The BIGGEST Items That Were Removed From WoW In Cataclysm | Cataclysm Classic

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in cataclysm A lot changes from our classes major content features the world and well just about everything and with all that change a lot of things end up being removed from the game whether they were replaced were parts of old quests or just deemed outdated the post shattering world is set to be quite different back in the day of course it wasn't possible to know exactly what was going to be changing many players ended up feeling as though they missed out on the chance to farm something or didn't get an item they would have liked had they known transmog would be in the game in some cases with removed items they would return in a few months others took years to come back and some would be gone forever today though we have a much better idea of what will be removed and can make pretty good estimates of what you should be farming now so you don't miss out again of course word of warning here at the end of the day we don't know what blizzard is going to do in regards to all of these removed items there was even a post before BlizzCon last year about how blizzard were restoring tons of items to the game and people really thought they weren't going to release catter anyways today I'm going to try and cover the most interesting items or changes that may impact you and the things you may want preat launch I would treat this video as a kind of stuff you can collect now in Rafa the Lich King whilst waiting for the expansion in the event that they do get removed though because again we just don't know 100% until the expansion is out but first a quick word from today's sponsor hellofresh you all have heard of hellofresh by now and that's because it's America's number one meal kit service that delivers fresh ingredients and varied recipes to your door at affordable prices also at the moment whilst you're subscribed you'll get a free dessert with your box hellofresh offers over 30 calorie smart or protein smart recipes weekly all with pre- propop ingredients delivered straight to you and with so many options there should be something for everybody the convenience of hellofresh is really what makes the difference though you save time and money on sh shopping you save time in the kitchen and you'll get the exact amounts of what you need so nothing goes to waste anymore whether it's for Saving Time leveling up your cooking skill or just getting on track with better eating hellofresh is worth a try and if you check out my link you'll be able to save a bunch while you do so go to my link and use code willy6 FM and receive 16 free meals and a free dessert for Life while your subscription is active many thanks to hellofresh for sponsoring the video today let's get back to wow we'll start off on one of the bigger ones and something I already know a lot of people have been farming for some time and those will be the mounts that drop in Zar Rob so the Swift zolan tiger and the Rashi Raptor they will both be gone during the expansion Z will be reintroduced as a five player heroic dungeon this is expected to happen sometime between the launch of the expansion and the Firelands however both mounts themselves were removed from drop tables of zg as soon as C launched this could happen as early as the prepatch if blizzard are intending to go down that route once again with the absolute latest time possible to get them being if blizzard somehow keeps the old zg intact until it's revamp mid catter these mounts will go on to be readded to the black market auction house during a later expansion but that's going to be a very long wait and you're also going to need gold cap to have any real chance of getting them from that so yeah if you like either of these two mounts Now's the Time to farm them also don't forget zg is on a 3-day lockout and there's plenty of guides out there on how to solo everything you need to do next with caner the scepter of the shifting Sands quest line will become unavailable and its rewards will no longer be obtainable Elemental invasions and their rewards will also be gone when this happens to be honest the big item that's removed from this whole thing is the Epic cooking recipe durges kicking chimo chops it's a pretty obscure item but it can be that extra thing that dying hard collectors want to get and since it's still tradable there's going to be a market for it also speaking of things related to Gold the gold caping CER will be raised up to 1 million Rock delar Longbow of the ancient Keepers and lock dalar the staff from the same Quest as well as benediction or anathema will also be removed pretty much everything related to these two Epic Quest lines will cease to exist both the eyes of divinity and the ancient petrified Leaf from major Domo executives molten core will no longer drop and even if you do get them the NPCs you need to start the quest won't be in the game either so if you want to take off these unique experiences or just see how the quests are it'll have to be done sooner rather than later oh and you do get a feat of strength for doing it too well once we in Legion classic that is worth a mention too you don't need to bring douses to do Molton core anymore and R for the Lich King but you do have to defeat all the bosses that previously needed to be DED so in other words all of them this can be tricky though depending on your gear especially as a priest I'd try and find a priest and huntter Duo then one of you is always getting one of the drops because major Domo always drops one of them speaking of molten core Thunder Fury and the bindings are still in the game just in case you were wondering about that also towards the end of BFA blizzard started allowing legendaries to be transmed they might include this in cata if we have the retail transmog system implemented but who knows at the moment the shandar rep will also be on Kat NPCs from this faction were used for some diamore class Trinkets and enchants as well as quel sarra speaking of qu Sara that should be gone too but in any event you can already get a look alike versions from the WAP of the Lich King a nixia encounter and since shendel AR is gone in cater that means if you're going for the insane title that's one less reputation you need to grind however if you did grind it dur ref for the Lich King or before you'll get a feat of strength for doing so speaking of reputations there's one you might actually want to wait until C before you start it's one that's been around since vanilla and has one iconic reward I'm of course talking about the winter spring trainers it's just the grind to get the frost saber from them is kind of bad it's essentially here's a few repeatable quests go do them a few hundred times in a row I mean we're playing an MMO these are grindy games but it's not the most exciting Quest design ever anyway this changes in cata where the rep reward has moved to a system much closer to how the ravasaur train work in Wrath now you simply have to do a few introductory quests and then complete a daily 20 times in a row and you'll get your winter spring Frost saber reminder of course that mounts pets and eroms are count wide now so you can just go and park any alt there and take 10 minutes to do the quest every day and eventually you will have the account wide mounts both of these quests remain faction specific however so only horde can get the Raptor and Alliance the tiger all in all though this is a grind where although it changes in cat it becomes significantly less time intensive speaking of faction specific stuff I have something else which is sort