The Biggest SECRET in Demon Slayer! (Kimetsu no Yaiba Breath of Sun and Breath of Moon TWIST)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime uproar and today I will be talking about the single biggest secret and the greatest unsolved mystery in the demon slayer story the one secret that is sure to become more and more important as the story goes on I am referring to the legendary breath of the Sun and it's dark counterpart the breath of the moon and how these mysterious breath styles continue to play a crucial role in the demon slayers story in this video I will explain everything that we know so far about the breath of the Sun and the breath of the moon and why these breathing styles have become so important for the overall story I hope that having all of this information right here in one place will be useful to you and if you do find these types of videos useful you can leave a like to let me know if you happen to be new to anime uproar please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications and finally please be advised that this video will contain manga spoilers I will be relying on all the information that we have so far up to this point in the story so please proceed with caution you have been warned in order to properly discuss the legendary breath of the Sun we first need to talk about the dance of the fire-god the dance of the fire-god is a mysterious fire-based breath style known and taught only by the Commodore family and it has been passed on from father to son within the Commodore family for hundreds of years the breath of flames user Shin judo Arango KU believes that dance of the fire-god is actually the original breath style the godly breath that was the first ever created and the one from which every other breath is derived the name of this godly breath style is the breath of the Sun at first Tangier I didn't really know anything about the breath of the Sun and he assured Sheen to Durango ku that he is not some legendary chosen warrior the only reason why he can use the breath of the fire God is because his father performed it as a ritual ceremony once a year but Shinju roaring Goku insists that the dance of the fire God is the breath of the Sun and according to Rango ku all the other breath styles are just inferior copies to the breathless on this means that the breath of the Sun and the dance of the fire-god if the two are the same thing is by its very nature more powerful than any other breath style this is important and I will return to this point in a little bit ever since we first learned about the breath of the Sun there have been some pretty clear clues in the story that tangi rose family has a direct connection to the original breath of the Sun user in chapter 99 of the manga we finally get direct confirmation about the connection between an ancestor of Tangier oh by the name of Sumiyoshi and the breath of the Sun user whose real name turns out to be URI Chi Sookie Cooney tan Jiro has a dream although it seems to actually be a memory that he inherited from his ancestor Sumiyoshi in that memory he sees a scene from 400 years ago when his ancestor who was a humble coal burner was hosting the breath of the Sun user at his home for some reason the breath of the Sun user was staying with Sumiyoshi and at one point the breath of the Sun user says that he couldn't achieve what he was supposed to achieve in life and that he couldn't protect a single thing that was important to him he then calls himself a man of no worth and tangelos ancestor Sumiyoshi feels that the fact that yo Deecee thinks this way is tragic and he feels very bad for the breath of the Sun user during this scene it is suggested that the breath of the Sun user saved tantaros ancestor and his family at some point in the past and it is also stated that the breath of the Sun user does not have a direct successor this seems to suggest that the komiteh family is not directly related by blood to the breath of the Sun user but it is very possible that since he had no successor the breath of the Sun user decided to pass on the breath of the Sun technique to the Commodore family in the form of the breath of the fire god but why is this breath of the Sun technique so important in the first place what's the big deal well aside from apparently being the first and strongest breath style out of them all there's also the fact that during the lifetime of your ichi Sugi Kuni who is still the only known breath of the sun user and the same man who had been with Tangier OHS ancestor at his home the progenitor of the demons Mouzon was nearly killed by this same breath of the Sun user we haven't been shown the actual battle between them at least not yet but we know that moves on barely managed to escape with his life and the experience of almost being killed after spending most of his life thinking that he is immortal had a traumatic effect on Musa so much so that since encountering the breath of the Sun user Musab continues to hide his presence from demon Slayers by shape-shifting into various different people and pretending to live life as a normal human Mouzon sphere of the breath of the Sun user is so strong that the demons with whom Mouzon has shared his blood can actually feel Moo's ons fear of the breath of the Sun user through Moo's on cells inside their own body ever since he learned that the komiteh family is somehow connected to the breath of the Sun Mouzon has been actively trying to have tangelo killed Muhsin considers the breath of the sun to be perhaps the only real threat to him and he is determined to eliminate anyone who might be predisposed to inheriting the breath of the sun's powers hence with his hanafuda earrings and the red birthmark on his face tan Jiro quickly made his way to the top of Mouzon skill list and of course that is because the breath of the Sun user also had the same hanafuda earrings and because he also had the same red birthmark on his face but that's not everything that we know about the breath of the Sun in chapter 174 of the manga we learned that upper Moon one kakushi bow the strongest of moves ons demon moons and the user of the mysterious breath of the moon is actually the older twin brother of your reach Itsuki Cooney the breath of the Sun user in order to become immortal and in order to become stronger 400 years ago kakushi bo decided to become a demon but his brother yuri Chi remained human eventually this set up an epic clash between the two brothers and despite Goku shippo's demon powers he was about to lose the fight against his human brother however by the time of that fight your Ichi was already in his 80s and he ended up dying of old age just before he could finish koku Shiba off this turn of events the fact that even as demon he would have lost