The Biscuits: Animatronic Punk Band

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[Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically Chicago Illinois the Windy and we're gonna start out today's video we're gonna head up inside Dean Sears Sears is very tall the Sears Tower the either the first or second tallest building in the United States depending on who you ask oh yeah don't call it the Willis Tower in front of me please follow me and go through the twirly door here just make sure we don't get any arms or legs lacerated or removed in the process there's some of the nicknames of Chicago has acquired over the years laughter that middle ones on a nickname that's just the proper name in Chicago everything is measured in comparison to Michael Jordan the Sears Tower is 262 Michael Jordan's tall conversely it would take 313 Oprah Winfrey's to reach the top of the Sears Tower here's some perspective on how tall Sears tower's is towering above all these other famous buildings the Statue of Liberty it looks like nothing like nothing the pyramids garbage look at the mighty Sears Tower see how many of me it would take to reach the top Sears Tower and 346 somewhere somewhere in that range which of course converts to 283 barack obama's you can actually see four different states from the top of the tower on a clear day of course that's still two less than the top of Lookout Mountain at Rock City all right we're going on that big elevator to the top in the world in 1933 and how this building for 25 years disgusted [Music] check that out the sleepy little town in Chicago Illinois oh look there's a boat a boat in the river some info on Chicago itself what the hot dogs love Chicago hot dogs woodsy tomato sport peppers chopped onions mustard celery salt pickle me hunt green relish obviously and if you asked for ketchup they'll shoot you there is the Chicago pizza tomato sauce on top lots of cheese buttery crust pretty good get all those big old skyscrapers you can see the little boats down there in the harbor a lot of people getting photos taken in front of the skyline very very impressive seeing a little boat there in the river all right we were waiting in line for the actual ledge quite a sizable line unfortunately I did not get a fast pass you consider that I don't even know how to get set fast pass but so we're wait line and you know very limited time with the ledge we only spent 60 seconds on set ledge [Music] [Music] you can see how the overhang works there people doing their selfies dangling dangling above the city it's my turn my turn for the Skydeck the city I don't wanna waste my time when I get on here so let's set this up [Music] yeah you can see see that the little cars down there hopefully no my way tiny little piece of glass I think I've used up my time already the 30 yellow if I don't get out of here one slightly terrifying aspect is that just a few weeks ago one of the ledges actually broke the glasses there someone's feet shattered to pieces now fortunately there's a stronger piece of glass underneath that and so they were fine the glass shattered no cracked and it busted under their feet but they were fine but I imagine they probably poop themselves [Music] if you see those tiny the four tiny little dot to the top those are the sky decks that's where people are hanging out over the ledge alright so that was the very top of the Sears Tower got a good chance to see all of Chicago all the wondrous buildings in Chicago I think there's one building in particular I wanted to check out let's let's head that way alright the sign says Logan hardware but my interesting is this is not a hardware store this is a bar of some sort and I hear that they have something interesting inside [Applause] so what we have here is an arcade bar or Barcade there's some people calling through this pinball machines they've got some classic pinball glass up on the ceiling I do like the motif here we have these classics well in the dark Halloween mask look at that one look at this just to be my favorite thing when I was a wee lad well chicken that gives eggs right it is a dollar to get the mystery egg shaken on a circle over to the leg already [Music] we got o word that you know what's a crumbling but ghuli hanging out with a critter I don't understand bootleg drumlins there's like all these little critter movies linked together by ropes I'm guessing there's a backstory here now this is tapper is a bartending game and if you look there to see the joysticks our beer tabs okay use this beer tab to fill up give that customer move down here so this beer give that customer down here so that beer give it back as partners going to go back over the top and fill with you for this customer did I what happened they break my beer this is papst can crusher a Pabst Blue Ribbon themed pinball that is intriguing Xena look at that I love just the artwork there now this is what I had heard about this is the animatronic band known as the biscuits now what this was originally was was the beagles which was a Chuckie Cheese version of the Beatles and saying Beatles songs they've been repurposed into a punk band to ask the bartender and see if you will turn them on for us Wow [Music] [Music] are the best [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that was amazing possibly the only punk-rock animatronic band currently in existence I appreciate you guys coming in and joining me here in Chicago Illinois feel like the other place that band check the interactive map in the description will show you where I've been and you can tell me where I need to go next also if you'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt like this one consider donating to patreon a $3 more donation will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 22,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, the buscuits, animatronic, band, punk, the misfits, chicago, illinois, the beagles, chuck e cheese, retrocade, retro arcade, logan's hardware, logan's, vintage, games, bar, dogs, singing
Id: N6Kan1tCDwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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