay out of my dreams please I'll never F again hey sometimes we all have bad dreams and that's okay just remember that they're not real and you'll be F we'll always have the forest that's good Natasha's going to love these honey Natasha's going to love the sweet gooey honey I get for her [Music] just when I started to get used on new home the circus is going on tour and I have to go back Natasha Natasha Natasha Natasha Natasha you guys hey so these are for you I picked them myself thanks wonderful I'll put him with the others huh you're not really big on variety are you if it ain't broke don't fix it I brought a different gift here you go it's honey you may want to keep it after all a girl must watch her figure must she not huh look over there W I still have all the other J you give to me uh that sure is a lot the circus is going on tour so is Natasha going anyway I thank you both for this got you right in my S now which one should I get first I'll have a better chance if I just get one but which one will get me paid the most they both seem to have fallen in love with that female bear H perhaps I should take that one and the other two would be easy I wonder if that would work I'm usually pretty good at these things all right that's what I'll do I don't think Natasha like the honey I got her oh man is she really going to go back what what are you talking about where is she going look what is it the circus is going on tour oh that's great I love the circus all the cotton candy and clowns and fun games and focus that means Natasha is going to leave us she's leaving the forest but what if she what if she never comes back to visit us we have to do something we can't just let her go I know that but we can't go with her otherwise Vic will cut down the entire Forest there's only one thing what if Tasha forgets about us bro I know how about we throw Natasha a farewell party good idea I love to dance but I'm not really that good of a dancer we're throwing the party for one reason so that Natasha doesn't want to leave the forest all right bro now come on there's lots to do don't just stand there hang on I'm coming I feel dizzy I feel sunny I feel fizzy and funny and fine oh Divine just look at me it's perfect isn't it oh Vicky bear you're so beautiful now let's go see how those stupid Bears fall for my brilliant disguise oh they're bound to fall in love with [Music] me hey Brier what do you think of this huh perfect very well done of course I do everything perfectly yeah right well it's time to practice [Music] [Music] no hey what's going on huh hey you guys where your tutos at well that was mean want to turn that back on hi huh [Music] hi jeers boys W excuse me how's it going okay no not you come on let's ask her to dance what for real I got to go tell [Music] Natasha that's right yink oh wow how thoughtful they are where so it's time to piay Natasha Natasha guess what happened you'll never believe it hello how are you doing today you'll be dizzy with my trap soon enough that all the forest will be mine for the taking looks like we found a good practice partner so we won't look like Fools With Natasha yeah that's right let's get started just a little further Shall We [Music] Begin yes that's it bear what no no no no oh no problem I set my traps what uh-oh it's my turn I can't believe I fell in my own trap Madam I'm going to give you the dance of a lifetime SL [Music] [Music] now that's good [Music] dancing where my where oh great this is what you've been doing the whole time we were just practicing we wanted to surprise you it's true we wanted to practice here take them all down let's just dance together L not with you boys I want that one that's right h [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh well my hands just slipped what a shame dang do you think she's all right I am not impressed let us get out of here hey you see that bro oh yeah Natasha wait a second Natasha would you like to go to a party with us come on party yeah it'll be totally great every plan I have go wrong T your party awaits oh wow boys what is Natasha we knew you were planning to leave the forest and go back to the circus you dropped this flyer sorry I held on to it until now I mean we hope that you will always remember the great times we shared together in the forest and in the city oh my friends and thanks to you both oh come on you know these guys are crazy about you come on it's party time just Natasha dance with [Music] me all right wow hey Natasha wherever you are I will always be with you thank you Bri I'll keep you in my heart really what I don't believe it I'm so happy oh my my turn my turn Natasha dance with me check out my new move the art of fun are you finding your luck just isn't what it used to be do you sometimes feel that if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all well perhaps all you need is a little fun in your life right probably just a scam order the little book of pun today operators are sing Comfortably by why are there bees in the dreams [Music] ion help help me someone I didn't mean to disturb you I'm sorry it was an accident I [Applause] promise [Music] me oh help oh The Bears are the ones who keep stealing your honey not me what's going on