The BIG Lathe Update | Workshop Machinery | Setup and Leveling

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so it's been 12 months since part  one on unloading the big lathe if that machine hadn't been in my way i would  have dragged this outside and scrapped it how you going guys Kurtis from cutting edge  engineering so today is part two of our big lathe   what should have been just a very simple unload  it from the truck bring it into the workshop   set it up plug it in and use it has been an  absolute nightmare the day this machine arrived   our crane bailed out on us at the last  minute we did unload it with our yard   crane and a customer's excavator in the yard the  day this turned up was also the day our toshiba   cnc milling machine turned up so we did have  another frana coming on site they were nice   enough to move the machine in the shed for us  it sits where it sits this is where we put it   we weren't in a massive hurry to get the machine  commission ready for work being that we still had   the lzmt working and i didn't think there would  be any issues with the machine after a couple of   months of the machine sitting here i had a bit of  work in the pipeline that would have been perfect   for a machine this size i had about a month to  get the machine up and running into a working   state so this is the day we started to clean the  machine thought all would have to do is clean   it level the machine plug it in and get it going  i'd gone and inspected this four months prior to   it being delivered when i inspected the machine  everything seemed to be in really good order   there wasn't any issues that were made aware to me  other than an e-stop on the carriage being broken   other than that the machine was in really good  condition well that company held onto the machine   for another four months because they were having  a new machine delivered and didn't want to pull   their workshop apart twice to pull the machine out  and then put their new machine in i wasn't in a   huge rush so i let it go for four months came time to  go collect the machine i was due to inspect it the   morning it was being pulled out of their workshop  when i got there to do the final inspection it had   already been removed from the workshop power had  been disconnected and there was no way i could   do a final inspection on it visually the machine  didn't look like it had changed at all over the   four months after the machine got cleaned i got a  sparky in to change out the e-stop i then plugged   the machine in tried to fire it up and that's  when we started to discover problems and issues i couldn't get the headstock to fire up and spin  forward or reverse i then pushed the light button   and the carriage took off which i found unusual i  then started to go around the back of the machine   and see if there was anything maybe a fuse or a  breaker and blow something like that open up   the back of the machine and found all the wiring  for the carriage had been disconnected from the   machine i then got in touch with the people who  sold me the machine to find out what had happened   told me there was an electrical fault somewhere  in the in the wiring loom between the box and the   carriage they sent a technician down technician  to try and find out what the problem was they made   two visits here one was a technician the second  one was the sparky who actually did the work on   the machine they couldn't actually tell me what  they had done prior to me buying the machine i   did manage to find out that there were two burnt  solenoids on the hydraulic valves that control the   forward and reverse rotation i had supplied new  ones of those they did put them on they did work   but then the second they drove out the gate the  forward and reverse stopped while the technicians   were here i ask them why there was oil leaks in the  front cover of the machine where all your speed   feeds are controlled from and he said oh  it's leaking oil because we didn't seal it   up good enough after we crashed it so they  had a pretty severe lock up there are a few   signs around the machine i'm not exactly sure what  happened they didn't tell me that information but   they did say some stuff in the head of the machine  did get bent up and they had to remove the front   of it to straighten out whatever they bent and  it was at that point that if that machine hadn't   been in my way i would have skull dragged this  thing outside grabbed a thermal lance cut it in   half and put it in my bin it was only that karen  calmed me down that i didn't attack this machine   and just destroy it and also the fact  that there was nothing around in this size   secondhand or new available to purchase to  replace it straight away after i calmed down and   had a cup of coffee and went and swore  at the fence post for a couple hours   um i decided because there was nothing available i  had to get this one working so i started looking   around for some machine sparkies to see if there  would be anyone interested to come in and have   a look at the machine out of the five i called  one turned up gave him the the schematic of the   electrics in the machine he looked at that he said  i can't read chinese but i'll give it a go but   he was a three to four month wait before he would  be back up here in queensland to actually carry   out the work for me so it sat for a further  four months he went right through the machine   he ripped out all the wiring from the power box  all the way through to the carriage he replaced   any switches that looked faulty or damaged he is  a very competent sparky exceeded my expectations   just how far he went for for me considering it  was the first time i'd ever actually used him   and he got the machine back to the way it was  when it came out of the factory in the way of   the wiring side of things while the sparky was  ripping out all the wiring in in the back of the   carriage he found the problem which was a junction  box that had swarf that had somehow gotten into it   and it had bridge two of the contacts and it  had started to burn out the wiring thinking back   to when the other people had the machine if they  bothered to look for that sort of thing which was   in the schematic they could have fixed it right  there and then but instead of doing it correctly   they did some dodgy [ __ ] and  bridged wires and jumped this and   just to make the light button power the carriage  so what could have been a nice easy fix back in   the early stages of the problems if they'd  bothered to look for it turned out to be an   absolute nightmare we got all the wiring fixed  everything's working the way it was supposed to   then i decided i was going to pull the headstock  apart and find out what had happened on the inside   of the machine i had a good look around inside  i did go through and reset and adjust the gear   selectors to make it come in and out of gears a  little bit better and i changed out the clutch   plates because they look to be pretty worn anyway  put all that back together put the face back on   the machine cycled it went through all the  gears it's coming in out of gears correctly   everything's moving the way it's supposed to i  still have a noisy gear set in there somewhere   after i spoke to another workshop that has the  exact same machine he also mentioned that had a   noisy gear set in a couple of the gears so it  turned out to be not a big problem those two   problems sorted out in the past two months we've  continued to set up the machine so we'll show what   else we've been doing i changed out the hydraulic  oil did a bit of a