The BLACK HOLE Mod Rips Apart HUMANS Piece by Piece! - Teardown Mods

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oh they're starting to drag their feet around here we go i'm going to drive the car right into him is that working i can't tell if it's working i'm probably in the worst spot to actually test out it whoa whoa dude it's turned into a dirt snake it's just creating a tower of rubble what oh yeah here goes a big bit [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tear down i'm trapped inside one of those joint star wars things you know the things that look like giant robotic camels and i can't remember what they're called how do we get out of this thing i think this is its head and there's like the control panel in the seats and stuff maybe i can climb out of its bum let's go to the back of it see if this thing actually did they put a hole here anywhere how's this giant robot thing supposed to poo no one knows oh there's a vent there we go yeah blowtorch that looks like it's high up though i'm actually a little bit scared of dropping down there i could die i'm gonna try it anyway let's go oh yes yes dude bungie let's do this i'll jump onto its leg just smash my face on its leg that thing hey what's that there's a floaty guy there's a few floaty guys those ones look like they're evil so i've got the mjolnir myonya mod that's so hard to say i've got that mod installed which is incredibly cool you can bring down lightning on these guys look at that i've got thor's hammer i'm just going to call it thor's hammer i know what's called mignon yeah whatever whatever it is that's fine i find that word like really hard to say oh you can zap yourself you can actually kill yourself with thor's hammer okay don't do that that was silly oh great now i'm back inside the robot camel dude i just have to bust my way out of here like a baby one there we go i'm out again oh that is so awesome this hammer thing is pretty amazing though look at this you could just destroy one of those guys in one click it's basically a click and delete button it's like i don't want that thing to be there anymore zapped what are these things are these also a star wars thing i don't know i assume they are like some kind of crazy turrets or something like that you can even get guys in the distance i'm gonna get all of his legs so that he falls down um hey champ why aren't you falling down what's the go with the physics he's not falling just mega zap him there he goes now he's coming down and he's breaking the pieces take that you filthy camel i ramped up the settings on this laser cutter i didn't even realize you could do that you can make it so that it carves a bigger beam look at that it just blasts right through them that is a really strong beam doesn't really he's still not falling down though dude he's just like drawing holes in him take that star wars plane burn your wings off cheap oh oh god he's falling and he's crashing my game oh see exactly he's actually got no butt it's just like a weird tube thing okay there we go if i ever ne what there's a trophy in his bum i didn't even realize that ah dude that's a great spot to stick a trophy he craps trophies hey i just threw that back up there that was a really good shot is there anything else hidden in there maybe i can just chop him in half hang on a second dude we're just gonna carve you right down the middle there we go just make him two actual pieces and then we'll break him in half there we go oh he just crapped a trophy oh he's coming down he's coming down he's actually splitting in half now hey that side stopped that is really cool you can see there's like rooms and stuff on the inside of him that is so awesome i love these 3d models when they're not just like you know like a solid thing or completely hollow or something like that like they put detail on the inside as well it's so cool when they do that so this mod is called the long road it's just a long road oh this is a cool looking car i like this one okay i didn't want to do that all right that's an insurance job let's go oh god oh god it's a long road but i didn't make it very far all right we're gonna have to grab a different car i mean i do drive better than this in real life all right i know a lot of you are thinking finn like champ how do you even have a license well i do okay let's just drive over that little chunk of crap all right yeah now we're in business let's go all right yeah we're banging down the road how look whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a house there all right hit the brakes hit the brakes i just found a house here though and i wanted to have a look on the inside it's not just a long road there's like homes and stuff what is that is that well i don't know what that is what is that is that letterbox on the side oh there's a cave back here this is not a cave oh this is actually really creepy imagine if they put like a monster or something in here this cane could be like a horror game that's what i want to see i want to see this game turned into a hurricane god this is a hunk of crap this car isn't it it looks like somebody used it to wipe their mouth alright let's go how fast are we going we're going 60 kilometers an hour which is about i think that's about 40 miles an hour for you uh american people who use miles and stuff all right 80 80 kilometers an hour we've gone faster 100 kilometers an hour is 60 miles i can tell you that for a fact this thing is really loose oh my oh god there's a cliff i'm off the cliff hey what's that over there there's like something off the side of the map oh is it a secret let's go and have a look i tell you what man if i could make maps i'd be adding in secrets in my map you know people love secrets people love secrets and everything could you imagine if like if thor was like a school kid you know he's got on the school bus he's like walked all the way down the bank and he's like man i'm not going to take no crap from a bus driver just destroys the driver's seat let's get out of here ah oh geez look at the wrong button there we go bus destroyed oh is that is there actually fuel in this thing i don't think so let's go find the secrets let's go come on dude why can't this thing drive through grass what kind of crappy all-terrain sports car is this one got my ford ranger let's go hey this thing's cool i like this one this is awesome i could just like go off-road like this yes oh there it is it's just like a weird grassy patch oh god thor what are you doing put your hammer away there we go just gotta just gotta tag this thing thor was here this laser cut is part of a weapon pack called krista's