Hillary Clinton on the Howard Stern Show Pt. 1

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I am really excited Hillary Clinton is here former senator former first lady former Secretary of State look at you Wow I can't even believe it there you are can I just stare at you for a while this is so exciting for me yeah I'll let you get you'll see you don't know yet thank you I mean I don't know if you read this piece of mine but um my fantasy was not only to meet you but to tell you what a hero you were to me and how special you are to me and your level of expertise and everything you've done to sit here and get to tell you that is very exciting for me well thank you and I was a I was such a big supporter of yours even going back the first time you ran for president when you were running against Obama and people forget how close that really was it was it was really touch and go as to who was going to really get the nomination that's right and I didn't until you know in the 2016 campaign yeah right yeah in the 2016 campaign yeah but you know I have so much too talked about but but you know yet because to me you had the experience that I wanted in a president and when and even when you were Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said you were like an incredible secretin and he is the gold standard the guy's a brilliant guy right right I mean all of the work you've done and all the public service that's what I want in a president I need somebody proven well we do need that don't we we do need it we really do need it I know and well first of all let's get this out of the way you've written this book with your daughter right the book of gutsy women right and I was shocked no Oprah you know we left out some of the best known people like Oprah or Michelle Obama for example or Angela Merkel could they get enough well we thought that you know first of all they do a great speaking for themselves and everybody knows they're gutsy right what is gutsy mean to be a gutsy woman it means having that determination that persistence to not only achieve something for yourself but also to make a positive difference for others you know I'm interested in people who are successful and there are many of them obviously men and women but I'm especially interested in people who overcome unbelievable obstacles because they believe in something bigger than themselves I was thinking this book is like an award show like it is Hillary would I call you madam secretary or what I call you senator I think it's Madam Secretary right yes or Hilary no forget Hillary I'm not going to we don't know we don't know but it's Madam Secretary right yeah that's the latest thing right that you always take the latest thing and and although being a senator is very cool it's really cool wait is it weird for you when you're a senator and you go everyday to the Senate and you and it's and there's not that many senators so you get to know them on a personal level and you're friendly with them but allah then you announce you're gonna run for president and they're so scummy to you i mean nasty is it mind-blowing to you to have to absorb that kind of betrayal it's surprising sometimes and you know what really has surprised me more than anything is because you're right it's a hundred people and you're in little elevators with them you're on the floor the senate late into the night these mom used to do things they don't do much now but it used to be that you were constantly there you were working on things eat lunch with them and it's intense and you're making coalitions all the time howard so sometimes you know senator x will be against you but then tomorrow you've got something that he can really help you on and you join forces and I worked with practically every Republican when I was there for eight years and then when you decide to run for president and you just turn on the TV there's some guy who's actually like a friend of yours who you consider that you know they admire you yet they go on and right away it's like they're there they're screaming about yeah but you know there's like a spectrum you expect some of it you know some of the Republicans that I served with never said a bad word about me I've never said a bad word about them a lot of them do the obligatory well you know she's a Democrat I'm a Republican so obviously I have to say something but then there are those who have kind of fallen off the edge and have so changed their personality in my view their politics like a Lindsey Graham like a Lindsey Graham like is he blowing your mind now because he's a completely different guy he you know I traveled with him because he was you know a very good buddy of John McCain who I admired and and liked enormous ly so I traveled all over the world with McCain and Lindsey and other senators and Lindsey was good company he was funny he was self-deprecating he also believed in climate change back in those days man yes well you would say I'm concerned about the future for my children well he doesn't have any children but he was concerned about the future yeah absolutely and so I saw him as somebody who you know had been working to try to figure out what he believed and how he could do things as he sold his suit to the devil I don't know the answer to that I think that's a fair question however and and what I don't understand is how he went from being the friend and and the you know real confidant of the Maverick John McCain who you know I didn't agree with politically but I found him to be a man of integrity as a man of you know real strength of conviction the guy spent five years as a prisoner of war you ever been to Hanoi have you seen that cell he stayed in for five years it's a tiger cage got it I mean it's unbelievable and so I admire John I became really friendly with him I felt like he was a true friend and so then Lindsey all of a sudden you know John McCain tragically dies too soon after standing up for health care which was astounding and so in character for him and now you know I don't know what's happened to Lindsey Graham I I'll be honest with you I haven't talked to him in long he wrote you know how Time magazine has like the top 100 people all that one year back in a couple of years ago when I was