huh the legs frozen over I wonder if it'll support my weight [Music] uhuh I have no [Music] [Music] choice my luck's been really bad lately maybe a yeah turn on the TV for me and now that the little book of pun has sold more than 25 copies people everywhere are saying thanks little book of f thanks for returning my luck h f is the ancient art of organizing one's Furniture into an optimal luck giving Arrangement sometimes it's as simple as where you put your chair could have a drastic effect on your happiness where I put my chair huh that people actually have wooden beams running through their living room well I can't help that has my luck been so bad recently because of the way I arranged my house here are a few tips for everyone listening at home the first is to never have mirrors near your bed oh no oh dear I found it why you how dare you give me bad luck Sho I feel luckier already tip is to get a fish tank and a pin wheel for your room these little things can change your life around pin wheel all right those were the tips for today tuning tomorrow continue discussing the art of [Music] fun there we go what ah ah huh oh [Music] my call me lucky Vicky huh what the oh no my fish Bad Kitty nothing in this house is yours you got that cat should just get rid of you no no no no no no [Music] no nice try cat hey wait I you stay in there stupid Fabian why do these things happen to me let's see if this program's got any to the art of fun brought to you in part by the little book of fun today we will be discussing the importance of furniture placement and the impact it has on your luck moving furniture by even mere inches can affect your life I'll be right back we've had customers who won the lottery after moving their refrigerators forward just CM always remember a little goes a long way so that's it but everything looks so strange who cares as long as my lock calm down I'm sure he knows what he's talking about H why isn't it on today good evening we regret to inform you that the art of fun has been cancelled we are sorry for the inconvenience come on at least I wrote down the number it's ringing hi this is logger V you must be calling about the little book ofun I'm warning you what can I do yes uh well uh excuse me I've just got some questions for you Yeah question I'm a little busy right now what I understand I just have a quick question it won't take a second black check say what blackjack's not really hit me Double Down Double Down listen to me I'm begging you I don't understand the advice you're giving please explain it to me using simple words cash me out what but I don't have any money what you're still on a phone you're lucky I'm I'm feeling pretty good right now here's some free advice for you planted trees is always a good thing do you have any seeds you can sew also don't keep anything with needles in your house let's see what else is there oh and the dining room window should never face South shouldn't face South huh I'll just close [Music] it did you do everything I told you really I can't believe that oh I mean would you like to learn more yeah look around your yard now pay attention this is the most important part I'm listening yeah oh I'm sorry if you want to hear the rest please deposit 300 bucks to my offshore account hey are you still there hey oh you smell that hello wake up wake up come on bro wake up huh raino you're breaking and entering wow delicious I'm going in I got to get me some of that hang on Bramble this might be a trap after all no longer Vick's not that cunning we should take advantage of the situation [Music] why don't you just forget it huh I'm getting inside and there's nothing this door can do the Bears ah the Fenway is working looks like my luck's back on tracko are you okay told you it was a trap all right I'm trying the back oh wait it looks great delish oh yeah it's just so wow my more F oh looks like big booby trapped the back of the house as wellist the best meal I've ever made huh that's right I forgot oh man why don't you try washing your feet stop your screaming they will hear you go just great huh longer Vic is planting trees there that's the last one what the hey bro Vick is distracted yeah so what his food is all [Music] alone well [Music] done how a longer planting trees this better bring me luck raino hey we don't have time for this put the food back little put my food down what no no no no no no we weren't taking anything look it was an accident let's go Bramble come on I'm too full I need a red beat me then Rob my food huh for that hey right we're [Music] sorry your chance to escape let's go bro I'm so confused about everything yeah same here let's just hope logger VI keeps planting trees and stops logging them get off me but rotten Bears luck is useless as long as there are bear the Sleepy logger ladies and gentlemen welcome to the forest cup Big Bruce catches the ball gets rid of the two Defenders now he's on to the Penalty area another Defender charges at Big Bruce with lightning speed and Big Bruce is going for the goal oh and the ball is tackled let's see what the referee has to say penalty kick andig Bruce will take the kick amazing Big Bruce is the hero of the game what a legendary penalty kick that