Diagnosing, Fixing and Fails! A Typical Day at My Small Engine Shop! How to Repair!

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[Music] hey y'all thanks for tuning back in chanic I hope everybody's having a great week spring has sprung here in Arkansas and the shop is super slammed I have a ton of Two Strokes to fix today so I thought I would bring yall along with me for some diagnosing and repairs let's see what I got now you think that I would have a bunch of trimmers but my commercial guys brought in a bunch of chainsaws because we just had a superstorm here in Arkansas and uh they are busy so I'm going to just I guess start out with the first one here what do we got will start won't stay running hus Varna 572 XP let's check it out now when it comes to anything you're working on doesn't matter if it's a chainsaw trimmer or blower the first thing you're going to do is check the fuel like they said it will start but won't stay running so everybody that comes in in the springtime has water in their gas it's just something that you want to make sure is not the issue so I got my little pipette here I'm going to suck some gas out of the bottom of the tank and although I do not see any water a little bit of debris give it a little smell test it smells okay but it looks very clear let me show you I don't know it looks pretty clear to me it might have oil in it I'll know more once I get it poured out out I'm going to go ahead and check the piston and cylinder and see if it's burned up because this is a $1,000 chainsa guys let's break out [Music] my compression tester my HD endoscope so we're going to remove this air filter cover get the spark plug out of here let me see oh please don't be burned up I can't tell from this side but it looks really dry let's break out the endoscope I leave these in the description box below every single one of my videos a lot of times they go on sale um this isn't a de Tech HD oscope it's got a little camera on the end one of the coolest tools ever that way I can look inside at the cylinder walls and see if they're scored and uh it makes it a lot simpler than having to pull the muffler every time but sometimes even though you don't see any scoring on this side I would probably still pull the muffler just to make sure but cuz right now now this one's looking good oh hopefully we caught it let me show you what I'm looking at here this is the wall towards the exhaust side and it really doesn't look that bad in fact I can still see the cross thatching so hopefully hopefully it's not burned up let's check compression my Mighty Vac compression tester it's also in the description box below now all these tools are things that I use every single time I work on anything so got to put it in the floor to pull on it showing 140 lbs of compression that's good so I don't know surprisingly with the Piston cylinder looking like it's almost brand new maybe it's just a bad batch of gas and it never got to running so let's hope I'm going to pour this fuel out and put some of my fuel in it start her up see what she does so I don't know what's all in there that sawdust or what but yeah there's a bunch of debris in this gas show you the inside of the tank here yeah we got a bunch of debris down there in the bottom of the tank I got to get all that out that's where these pipets come in super handy because a lot of times it doesn't matter how you pour these out you're not able to get everything out of the crevices now with all that debris I am going to go ahead and change the fuel filter just to be safe and make sure that's not the issue because H's cronas are really bad about that um I've seen it plenty of times if they don't have a clean fuel filter they will run for a little bit and and bog out and die on you so it's always definitely something to check go ahead and pop in a new plug Prime choke on big foot in there give it a full few love PS popped off off joke wants to huh let take this dirty air filter off throttle with the foot [Music] a now at this point we know we got good fuel we were giving it plenty of air taking off that dirty air filter it shouldn't have been starting and dying like that so it's either not getting enough fuel or getting too much let's pull the plug and see if it's wet or dry and it is dry still not getting enough gas all right so I'm pretty sure that this thing is not getting the gas that it needs something is up with this carburetor unfortunately it does not have a high and low adjustment has a a autotune system on it so to see if we can get it going again I have to try a reset on it I'm going to take it outside I'm going to let it idle hopefully for 3 minutes and that supposedly will reset the entire system once I do that I'm going to have to put it in Wood continuously at a high idle for 45 seconds until it all resets I guess we're going to try it uh let me go throw some chaps on okay I got the air filter cleaned out because it does need to be on when you're doing this reset to make sure that it's getting the correct air flow and uh got my chaps safety apparel because I know you guys like me to wear my hair in protection I'm going to put it back together Take It Outside and we're going to try this reset see what she does for [Music] well looks like I can't reset it so what do I do now I'm not a hus Varna dealer I do not have their four five $6,000 computer system machine to plug it up to and see what's going wrong with it I uh don't have a high or low adjustment to give it any more gas than it needs I'm sort of stuck and as a homeowner they'd be stuck too now I get to go to my customer and tell them that he has to take it to the husna dealer 45 minutes away but I think I'm going to give my buddies over at hbar call and see if they can give me any insight on what I should do and maybe let my viewers know about let's move on to the next one next in line we've got a won't start let's see what we got up in here o an oldie but goody an 029 these are one of my favorite sauce at least I know if I do need to adjust the fuel on this one I still can so first thing we're going to do like always check the gas a little suck suck and we have nothing inside of it definitely