to his elderly human brother if fate hadn't interfered maid cuckoo she bow deeply miserable for the rest of his life the manga also reveals that the mist pillar mu Ichiro and his family are the direct descendants of Kaku Sheba back when he was still a human Kaku Shippo had a child and mu Ichiro is a direct descendant of this child meaning that mu Ichiro and Kikuchi both shared the same blood this also means that technically mu Ichiro and the breath of the Sun user you reach he also shared the same blood we do not yet know whether Kaku Shabazz breath of the Moon style is the specific style that he developed back when he was human and then simply kept the same style when he became a demon or whether as a human cuckoo Shiba was also a breath of the Sun user like his twin brother but when he transformed into a demon his breath of the Sun style also transformed into the breath of the sun's dark counterpart the breath of the Moon another important aspect of the breath of the Sun that we need to talk about is the so called mark of the sun's state once a Demon Slayer like tan Jiro learns to access this state it allows him to become even stronger and faster than usual although being in this state is able to increased Andros abilities he is only rarely able to enter this state and he is only able to use it for a small amount of time before it takes a severe toll on his body we were initially led to believe that when any demon slayer manifests the mark of the Sun on their bodies they will become a lot more powerful but they will also be doomed to die before they reach the age of 25 a lot of fans were worried that tan judo and many of their favorite Demon Slayer characters would be condemned to death only a few years after manifesting their marks however in Chapter 174 of the manga it is revealed that your each eat Sookie Cooney was able to live past the age of 80 despite manifesting the mark in his youth this greatly surprised his brother the demon kakushi ball because Kaku Shiva had always thought that unless he became a demon he would be dead by the age of 25 at this time we don't know how your Ichi managed to live past 80 with the mark but the fact that he did gives us hope that tun 0 and everyone else who has manifested the mark of the Sun will be able to find a way to live longer than the age of 25 it is clear that the breath of the Sun has been a huge mystery throughout the demon slayer story and we have been learning bits and pieces about its history and true nature as the series has progressed it seems pretty obvious that the breath of the Sun will be instrumental in one day defeating Mouzon but the only question is who will master it first and who will ultimately be the one to end Mulan's reign of terror after over 1,000 years most people believe that the one to defeat Mouzon using the breath of the Sun will be Tangier oh and that is definitely a good guess based on everything that we've seen so far and on the fact that he is the main protagonist but I have a slightly different perspective I believe that the former breath of the Sun user Yuri cheat Sookie Cooney failed to kill Mouzon because he tried to defeat him all on his own we know that your each she fought alone and he mentioned in his conversation with chondros ancestor that he did not have any successors it is safe to assume that your each he was a lone wolf who preferred to take all the responsibility onto his own shoulders he was an incredible warrior a legendary warrior but in the end he simply could not put a stop to moves on all on his own I mentioned this in my previous videos on Nezzer point and zero but I find it very interesting that unlike the breath of the Sun user pan Jiro does not have a red sword I mean he has the hanafuda earrings he has the mark of the Sun he has the dance of the fire-god but he does not have the red sword instead he normally has a black sword but when tundra sword comes into contact with nazca's blood that is when tonzura sword turns red just like the sword of the breadth of the Sun user your Ichi I think that this is symbolic of the wider message of demon slayer even the greatest warrior in history cannot defeat the immortal evil that has moves on on his own Mouzon can only be defeated through teamwork and that will mean that tangier Onizuka zenit su inosuke and the pillars are all working together to destroy Mouzon once and for all on his own tandro has a lot of the same positive characteristics as the breath of the Sun user your Ichi but that is not enough only with the help of Nesbo's blood demon art and with the help of other demon Slayers can pan Jiro hope to one day reach the heights of the breath of the Sun user and perhaps even surpass him in order to finally destroy Mouzon but that is just my own opinion let me know what you guys think what new secrets about the breath of the Sun are we going to learn next and why is the breath of the Sun seemingly the only breath style that can truly threaten Mouzon is it related to the fact that muezzins one true weakness is sunlight itself also do you think that kakushi bose breath of the moon is its own unique breath style or did he also use the breath of the Sun back when he was still a human but it morphed into something else once he became a demon give me your thoughts down in the comments I always love hearing from you if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more Demon Slayer content please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications if you don't turn on all notifications you will definitely miss a lot of our videos that's just how YouTube works feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar for all the latest demon slayer news and updates i want to give a big thank you to all of our anime outpour patrons for making videos like this one possible special thanks to our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson Kings eldress on hell crews stealers poet Pablo atropos Wraith and fitty dalla beat and also an epic thank you to all of ours the one tier patrons the ones who stand up up all other clans 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 950,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest, secret, in, demon, slayer, demon slayer, demon slayer explained, breath of the sun, breath of sun, breath of the sun explained, sun breath, sun breath explained, yoriichi, yoriichi tsugikuni, every demon slayer, every demon slayer explained, every hashira, every hashira explained, every demon moon, every demon moon explained, kokushibo, kokushibou, breath of the moon, all 12 demon moons, all 12 demon moons explained, animeuproar, tanjiro, kimetsu no yaiba, nezuko
Id: Hizt1OkE5RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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