The Biggest MANDELA EFFECTS In Dragon Ball Z

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in the Dragon Ball franchise there have been a number of moments that the fan base has often times remembered a little bit differently from how it happened the idea of the Mandela effect is one in which people believe for a fact that something has occurred when in fact it actually is quite different in reality and that's something that we've seen countless times throughout the course of the Dragon Ball franchise with the Dragon Ball fandom and that's why in this video we're going to be analyzing And discussing a number of different Mandela effects that you may believe is actually the case when in fact it's quite a bit different but join me here today on this video is someone you've seen on my content in the past and his name is all righty guys it is quam man here today and quam man knows that over here on laughing stock media we don't waste any minutes around here and so as a result he could take all the time he needs but anyway with that being said what I want to do is start off with quam Man's first uh on our list of Mandela facts and what is that going to be quam man yes so our first Mandela effect for today is actually going to be dealing with a misconception that was created in the anime adaptation of Dragon Ball which is of course the fight that Goku had with Frieza on Planet Namek so see what had happened was is that in the anime adaptation of Dragon Ball there was a scene that was completely changed from its original manga intent originally Goku gets into a beam Clash where he fights against Frieza in a ball of light Frieza gets around Goku knocks him under the water and Goku comes right back up in just a few panels now what happened in the anime is completely different and completely changes the entire context of this scene because Goku goes down for an extended period of time and when Frieza does this attack against Goku Gohan senses that Goku's key signature actually disappeared and what happens next is Gohan flies over to go fight against Frieza to try and avenge his dad but Gohan knew that he couldn't defeat Frieza so his whole plan was basically to hold him off and to fight him until the planet explode so he could take Frieza down with the entire planet and then Goku comes back up later on now the reason why a lot of people believe that Frieza actually killed Goku is because the timing of the wish being made along with Goku rising out of the water made it seem as if Goku actually died and he was brought back to life and this is why the anime completely changed the entire context of what that scene was supposed to be Gohan never came back and Goku got right back up after Frieza knocked them under yeah absolutely and one of the things that many people believe like you're saying is that Goku was wished back from the dead and Frieza killed him during that scene but the thing is if he was wish back from the dead then he probably wouldn't have all this battle damage he has right here and not to mention a much bigger issue is when they're wishing back those who have been killed on Namek B freeze as you could see right here with Shenron what happens is that Goku had already been wished back One Time by Shenron so this never would have been able to happen Goku would have not been able to be brought back to life so if he actually did die then he never would have come back to life like this so as a result in neither version did Goku actually get killed by Frieza Frieza gotten a good hit you could see Goku's a little bit damaged in the anime version they also had lava shooting out when I guess the Goku had knocked in the anime version into like uh I don't know so deep that the molten core was shooting out but the fact the matter is in this you could see he just goes underwater knocked into a mountain his clothes are messed up but he is still alive ready to fight and eventually defeats Frieza plus it was kind of funny that Gohan was trying to stall him until the plant blew up because as We Know Frieza when he was cut into pieces and blasted still survived the plan exploding so Gohan basically would just wasted all his time and his life in the process cuz Frieza he would have been basically fine just floating around until his dad picked him up and then he probably would have blown the Earth up now another interesting scene that's connected to this mic is also dealing with Goku and Frieza on Namek once again when Goku was making a wish now in the anime adaptation right before Goku and Frieza resumed their fight there's an anime only scene where Vegeta actually Witnesses Goku as a Super Saiyan for the first time and specifically in the manga this never actually happened Vegeta was brought back to life and then he was teleported to Earth and that whole little scene of Vegeta trying to shoot a blast at Frieza before he went back to planet Earth never happened but all of that changes the context of what was supposed to be because Vegeta was not supposed to know what a Super Saiyan was until future Goku killed Frieza and King Cole if you're going with the original timeline and then obviously When Future Trunks came and then Goku turned into a Super Saiyan against him so Vegeta seeing a Super Saiyan a lot earlier changes the whole context of what he was supposed to witness absolutely and that's yet another thing that was changed in the anime version but in the manga he just uh gets out of his grave and then is immediately wished off to Earth along with everyone else except for Goku and Frieza who fight their final climactic battle on the ground and uh proceed to have an awesome one at that so another major Mandela effect that a lot of people bring up during the course of the Dragon Ball story has to do with the fight between Goku and cell there are so many fans particularly those of Goku who believe that Goku purposely