won't start if I have no fuel let's put some gas in it before I waste any gas I do want to check the uh piston and cylinder make sure that we're not working on a dead machine take a little look she up in there oh yeah still looks party oh got a first fire plug in there definitely going to change that too all right few love pools h [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] w oh [Music] now I'm not really sure what that was about put gas in it started up of course she's not running perfect yet but that's I could tell she's going to As Long As I you know keep running her just a little bit obviously it's set for a long period of time the diaphragms might be hardened not letting the gas flow through it's getting better and better The more I've run it I made a video about this a couple videos back that if you have something that's been sitting for a while with no gas in it it will dry out those diaphragms they do need to get pliable again to start pumping that gas correctly and I will do that instead of just going gung-ho and adjusting the carburetor because if I do that I could give it the gas that it needs but once it's ran for a while and those diaphragms do loosen up it will start letting too much gas go through so I don't want that to happen so I'm just going to run it some more and hopefully she levels out if she doesn't I can always adjust let's go to the next next in line I have a echo cs490 this thing needs a handle so I have one ordered can't fix that one today next in line I've got a husana 450 Rancher um the pull rope is all the way out on this one this was in the shop a while back I put a um new pulley in it and lubed his spring up because it was so caked full of chainsaw dust debris that it just kept locking up and and the pull rope kept sticking out cleaned it up worked fine he said it progressively got worse and worse again and now it's just stuck out so let's tear open and see what's going on inside so not saying that this rewinds going to do it but anytime that you have a pull rope completely pulled out like this and you go to loosen your four screws to take it off make sure you're holding on to the handle in the Rope because sometimes you can loosen it up and all of a sudden this thing will shoot back in and you'll get hurt so I'm going to loosen it up here and it might not but it has happened ask me how I know this one is no though well there it goes a little bit a little spring to it let's take it apart see what's going on well one thing I do notice is this second piece that you got the Rope rewind pulley right here and then this is like your uh starter PW catcher for your dogs and it is off set right here look it's flipped over the edge on this side here it is right and then you can see it's hanging over so let me loosen that up while while I hold on to the rope and see yeah that spring is wankered there see now it goes back in I need to check this spring well Spring's not in the best of shape there let's see what we got going on yeah one point it popped out okay so this is why I don't like the spring assist for my commercial users because they are starting these things over and over again all day long and the spring assist just really is not made for this now the way this is designed it's got the rewind spring underneath it to retract the Rope back in it but then the spring assist part it's got this double ended spring here one little prong goes into this pulley down here see if I can get it in there go in your hole the holes boogered up because it was ripped out of it but one side goes down there another side goes in here and then it sort of like alleviates some of the pressure as you're and tension as you're pulling on it so what I'm going to do so he doesn't have this issue anymore I'm getting rid of his spring assist and what I keep in stock is this pulley right here and it's pretty much the same exact thing as this but it's all in one it's got the whole rope pulley with the dog catcher part all together so we're just getting rid of this extra spring assist because it's just going to cause them lots of issues now I don't want to just take this pulley out because there's tension on the spring right now and I do not want the spring to come out I it might have something covering it but I do not know so I'm going to pull this out just a little bit and we're going to have to replace the Rope because I've got to cut the knots off at the end and I don't want to make it too short anyway so I'm going to hold on to this as I let it gently loosen up now I can take the pulley out without the spring oh well it's got the cover on it but yeah we didn't want to mess with it so yeah that's that's been used we're going to put this one in with a new rope now I usually cut about 34 to 36 in on my pull ropes this takes size three and a half um we're going to go maybe bend it up a little bit it's got a hole right there in the center I'm going to have it come out timee me a little nut [Music] that's good now I can put it back on the spring it's in place we can go ahead and put our screw down tighten that up we're going to go ahead and bring our pull rope out of our eyelet hole here on the side cover put our handle back on make an extra big knot so it doesn't go through the handle I'm going to bring it around to this little notch in the rewind and we know that when it retracts it goes this way so I'm going to go the opposite way to give it that tension that it needs I'm pretty much just going to keep twisting until it really doesn't want uh to turn anymore we are we're pretty much there so I'm going to bring this rope oh come on go just a little bit there we go all right and then we can let it go back in there just like that perfect now he'll never have the problem again now I'm going to go pull on it check the running and I'm done oh my God what that that guy just jumped out of there e e all right try that again well ain't got no gas in it but the pull rope is fixed next all righty last two I've got a really scary looking MS 290 steel or a 40-year-old 045 now the Ste says won't start the 045 said I think will start needs to be adjusted me money mo let's go with the 045 and see what she does