filter upgrade in there as well   considering the standard filters aren't really  good enough to filter out the oil being i'd just   done a heap of work in there i didn't want any  weird wonderful debris getting through the system i also replaced the oil in the carriage because it  looked to be pretty gummy and yucky as well so i   changed that out pulled the bottom off it cleaned  it all up put it back together again put some new   oil in there and now it's time to get it ready  to level it and that was another drama in its own righto guys so i did some digging through all the  spare parts we got with the machine i did happen   to find the feet i thought i lost i was looking  for something a lot bigger but i found 14 of those   those are the feet that go under the leveling  bolts being that our concrete in here is not the   thickest concrete i'd be a little bit concerned  with a machine this size sitting on something that   small to punch its way into the concrete they're  also quite low to the ground the machine is very   low to the ground being that i'm quite tall it's  quite difficult to lean over a machine all day   so what i've done is i grabbed a piece of 120  mil scrap induction hardened rod i had out in   the yard and i've cut some new blanks these  blanks are going to be the new feet for the   machine they're about 60 mm tall i did want  to get a little bit of extra height just to   make it easier to work so what we're going  to do now we're going to chuck them in the   machine i'm going to face them cut a chamfer on  the corners take those sharp edges off i need to   put a bit of a recess in the center of it for  the uh for the jacking bolts to locate onto   so we're going to get these set set up  in my jeweler's lathe and start work on em righto so that's one down 13 to go two done we have to go and make some new bolts to adjust  the height of the machine because the floor is so   far out of whack down this end of the workshop  the standard bolts aren't long enough they're   only about 60 mm long there is quite a drop in  the floor as it gets to the wall so we're going   to need to make some longer ones for that in  order to do that we're just going to use some   some standard m24 threaded rod a couple of nuts  we'll just screw the nut on the end of it weld   that up and we'll cut them about 100mm long that  will give us an extra 40 mil of adjustment which   should more than be adequate for that end of  the workshop so we're going to set them up in   the saw we're going to cut as many as we can  throw them in the lathe machine what we need   to machine on them for them to go inside the  plates that are going on the floor take them   over the bench we'll weld them up and then i'll  bring them back over and put them in the machine got nine that'll do what's this whoa what is it squeaky dog toy ooohh [squeak] what's dat nom nom nom [loud AF squeaks] oh that's loud yay thank you for the noisy toys [giggle] [SQUEAK] yay so after all the feet were  made and the new jacking bolts   put them under the machine and then i've got to  go through and level it and leveling the machine   was a whole other lengthy process a  way to level a machine this is not   the only way but this is the way i do  it go through and stone the surfaces stone the surface of your block so they're all  nice and flat i use one two three blocks i like   to set my blocks up on a nice straight parallel  edge so down here on the inside of the ways   and then set it on the inside of the way  on the other side i then use a precision   scraped straight edge set that across the  blocks and then i like to sit my level   on top of that the level is accurate to  within .02 of a millimeter over one meter   very accurate and it's very touchy a sheet  of paper will be enough to upset the level   the way i level a machine i will level across the  length first to get it sitting level on the floor   then i will come back to each of the jacking bolt  positions i will set the level across the top of   them and then i will level the machine from there  and i will work until i reach the other end and   then i come back to the beginning and i check it  again because sometimes jacking one bolt at one   end can upset the balance on the other end of  the machine so we've got the machine level now   but then there's another process to align the  headstock to the tailstock which we are yet to do now that all that stuff's done we  can finally fire up the machine one of the other things i was having trouble  trying to find were the way wipers no one from our   local machine shops could help us but my  brother's pretty good with a 3d printer   he managed to find the right material to use to  3d print new way wipers so i now have a full   set on this machine and a spare set and he's  also going to do the rest of the machines in   the workshop as well there are a few other little  bits and pieces i would like to do to the machine   i am going to hook up the coolant system i'm  also going to fit a new light and at some stage   i am going to fit a digital readout to it but as  it is now the big lathe is ready for some jobs   woah woah woah yeah are we um we're going to let the cat  out of the bag show them what else we've got [giggle] yeah righto while you're here watching there's a machine  we're not going to be able to hide in upcoming   videos because of how big it is it's pretty much  here on holidays it belongs to a friend of mine so   there it is as you can see it is a Mazak it's a v20 it is a cnc vertical milling machine a friend of mine has just purchased a  new machine to go into his workshop he does not   have the room out there to store this being  that the new one took this one's place so   it's here in retirement it's having a holiday i've  got the room i can hook it up the power for him of   course we can't hide that because of its sheer  size and it's going to be in the background of   everything it's going to sit here until such time  as we work out what we're doing with it we him [giggle] right so the day we unloaded the machine [ __ ] i've lost it what have you done two words i know it's bad [giggle] what were we starting with and oh my god um so yeah [ __ ] lost it again so all in all [ __ ] where am i going with that i don't know right well where are we going from there um wait what so [ __ ] [giggle] so i changed oh [ __ ] so i changed out all the fil oh hmmmm so ah we're going to get these i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it [giggle] to 3d print new way wipers for the machine so i now have   a full set on this machine and a spare set  and he's also going to do the rest of the   machines in the workshop as well can you use lathe instead of machine every now and then   i think you said machine about 10 times just i did not so what did you need that for so you can top it up yeah you can't put them in full   okay i learned the hard way with that one ah huh power this [ __ ] up
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 1,151,373
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Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, abom79, cee australia, the big lathe update, 7 metre lathe, workshop machinery, lathe work, large lathe, unloading machinery, moving machinery, level a lathe, how to level a lathe, lathe leveling, leveling a lathe, levelling a lathe, machinist level, lathe feet, lathe leveling feet, lathe leveling procedure, setting up a lathe, big metal lathe, heavy duty lathe, lathe issue, machine shop, big lathe
Id: 6PwyvY09Ab0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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