All 15 Battle Styles & Their Powers Explained! (Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba Every Breath Style)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime uproar and today I will be explaining every battle style used by the demon Slayers in komatsuna Yaiba including ton zeroes breath of water zenit ooze breath of thunder the mysterious dance of the fire-god and many more while watching demon slayers these epic swordsmanship techniques caught my attention right away so that is why I decided to make this video I hope that I can gain a better understanding of all the different fighting styles myself and I hope that I can help clear things up for you guys as well in case there is anything that you are wondering about or in case you just find it useful to have all the styles listed and explained right here in one place and on top of that me making this video might have something to do with how many people have been endlessly asking me to start making Demon Slayer videos both on social media and in the comments to my other videos seriously though guys I really appreciate all of you who asked me to make demon slayer content and since I'm loving this series right now it is my pleasure to honor your requests if you'd like to see more demon slayer content in the future please leave a like to let me know and if you're new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell there will be some manga spoilers in this video about the breath styles themselves and their users but not about the plot or what happens to the characters in the story with that said if you don't want any spoilers at all you have been warned please proceed with caution let's start things off by briefly explaining what a breath style is the different breath styles or battle styles are basically different styles of swordsmanship that are used by the demon slaying core each style is used with an engine and blade weapon usually a sword and the Nietzschean blades are unique because of their ability to kill demons if demons are cut down with other types of weapons they simply don't die each breath style focuses around specific breathing patterns which enable the users to strengthen their bodies by increasing their lung capacity and the flow of oxygen in their blood this allows the user to perform incredible feats including supernatural movements and techniques making it possible for the demon slayers to take on the demons who are of course much stronger the normal humans I'm not sure if I've ever actually talked about this here on the channel but I hold a black belt in a I dough which is the martial art of Japanese swordsmanship in real life martial arts like AI dough breathing techniques plan absolutely fundamental role and in fact the more you advance in rank the more important breathing techniques become it is only well after reaching the black belt stage that breathing techniques and spirit become essential and once you become a really high ranked martial artist like black belt fourth Don or fifth Don you really must concentrate on mastering your breathing and your spirit but beyond just martial arts there is scientific evidence that breathing techniques such as the ones used for meditation can have a profound physical impact on our bodies so this emphasis in Demon Slayer on breath styles does make a lot of sense even though mastering a specific breathing technique in the real world will not allow us to use supernatural powers I still find it fascinating how these various breath techniques form the crux of demon slayers epic battle system before we get into the Styles please comment down below which style is your favorite and why I am curious to see which battle style is the fan favorite now let's look at all the specific breath styles in order of their appearance in the series starting things off with the breath of water the primary instructor for this style is Sakon G or Adachi and he was the one who taught this style to both Tangier o and G you tomioka Ciccone she also taught the style to his former apprentices sabi toe and mekomo who are currently deceased but whose spirits helped to train Tangier o breath of water has ten initial forms and an additional eleventh form that was created by gil Tomioka in japanese these forms are called kata and from my knowledge of martial arts the correct English translation for kata is form so that is what I'm gonna be calling them the first form is water surface slice which is basically a single concentrated slash the second form is water wheel which as the name suggests involves the user jumping in the air and spinning in midair in a circular path in order to create an attack that resembles a water wheel the third form is dance of the rapid current which involves the user swinging their sword while mimicking the movements of flowing water the fourth form is striking tide which involves using multiple consecutive slashes while twisting the users body in a way which resembles the power of a water tide the fifth form is the merciful rain of a dry day which allows the user to kill the target in a merciful way so that the enemy will not suffer this is used on enemies who are already defeated and helpless or enemies who have willfully surrendered the sixth form is twisting whirlpool which involves the user sharply twisting their upper and lower body and creating a whirlpool that will cut through anything in its path the seventh form is piercing raindrop the fastest technique of the breath of water style it amounts to a single but very quick and accurate stab the eighth form is waterfall jar a vertical cut the ninth form is water splash which allows the user to adapt to shaky footing by minimizing his landing time and the size of the surface needed to land safely the 10th form is the dragon of change a continuous slashing attack that becomes more powerful with each new rotation finally the eleventh form