in it he wrote the tribute to me and then now it's like he it's like he had a brain snatch you know like if you saw him I don't know where you would run into it like that but I assume if you saw him would you even go over and say hello to him maybe you would I don't maybe he wouldn't I mean he has been vicious to you well and to a lot of people I mean it's not just me I would say would you be cordial I I probably would try to be yeah I would be you know I went to the inauguration days of my life I am assuming with that I was thinking about you that day I was watching you more than I was watching me rump first of all I don't even know how you get past you've got three million more votes than I got it right in my mind you won the election the Electoral College I can't explain that I don't under more who felt it was his rights we're gonna be denied but the majority of the people in the country voted for you you got the job done great when you stand in there watching this guy uh what the hell is going through your head why are you just I would imagine you were on antidepressants that day you know how here's how I felt about it I mean obviously I was crushed I was disappointed and I was really surprised because I couldn't figure out what had happened and you hadn't even written a losing speech when you lost that now you ain't only victory in my know and and every everything was pointed in that direction so when he's going to be inaugurated I was going as a former first lady right that was the reason I was there I was no longer in the Senate I was a secretaries of state don't usually attend so I was what your sense of duty is my husband was president I was first lady and this is what we say to the country there's continuity that is exactly how I felt and a lot of people said to me don't put yourself through that don't go and I said look I ran for president because I love this country I wanted to serve this country I thought I would have been a really good president I want here would have been spectacular well your alberene yeah I hope our own affairs yep but I'd be crushing NATO right now I don't think so no no we need them but are you standing up so so I said to myself I said to everybody who talked to me about it look I hope he's gonna be a better president then I think he will be I'm worried about it but I'm gonna do everything I can as I told him when I called him you know that terrible night wow I did I said you know I said look you know Donald I want you to be a good president I will do whatever I can to help you so you know we're in that generation or was he assort was so shocked he couldn't he was shocked right and so when I got there you know go ahead get out there you put on the best face possible and I'm you know bill and I are sitting with George and Laura Bush and then he started on that speech which was so bizarre and that's when I got really worried I thought wait a minute it wasn't rational it's not rational but it's also not it's not politics it's not what a president does a president is supposed to try to reach out to people who weren't for him or her you're supposed to say okay I'm gonna be the president of everyone those who supported me and those who didn't because we're gonna pull the country together I'd hoped that I would hear a little of that I didn't hear any of that and then that carnage in the street and the dark dystopian vision I was sitting there like just wow couldn't believe in george w bush says to me well that was some weird and and don't you think that these guys in the republican party who were even running against him in the primary who had horrible things to say about him do you think they secretly look at something like that a moment like that and go oh my God we're in for a horrible scene or or do you think they're all and I don't know I don't think they were all in in the beginning I think that they were still trying to make sense of it it was the ones that I knew but a lot of the ones who have spoken out against him have decided to leave politics that's right they speak out then they say they're retiring but isn't that cowardly I think it is yeah that's why we hired well first of all Howard it's not just these are not just political differences look if I had lost to a normal Republican I would have been unhappy right but I wouldn't have had that pit in my stomach like what the heck what is going to happen what's he gonna do next his impulsiveness his vindictiveness where does this lead so I think that a lot of Republicans also thought oh we can control him we can manage and we can do this and I think what they now have to be considered is just you know cowardly are we what goes through your mind when he's got these people revved up lock her up lock her up lock her up you know even now it's still lock her up are you are you afraid for your own life honestly honestly I have been in the past and remember some months ago the guy who was inspired by him started sending pipe bombs around yeah you know to me to former President Obama and others so clearly he he just incites these these deep irrational and unfortunately sometimes violent emotions some of the people who have gone into synagogues and and churches and Walmart's and other places and shot them up and murdered people have clearly been unleashed I don't want to say it's a direct cause I don't think that's fair but people are amped up people are amped up and there's always been look human nature being what it is there's always been a lot of you know emotions that people have biases prejudices attitudes anti-semitism racism whatever it is but you're supposed to in a civilization try to keep that down I mean that's part of the job of leaders and it's also the part of the job of self disciplining yourself you know you can say okay yeah I may not like that kind of person but I would never say that or I'd never do that but he has made it possible for all the worst impulses it's like Pandora's box lift the top off and things start flooding out that's difficult to get back into the box there was something sweet I read I don't know if it's true the night of the election you know and and I can't imagine the despair you were feeling I mean but going through a campaign first of all when I