held back against cell and gave up CU he wanted to give Gohan a chance that he wasn't going all out and that Gohan was right when he said that Goku is holding back that's actually entirely not true as we see after Goku gives up and then nominates Gohan to fight what does Goku say he actually says to Piccolo who's saying that Gohan can't handle it that Gohan is stronger than Goku can imagine and that he's been not only fighting with them since he was a little boy but he started to feel just how strong Gohan was when his power was Awakening in the room of spear in time and then he says right here Gohan when you were watching me fight cell did you think that he was too strong for you and then Gohan says I didn't think so but neither of you were fighting all out were you and then Goku says right here I don't know about cell but I was fighting as hard as I could did it seem to you that I was holding back and then Gohan says yes and that's because the fact that he was actually comparing his power to Goku's and we see this a number of times happening throughout the story like what for example when Gohan saw Goku power up to half of his power against Corin and he said that's weird that shouldn't be half of of my father's energy because the entire time he just assumed that Goku is stronger than him and so he was constantly thinking well Goku is stronger than my half power at his half power so he's clearly holding back why does everyone think that Goku is so strong sure my dad is powerful but he's still not going all out in fact he actually was though and so as a result when Goku gave up he admitted that he could not defeat cell he actually knew that the entire time going in his whole strategy was always that Gohan would win that Gohan would defeat him and Goku purposely fought cell first because he wanted to show Gohan how cell fights and in turn that would lead to him being able to have an easier chance and then when Gohan Powers up against cell as we see right here what happens look at everyone's Expressions especially cells here he's shocked you can even see the exclamation points by Gohan powering up as just a regular Super Saiyan everyone else is too except for Goku and then we even see cell here saying perhaps Goku wasn't lying and there was a bit of Truth after all so he just is uh confirming right here that Gohan as just a Super Saiyan was stronger than Goku and Goku was not holding back against cell he simply did not have the ability to defeat him the only one who could was Gohan yeah I mean I think that's definitely something that has obviously been misinterpreted because fans kind of come up with theories about things that don't really exists based off of head Cannon I think this is a perfect example of that moving on to the next major difference here Mike we go to another timeline now there's nobody probably more qualified to talk about this issue in the community than us but as we've said this probably how many times in separate videos over the course of many years on both of our channels Mike how many times have we had to reference this one side chapter over and over again yeah feels like very very often yeah like if you watch quam man or Mike's videos like you've probably heard us say this at least two dozen times but BAS basically what it happened was here is that the original trunks the lone Warrior side chapter has completely different writing from what we see in the anime and if we go down just a peddle the first thing that we could obviously notice is a major one and this is the fact that trunks was capable of turning into a Super Saiyan before Gohan had died now another thing too here specifically is that when we go down to the next pedal and we see Gohan and trunks talking this is also something too that the anime added so Gohan and trunks were talking specifically about the sensu bean and if the sensan didn't die out Gohan could have gotten his arm back this implies that the sensu bean could have either helped him regenerate his arm or the fact that his arm was damaged and it had to be amputated that's where a lot of people got the amputation from but the point that we're trying to get at here is that the anime completely created fight scenes for pretty much every single thing that we see in the side chapter created a fight scene for the amusement park battle where Gohan lost his arm and then specifically when we also look at this here too and if you watch the English dub of this the English dub doesn't do a good job with this dialogue here that Mike and I have referenced before where when you see Gohan talking to the knocked out trunks on the floor Gohan specifically says if you die too there will be no one left to protect the earth now if you watch the Japanese version of this you could actually see that Gohan says something very similar but in the English dub Gohan's like I'll see you later little bro I'm paraphrasing but the point that I was trying to say is is that Gohan specifically knew in the Japanese version that he was going on a suicide mission and he was probably going to try to take out at least one of the Androids before you know he died that was his best shot now here's where things really really change so when we see Gohan comes in this is straight up from the history of trunks where like he kicks 17 into a building and 17 gets pissed off here's where everything changes in this entire scene they're referring to a battle that happened before screen which we saw in the anime adaptation but when we look at the very next paddle we can actually see that 17 says I'm sorry to disappoint you but I use less than half or used half of my power the last time we fought but that's actually translated differently depending on which version you're looking at and he basically just charges Gohan Gohan looks terrified and 18's laughing so this is pretty much all that happened in the anime adaptation