Expanding The Workshop! | Part 1 | Container Storage

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how you going guys Kurtis from cutting  edge engineering so it's been long overdue   and today's the day we're going to start  making space in the workshop we recently   got a brand new 40-foot shipping container it's  been positioned out in the yard to where it's now   going to live that shipping container is going  to be solely storage of our consumables that   we use here in the workshop all of our  consumables and materials are currently   in my first shipping container and here in  the workshop so i'd like to condense them down   into one container room is one of those things  that i'm running out of very very quickly with   how we are expanding it's time now to start  making space and getting rid of [squeak] i don't need so the plan is once i do empty my first  shipping container into my brand new one   it will then be slid back into place opposite our  new shipping container about 40 foot between them   and we will be stringing an igloo between  the two for an outdoor fabrication area   unfortunately i can't move that container  while it's full of materials and consumables   it's far too heavy for anything i have here to  move it i do need to sort out what's in there   so it's a perfect time to empty one into  another and make some more space by sorting out   the things i've collected over the years  so first up stage one of what we need to   do is we need to get our shelving  set up in our new 40-foot container righto guys so we have 10 meters worth of  heavy-duty shelving to go down either side   of the container so that will give us enough room  down the inside of the two shelves to walk through   with a larger object without running into  something so the issues with the first container   its shelving units are 900 deep and we could  only put one in that container down one side   because if we were trying to put two 900 ml  shelves in there you wouldn't have enough   room to walk between them so we're going to go  to two 600 mil wide shelves which will give us   enough room to walk down the inside nice and  comfortable that's really going to maximize   our storage space and i know the containers are  12 meters long and we have 10 meters of shelves   that's because i do want one end of the container  a little bit more open because there will be a   welder and a little bit of a workshop set  up in the front of this container for the   outside fabrication area in the way of shelving  we have 12 uprights they're 600 wide 2400 tall   we have 80 cross beams each shelf level has two  beams so we'll end up with 40 shelves in total   we also have 40 sheets of 19 mil or three quarter  inch chipboard and that's going to be the shelves   i also have some supports to go underneath those  just so i can take a little bit more weight okay good i think we're good righto guys so all the shelving's now been  installed into the container so we have five bays   on each side four levels of shelves in each bay  so that's a total of 40 shelves each shelf has a   300 kilo weight rating on it that's only if you've  got the supports underneath the shelves each bay   will handle 1200 kilos one thing i am going to do  i am going to put some supports between all the   uprights all the way down the containers just  to support them from falling in on themselves   all the uprights we bought them new from the  supplier all the beams were second hand wasn't any   point buying brand new beams these are still in  really good condition saved a bit of money there   all the timbers i think there was about 10 all up  that were second hand and the rest were brand new   and all the shelf supports were brand new  really happy with this it took about an hour   and a half to put all this together no real  dramas everything went really smoothly right   so that's the easy bit done the hard bit is going  to be emptying our first container and sorting it   all and putting it into our new container i'm  going to make a start on that nightmare today righto guys so we've completed emptying out this  container we've got all our stuff stored in our   new container now it was a really good opportunity  to go through the stuff i've collected over the   years and throw a little bit of in the scrap  bin i've also got a couple of pallets set aside   of other materials and bits and pieces that'll be  going to a couple of youtubers here in australia   rather than scrap it we'll give it to them  they'll get a lot of good use out of the   materials i'm not going to use anymore so  the next part of the job is i need to clear   out the yard space so i can then move this  container back to where it's going to live so you might have seen these machines hiding in  the background in a few shots i've been moving   around the yard a few times these machines  are inclinable power presses also known as   thumpers the largest machine we have is the john  heine 206 a so it is a 60 ton capacity weighs about   three and a half ton the second biggest machine is  the goetz and sons 40c which is a 40 ton hit power   the smallest john heine we have is a 104a there's  not a great deal of information out there on that   particular size machine but i'm going to assume  it's going to be between 15 to 20 ton capacity   the one i'm leaning on was made in paris it's the  less desirable out of the four because it's not   australian-made it is a foreign-built machine so  i will be moving it on in the near future so the   machines got given to me by a friend of mine  because they were destined for the scrap heap   main reason i grabbed them was because three of  these were made here in australia so we have the   john heine machines which were made in sydney  new south wales and the goetz and sons machine   that was made in melbourne one of our viewers  mark fryer his great great grandfather was one   of the original founders of goetz and sons  in melbourne