created by GU is called Lalla as the name suggests the user completely lulls their own body into a motionless state and this allows the user to engage a technique that disables and nullifies incoming attacks however this form is not without limitation and too many fast attacks will break through it next up we have the breath of thunder style used by best boy Sena to a Kazuma and it was taught to him by the adorable old man jiguro Kawashima the breath of thunder style has seven known forms so far in the story although at first Zenit su is capable of using only the first form this first form is thunderclap and flash which allows the user to move and slash the opponent with incredible thunderous speed because this is the only form that Zenit was capable of using at first he does his best to master it and maximize its effectiveness as a result does any - learns how to perform this technique six and even eight times in rapid succession and xeni - is also able to augment the speed of this form as he strives to bring out its full potential the second form of breath of thunder is lightning ball five separate lightning attacks performed in a single moment the third form is buzzing mosquito Thunder a spinning wave of lightning that explodes in all directions the fourth form is distant thunder which allows the user to create a thunder strike from a distance the fifth form is heat lightning a slashing attack infused with lightning that burns the flesh and the sixth form is electric lightning shower which is a series of thunder strikes capable of cracking the enemies body the seven form is called flaming Thunder God and this form is actually developed by Zen Itza later on in the story it allows the user to create a dragon-like creature that emits fire and thunder and it can be combined with the god speed technique for maximum speed then we have the breath of B style used by other best boy inosuke hashiba this style is believed to be descended from the breath of the wind style and it has the ability to enhance its users sense of touch there is no known instructor for the breath of the beast style and it is assumed that inosuke learned this while living alone in the mountains presumably on his own because he is such a savage mad lad there are 11 known Fang forms that this tile can use including first bank pierce and extract which allows the user to stab a targets neck simultaneously with both of his blades then we have second Fang rip and tear which allows the user to slash a target with both blades in an ex formation third Fang rip and devour which is essentially two simultaneous slashes and an enemy's throat fourth Fang mince 2 bits which is a flurry of diagonal slices fifth Fang mad cleave which is a slicing attack that lashes out in all directions around the user sixth Fang jagged na a decapitation technique involving both swords seventh Fang spatial awareness which gives the user the ability to send subtle changes in the air across a wide area and this allows the user to identify the location of all potential enemies within that area we also have eighth Fang pig assault which is basically in also get just rushing his enemies and swinging both swords with the intention of decapitating them we have ninth Fang godly undulation slice which allows the user to dislocate the joints on their arms in order to extend the reach of his attack tenth fangs circular fangs which is a spinning attack that cuts everything in sight and finally we have improvised Fang throwing slices which is basically a nose okay shocking his swords at an enemy now let's talk about the dance of the fire-god style which is a style that raised a lot of interest when it was introduced in the first season of the anime this is a breath style known and taught only by the Commodore family and it is passed down from father to son within the Commodore family the breath of flames user Shinjiro Ren Goku suggests that the dance of the fire-god style is actually the original breath the godly breath that was the first ever created and the one from which every other breath is derived and that is the legendary breath of the son Shin judo Arango KU considers all the other styles to be inferior copies of the breath of the son with that said we don't yet know for sure that the dance of the fire-god and the breath of the son are one in the same but there are clues that panchito's family has some form of direct connection to the original breath of the son user including the mark on tangelos face and the hanafuda earrings which bear the Sun symbol so it is possible that the breath of the son style was secretly passed down through town zeros family in the form of the dance of the fire-god the dance of the fire-god style has so far been used by Tangier oh and by his father tandro who used the dance of the fire-god style for a ritual ceremony once a year this style has 10 forms including waltz which is a single high-powered / Blue Heaven a circular spinning slash similar to waterwheel flame waltz an attack composed of a vertical slash followed by a horizontal slash waltz flash which is a combination of flame waltz and send it to thunderclap flash solar halo dragon dance which is a combo attack that involves combining mizzu COEs blood burst with Don Geno's swordsmanship tonzura sword turns red is engulfed in flames and a flaming dragon emerges from the blade we also have scorching crimson mirror which is a move that uses two horizontal slashes to defend town zero from an incoming attack / heli and rainbow a defensive technique that allows the user to dodge quickly using rapid twists and rotations technique will leave after images and confuse opponents we then have fire chariot an attack that can be used right after par Halley and rainbow in order to attack the enemy while they are distracted by the after images we also have shining Sun stab which is an attack made up of a single sharp thrust and