The Bizarre Road Trip Of A Missing Family

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If they actually showed the people instead of covering them with a dark shadow it would be a lot less creepy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WetToast13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would be much more interesting without the shitty attempt at conversation/comedy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

when an acid trip goes wrong....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just went down the internet rabbit hole with this one. There is not much new information at all. It's a great story but there are few specific answers. The car theft charges were dropped. There are many questions we could pose but I respect their choice to leave out the details. This is the best link I could find with any further information.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hongohones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zumx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
this week on BuzzFeed installed we covered the Trump family this one happened recently and believe me I doesn't even begin to describe this one it's very strange my interest is piqued really yeah you said that with a complete dead face so I can never tell when you're being serious my interest is piqued okay don't do that better nope that wasn't better let's get into it on Monday August 29th 2016 and Silve in Australia 51 year old mark Trump and 53 year old jacoba drop along with their three children 29 year old Rihanna 25 year old Mitchell and 22 year old Ella all inexplicably fled their farm this strange family road trip was set into motion a hunt for the family that would captivate Australian media local police sergeant mark Knight called it quote the most bizarre case in 30 years end quote as officials were baffled as to why the Trump family simply ran away from their home the seemingly healthy and stable mark in jacoba Trump ran an earthmoving business along with the berry farm where all of their children worked seven days a week they're making their kids work seven days a week my parents would maybe be like empty the dishwasher on a you know a Thursday and I'd be like this is [ __ ] it is excessive I guess I'd run away from my parents if they made me work seven days a week especially if I was shoveling horseshit moving dirt I'd faked my own death hold man ok you took it a step either I'd set the barn on fire and throw a cadaver in there and flee the country later when police investigated their home they found the following mobile phones passports and credit cards the trip it appeared was meant to be cash only and quote off the grid end quote I mean I've gone on some spur-of-the-moment vacations you strike me as one of those idiots who likes to put their phone down and go walk into the woods and experience nature and all that [ __ ] absolutely not get eaten by a bear no that's not me at all either way leaving your house at this day and age without your phone without your credit cards that's already a death sentence you can't do that it's not smart isn't that's part you can't even use Apple pay on your phone I've been to places nowadays that don't even accept cash the family left in twenty two-year-old Ella's Pujo SUV they drove for the first day and night till they reached Bathurst roughly 500 miles away from their home in Sylvan unlike the rest of his family 25-year old Mitchell trompe brought his cell phone Mitchell you traitor you're a traitor to the Trump clan he seems he didn't want to disconnect or he was thinking maybe one of us needs to keep here my family's insane exactly however roughly 19 miles into their trip near Warburton his parents forced him to throw his phone out the window because they were convinced it was being used to track them if your parents told you at age 25 to throw your phone out the window would you do it no he did it this is what happens when you live on a farm what wide generalization you're gonna make about people on farms I just think you got to read some some culture watch some two-and-a-half men I don't care just connect you know popular media and know what the world is thinking otherwise you go nuts yeah cuz nothing says sanity and civilization like a Red Robin right they have bottomless onion rings they do have bottomless fries they're they're pretty good yeah the next day on Tuesday August 30th Mitchell left the family around 7:00 a.m. the family later headed out from Bathurst toward the jenolan caves that Tuesday at the jenolan caves Rihanna and Ella broke off from the family by stealing a car they drove this car to Goulburn where they reported their parents as missing but from there Ella and Rihanna strangely split up Rihanna Trump was found in the back of Keith's Whitaker's Ford f-250 he was driving when he felt a kick he came to a stop Whitaker called the police Rihanna was catatonic and did not know her name or location this actually happened he was driving he felt it okay cuz I go I must have not tired was a girl who didn't know her own name how scary is that you don't think you'd be scared if you went into your truck bed and you looked and there was a girl and she was just like I probably like get out of my truck bed and if she didn't respond would you touch her would you think oh she's turning into a zombie is she no cuz I'm not an idiot Ella Trump actually made it back home Tuesday night and the police were already there when police began to investigate the Trump home the