think about these campaigns brutal they are brutal you know what I think is the most brutal part and this is an outsider looking in when you have to sit and do like Saturday Night Live and do these comedy sketches you're not a comedian yeah you're a very serious woman you're an academic if and I mean that it would praise you went to Yale you're an attorney you have served presidents you have you've done some incredible you've been a United States Senator you cared about health care you cared about all these now you're running for office and you gotta go eat hot dogs at the hot dog contest and all that stuff is such BS and when I'm watching on Saturday Night Live with these sketches I know you're being a good sport because you have to show your personality and your self effacing and all this stuff but it's got to be a nightmare for someone like you it's got to be you know it's outside my comfort zone let me be honest nonsense well it is nonsense but like you know Saturday Night Live I've always enjoyed going on even though it's not easy for me because you're right I'm not a you know comedian by any stretch of the imagination so I don't mind that at all I don't really mind that I I like doing things that other people enjoy and appreciate so that's not a problem what I find most challenging is you know politics has to be entertaining to a certain extent because you got to attract people's attention you know they're not you know professional entertainers you know like you are but they are you know people have to have that personality okay I get all of that and I'm you know I'm willing more than willing to try but what I really don't understand is how we have almost trivialize politics to the point that it's about nothing but entertainment I mean the coverage of it is so superficial and these are serious issues I mean these are in many instances you know like a game show it's like a game show and the consequences are on the people who are going to be affected by who gets elected and what they decide to do you know what I want you to speak about a game show I used to have this fantasy when I would watch you debate Trump uh you know I was saying to myself I wish you would take out a map and say Donald point to where Russia is I had this fantasy wanted to to see you do I wanted you to say name the president of you just wanted to you know what I mean yeah I wonder if he could find Texas on the map no apparently not because remember he said the wall was going to be along Colorado the problem like there was a moment when Gerald Ford ran and he screwed up something about Eastern Europe I forget what the thing was but there was that moment where people said Gerald Ford doesn't understand the basics of geography or history and like a game show I wished Alex Trebek would have walked out and asked you guys a couple of basic questions yeah and to see who could actually answer them you know you know Howard that's a really interesting insight because I kept thinking okay we're gonna get to the debates and the debates are going to be very determinative like you were talking about Gerald Ford and and I've watched presidential debates and and you can see moments when oh my gosh the audience goes you can just tell right and so I thought okay he won't be prepared he won't know he'll just stick with the same stick on and look by you know all these measurements that they do I won these debates but it no longer matters as much and does that's what bothers me is like okay you were almost too nice well you know I I was I don't I don't know if I was too nice but I was certainly you know very careful and the reason is look I grew up at a time when if if you were gonna get through a door as a woman you did not react to anything you know I remember taking the law school exam at a huge hall at Harvard and there were in hundreds of men and there was like maybe fifty women and we were in this room waiting for the test to start and I was sitting with some my women friends who were there with me and all of a sudden these young men start harassing us like what are you doing here you have no right to be here and it was really it yeah and it was during the Vietnam War so they were saying things like if you get a slot then I'm gonna get sent to Vietnam I'm gonna die it's gonna be your fault and I mean just guys say that to saying it they were saying it to us and so what did we all we just put our head down like okay yeah take the test you sure you can do it and so throughout a lot of my both professional and public career you know people said oh I don't know where I don't know where part of it was that training like okay you're a woman trying to do something that not many other women or any women have ever done you've gotta stay focused don't get distracted guys are gonna be trying to say this and and do that you just keep going and so I understand that in a way that works to your detriment because reverential to even this guy who's looming behind you on the stage yeah because if you suppose and I thought a lot about this afterwards suppose I had turned around and said you know back up you creep you're not gonna intimidate me the headlines would have been lost her you know calm you know chess switches into being angry right it would work again it would have worked against me and then the you know and then the you know all the pundits would have said well she can't take Donald Trump house you're gonna take Vladimir Putin so I I'm not unaware you've got this dialogue going on in your head back and forth why we member when you ran for Senator of New York Giuliani was originally gonna run against you and he got prostate cancer he stepped out this guy lousy oh yes yes yes and I remember Lazio walking over on the way I think I remember did him walking over to your side where you were on the podium and he came into your space right connects guys do this with you all the time well because they know that that's one of the ways to shake women so that's a great that's another great example so Gary we're on the debate stage we were in Buffalo actually right and all of a sudden you know he is making some demand like he says I want you to sign this pledge right now and he walks over and I just stand there and I just look at him