finally we have burning Sun a circular spinning slash designed to defend from frontal attacks next we have the breath of the insect created by Shinobu corto this style is a derivative of the breath of flower and so by extension of the breath of water despite the fact that she lacks brute physical strength Shinobu is able to use the breath of insect style to make up for that by combining stabs thrusts shallow cuts and slashes with poison the shallow cuts and slashes are used to inject wisteria based poisons into the target and this is what eventually takes the enemy down rather than taking them out by overpowering physical attacks such as instant decapitation this style has four known forms including dance of the butterflies frolic which is basically a jumping attack that slashes the opponent several times in order to inject the opponent with poison the ants of the bee sting near fluttering a rapid dash at the opponent with amazing speed followed by a single thrusting attack that also injects poison dance of the dragonfly compound a hexagon a combo attack that strikes the target six times in six different areas injecting poison in each area in order to increase the chances of the enemy being overwhelmed by the poison and finally the dance of the centipede hundred legged zigzag which involves the user running at full speed in a zigzag pattern confusing the opponent and creating an opening for a powerful poisonous thrust now let's talk about the breadth of flames a breath style used by Shintaro and Kyoto Ren Goku this tile has at least nine forms but not all of them have been revealed at this point in time the ones that we do know include first form sea of fire an attack that involves the user charging their opponent and swinging their blade with the intent of decapitating the enemy second form ascending blazing sky which is an upward slash attack fourth form wave of blazing flames which involves the user's spinning their sword rapidly in order to defend from enemy attack fifth form flame tiger which involves multiple sword slashes that form the shape of a tiger and finally esoterica ninth form purgatory a fiery slash from a distance that has the power to obliterate everything in sight including the terrain itself the other forms of the breath of flames are currently unknown next up is the breath of sound this tile is used solely by the sound pillar tank and kazooie and this tile is actually derived from breath of thunder similar to echolocation yuzu is capable of deconstructing an opponent's movements into bass sounds analyzing the sounds and identifying openings and weaknesses based on those sounds which he then exploits this tile has three known forms including first form thunder which involves the user raising his swords above his head and slamming them into the ground thereby creating explosions that sound like thunder fourth form death Nell's oh Avicii rest in peace of Ichi an attack that is both offensive and defensive in nature it involves the user spinning his swords while simultaneously releasing bombs at his targets and fifth form harmony of shrill strings which involves the user spinning his swords on a chain while releasing bombs at the same time then we have the breath of love style used by love pillar meet suti Connor og derived from the breath of flame style this tile can only be used by Mitsui because of her unique physical Constitution meaning that her moves cannot be duplicated by anyone else known forms include first form shiver of first love on a tag that involves a rapid - followed by multiple slashes second form anguish inducing love a thrashing slash attack third form lovely kitty shower a rapid succession of ranged attacks fifth form wavering attachment a backward somersault through the air that creates a long string of whipping attacks which eventually result in her sword coiling around the targets neck and sixth form Kitty pallav breeze which involves the user twirling upside down and creating helix shaped slashes that can deflect enemy attacks now let's talk about the breadth of flower style this tile is originally derived from breath of water and it is used by Conoco cho and canal duty known forms include second form plum spirit a series of rotating sword slashes used a fan to lead to deflect attacks forth forms safflower robe a single slash of the sword that also twists and curves 5th form peony of futility a compa move that features nine flowing consecutive attacks in the final known form is Scarlet Spider Lily is a technique that raises the users kinetic vision to its maximum power while this can be extremely useful in battle it is also a dangerous technique because it puts a lot of strain on the user's eyes and it can lead to partial or complete blindness next up is the breath of wind style it is used by wind pillar sanam e shinozuka wa its forms include first form dust whirlwind cutter a cyclone of sword slashes second form claw purifying wind a slash that creates four blades of wind in the shape of a claw that cut into the enemy third form clean storm wind tree for which the user creates a whirlwind around themselves by slashing the sword all around their body fourth form rising dust storm a downward swing of the sword from multiple directions fifth form winter Gale a multi-pronged strike from above and sixth form black wind Mountain mist which involves the user rotating their body in order to create a powerful slashing tornado then we have the breath of mist style another derivative of the breath of wind style this style is used by mu Ichiro taquito the mist pillar of the demon slayer core the known form of this style include first form hanging sky distant mist which is a thrusting attack second form eight layered mist which involves a barrage of multiple slashes one on top of the other third form d misting blasts a circular slash with the power to blow away enemy projectiles fourth form