place was unlocked and in disarray according to the Daily Telegraph police found evidence that the Trump's had gone through years of their farms financial records shortly before leaving there were several piles of documents throughout the home including passports and credit cards of every family member as mentioned before an officer is quoted saying quote the piles were very ordered and they were clearly looking for something end quote how much trouble could a family of farmers get into a pretty fair amount of trouble my friend we cool thousand dollars did the bear down the street the bear down the street that's their neighbors right like a bear that lives in a little cave farmers and bears don't mix this is a Bears this is our clearly a cartoonish example I was giving one good cartoon I've never even seen a cartoon where a farm there's a bear on a farm there's Goldilocks and the three bears there's nothing in that story about the Bears owning cows or chickens or going out in milking something were you not picturing a farm in your head when you know it's just bears in the woods that could be a farm it's not a farm it's just bears they own a house they they're eating porridge one day later on Wednesday August 31st Mitchell Trump the first Trump sibling to break off from the family arrived home via the train meanwhile his parents mark and jacoba Trump drove to Wangaratta and also separated jacoba headed north while Mark remained in Wangaratta where it is believed that mark is linked to a case where a young couple was dangerously tailgated by a car of the same make in color that mark was driving on Wednesday night around 10:00 p.m. the couple was playing Pokemon go at the time the young man driving is quoted saying I could barely see his headlights because he was that close to my car and quote I imagine this is a little bit more than they bargained for when they were trying to find that Pikachu but some serious tailgating right there that's some shitty driving when the young man pulled the car over the car tailgating them would also stop they claimed that eventually mr. Trump got out of the car and ran towards them but he stopped in the middle of the road and stared at them he then walked into winning Garrity's mayor park and disappeared that's [ __ ] terrifying how scary is it you just lock your door you're in a car drive away that's not that scary and then you know if the doors don't work and he starts breaking a window then guess what time to die that's a bummer let's see at that point it's like I'm dead I guess I don't have anything else to worry about so at what point is the fear coming for you about when the life is draining out of my body police searched the park but no one was found the car still had the keys in the ignition in an effort to track down mark Trump the police investigated Miller's Cottage motel in Wangaratta where a room had been broken into they believed he might have stayed there for the night on Thursday September 1st mrs. drop took public transportation to yes and tried to book a motel in the city allegedly a member of the public helped escort her to a hospital in Yass where the hospital staff recognized her and called the police if a woman comes up and is trying to rent a hotel room and she doesn't have ID and you're in McDonald cash she's like I don't know where I am or what my name is I'd be like okay wouldn't you just take a seat yeah make some phone calls it's true yes true it's very kind of that it's by its kind looking out for look out for your fellow man and and lady on Saturday September 3rd five days after first leaving his home mark Trump was found wandering down a road in Wangaratta around 5:50 p.m. he was promptly questioned by the police and give it a mental health assessment he spent five hours at the station before he was escorted out by a family member and gave the waiting media the finger though mark would later publicly apologized for quote the hurt and concern caused by these events and quite rude of him to act like it's no big deal of course people want to know what the hell's going on with you oh yeah excuse the public we're wondering about your safety sir it does make me realize I don't get people the middle finger enough like if someone's like hey you want to grab some salads for lunch they'd be like it's meaner without the noise oh so it's just kind of be like yeah that's like how Adam Sandler made his career yeah basically basically by making fart noises in the next day Mitchell and Ella appear before media thanking police and media for finding their father they do not go into detail about what happened in essentially state that they are still perplexed by it weird that they just go along with it I guess they're their parents but you know it's a long road trip can you imagine them just in the backseat kind of exchanging glances with each other like what's well one of them seems like he was the only one who was not on board so he imagined what imagine his plight he was in the back and he's like you know when you're you and you're in a situation you're like this is dumb and you try to give someone to look like I'm what are we doing and they don't give you anything they're like if you just turn to the sister he's just like and they're like and you're just like oh I guess I'll go [ __ ] myself then what's weird to me is the fact that after the fact they don't know what happens though they're still confused considering that the family had no history of mental illness and also the fact that Sergeant Mark Knight who worked