weapon pack he also added in a black hole how does this thing work is that working i can't tell if it's working i'm probably in the worst spot to actually test out it whoa whoa dude it's turned into a dirt snake what is that it's not sucking me in though okay [Music] when minecraft attacks well it's getting bigger it's getting bigger the dirt snake is growing it's actually kind of like a tornado man that's amazing so do i just have to drive a car into it is that what i have to do get out get out of the car oh my god okay yeah once there's some actual like bricks flying around they cause destruction to other stuff and then just uh you know the destruction grows wow the car is now one with the bus okay let's do another black hole yeah look at that tornado was beginning oh it's like slowly eating the bus apart like a very hungry caterpillar dude yes it's like a lego tornado oh then it just throws it apart when the black hole disappears man that is so cool all right let's try these cars let's put one right there oh yes yes oh is it gonna grow to the point where that one gets sucked in as well oh yeah yeah it is it is here it comes there it goes oh god it looks like they're hugging really aggressively oh there goes the dirt as well and they're grinding a hole into the actual road it's a really aggressive like massage this is what's happening there oh the truck yes that is the best this is such a fun mod got my car at the ready can we drive through a black hole i've got no idea is it just gonna rip the car apart let's try this let's try this oh yes i made it through i made it through all right i'm going back i'm going back to try again i got sucked in and then spat out like really fast there's a completely destroyed robot camel let's see what this black hole can actually do to this thing i want to see like chunks of this guy flying into a giant metal tornado here it goes here it goes yeah it's shaking around like some kind of crazy metal snake that's cool dude yeah that's actually quite awesome that is really awesome i i'm not 100 sure if my computer's gonna be able to handle this but let's find out what happens it's just creating a tower of rubble what oh yeah yeah here goes a big bit yes that's what i wanted to see the big bit just got smashed up dude that is cool back on k savvy's human map you know we're gonna have some fun on here with the black hole but let's have a look at the size of this laser on this map all right hold still poopy tim actually there's like a stack of them here dude i just burned through my whole stack of them look at that a hole through whoa five of them and i think the guy at the end like his head actually fell off it's like a cannon hole oh that's amazing there you go your knees champ oh he's gonna fall he's gonna fall he's gonna fall through my beams there he goes check this out i can launch this guy through my beam he just got his head sliced as he went right through and this is how you perform brain surgery through the butt just like that the guy's leg actually fell off okay so black hole time let's just give this a shot i'm gonna put a black hole oh man all right let's maybe like maybe on the dude his arms are waving red he looks like he's dancing and now he's doing these ones yes yes what's happening oh bits of his hip have come off oh god it's actually stretching out he's cheering him on he's like yeah poopy tim what is happening with his feet yeah that's what happens when you dance too much your feet out ow what nothing longer part of the game i just got kicked out of the game just get me back in the map oh okay there i go hey i'm back whoa what just happened whatever happened i bet it was cool black hole right there that's a good spot let's get out of the way so i don't get smashed by anything this time i want to drag the guy off the operating table that's my mission no he just got disintegrated oh my god parts of him everywhere it even ripped like a massive chunk through the table what if the black hole was there oh yeah oh yeah he's armed it's like stretching their heads backwards as well now that ball there is gonna explode if anything comes you know into contact with it too hard oh this is scary this is scary oh you can see them stretching ow the shark just came it like came out of nowhere oh dude that's a poopy tim tornado okay let's get a gun and make this guy fall down right there he goes he's gonna do his bungee oh you just missed out of the spikes champ aren't you lucky hey he didn't smack your head into there well what if i put a black hole there is that gonna drag you down towards the black hole a little bit oh oh oh it's pulling him down well it's gonna pull you towards the spikes buddy the spikes are right there oh he's flopping around he's flopping around oh no no what oh dude the actual rubber bands can't contain him he's flying right in circles oh god he's gonna smack into his own post sydney what that is so awesome to see dude that's incredible oh yeah now he's gone he is totally gone i feel like this map was made for playing around with black holes what is he doing oh no his feet skin just flew off oh black hole settings max pull distance oh 100 meters max pull strength max pull mass and let's crank the timer up to two minutes and i'll put the black hole right on poopy tim's forward and i'm just gonna see if i can get over to the car really quick to drive the car into him oh they're starting to drag their feet around here we go i'm going to drive the car right into him yes oh he just got sucked in just got sucked in okay black hole right about there it looks like a good spot there we go okay arms are swinging something is going to come and knock this hammer down and smash him oh oh oh whoa dude that was crazy cheap that poopy team just flew out of there look at that it's a giant poopy tim tornado oh that's the best oh he just broke his foot oh i just became one with the post something smacked me really hard i think it was one of those metal heads this tornado is just gonna rip him apart big time yeah there it is there he goes oh god the hammer's coming through ow there goes the hammer and there goes that poopy tim this this crap flight everywhere this is horrifying yeah things are definitely getting super weird with this black hole mod it just works so well with these bungee guys for some reason i don't know why it is but if you guys have got some ideas of ways you'd like to see me use the black hole mod let me know in the comments below and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 618,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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