The Biggest Mistake (you're probably making) with Your Brand

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[Music] hi my name is marty newmeier i'm the author of eight books on branding and innovation and you're watching behind the brand with brian elliott [Music] big shift happened in the economy and everything collapsed for me and a lot of people around me so we had the dot-com bust we had 911 and recession in rapid order and you know i lost two companies a magazine and a design company and had to reinvent myself and that's when i started thinking about you know i've been addressing designers a lot trying to help them understand business and it's been rough they resist right they want to be artists um so i decided to just do sort of george costanza i'll do the opposite i will not talk about talk to designers i'll talk to business people about design and that worked that worked beautifully so i wrote a book called the brand gap and that was the beginning of what i'm doing now so i wrote that book about um the the the the gulf between what companies think they're doing and what customers think they're doing right and that's a big gap and companies can fall into that gap and die so it was about how do you get your strategy and customer experience to match up to link up so that you're actually doing what you say you're doing and everyone understands you because it makes a huge difference in how you're perceived and how successful you are so so you wrote this book you literally wrote the book on brand i have a lot of brand questions the show is called behind the brand so um the whole intention was to pull back the curtain and kind of reveal um the people the strategies the ideas um and the execution behind some of these iconic brands and people who in my opinion are brands um personal branding has become a big thing especially in the last few years wasn't that big when we first started the show what i want to know is first can you break down the definition of what branding is a brand is i want to talk about marketing and advertising let's start with brand first how do you define what a brand is this is important this is where people go wrong right away they misunderstand what a brand is here in the uh in the 21st century um it's more than a logo see this is what people don't get they think of you know a brand is something you stick on like like branding a cow or something and we did start there you know 10 000 years ago but now a brand is much more so the way i define it is a brand is a person's gut feeling about a product service or company and i'm choosing all those words carefully so it's a gut feeling because we don't make our purchase decisions in a logical way even though we think we do mostly it's we use intuition we use our emotions come into play we try to be as logical as we can but it's a gut feeling and we don't understand everything about the products that we're buying we're just going with our gut well so built into that sounds like there's an assumption of an awareness so you have to have to be yeah so you have to see there's no brand without awareness right so you have to see the ad basically if a product you have to hear the name those are all touch points we call touch points any way you come into contact with the brand is part of your understanding part of your gut feeling about that product and that can be negative or positive it can be negative it can go from positive to negative so you i mean you know warren buffett said it takes you know 20 years to build a reputation in five minutes to lose it that applies to branding too you can you live by the brand but you can die by the brand so if you do something pretty horrible some company behavior that that goes viral and i mean you can you can lose millions maybe billions of dollars of brand value which is this uh sort of imaginary number but it's definitely um it's it's something it's a number maybe you can't understand it but it's really important to the company well you started telling the apple story so now i'm just replaying that apple movie in my mind where they started you know were steve and waz waz was very focused on apple ii and that was everything and then steve left and they had a really hard time branding themselves as the computer for students or young people or a computer on every desk whatever they're trying to do and it wasn't until steve came back that he sort of rebranded well i think they had something more than that even in the beginning which was um this is the computer for the rest of us that was the idea so they were posit this really smart uh helped by their advertising agency shy at day in figuring this out um they found an enemy it was ibm ibm so ibm is um you know there were people at ibm that said we there's probably only need for five computers in the world and of course nobody can really use those except for the sort of high high priests of the computing world well these are white guys let's face it white shirts red ties yeah yeah blue coats under that but you know because they're ibm so you had this very corporate idea of what a computer was and they're saying no everyone should have one of these and so you had the 1984 commercial where the woman runs up and throws a hammer into the screen and big brother iconic breaks into shards um brilliant positioning great so that's great start for a brand and and they just went with that now then they had problems like figuring out well which way should we go with this should it be the macintosh should it be the apple ii should it be students i mean they had to figure all that out is it for businesses is it just for personal use so that's not branding though and you tell me what you think to me that sounds like segmentation well they're struggling with the brand because they're trying to figure out what their um their position is who's it for who's the audience and of course they can't know all that in the beginning they have to figure that out but they knew they got the big thing right which is our purpose is to bring computing to everyone huge nobody else had that so mostly they did a great job they paid attention to the quality of all the communications they put out they paid attention to the quality of the products they had steve jobs who was um who could be the spokesperson is willing to do it and did a pretty good job um and kind of created a religion around it really i mean we were just sitting back you know chopping it up reminiscing about the good old days and all that you know tracking my roots where i came from and where i'm going [Music] it's all about the journey baby ain't nothing changed but the weather
Channel: Behind the Brand
Views: 4,651
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Elliott, Behind the Brand, entrepreneur, Behind the Apple Brand, Behind the Brand Apple, Brand marketing, Apple brand marketing lesson, The right way to brand, Branding done correctly, marty neumeier, Marty Neumeier Behind the Brand, marty neumeier the futur, marty neumeier brand gap, marty neumeier branding, marty neumeiers innovation workshop, Marty Neumeier and Bryan Elliott
Id: XvzExym4slg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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