what had happened was is that both Androids ganged up on Gohan and they both said we're going to go all out to defeat you now which increased is how strong future Gohan is so this is the next major difference so on one hand trunks already knew how to become Super Saiyan on another hand Gohan is so strong that he could fight against two relatively similarish Androids Mike and I know that 17 is stronger than 18 but the way that they've always been compared before is it never seemed like 17 was that much above her so the fact that Gohan was able to fight them off both obviously indicates that he's significantly more powerful in the Manga version that he is is in the anime version and then obviously when we go down another couple of paddles here trunks wakes up and when Gohan dies and he's laying on the ground there's actually a bunch of blood there's no rain because obviously I actually think that was better that the anime made it more dramatic with that he doesn't turn into a Super Saiyan when Gohan dies now when we see the time skip that happens after this 3 years later pass we also get another sequence where it's pretty much straight up from the history of trunks Bulma Compares trunks to Gohan and basically says that oh you're really not going to really stand much of a chance and of course you know with all of his partial Sayan Pride trunks flies off and he turns into a Super Saiyan and once again this was also the third fight that we never got to see so the manga basically had three fights that they referred to but didn't show any of them and the history of trunks kind of filled in the gaps with all of those three battles so as you can see here you can see in all of these situations that obviously there are a lot of differences that people get about future Trunks and the fact that he needed Gohan to die to turn into a Super Saiyan some people create theories that Gohan intentionally went on a suicide mission so that trunks would learn Super Saiyan that's all bogus trunks always knew how to go Super Saiyan before and that actually makes the history of trunks timeline even Saturn in the manga because both of them knew Super Saiyan and they still stood no chance against the Androids to the point where 17 alone Could Just Kill Gohan so yeah Power scaling was way worse for Trunks and Gohan in the manga and as Mike often points out too trunks did impressively make a massive power up in the manga adaptation because he was fighting against Gohan with one arm as a Super Saiyan Gohan was in his base form and you know trunks was a Super Saiyan and Gohan managed to hold him off and Gohan later on says trunks you know you're going to catch up to me but obviously that could have just been that he was trying to make him feel confident because in three years of training by himself trunks closed the massive Gap yeah another thing is too that it actually makes sense with the manga version that trunks at this age is already a Super Saiyan because then the next Arc In The Bu Saga we see that trunks is already Super Saiyan at 8 years old so it lines up even more with the Manga version for trunks to already be a Super Saiyan now before Gohan's death with what we see with the present timeline trunks whereas the fact that this trunks in the anime version only becomes a Super Saiyan when he finds Gohan's dead body and Powers up which is more dramatic but then when we see trunks becomes one way easier in the main timeline there's more of like a difference and disparity between the two that fans find harder to accept cuz a lot of them have never actually read the Manga version so another thing is too that when it comes to the fight between Goku and Kid Buu there's a lot of people who have a massive misconception about this fight kind of like with what happened with cell and Goku which is that a lot of people seen to believe that Goku actually held back during the course of the fight between the two of them as we can see right here we have this line where Goku is saying no matter what I do to him his key never goes down he just comes back as good as knew Vegeta talks and Goku says oh is it time to switch already come on let me fight some more and then Vegeta says you didn't act like you intend to switch out at some point I know what you're up to you knew that I'd be killed instantly and you don't and you were trying to kind of spare my feelings and then Goku says that he's actually trying to kill Buu but he hasn't really had the chance to go into a full power all out blast against him yet uh in that he needs power up for a minute a minute at which point Vegeta says uh you actually weren't trying to hold back against Buu to give me a chance in the first place so so many people believe that Goku purposely was holding back against kidu and that uh he was not trying to defeat him because he wanted to give Vegeta a chance that's not true at all Goku is actually trying to defeat Kid Buu but instead he uh you know wasn't able to because Buu is basically infinite regeneration at this point and uh Goku simply not being able to Output the energy he need to uh circumvent that and at the same time Super Saiyan 3 drain his power so much to where eventually he just uh falls out of the form entirely right and I feel like another reason as to why a lot of misconception is brought up about this point specifically Mike is because of the fact that the Anime created a lot more extra battle scenes that Goku and Vegeta had against kidu specifically Goku briefly fights BU as a Super Saiyan 2 before he even Powers up into a Super Saiyan 3 so I can understand why fans could think that because the Anime created that extra scene and then also when you look at the Battle there was also an extra fight that Vegeta had with kidboo when you look at the initial battle kidb briefly like forced Goku to completely tie out and Vegeta stepped in briefly he gets whipped Goku