concludes the postgame show thank you for watching oh time for some shut [Music] ey Fabian What on earth oh all righty so early Vic it's the end of the month and you still haven't delivered the ls yet you're just asking to be fired now what are you even listening to me get your lazy bum out of bed and go cut me some trees do hear me yes boss I'm on [Music] it hey bro I'm about to whip your butt at this you ready oh I'm ready bring it on and good luck y take this one bro bro let's try again no way you win every time it's not fair H oh ramble oh honey my favorite want some then come get it I'm coming yes are you slacking off again of course I'm not I'm working hard do you still want this much salary if you do deliver me 50 logs today what 50 but boss I am so tired but I can't sleep or I'll be fired for sure [Applause] [Music] must not sleep must stay awake no I'm far too tired I can't work in this state hey oh [Music] yeah nice and tight take this to the top of my head and voila I won't fall asleep a [Music] I'm getting sleep I'll just tie myself up my ideas are pretty amazing [Music] Bramble hurry up slow down wa up [Music] huh oh is isn't that loger Vic mhm it sure is and he's at it again let's go stop him [Music] right he's want us let's get out of here wait huh he's out cold sleeping like a baby H sleeping mhm wow let me take a look hi hi Vicki I really like when you're sleeping like this ah ewy Dr spit on my face disgusting get it off of me H [Music] Bingo presenting the longer Vic pogo stick wow it's great hey bro you try it oh with pleasure come on M yeah yeah look at him go oh oh no quick run oh ryer get my honey oh man he's too fast got you all right you you satisfied that was some chase that was exhausting my honey but Vic here is ruined it let me go get off wa let me go go yeah [Applause] huh I'll knock you [Music] down come on come on come down already that really hurt come on where you at bro Brian I'm up here you fool rer my money too bad bro we'll get more come on let's go huh why hello everyone yes yes yes this is such a treat the best moment in my entire life help [Music] me what who is this you speak to me like that do you still want your J go B I quit I know why you're sticking jump Now you listen to me I work very hard to the Bone and you get all the profets and I just get pennies I had enough find someone who cares leave me alone you got that huh I think Vick is finally going to leave the [Laughter] forest finally I'm free what are you doing bro I think there might be a few little screws up in there stop licking me like a little it right now [Laughter] wait a sec no boss I quit I don't watch your stinking job find someone who actually cares and leave me alone hi is that you Mr Lee well well if it ain't old Vicki yes come crawling back for your job have you Bley I'm am so sorry I didn't mean what I said to you I wasn't thinking I was so tired is that so I remember you telling me quite clearly that you didn't care about the job and to leave you alone Bosley please don't fire me tell you what I'll work the whole year for free what yes say all right I'll be holding you to [Music] that uh how on Earth did I get out [Music] here why is my life such a back to the Forest Part A [Music] this is like a dream bro yeah it's super all these cotton candy clouds you know I can almost taste it look that cloud looks just like a honeycomb I'll say it you're not getting away oh oh Mommy [Music] boy where's that blasted balloon I think I heard something yeah make it go faster I want to go higher too we must be the first Bears ever to fly a hot air balloon oh wow look at that tree oh oh look at that one R is that our homeo reand hey Fire come look I tell you we're almost [Music] home out of the way prior why did balloon stop moving oh oh no the air Tank's empty huh we're out of hot air please say we're not going to crash Brer I told you this was a crazy idea stop it you call yourself a bear there's a spare tank of gas over here oh that's right now straighten up head shoulders stomach Stand Tall all righty then that is what I'm talking about out now go swap the tank yes sir yeah I did it now let's fire it up hey wait you good you hook up the hose then you start it see mistake that's all there is to it now it's as simple as that all right Full Speed Ahead I I captain yeah soon we're going to see the old gang again prior prior we finally made it home hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh that's good oh so good what do you think you're doing [Music] ketchup huh wa now that's an orang I'm coming tasty tasty tasty orange for me huh ramble did you hear something up there oh no tell you what I heard my stomach growling for lunch [Music] yeah I do hear it hey isn't that hoooo hey it's us know the B are coming you're going the oh what what's with that guy so I finally found you guys fire who saw us and then took off what the what going on oh no I've got you guys saking Bears give it up say what no huh what no way that's right and they're flying back in style in a big beautiful orange balloon I love to fly in a hot air balloon like this flying around like that I could save a lot of energy don't you know what this means we can't let them go back home