The Big Life Lesson Hillary Clinton Learned From Her Mom’s Tough Upbringing

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she's a former first lady a Secretary of State who became the first woman in history to earn a major party's nomination for president yes Tim fam secretary Hillary Clinton is here joining us for the latest episode of our candid conversation series secretary Clinton's long been recognized for her vision and courage in advancing the rights of women and girls around the world and now in the docu-series gutsy based on her 2019 New York Times bestseller the book of gutsy women that she wrote with her daughter Chelsea the mother-daughter Duo are sharing intimate conversations with women they describe as forces of nature secretary Clinton is busier than ever in fact after this live show she is heading to Tennessee but right now this is the moment that matters please welcome to The Tam fam secretary Hillary Clinton oh please well that's the Tam fam welcome congratulations on the renewal and more stations thank you thank you and congratulations to you on the list of many things gutsy you're you're kind of a talk show host if you will well you know you know Beth and your caliber but you know this uh program on Apple TV plus was so much fun to highlight amazing women and Chelsea and I had the best time it has been phenomenal to watch I have to tell you I've been scrolling through your social media and a few days ago you posted this one celebrating uh your days in the White House's first lady let's put that one up it was actually beautiful it inspired my outfit today you said spring is in the air I mean I I look at your your extraordinary life from the governor's mansion in Arkansas the White House the state department you've met nearly every foreign leader and traveled to 112 countries and I thought this morning does she even have a bucket list at this point I mean what else could be on the list oh you know I do Tamarin I have a a really long bucket list because there are so many extraordinary people around the world who are doing the best they can under often really difficult circumstances I just got back from India where I worked with a group called The self-employed women's Association they work with poor women who get out there every day they work in construction they work in you know as Market vendors they work raking salt and I'm so inspired by people who get up every day and do the best they can and so I'm going to keep doing everything I can to help them we were in India for for four weeks there um it's interesting how you talk about the women there because I I have to get personal here you posted a photo in December of yourself at age three with your mother Dorothy one of my first memories of feeling connected to you was hearing you talk about your mother um she was abandoned as a child right face adversities of an unimaginable proportion and when I saw that picture it took me back uh in so many ways to how I felt as a young woman in the 90s first watching you because we are the product of the women who raise us and that doesn't always mean mom that means these women who root for us right you post that picture when you go back in time to that moment and you talk about how we evolve and how we talk about Womanhood she makes so much of your journey relatable oh thank you well she she was my main inspiration and role model and as you say she had a really really rough time growing up and when I learned about her life as a teenager I was so stunned because she was a loving and caring involved mom but she had no role model she didn't know how to do that because that wasn't her experience and it just proved to me how important it is you know to give people a chance you know my mother when I asked her how did you make it when you were so neglected by your own family and she goes she said to me at every point along my life somebody showed me kindness somebody reached out and helped me whether it was a teacher or when she left her grandparents home at the age of 13 and went to work in somebody else's home the woman in that house understood my mother wanted to go to high school so she said okay Dorothy if you get your work done before um you know the kid when the kids get up get them off to school you can go to high school you have to come right back you have to make dinner and everything but for my mother it was like what a kindness I get to go to school so I think about my mom all the time in the work that I do with the Clinton Foundation the Clinton Global initiative all of the work around the world because there are a lot of little Dorothy's out there you know who deserve that kind of help and we know hopefully there are a lot of little secretary Clinton's their eyes who see that glass ceiling that was cracked yeah they see a space for them well you're an example of that look at you look at you thank you thank you um in your Memoir uh what happened which was released obviously in the wake of 2016 you wrote it's hard to be a woman you must think like a man act like a lady look like a young girl and work like a horse a sign that hangs in my house um I I was wondering in in difficult moments for you do you pivot to that space up everything happens for a reason is that how your thinking handles those you know not always um because there are such terrible things that happen I don't know what the reason is I try to figure it out I it's beyond my capacity to understand but I do think okay why did this happen what can we do about it how do we get people to work together to make it better I I think I'm an actual and Veteran Problem Solver anytime I see something that is going wrong I think okay what can we do how do we bring people together and to me that's what you're supposed to do I mean when when you are given the opportunity to make a difference to have a platform don't use it just for yourself use it as you do to bring people out introduce your audience hear and and literally across the country and what I try to do so like what you said I was in India I drove way out into the desert um to see women who make their living by literally raking salt in the middle of the desert they're they're pulling this salt they're there for months that's how they're watching I'm they're watching them I'm there talking to them I'm there trying to figure out what can we do to help them and one thing that was done to help them is to install solar panels to help power the pumps that lift the water from Underground to put it out on the top of the desert so that it can be evaporated so it leaves the salt instead of using diesel so you move from fossil fuels that are polluting the environment to solar my gosh there's so much sun up there and so these women now are making more money because they own the solar panels and then when they you know and when they when they finish with their salt raking at the end of the season which is in April they take those solar panels back to their Villages and like their Villages so I'm always trying to think how do you help people do things better that make it you know easier but you know more positive for them you know it brings me to a thought that I've always wondered about you is are you born this way or do life experiences make you the compassionate Problem Solver and it takes me back to something I've always wanted to play and get your reaction and so here I am on live TV the commencement speech you gave when you graduate at College the first time I heard it the audio it stopped me in my tracks my team got it for me I said I just need to play it and I need to watch her listen to it let's play secretary Clinton's commencement speech when she graduated part of the problem with just empathy with professed goals is that empathy doesn't do us anything we've had lots of empathy we've had lots of sympathy but we feel that for too long our leaders have viewed Politics as the art of the possible and the challenge now is to practice politics is the art of making what appears to be impossible possible oh wow yeah well I still believe that I know I I you know I I really I really still believe that and I really believe we all need to believe that right now we need to believe we can be doing more than we're doing we can be better than we are we can get through all the divisiveness and the mean-spiritedness and the finger pointing and everything that's going on and try to find some common ground and to lift up who we are and and what is possible so yeah I am the same person and you know I think about that is it nature nurture and the like and it's both I mean if you if you if you weren't born with the stamina and the endurance you know as unfortunately too many people are it would be difficult so you do have to start with that but it's the exposure it was certainly you know my mother's life my mother's teaching my my church my youth Minister my teachers in public school everybody who I encountered as a child in those years back in the 50s and 60s they were filled with possibility and they wanted to light that light in everybody around them
Channel: Tamron Hall Show
Views: 19,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tamron Hall, Tamron Hall Show, Tamron, daytime television, interviews, celebrity, celeb, celebrity interviews, tv, abc, Disney
Id: tDF1UfAj1Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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