This technique is not taught in any school, making additional tools for lathes
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Views: 637,450
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Keywords: Lathe, Lathe technique, Lathe restoration, Make a lathe knife, Making tools, Gear, Gear worm, Gear helical, Hobbing machine, How to make, How to weld, How to repair, Machining job, Making gear with a lathe, Make lathe knife sharpening, Welding, Welding aluminum, Tig welding, Tig welding aluminum, Creative idea, Tips and trick welding, Tips and trick lathe, Hydraulic house, Mekanik mesin, Milling with a lathe, CEE Australia, Kuli welding, Create a double square thread
Id: O5Bhew4CI-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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