comes back turns back into a Super Saiyan three fights him again and then Vegeta jumps in again whereas that extra scene of Vegeta having to come in earlier actually never even existed in the manga so I feel like those extra animated battle scenes changes the context of the fight absolutely so what's the next one you want to discuss so to give you guys a skipor here this is actually dealing with Future Trunks and future Goku now this is part of the reason as to why there's misconception because we never actually saw this and shout out to geek the one one who actually recently made a video called Dragon Ball and scene where he actually depicts what actually happened between how future Goku killed the original future Frieza and Future King cold it's always saying weird future Frieza and Future King cold but the point we're trying to get out here is that originally Goku was the one that was supposed to kill him and this was actually referenced when Goku was talking about how he was going to use his Instant Transmission and Trunks basically states that you were originally meant to kill them now what happened is because we're looking at the Timeline that gets altered we don't see that in the original timeline Goku was actually the one that killed future Frieza and Future King Cole and because of this this is something that's very very tight and specific because I've done timeline videos a lot of Dragon Ball fans are like no what talking about it was actually Future Trunks that killed him how could Goku do it when they completely missed the fact that it was literally flat out stead in both the anime and the manga that future Goku killed them so yes that misconception is something that we just never saw and that's why fans can't really wrap their heads around it absolutely and actually discussed my own video too about how future Goku defeat King cold and Frieza that you guys could see in the top right corner but with that being said it's definitely a really interesting thing to ponder about and you guys should definitely also check out Dragon Ball on scene so you can see the how geekdom 101 depicted that on screen something that was unseen well now you could see it so another one I want to talk about comes down to again if Goku could have defeated yet another strong opponent which is in the case of Super Buu now in the Manga version we don't actually see Goku fight against Super Buu with go tanks absorbed in the anime version we do however there is a moment where Buu is about to charge up against Super Saiyan 3 Goku however he stops because they defuse with inside of him which turns Buu into buolo as people like to call him now in the English dub of the anime they actually have Goku saying now either one of us can defeat you however in the Japanese and in the real version the Goku says right here I'm disappointed Gohan can handle you now so so many people believe that Goku was already stronger than uh goten's absorb Super Buu that he could have beaten him that he was holding his own against Buu and stuff that didn't actually happen Buu is toying with him even in the anime version he could defeat him but he was just fighting him essentially for fun at that point in the Manga version not only do they never fight and Goku is scared super scared right here as a Super Saiyan 3 uh that you know he know knows he doesn't really stand a chance against Buu but then he says Gohan can handle you so this means that Goku who later on says he wouldn't be able to defeat base Super Buu without fusing with Vegeta you know you could make a whole argument about kid bu we're not getting into that in this video because it'll take 10 years but fact of the matter is that he says that Gohan can defeat buolo not that he or Gohan can do it themselves now another thing too to add to this scene Mike that you know people will get into the whole kid boo thing because you know you're always going to have those kid boot ards that will always defend kidu till the very end if you look at what we see in the brief fight that Goku had with bu KOLO in both the anime and the manga the anime goes way more into this Goku is fighting pure defensively look at his motions he's putting his hands up to protect himself because he's like I just have to buy time and does this look like a Goku that felt confident that he could fight against buo in the first place like look at how he's fighting against boot tanks like this whole thing about kid Boo as strong as boo is so stupid and I just feel like we have to put this in the video video yeah we've talked about a million times in other videos I'm sure and I'm sure we'll only talk about even more because that's something that's never going to end in this franchise but with that being said you do have another uh Mandela effect that you want to discuss now going back to the future once again we actually have something that I talked about in a recent video and this is actually dealing with future yajirobe now this is a very complicated piece of Mandela effect and the reason why is because our memories are kind of mixed in different places here so going back to the future we have the survival of future yajirobe now what you guys have to understand is that his survival breaks a lot of dragon ball rules and it feels really weird and there's a lot of confusion and misconception with this because his existence kind of coexists in different Realms of Dragon Ball and I'll explain to you what I'm talking about here as I discuss in a previous video see what had happened was is that as we see yaj jarobi surviving in Dragon Ball super it's mentioned specifically in the English dub which is where there's misconception that comes in that the Androids had attacked corin's Tower but attacking corin's Tower was never mentioned in the Japanese version of this so that's already like an inconsistency between the English dub and the Japanese dub