9 Brand Design Elements Your Brand MUST Have for Designers and Entrepreneurs

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hi everybody this video is about nine elements you need for a brand design so branding and personal branding is a really complicated subject and I'm going to talk about a very small piece of it today I'm gonna talk about nine design elements that you need to build a personal brand brand design is a lot more than a logo logos are really important everybody has a logo my plumber has a logo logos are only a very small piece of it there are ten zillion logos in the world so if you design a logo that's great but you've got a lot more work to do the brand design elements I'm going to talk about today are part of a brand ecosystem so your brand ecosystem your brand the visual aspect of your brand is going to show up in a lot of places and I call these places brand touch points they're places like your website or email or print or broadcast ecommerce social media video digital marketing there are a million places where your brand is going to show up and you want to make sure that your brand shows up in a very consistent way across all of these brand touch points so now let's dive into it what are the nine elements of a brand design ecosystem first of all we have the logo so you want to have a logo it should be simple it should probably have one or two colors in it very few logos have more than three colors so keep it simple number two fonts you want to choose a font or two fonts for your brand generally a main font this could be the font that actually appears in your brand identity or logo and a secondary fund fonts have personalities so there are serif fonts and son serif fonts their personality fonts are handwritten fonts the font says a lot about your brand so be very thoughtful and very careful when you choose the fonts that are going to be associated in a very consistent way with your brand number three color palette color has an incredible psychological power colors mean things so you want to develop a color palette for your brand lots of brand color palettes have maybe three to four maybe five colors in them so you want to develop a brand color palette speaks a lot about the psychology and the strategy behind what it is that you do and what it is that you offer and color is going to speak to your consumer to your customer avatar so you don't want to think about just the color that you personally like but what is the color that your customer is going to respond to what are they going to like think about it in terms of your end consumer number four is pattern and texture a lot of people forget about pattern and texture but this is a key design element that can be leveraged to be able to recognize you and your brand when people come across you like the Louis Vuitton pattern that happens on all of their bags or the brushed metal that Apple uses these are very recognizable textures and patterns that they use consistently to great effect to help people recognize their brands number five is photography and animation there are million photography styles out there in choosing one style and using it consistently across all of your brand touch points can really help solidify how your brand is recognized when people come across it in your brand ecosystem and across all of your brand touch points so think about developing or choosing a photography style number six illustration and iconography just like photography there are a million illustration Styles out there and iconography Styles out there by choosing one that goes along with your brand and sings with your logo and your visual elements you're in color palette etc using that really consistently it can be a way to establish a vocabulary for your brand that becomes really recognizable number seven this is one that very few people kind of think about a lot of time but sound is a way that you can brand yourself think about Intel and there Intel Inside sound it goes bum bum bum bum and whenever you hear that you think Intel Inside until you use as sound as a branding element number eight is layout using a particular type of layout or style of layout consistently across all of your brand touch points is another great way to establish a strong brand vocabulary that people are going to be able to recognize number nine another one that people kind of don't think about a lot is tone of voice so in the copy on your website or in the copy of your tweets or in the copy of your writing what is your brand voice what does your brand sound like what kind is it formal is it jokey is it informal is it funny is it serious what is the voice of your brand think about the tone of voice of your brand and this is a bonus personal style I did a separate video on personal style branding which you can check out but personal style is a way that if you use a style element consistently on your person hair style glasses a hat the way you dress hair color you can use if done consistently personal style to establish a really strong brand element and once you have all these elements together what you want to do is pull them together in one place you want to see how they work and look and feel together the other really important aspect of developing a brand guidelines document is that whenever you work with a service provider whether that's a website developer or a you know a podcast editor or someone who's writing for you for your blog you want to be able to give them your brand guidelines because that's going to show them exactly what your brand looks and feels like so they're not going to develop some sort of creative work for you that's kind of really off base and doesn't look and feel like your brand and doesn't sit with all of your other brand touchpoints stuff so once you have developed all these brand elements you want to pull them all together into a brand guidelines can be a single page some large corporations brand guidelines are 150 pages long but you can keep it simple here's a one-page template of brand guidelines it's there's a place for your logo for a color palette for fonts icons pattern and texture illustrations layout design motion graphics tone of voice and photography it puts them all on one page so you can see them all on one page to make sure that they look and feel great together and just to show you a couple examples of how this comes to life Chris Ducker who runs an entrepreneurial community that I'm a member of really great guy in a friend of mine his branding is incredibly consistent he's as consistent font really consistent color palette of orange and gray consistent photography style and uses that across all of his brand touch points incredibly consistently so when you come across Chris duckers brand you immediately know that it's Chris Ducker another example is a friend of mine named Jason Resnick jason has a freelancer business called your partner in code as his tagline in his website he's changed it recently but his website is incredibly consistent has a very clear layout style clear font style clear color palette and he uses it super consistently across all of his branch touch points and so there's a look and feel to Jason's brand which is immediately recognizable when you come across it another example I want to show you is Seth Godin Seth Godin is an amazing marketing guru and his website is incredibly consistent and very kind of bright and quirky kind of like Seth is he's a personal branding style element of these bright yellow glasses and he has a very specific kind of layout style in illustration style in color palette they uses across his brand that makes him incredibly recognizable so when you think about these nine elements of brand design go back and look ask yourself these questions do you have all of these nine elements of a brand design does your brand design really look like an ecosystem do they all really work well together do you have all the elements are there any of the elements that are missing are the ones that you haven't really designed yet are any of them inconsistent with each other and do they not look good when they're next to each other overall what is your brand communicate does it communicate what you are personally about are what your business is about and even more importantly does it communicate along the lines of what your customer is expecting from you or the type of customer that you have what they want from you is the aesthetic of your brand elevated is it great does it look cheap and boring is a generic is an anonymous really kind of back up and take a overarching look at your brand and evaluate what it's doing for you so that's it I hope you enjoyed this video on nine elements of a great brand design and if you did please hit subscribe below so you can see my videos when they come out and visit me at Philip Van Dusen dot-com slash muse and subscribe to my newsletter comes out every two weeks and I share resources and insights and inspiration for graphic designers and entrepreneurs and with that thanks again for watching bye for now [Music]
Channel: Philip VanDusen
Views: 483,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, brand, graphic design, entrepreneurs, branding, entrepreneur, business, personal branding, how to, marketing, career advice, small business, graphic design career advice, advice, graphic design (industry), advice for designers, philip vandusen, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur (profession), entrepreneurship (field of study), advertising, graphic, logo design, content marketing, creative, typography, small business marketing, business branding, business strategy
Id: jB57Pc1W6Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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