so this would have been 2000 so it ends and all the male pundits said oh my god he really gave it to her this guy walked right into your space and he he just took like like he was like sucking the air out of the room and I thought there's not gonna be a human being or vote for this guy actually he lost you know handily but and you won but the the switch didn't happen till the next day when women started speaking up right the men all on the TVs who were analyzing it and in the press we're like oh wow that was impressive the next day women are saying who does he think he is well I thought when Trump was invading your space yeah but you know it's so true what you say I never looked at it that way because you're a woman you kind of have to figure out how to negotiate with men and how to deal with men and when they do all this stuff is because like in my mind I'm thinking like a guy I think you go out to this debate and you turn to this guy yeah it's quite simply why won't you release your taxes what are you hiding right and then when I give you some answer I'm not leaving right I want to know I don't care about anything else I'm running for president I've released my taxes why won't answer the question why won't you I'm under audit no you're not mm-hmm you know but maybe a woman just like it you got to figure out every angle how to play this thing well I think that it may be changing a little bit and and I hope that it is because it makes it really difficult if you're a woman on the public stage it's not just politics it's everything media business you name it to know how to respond in those situations because we just haven't had that much experience I mean when you say as a man I could do this is because you know there are all kinds of models that you can point to right I remember I used to trial lawsuits a hundred years ago and it was so funny to me because I would try cases with and against all different male lawyers I mean they'd be trial lawyer with a trial lawyer they'd be tall they'd be short they'd be fat they'd be thin they'd be well as they'd be schlumpy they'd be everything right but there had not been women lawyers in a lot of these courtrooms and so when I would go because I was in Arkansas and I would go into these small you know county courthouses they loved you well I mean one day I'm trying a lawsuit in North Arkansas and all of it you know we take a little break I come back and there were like five guys sitting there in camouflage why I turn well that's what I didn't know you're sitting there waiting for the trial to start again so I said to the bailiff I said are these guys uh you know they're on the deer Woods and they came in from camp to buy some supplies and they heard there was a lady lawyer in town so they came to watch it was like the talking dog him of that generation where it was the first all the time I remember trying another lawsuit and the trial was supposed to last a day so I you know driven up early in the morning I was gonna turn on go back and something happened the trial was gonna go on I had no clothes and so I said well you know judge I hope you don't mind I'm gonna be wearing the same thing tomorrow that I wore today you look nice you look pretty but if you want to come over to my house my daughter's about your size you can borrow her clothes I mean it there was just all these new kinds of whoever sings about what a guy is going to be good Oh Jason trial where the female lawyer Marcia Clark had to do a makeover she was getting so criticized for how she looked what she where what what you were what her hair looked like well you know Robin I mean you know this because you're a professional and you know we are getting to a point where there are enough different role models now so that you don't have to have some preconception that you have to meet a stereotype that people impose upon you but it still is tough it still is a challenge and because it almost sounds like you had no there was nothing you could do that was right well I think there's a lot of that and people you know I'm now watching this current presidential campaign and I'm read research and I look at you know what people say and you know there's still these double standards let's just be honest there's double standards and and you know if you want to compete at the highest level in whatever your area of interest is you just gotta figure out how to absorb it and deal with it so if you had have advised these people let's say I don't know who's gonna get in termination you are you are you in favor of anyone over anyone or you just win that's all I care about so that's tricky it is tricky and do you everything what do you think Biden could win well the polls say he can right so do you think he could get the nomination or is the party going to left and they're looking for a Bernie Sanders and uh I think it's too soon to tell because nobody has voted or caucus so I think that right now according to the polls Biden is going to get the nomination but that's you know a long way off and then he can win the electoral college because remember it's not the popular vote don't you think they need a middle-of-the-road kind of candidate I mean anybody can get a general election it's a process of addition you know you want to take the people who are already for you and add to them and that's tricky because the other thing that's going on now is 24/7 news coverage right I mean it never ends and everybody is a self-proclaimed photographer because they have their cell phone and I mean you know you you yawn or you you swallow something the wrong way whatever the problem might be all of a sudden it's everywhere so people just have to understand the environment in which we are I may not like it and wish I wish that were different but it is a reality
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 2,388,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, Hillary Clinton, Full Interview, Lindsey Graham, Politics, 2020 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Election, John McCain, Women in Politics, Women's Rights, Debates, President Donald Trump, Inauguration
Id: 2kHUA-Zma1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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