but then also the only time that we ever saw yaj Robi being killed by the Androids was actually in a filler episode called G from tomorrow where we see Android 18 blasting him in the chest and Trunks specifically said poor yaj jarobi didn't see it coming if you watch the English du but the point is she blasted a a beam through his chest and all of us could pretty much say yajo is clearly nowhere near the tower so where could Corin have been to save him in this moment and the fact that Andre 18 is blasting him in the chest and she had already killed Piccolo you know who's way stronger than yobi who could also regenerate you mean to tell me that she could kill Piccolo a per character that could regenerate but then when she does a blast in the chest to yaj jarobi yaji can survive and by the way she just attacked Piccolo she didn't even blast him in the chest but yeah he survived but the point that we're trying to get out here is all of this is just filler stuff that was created and that's why a misconception was brought up now something else here too guys that we also have to point out yajirobe was originally seen in the history of trunks adime adaptation and we can see him very briefly in a scene where Goku was dying of the heart virus and when Krillin said he's gone yobi looks up in shock where you see Bulma with baby trunks and all of this so all of this is contingent on a bunch of different things how yajirobe died doesn't really connect what version of yajirobe died and the Monga nothing was ever mentioned of yobi dying in the future timeline there was no mention about corin's Tower and then what we also factor in that we see him in some versions but not another but then a filler episode complicates things by showing it in an alternate flashback of what trunks is saying of his future this is why there's so much confusion as to how yaj Willi survived and ultimately it's not a very good redcon and I personally think it's the worst redcon in Dragon Ball history because it makes absolutely no sense but that's another conversation for another day that I already had on my channel you like that plug there don't you Mike you check it out in the top right corner with that being said now I want to get into another Mandela effect that a lot of people have with regard to the different versions of the story now in the anime version we're introduced to a character known as the grand Kai he's a character that is a big focal character in The Otherworld tournament the afterlife tournament Arc that takes place between the cell Saga and The buo Saga in the anime it's entirely filler made by toi and during that we're introduced to this character who is supposed to be the most powerful of all the kais at the time at least who is the leader of the regular kais the Dao as they call him which of course is someone that people believe only existed in the anime that he was not a part of the manga and he was something that was made for them and that in turn in the manga it's just the four kaai and then the Supreme Kai but that's actually incorrect because in the bu Saga Piccolo doesn't actually know who the Supreme Kai is at first and so as a result he walks up to shin and he asks him are you the dieo otherwise known as the grand Kai in English dub the head of those kis at that point Shin said says no I'm afraid you're wrong and then cabido steps in a frame and he says he's the Kaio Shin the Lord of lords the god of gods who is above even the Dao in all of the other kais and gods in creation including the gods of different plants which Kami used to be and this Piccolo now has all of his memories in other aspects which I'll talk about even more in depth in a video in the future about the effect that Kami had on Piccolo but nonetheless less this is where Piccolo actually makes mentions that he's heard of the Supreme Kai who is above all the other kis including the Dao the grand Kai which we actually see a little uh anime exclusive moment where we see that uh Dao who actually is holding the universal sphere on his finger which is a really cool moment that I like that the anime added either way this is a Mandela effect because a lot of people seem to think that he's just an anime exclusive character but none unless he actually is in the anime and the manga right and obviously we have a lot of misconceptions here too because once again the anime always expands on things that the manga briefly mentions and stuff and you know what let's actually give the anime Credit in a lot of these situations it's actually better that they kind of added more to the story by doing those things CU if they just strictly followed the manga the show would actually be more less entertaining especially the fights in some ways I mean then again we would only see like what one frame second in in the anime if they literally follow the manga one for one so with all that being said you do have another really interesting one that you're going to bring up that is only exclusive to anime being an anime exclusive series which is Dragon Ball GT so why don't you get into some of that so see what it happened was guys is that if you are an American English dub fan of Dragon Ball GT which I'm sure there aren't that many major fans of Dragon Ball GT but the point that we're trying to get out here is that if you grew up with the English dub of Dragon Ball GT you were effectively lied to along with myself and others and this is a topic I'm going to discuss more separately in the future but what it happened was is that originally in Dragon Ball GT you will remember that there was a certain point of the show where they came up with a new episode that kind of just summarized like FUNimation kind of created its own episode to kind of like summarize a bunch of things that had happened which is basically a compilation and there were a lot of episodes that were effectively skipped from