Einstein dude so exactly how are we going to keep him from going back well I'm uh let think about it it's simple we give them back their lay and we'll find new digs huh get oh yeah when times are tough you need only look to your wise and glorious King and he will help you out wow last one kingly guy cool let's hear this Bright Idea come gather around beloved Homestead the bear brothers are back I thought this day would never come hey now check yourself be a bear huh r R do you hear someone hey isn't that tiky babo and Herbert digs TIY babo Herbert digs we're back guys he M got to keep those two busy right welcome home guys well you know that's thoughtful of you fellas well you deserve so much more light up [Music] music you take over now the fly hours right yes s hey slow down some here what are you [Music] doing um I'm growing old speed it up will you he what they're beautiful you guys are great they're not for you they're not for me the flowers guys we're going home now though I got that right you can't what do you mean we can't go home I mean I mean we have prepared W gifts for [Music] you wow are these this is all for us all the your what do you think of that this this won't take long before they are done when you're eating you don't want to be an animal try a little class guys huh you don't want folks to think that you're basic Savages you want to treat eating as an art form you hear me and it's never too late to learn this fine art fellows my beauty wow that's what I call Fine Art Z gross or what that's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen this flavor SC eating cheeky we Bears don't do well again bring more yes there's more fantastic that ought to hold those guys for a good while yummy come on coming Keep It Coming bring more move it this this is [Music] it finally I'm back the wishing tree hello you hello me wow look at that beauty I should have been a race car driver I hit the jackpot today sure is a handsome tree it's magnificent I'll make a killing off of it who is this disturbing me those beasts aren't around I better hurry why is the trunk filled with coins H and what's that thing it says wishing tree H oh it looks like a lot of people come here it should work I should try [Music] it all right please accept my offer oh great Tre Genie make me Rich beyond belief back to work it's what was that it's the bears oh stay away from me that was easy that was inspiring bro give me your best shot get ready this right here here is my secret weapon I'm the next Yi bar h l VII calling this a wishing tree well let's try it oh dear wishing three to have the pleasure of speaking to Tiki the king of oh no no no oh no what just happen you got to wake up listen to me what are you waiting for get snap out of it there it is what hey I don't like it great it's still intact h Huh what a huge tree Bri how dare you don't forget I am your king have you ever noticed this tree here before um no way H oh that is a wishing wishing tree all you have to be doing is tossing a coin a coin then you just be making a wishing make a wish all of a sudden your wishing is coming true come true comes true that's right go be checking babo come here welcome to the wishing tree go over there okay uhuh and fetch my scepter do you believe it to maybe be doubting i' be proving to you my kingly has been lost for days now can you help me get it [Music] back huh wo like magic it worked let me try wish should try here me I'm suine I've never even tried any corn that's what I want [Music] corn pie soup is almost ready it's [Music] gone and now add some spices and the rest of the Corn oh yeah [Music] where's my corn any kind of corn will do what is taking him so longing nothing's happening did you lie to us TIY how Be dareing You Accuse Me you respect I am your king after all huh oh yeah your my course your oyal Pine i s corrected your mag the wishing tree really does work does work there we go that should be enough Mighty tree with your magical wishing powers can I please have a new comfortable bed I want a new stove H right Oh no just the phone yeah what insurance no need I'm healthy as a horse I don't need that kind of protection got it interesting you don't say now that's what I'm talking about sign me up dude oh no what's going on my toilet's [Music] overflowing [Music] hey open up you hear me open up yourself no no someone stole my S whoever you are I'll make you pay [Music] he took a [Music] [Music] bit come on out [Music] great you you basted monkey no you get back here my wish came true oh yeah well my wish kind of came true I mean I did ask for a bed and all but I can still sleep on this [Music] amingo how about I take a nap while you cook us meal okay big brother yeah I might as well try out my new stove and break the old girl in am I [Music] right well look who it is two th primates answer where's all my stuff Simeon tickle tickle tickle put that no wonder he's angry well let's just see how long you can hold out tell me right now or so help me what's [Music] that mhm come on don't lie to me I saw this little Pip squeak in my house the B hey Brier Tick's been messing with us now we got to give this stuff back to Locker Bick maybe not as long as we rescue them before Vic