on the investigation says there was no sign of the family using drugs having outstanding debts or being part of a church or cult many have wondered what triggered the family to simply leave their home and furthermore what prompted each member to leave individually that being said let's get into the theories the first theory is that the Trump's were poisoned by an environmental toxin on their farm causing them to have bizarre delusions but there doesn't seem to be anything else to back this theory up mold that's all I got some moldy Cheerios maybe some bad cheese I don't know that cheese that's thing I don't do this the second theory is just internet speculation that perhaps the mob had been involved maybe there was truly somebody after the Tron family so this given town at one point the entire family had planned to flee the country and necessary they had changed their minds because they decided that he was possible that their passports would be tracked love that the only reason why they didn't leave the country was like oh we could do that they're gonna track our passports not do you think it's a little weird that we're just leaving our country they wanted to go somewhere where technology couldn't reach them credit cards and traceable items were clearly left behind and if you recall an officer did note that quote they were clearly looking for something and quote however if they were truly fearful for their lives it's a bit strange that mark and jacoba Trump would allow their kids to leave the car which in my opinion makes this theory unlikely did they mean to let them leave though or did the kids bolt you wouldn't think that if your kids bolted you want to be like you've got to press on well unless the kids rent like they stopped at a rest stop the kids ran and hid somewhere and then proceeded to run away then guess what are you gonna do that you're gonna go find your kids not if I'm trying to get off the grid well the grid no more kids they would be very selfish parents at that point in my opinion if you thought your family was in danger enough to take them away from the home why not go after them if you think you're truly being you know tracked well they don't seem like they make good decisions Ryan I'm just saying that's what this theory doesn't make sense I guess I don't know it doesn't make sense to me yeah but their theory is that the family collectively suffered from a delusion called folia do it is a rare psychological condition that can affect closed families the term was coined after a French married couple that began exhibiting delusional and paranoid behavior the couple believed that their home was targeted by people who would spread dust and lint throughout their home while wearing the couple's shoes as they slept how did this dust get here he must have been wearing our shoes and doing a little dance at night I just think of all the delusions you could have that's the most funny and harmless one though doctors were unsure who first began the delusional behavior it was clear that they were reinforcing each other's paranoia over 90% of cases of folia do have been couples parents and children and siblings media coverage later revealed that jacoba and mark Trump had been showing increasing signs of mental stress allegedly one of them believed that someone was out to rob them and kill them when asked what had possibly triggered the trip ella stated quote it is very confusing I still feel confused I think our state of Mayans wasn't in the best place and there's no one reason for it it's bizarre end quote in the end the perplexing Trump excursion covered almost 1,000 miles with no definitive answer as to why leaving the case for now unsolved all right well once again we've solved nothing that was fun yeah that's a good one good yarn it was a good yarn fun for a fun fun to do a little story without so much death death you know what's good about this one it's unsolved but the people are still walking around breathing yeah there's just some shenanigans yeah do you think you could become part of a shared delusion or I think so really yeah I think it creeps up on you Ryan I don't think so I think so anytime I've ever offered even a little bit of a delusional thought you immediately shut it down no one thinks they're susceptible to shared delusions and then it happens to the people who are says you know victim to that probably think they're fine they don't know what's happening what if we're in a shared delusion right now what if we think we're talking to cameras and we're doing an episode of buzz being itself when in fact we're actually not doing that at all what if no one's watching this this is all in our mind it could be this could be the most elaborate delusion of all and we're talking about shared delusions which in the term is actually a weird delusional loop [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 11,429,249
Rating: 4.9418273 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Ryan, Disappearance, Mysterious, Mystery, SffZ, Unsolved, aWwa, buzzfeed blue, buzzfeed eerie, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed video, cold case, creepy, crime, criminal, daily telegraph, detective, gps, gps tracking, investigate, investigation, investigator, missing, missing child, missing family, mysterious, mystery, road trip, scary stories, solved mysteries, spooky, strange, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: 0pIx4z_yosQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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