Dragon Ball GT and the reason why is because of the fact that FUNimation was aware that GT was not the most well-received and they wanted to get back to the more quote unquote Dragon Ball zes Parts where they started fighting against baby and a lot of those Slice of Life or shall we say like humor early Dragon Ball stuff they didn't think was going to be very good so they effectively skipped a lot of those parts and they called it the Lost episodes now the reason why this is so funny is when you look at the Mark marting for this if anybody any of you OG's who remember the marketing for this looks so cool like you see like pan and Goku and Trunks like in space fighting all these guys and it looks so awesome like the Lost episodes are appearing and it was like so cool it's like we're seeing another part of the show but the point is they weren't lost at all they thought that they sucked and they didn't want you to see it first it's kind of like when Mike and I are making a video we don't want the first part of our video to suck because if you do you're going to stop watching and it's going to kill our retention for the rest of the video and then when you kill our retention it's going to stop our videos from being promoted on YouTube so overall our video suffers and when our video suffers we make less money and we grow less that's effectively the exact same concept that FUNimation was doing if we're going through the beginning of the series and we're going through the worst part of it let's completely cut it out and this actually guys I'm going to make one more Point here is actually very similar to Dragon Ball super imagine you were editing Dragon Ball super and you basically just told fans go watch the movies for those two parts ignore the first two AR and just start with the universe 6 tournament that's effectively what FUNimation did they basically just said forget the Battle of God's Arc forget the resurrection of f Arc and let's just start with the universe 6 tournament because you've already seen this and it's just worse in the movies so yeah and uh I feel like most Dragon Ball fans when they go back to GT they skip those parts anyway so you know I don't really like that they cut those out but that is a Mandel effect because they thought that there were episodes who were lost when in fact well they just uh kind of fell on The Cutting Room floor for uh England English stub fans but with that being said in terms of the English stub there is one Mandela effect I had to say for last and it has to do with this character and his father and that is the fact that people believe because of the original English dub that Bardock is a brilliant scientist who actually invented the technique which Vegeta goes on to use right here about creating a false moon but in the Japanese and in the original manga you could see that Vegeta never once mentions Bardock he explains how the technique Works he explains how somebody could turn into a great ape or ozaru and then he proceeds in this one scene right here where he says he was a brilliant scientist and it was invented by Bardock never one says that he just talks about how uh Goku is a low class Warrior who won't be able to win cast it up there burst open mix and he turns into an o zaru in a really awesomely drawn scene from Toriyama that I'm surprised it's not become a thumbnail quite just yet but I'm sure it will in the future nonetheless this is obviously a massive change that was made and I know there's a lot of fans especially nowadays out there who love to defend the English job and say well it's official so it must be Canon and thus as a result Bardock is a brilliant scientist no he isn't it's a Mandel effect and one that persists even to this very day and just to just add to that guys it's it's also kind of funny too that if you go back to that original dub line from the ocean dub Vegeta said that he's an average fighter now keep in mind that when we actually got a chance to see Bardock fight in the Bardock TV special for the first time which was effectively Canon to us at that time cuz that's all we had of him it didn't really look like Bardock was an average fighter would you say Mike the way that he performed against a lot of those characters and survived a direct hit from Doria it didn't really seem like he was an average fighter but that's just me Mike what do you say well yeah not to mention the fact that Bardock through the zenai was getting so strong that he was getting close to rivaling King Vegeta at the time who was weaker than Prince Vegeta but at the same time Prince Vegeta was aside from Broly the strongest Saiyan alive at the time so that goes to show you that uh Bardock wasn't an average fighter and he certainly wasn't a brilliant scientist he was actually a little stupid when you think about it well with that being said guys those have been the biggest Mandela effects in Dragon Ball Z and the greater Dragon Ball franchise let us know your own thoughts Down Below in the comments make sure to check out quam man's channel in the end screen and the description and make sure to stick around because there's a lot more to come in the future in the future yeah and you better to subscribe
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 49,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Biggest MANDELA EFFECTS In Dragon Ball Z, mandela effect, dbz mandela effect, dragon ball mandela effect, dragon ball inconsistencies, dragon ball misconceptions, dragon ball z misconceptions, bardock brilliant scientist, dbz dub changes, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, dragon ball gt, dragon ball daima, dbz, db, db super, dragon ball super 2, db daima, dragon ball d, laughing stock media, laughingstock media, qaaman, anime, manga
Id: lnpwIU555QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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