tortures them we can still keep the [Applause] stuff go we should hurry Dad all right help me somebody stop right there you to what why do you have my stuff I see so it was you two all along hand over my stuff or Ral Brier um maybe we should give it back fine whatever but you'd better release those two first Vic huh release them it's a deal let's make the trade on the count of three one two three as if i' let my cativ Go free off will you longer make you're such a marude look out don't you dare oh [Music] he can keep his stinking stove and sofa I didn't want those things anyhow you are right Bramble we don't need them right e a big boy I am hting my poor chair my poor Stone I'll make you crazy Critters The Perils of painting [Music] [Music] Natasha I came all this way just to say good morning well thank you but you should never turn up at the girl's house Uninvited but I couldn't wait look what I found in the forest give me that actually Tasha I found it he's lying I found it so I picked it up the go away away one of you just bring it to my I said enough sorry already lost interest in that flyer or whatever moving on to more important things actually was that a photo wow what a beautiful photo of a painter well I'll bet I could become a painter in fact that is what I shall do you're still here make yourselves useful and go get me some paining [Music] supplies and all they cost us was our entire [Music] afternoon well how do I look like a professional painter oh wait these supplies here where did they at it from from a friend what hey this would make a good pallet yeah and the canvas I feel like a secret agent I found a paintbrush so you see with the bear Brothers simply ask and you shall receive oh great now let us go and do some painting all righty oh hey what [Music] up Natasha I picked up some fruit here and Co coconut milk [Music] here it's so hot get me some [Music] water wait there's something wrong now what is [Music] it now that's great and this is easy got it [Music] these are the last ones finally ramble ramble where are you I have run out are you okay speak to me is so boring stay away from the light be quiet huh ah inspiration [Music] gotcha hey would you stand still what are his brainless buffoons doing [Music] now wait kungu not good I'll tell the boss quit your moving I can't stand anymore it's been like an hour this just isn't my my day stupid chainsaw why'd you have to break up the first [Music] tree what my cupboards my [Music] drawers did I get robbed it must have been those bears and I thought this day couldn't possibly get any worse darn it I'll make those Bears pay for this if it's the last thing I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] H get off okay you're good for nothing cat what is it this time better not be another furball sign language huh you mean you saw those two bears fantastic now it's Revenge time you stay here while I deal with those troublemakers yeah I'll teach him to mess with the great logger Vic dance my puppet that's right I can't take it anymore Brier you got to think of a way to get us out of this mess big bro hold on a sec huh a pile of wood right I got it [Music] all right your break was long enough I'm coming coming yeah yeah oh what are you two doing nothing nothing all right go on don't [Music] fidget at least it doesn't hurt anymore but it's so [Music] boring quit [Music] moving if you can't handle the meling life I can find others sorry sorry you guys so [Music] impatient what's this oh I see so they're painting silly bears trying to act like humans I just love arts and [Music] crafts what happened what now Natasha it wasn't a [Music] no one is here I have no fool she [Music] Sor [Music] honey just where do you to think you are going huh huh we're sorry we're so so so so [Music] sorry wow she actually paints pretty well I bet I can sell her to the circus faster Daddy's got to make that money yeah then that's what I'll do ah Qui good huh I'm almost out of yellow hey I need more yellow you guys can take a break finally now's my [Music] chance um Brier huh what's taking Natasha so long don't know maybe it's Natasha Natasha Nat where are Natasha where are you Natasha huh strange I could have sworn her screams were coming from this way bro uh Hey Bears I decided to sell all three of you to the Circuit save me help me Natasha Natasha we're coming hang on you guys are going to rescue [Applause] [Music] I can't move in these things well look who can't run away you guys oo they really flew far [Music] away hey our wooden armor it saved us yes oh yeah hey come on bro get up already Natasha W Nat hey are you all right hey T bring him over here you
Channel: DreamToon - Official Channel
Views: 987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, boonie bears chinese, bonnie bears, boonie bears: the adventures, xiong chu mo, Bablu Dablu, bear in cartoon, boonie, boonie bears movie, bablu dablu lakkha ke kaka, fantastica full movie, bonnie bear, xiongchumo, bablu dablu, boonie bears back to earth, boonie bears homeward journey, boonie bears spring into action, dablu bablu, vick, bablu dablu cartoon, bear, boonie bear, chinese cartoon,
Id: UOoMk7UXdsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.