THE BIG SECRET on why your small engine won't start!

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[Music] hello and welcome back to chicanic first i need to give a huge thank you to everybody that like subscribed and watched the last video how to fix your lawnmower in 10 minutes with a 13 part we just had over 100 000 views and that's sort of crazy to me but i'm glad i could help and i want to thank everybody for such the nice kind comments that you left i will leave a link above if you haven't seen that video yet but i'll also leave a link at the end of this video if you'd like to check it out the most comments i got on there was why i didn't tell people that they should run their mower dry at the end of the season and that they should use a good fuel stabilizer that's because that video is for people that didn't do that and now we're going to tell you what you should use to avoid doing all that fixing and hopefully it'll work out for you to let you know a little bit about me i took two years of small engine repair in school when i got out i worked at a lawnmower repair shop for two years and in 2011 my husband and i we opened up our own repair shop and we've been doing it ever since we fix about 2 000 pieces of equipment every year and i can tell you for a fact that at least 60 percent of everything that comes in has bad gas or surprise water everybody has water in their gas no one knows how it got in there but it does i think that it just sucks it in out of the air i don't trust gas anymore it doesn't last regular gas doesn't last 60 days without some kind of stabilizer in it so what we do since we work on so much stuff that people don't come pick up right away and we don't want to fix it again before it goes bad we put ethanol shield in everything that we work on now there are tons of fuel stabilizers out there that can probably do just the same i have found that this works and so i stick with it this bottle is four ounces and it mixes to 20 gallons of gas for two and four cycle and 40 gallons for auto and marine it rejuvenates all of your rubber components your diaphragms your needle tips your fuel lines and it also reduces the temperature of your engine while it's running and it eats water i'm going to show you how it does that here in just a second this little tiny vial of water that amount of water can completely make any machine not run and what ethanol shield does is it combines i say it eats the water it doesn't really eat it it like becomes one with the water so if we're going to put the ethanol shield in here you can see that it is still separated the water is heavier than the ethanol shield at first we're going to put the lid on and what we're going to do we're going to give it a little shake the ethanol shield eats it i don't know what it does it becomes one with the water so instead of the water being able to settle because water's heavier than gasoline it'll settle in your carburetor in the bottom of your tank and then it'll corrode your carburetor it'll turn into a white nasty crusty substance it will actually help it mix with the gas fight and this also fights the ethanol and then burn through your uh your you know go through your carburetor and burn through your cylinders so you don't have to worry about it so i've had this one sitting for about 45 minutes and it still has not separated so ethanol shield is is the best i find it a little funny though because when i first started selling this about 10 years ago they had on the outside of the bottle that it was a fuel stabilizer for three years and i don't care what gas you get ethanol free or whatever gas does not last anymore i don't know what they're doing to it but they do not want it to last especially if you're just buying regular 89 octane it has like a 60-day lifespan before it won't want to run in a two-cycle engine i i don't know what it is but it won't now everybody is really confused on how the water got in there in the first place first of all i'm from arkansas it is extremely humid you can see by the sweat on my face right now i think that the bottles can sweat i think that it sucks it in out of the air there's been times i've set gas on my on my workbench as i'm working and in a matter of 10 minutes if it's a real human day you can see water accumulating on the bot in the bottom of my cup so whenever it is in your gas and i think you can go to a gas station and if it's churned up at that certain time you're just gonna you might get a bad batch it might have debris in it you never know gas is is so unreliable anymore so i'm going to put a little bit of water in this gas and you're going to be able to see it separate from the gasoline i think you can hopefully see that there and what happens i think once once you have a build-up of gas in the bottom of your gas tank and you go to start your mower up the first year even if you have a completely dry tank this has been sitting in your shop for six months you don't think about it you're just gonna put your gas in you go to pour it in the water being heavier than the gas is gonna slide out faster than the gas is so you're gonna fill up really first with water instead of gasoline so yeah that's the big secret if you're gonna bring your any kind of equipment to the shop the first thing you need to do before you bring it in there don't have bad gas in it try it just i mean there's multiple times probably you know 50 of the time that i just drain the water out put fresh gas in it prime the stink out of it and it starts running and that would save you you know i only charge like 750 or 1550 if i got to do some more stuff but still it's something that you can do yourself and get you going that day now i did have some people ask about mechanic in a bottle it is another b3c b3c makes ethanol shield they also make mechanic in the bottle it is a product that you can put into your machine and it will help rejuvenate all of your rubber components and flush some of your system out and it is really good stuff now i do it for a living i work on two cycles my husband works on the riders so we can't sit around and wait for things to be fixed we have to actually take them apart and clean them and make sure that they're going to run right mechanic in the bottle is good stuff if you have a two cycle trimmer and you have just take out your gas your old gas put some mechanic in the bottle in your gas tank suck it up into your carburetor with your primer bulb let it sit for overnight and then make sure you prime it all out though because it doesn't like to run on mechanic in the bottle but it will help rejuvenate all of your diaphragms your primer bulb your fuel lines your rubber components once you prime all that out get some gas in there flush it through and most the time you're good to go so thank you all for tuning in hopefully this video saved you some time money and frustration in the future um sometimes the simplest explanation is the solution so check out our next video coming up on wednesday on how to fix your pull rope and if you haven't yet please give me a like and a subscribe thanks have a great day wait don't click away yet i almost forgot to tell you in the description below i will be adding links to where you can find your own ethanol shield and mechanic in the bottle although i do highly recommend you trying to find somewhere to shop local your small engine repair shop in your own town support local small business i truly hope you will do that first also if you would follow us on facebook at we uh post pictures of some of the crazy stuff that comes in the shop there and we'd love to have you as a friend and a follow thanks again for checking out youtanix have a great day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Chickanic
Views: 363,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small engine, repair, stabilizer, won't start, briggs, stihl, echo, Husqvarna, troy bilt, ethanol, gas
Id: oVipAna4kYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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