The Biggest Youtube Rank Simp

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simping when someone does way too much for  someone they like in this video we'll be   looking at the biggest Hypixel YouTube Rank  Simp a spoiled brat who scams misleads and   harasses people so that he can get YouTubers  on his friends list and get his way today   we'll be investigating the full story of  ChristmasPrancer hypixel's biggest Simp ChristmasPrancer looks like an ordinary  player on the outside but if you know   anything about him you know he likes to  flex his friends list specifically the   YouTube ranks he has added on his friends  list how he gets them is quite simple he   donates thousands of dollars to people with  YouTube rank just for them* to friend him   there's nothing inherently wrong with  this but that isn't the full picture   let's start with how he obtains the money  he uses to purchase these friend requests while you may think he's just a successful guy who  has a ton of money this couldn't be further from   the truth all of this money is from his parents  bank account and they have no idea he's doing it   even worse is that he doesn't even have a job and  has no way of paying them back since in reality he   has no money and what he calls wealth comes from  his parents he has to use any workaround to get   something for free even if it involves scamming  let's take the example of TurboPiggyYT if you   don't know he's a popular Minecraft streamer  who has the YouTube rank on the Hypixel server   ChristmasPrancer found a stream and decided  to make a wager with him since turbo is   primarily a Bedrock player ChristmasPrancer  thought that he sucked at Java Edition PVP   his deal was that they would duel and if he won  turbo would have to friend him on Hypixel but if   he lost he would donate $200 to Turbo and what  do you know turbo was actually amazing at Java   Edition PVP and smoked ChristmasPrancer when it  came time to pay up he left the stream and never   returned incredibly scummy Behavior another sad  part is that he doesn't even care about any of   the YouTubers he donates to he does it purely  to make sure that he never gets unfriended he   also promises money to YouTubers for a friend  request saying he doesn't have the money at the   moment but then never pays them just like  he did with shotgun raids he's done one of   these things to over 200 YouTubers and I wish it  stopped at YouTubers but no he doesn't hesitate   to scam regular players he tried to co-op scam  BlueDragon327 along with asking for loans from a   ton of random people these will obviously never be  paid off he also scammed the person who's voicing   this video right now RagingEnby ChristmasPrancer  commissioned RagingEnby to code something for him   and after its completion he said that he didn't  need it anymore and proceeded not to pay them   after one of RagingEnby's friends HypixelCringe  found out about this he started tweeting about   it [ChristmasPrancer] finally said that he would  pay back the money but after that he kept making   excuses why he couldn't pay raging back all this  stuff is bad enough but believe me or not it gets   worse before I get into the next part of the  video please subscribe as I'm going for 10,000   subscribers by the end of the year also comment  your username to be entered into a 50 million coin   giveaway at 3 000 subscribers thanks to RagingEnby  for voicing this video you can find their channel   in the info card also thank you to everyone on  screen right now for helping research this topic so far we've talked about how he scams people but  that's not all he's also known to harass people   let's start with the YouTubers that said no to  his cash offer for a friend request instead of   taking no for an answer he proceeds to harass them  he's done this with okCobalt Burd (BirdWings) and   JulienAzelart and countless others just because  they wouldn't friend him on Hypixel he kept adding   Cobalt to DMS asking for a friend request and kept  harassing Julian for it and for burd he said that   if he didn't accept the offer he'll donate anyway  and then [Burd] would have to friend him that   makes no sense he also just doesn't care about  his effect on other people and he treats YouTubers   like objects and not people there's also WarOG who  is a bedwars YouTuber where he constantly spammed   him for one reason or another first he wanted to  be added to a dm with another YouTuber then he   was spamming about vcing with [WarOG's] brother  and then spamming to get refriended because he   was unfriended for spamming not to mention he  takes pride in stream sniping people he stream   sniped countless YouTubers including Wallibear  and Hannahxxrose and openly brags about it   and ChristmasPrancer tried to ruin the  person that told everyone the truth,   HypixelCringe (sorry bad mic change) he framed  him for being a predator just because he exposed   him it's disgusting to throw such horrible  titles at an innocent person yet he still   couldn't prove it and the person who he was  trying to convince [Cosmic] called his bluff   but on top of that he then goes and defends  an actual predator in the comment section of   the video on screen on confronting him*  about it he seemed completely unfazed so   I got my friend Blooomed to ask him  a few questions this is what he said ChristmasPrancer is also no stranger to  blackmailing people after he was banned   from a stream for spamming he tried to threaten  one of the stream mods foqh to unban him he said   that if he isn't unbanned that he'll call the  police like bro what are you on also if you've   ever visited the ChristmasPrancer YouTube channel  and go over to the shorts section try to find one   original YouTube short all of them are screen  recorded from other creators mainly Twi Shorts   he's also very suspicious all around if he's done all of this how do people not  know who he is well it's quite simple he   changes his name every month if you'll go  to his name MC you'll see that he has had   over 33 Minecraft usernames I'll update the  pinned comment with his current name so that   people know who he is and when he changes  his name not only that he sometimes tries   to impersonate YouTubers as shown by his  skins and name history his current name   is Zyphalopgus but he's very likely to change  it let's summarize ChristmasPrancer Simps for   YouTubers scams people harasses people threatens  and blackmails people and tries to hide his tracks   if you have the YouTube rank or are about to  get it I would highly recommend staying away   from this person he has been doing this  for over three years and will not stop   and ChristmasPrancer if you're watching this  which I know you are please pay back all the   people you've scammed with that being said thanks  for watching and as always see you next week
Channel: HulkingAlpaca
Views: 64,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K63IxzRxDUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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