of Alliance only at the moment but hordes can get a version of it too soon I'll explain what I mean the item is called dartol's Rod of transformation this is an alliance only Quest starting in Ashen Veil from rains cleansing and this Quest is very straightforwards to do with the in-game quest helper or any add-on eventually you'll make your dart's Rod of transformation and when you have it in your bag stop doing the quest immediately as completing the last stage of the quest will hand the item in and it will be gone forever but if you keep this item it's not a toy so it can't be stored in the toy tab nor will it be a count bound but it will allow you to transform into a fur bog for 3 minutes on a 1 minute cool down however blizzard also introduced another version of this item towards the end of cataclysm which is a reward from exalted with Timber more hold called The Stave of fur and Claw this has the exact same effect as the rod but it's on a 1hour cool down so if you ever wanted this effect on the hoorde it'll be possible and you can start grinding the ramp now it is worth a note this was not a toying cataclysm since the toy box didn't exist to Warlords of drao but for classic I imagine this will be changing next up is tier zero and tier5 or dungeon set one or two whatever you want to call them so tier zero will be removed from dungeon bosses that were able to drop it pre catter this means item sets such as dread Mist wildart devout all of those if you have the atlas Lo add-on you can navigate to the collections Tab and then pick dungeon sets on the subcategory and you'll be able to see all the different sets there also despite there being a set made with each class in mind these are not class restricted and one more thing is that the belt braces and gloves are binded on equip so go and check the auction house for those because prices are going to start going up and if you wanted to own a set of this transmog I would strongly suggest you go farm them now because although they are technically still available in cata it's going to take you to a very long time gated grind to get them again I'll go over why in a moment dungeon set two is a better version of set one wouldn't you have guessed and it's upgraded for a very lengthy and Epic Quest chain and that Quest chain is also gone in cater also if you start the quest chain now it is class specific for example you can't go upgrading the Sharman dungeon set on a warrior your Shaman will only see the shaman Quest the quest in question is an Earnest proposition which starts from Iber deliana in the throne room in n Forge or markv next to thr in oramar you're going to have to check up a guide for the rest of this Quest because it's absolutely enormous but if you wanted to start it that's where you need to go but in cataclysm the Dark Moon fair is totally revamped and both dungon set one and two become available on vendors as replicas that you can transmog in exchange for Dark Moon tickets the boots RIS gloves and belts are 55 tickets a piece and Helm shoulders legs and robe are 75 each estimations from back in the day reckoned it would be around 2 months to get a full set of armor and no you can't use the tickets you have at the moment I they're going to be changed into tattered Dark Moon tickets which you'll just have to vendor you will still get dark moon tickets from the fair for rewards but blizzard just basically reset everyone's currency so what I'm saying is dungeon set one is very easy to farm at the moment and if you want it I would do that before CER for sure dungeon set 2 might actually be easier to do in CER not only do you have to save yourself from doing the whole Quest but you have to turn in your set one gear for it to be upgraded so if you wanted both sets in advance of K you'd have to farm two full sets right now either way that's up to you just wanted to let you know about it another transmog item that's going to be taking a long break from the game is the black and Def armor since the dead mind is being overhauled this iconic drop from Edwin vancle is removed from the game certain def pieces do have a look alike items in C but this is the one that you're going to need to go and farm now if you want your full def themed transmog this item wouldn't see a return to the game until a hidden Rogue Quest was added in Legion and it's very easy to go farm now so go and grab it if you have a moment another transmog question I have is whether or not we will be able to transmog white or gray items you can do this in retail as of the start of dragon flight and that's opened up a lot more basic looks for the transmog enjoys to experiment with the reason I'm mentioning this here is that some of the shirts your characters start the game with are removed as part of the questing overhauling cater so if you didn't hang on to your shirt it may be unobtainable moving forwards you can easily just make a character now run them to a malebox and send their shirt though another feature to depart from the gaming cataclysm will be profession specializations and alongside them an absolute ton of different patterns and recipes I found a really good post from 2012 of a huge list of things related to professions that were taken out of the game whether it was due to losing profession specs NPCs being replaced or reps being removed there is a big older list of stuff here which if CER happens the same way as it did back then will not be in the game anymore I will say that nearly everything here has been readed into the game in one way or another but most of this stuff making a return has happened after Legion so if you're a big collector and there's something you would possibly want for Trans marog or just to have in your collection now is the time to go and get it so you know you'll have it I'll link this page in the comments or description too there's also another link I found about items that were previously removed in Kata that were restored back in dragonflight recently in patch 10.1.2 again assum items here may not be in the game when Kata comes out it's a lot to go over but I just wanted to give you some resources in case you wanted to try and check this stuff out and those are some of the bigger things I expect to leave the game alongside the release of cataclysm again we don't know what blizzard is going to do in regards to all of these items being removed yet Perhaps these days it makes more sense to keep things around or at least bring in vendors from future expansions if we get any information that changes what you might want to go and farm in regards to things I've covered in this video I'll do an update in the comments but until then this should give you some ideas of what you can be farming now in anticipation of the release of cat classic definitely let me know if there are any other big things which are removed that your farming in advance of Kata though in the comments down below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you on the next one very [Music] [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: WillE
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Keywords: cataclysm classic, cataclysm, cata classic, wille, tier 11, tier 11 guide, tier 11 heroic, cata dps, cata heal, wotlk best dps, cata pve, cata leveling guide, cata leveling, cata pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2024, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2024, mmo 2024, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc
Id: I53mm9lSWRI
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Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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