advection slash which includes a rapid slash right as the sword is pulled from its scabbard this is actually very similar to many of the Coty's that we practice in Iaido and in the idea we refer to the scabbard of the sword as a saya then we have the 5th form sea of clouds and haze which involves the user running at the enemy at high speed and following through with a barrage of slashes sixth form moonlit mist which involves the user leaping into the air and raining down a large number of slashes on his enemies and finally seventh form haze which is a technique that allows the user to come fuses enemies by shifting the tempo of his movements in a way that tricks the opponent's eyes now let's talk about the breadth of stone style which is one of the five main breath styles believed to be derived from the breath of the Sun style directly it is used by stone pillar llame himejima who uses chained axes and a spiked flail as weapons instead of a sword the known breath of stone forms include second form upper smash which involves the user's throwing an axe and spiked flail at his target in order to create a pincer attack the user can then smash down on the chain and force it to rebound on his target we also have third form stone skin a defensive technique involving a barrage of slashes that deflects the enemy attacks and fourth form volcanic rock rapid conquest a two-pronged attack from a distance that involves spinning an axe and spiked flail on a chain in order to strike his opponents from afar next up is the breath of the serpent style a derivative of the breath of water style used by the snake pillar open-eye guro known forms of this style include second form venom fangs of the narrow head which involves the user getting behind the enemy using incredible speed and decapitating them and fifth form slithering serpent which involves the user swinging a bending sword left and right an extremely high speed and this attack can be very effective against multiple enemies at once then we have the breath of the Moon a breathing style that is believed to be derived from the breath of the Sun directly and a style whose only known user is actually a demon this demon's name is kakushi bull and he is actually a member of the 12 demon moons this style allows the user to use Crescent moon-shaped blades that are constantly changing in length and size which makes it incredibly difficult to predict the range of this users attacks known forms include first form dark moon evening palace a quick single slashing movement that creates several crescent-shaped blades second form pearl flowers moon gazing which appears to be a series of upward slashes third form loathsome moon chains which involves two rapid wings that create a storm of small crescent-shaped blades fifth form moon spirit calamitous Eddy which involves multiple curved slashes that create a flurry of blades resembling a vortex and sixth form perpetual night lovely oonh incessant which creates a storm of slashes that branch out in all directions finally we have the breath of the sun' style itself very little information has been reliably revealed about this style other than what I mentioned already which is that it is believed that the breath of the Sun is the original breath the godly breath that was the first ever created and the one from which all the other ones are derived Shin judo ren goku considers all the other styles to be inferior copies of the breath of the sun and he believes that tan Jiro is actually a user of the breath of the Sun style we will have to wait for more information about this legendary style to emerge but feel free to let me know what you guys think if you could choose which of these breath styles would you like to have the most and if you would rather create your own unique style that is derived from one of the above styles feel free to describe it down below in the comments also do you think that the answer the fire-god is one and the same as the breath of the Sun is it a derivative of the breath of the Sun or something else entirely let me know down below if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more demon slayer content please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification valve a big shout out to excel Eon for helping me with this video with the research and with the visual editing I really appreciate it be sure to check out xle on on youtube and social media and set him some love links in the description you can also follow me on twitter and instagram at anime uproar for all the latest anime news and updates I want to give a huge thank you to all of our anime upper patrons for supporting our work and making our work possible a special thank you to all of our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson Kings eldress and on hell crews another massive thank you to our the one tier patrons the ones who stand above all other clans including baby ray ace Ingrid ah al Olin Adam Maddy Mac makoto-kun and keelon and finally at the very pinnacle of interdimensional greatness a tier reserved only for legends a massive thank you to Regan Harrison and Lord naksan or disciples 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 4,227,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, 15, battle, styles, and, their, powers, explained, all battle styles, all breath styles, all 15 battle styles, all 15 breath styles, all breathing styles, every breath style, every battle style, every battle style explained, every breath style explained, every breathing style explained, demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, demon slayer explained, kimetsu no yaiba explained, tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, nezuko, muzan, fire god, dance of the fire god, animeuproar, demon slayer powers
Id: ZGyjnKAyjq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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