all right like on all of them the first thing I check is the fuel and we have no fuel all right let me check it fuel filter make sure it has one it does first we are going to check the cylinder make sure we're not working on a dead machine bring that pist in down o this one's hard to see in but from what I can see it looks good all right got some old benzo plug in there though I don't even know what that is I am going to put a plug all right all right we got it turned on put it on choke see what she does thing is running away with itself let's see if the throttle in too much absolutely not sometimes you got your high and your low and your throttle and your and the throttle is adjusting your throttle lever inside your carburetor so if you have it pushed in it's constantly leaving it open giving it that air but this is not touching it at all so that's not our issue I'm going to check the settings see if we're at factory H they had that one out about the low about one and a quarter usually you wanted at 3/4 but I'm going to go ahead pull it out about 3/4 the high you want about at one they had it in about one they had it out about one and a half I'm going to go out one let let's see what she does all right I don't know if I need to choke [Music] it does not want to idle let's go in on the throttle just a little bit shake it [Applause] again come on come on a little bit more let's see just a bit just a bit the the stop button was still in the stop position this stop button doesn't work so I had to push it down really hard come on show it again all right oh a come on dang it [Applause] man gosh this thing is running too sporadic and the adjustments aren't doing much yeah something's not good now this thing could either be sucking air or need carburetor work and just to do a pressure test on it is not a fun thing to do you have to take apart the carb Ator take off the muffler get everything closed up um it's going to be a large charge just to do that on these old saws once they get to 40 years old when I'm busy like this it's not something that I'm going to do right now during the winter time when I'm slow I definitely dig into it but uh this one I'm going to take a pass on it's just too much of a gamble so next all right last but not least MS 290 looks like it's been Road hard put up wet see what's going on it's a won't start now some of you have heard me say ain't got no gas in it and you know what I'm referencing Sling Blade uh movie that was actually filmed here in Arkansas and I got to go to see Stevie Nicks a couple weeks ago in Little Rock and it was an awesome show but before I went I went and stopped by Benton to the Sling Blade Cafe uh here's some pictures where I got to sit exactly where Billy Bob Thorton was sitting in the movie when he did the cafe scene and got his french fried taters and so that was really cool the burger there was phenomenal it looks like I have no meat on there I did order their smallest size Patty but it was delicious fries were delicious and uh it was really cool to go check out where they filmed that section of that movie in so let's get into this one first like always we're got to check the gas and there's nothing in it now this guy that has this all is the same one that owned the 290 that it was in the box that all I did was put gas in that sat for a long time and um and it's going to end up running just fine after I run it for just a little bit once get those diaphragms loosened back up so we're going to check something just fell out of it check the cylinder make sure we're not putting gas into a dead machine that's a little dry looking oh oh oh no oh no yeah won't start let's look inside guys okay so let's break out the de Tech HD indos scope I love this thing so y I can show y'all the Carnage from within okay let's see I'm gonna show you right there I'm going to go inside here yeah look at that look at all them lines those up and down lines and I do have a lot of people comment a lot of times like well what what does that mean um when you look inside of a cylinder if you have up and down scoring lines like that that means it is burned up okay it's never going to run right without a piston and cylinder um this thing is toast all the way around I hope that shows up there's a really nice scratch there so yeah if you um are working on something you want to see at least either no scratches or cross thatching left and right that's excellent but you definitely if it has any up and down scoring like that even if it's just a few lines you could be working on a dead machine so what we learn today guys even though my repair shop would get in over 2,000 pieces of equipment every single year not all those pieces of equipment actually got repaired a lot of things would come in dead a lot of things would come in that were too old to be repaired a lot of things we did repair so I got what two out of six today which my that's not good odds at the same time though that's just an all in a day's work so guys thanks again for tuning in to chanic if you find yourself coming back to my channel over and over again think about hitting that subscribe button it helps out the algorithm to make my videos shown to more people to save them time money and frustration in the future if you haven't found me at Facebook find me at facebook.com/ chanic find me on Instagram at the real chanic or find me at chic.com if you'd like to see a video of me turning some shop trash into treasure check this video out right here [Music]
Channel: Chickanic
Views: 209,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steel, stihl, echo, red armor, oil, trimmer, weed, eater, blower, hedge trimmer, how to fix, dyi, briggs, honda, kohler, Husqvarna, shindaiwa, craftsman, Murray, murry, Troy-Bilt, cable, broken, no fire, John Deere, Deer, Deck, belt, Spindle, blades, seal, rider, transmission, Briggs, Intek, camshaft, chipper, shredder, log splitter, carburetor, rebuild, MTD, Remington, Simpson, Small Engine, Chickanic, will it run, engine, poulan, locked up, Coocheer, adjust, fine tune, Mantis, tiller
Id: vK8XmK9aE0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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