in i believe early 1900s he has   reached out to us and sort of wondered what the  hell i was doing with them the reason i have them   they're an australian icon they were built  here and i can't see them go to the scrap   heap so that's why i've got them here sooner  or later they will wind up in the workshop they   will never be used for what they're intended  for it's just that they are australian history there yep righto guys so all of that went to plan we got the  container back in the place it needs to be at so   in order for the igloo to fit correctly you need  to have the spacing between the two containers   correct if you're slightly out the igloo won't  fit so we did measure out the 40 feet from the   first container to this one ready for when the  igloo turns up we also use some they're a plastic   packing block we got from our local hardware store  each block can take x amount of ton so there's   no issues with the weight that we put inside the  containers actually bursting them or breaking them   packers also serve another purpose not only to  level out the containers because the ground is   so uneven over here it's also going to elevate  the container off the ground because any moisture   trapped underneath them will end up rusting  out the floors so all the stuff that i have   moved in order to do what i've done today i now  have to bring all that back and put it into a   semi-organized fashion and while i'm bringing  it back i am going to go through a lot of it   and see if there's anything in amongst it that  i don't need or i can move on to someone else hi oi where ya going okay what's over there what's all this piggy hey what you doing this is for Homey sniff sniff sniff [giggle] calm down i'm working on it oh what is this hang on ben brown from texas get it what is it you get it you get it righto guys so we've got our yard  sorted out now we've got the container in   this in the position it's going to be in we're  ready to start unloading everything from the   workshop pallet racking out into the container  i'm not going to sort it out as i go because   it's been a very long weekend and i just need  to make the room in order to expand the workshop so what we have here are two vintage adding  machines so these were long before the calculator   was invented i've been holding onto these for  a couple of years now and i'm holding onto them   for a friend of mine who wants to put em into  his collection there's also another something   up there which we'll show you in a minute  which is something else i'm holding on for him so this is the other piece of history that i've  been hanging on to for a friend of mine this   grinder pedestal grinder came out of a workshop  not far from here and i believe this one actually   ran from a drive shaft that ran through the roof  and a flat belt came down to power the grinder   after it was removed out of that workshop  and it got brought up to where i got it from   they had fitted a motor to the floor and driven  it off an electric motor very old not exactly   sure it's era but if it ran from a big driveshaft  in the roof it's going to be pretty old so the   same guy that's getting the old calculators the  old adding machines he's also getting this he   will end up restoring it and setting it up in  his collection he's got a workshop of vintage   machinery so he will set it up and it probably  will never ever work ever again but it's going   to look like it works and it's pretty much just  going to be something he can sit back and enjoy so what we have here is a durst pedestal  grinder these are an australian made   machine built in sydney don't believe they're  around anymore this is just another one of those   australian made pieces of equipment and when i  saw it i didn't want to see it go on the scrap   bin so i had to have it i do plan to put this into  service but i would like to sandblast this down   and repaint everything new wheels because  i don't know what age the wheels are on it   each wheel is 50 mil in width but they can be  upgraded to a 75mm wide wheel or a three inch   wheel so i do have other bench top grinders  that i use for sharpening drill bits and stuff   like that but none of them are anywhere near  this size and the wheels you can buy for the   grinders i currently use aren't wide enough  for sharpening some of some of our bigger   drill bits once this thing gets restored  and put into service it's just going to be   one of those machines you enjoy using because  of its sheer size and what you can do with it righto guys so part of our whole workshop expansion  is we need to make some room down this end of the   workshop we have sold our lzmt machine this has  been a really really fantastic lathe it's done   everything we needed it to do ever since i've  had the shenyang running this hasn't actually   been used so there's no point me hanging onto it  so it's time to move it on to someone who can use   it the machine doesn't need to move far in order  for the customer to pick it up from the doorway   so what i need to do i need to jack up that end of  the machine i've got a set of skates that i have   made that won't fail to act as a dolly and then  i will use the yard crane and a bar through the   bed of the machine to lift it up and then walk it  around the other lathes and put it at the doorway right oh so that was nice and easy to move now  that we've got all this space here in the middle   of the machining area i am going to leave it  vacant at the moment i might put a workbench in   there temporarily for for when i'm doing machining  i am going to be moving the other three lathes   in the not too distant future because i've  never been 100 percent happy with how the workshop   is laid out but for the time being i'm  just going to leave things how they are sit stay sit you stay you stay righto guys so it's been a few weeks  since our lzmt lathe had found a new   home so it has now been moved in  that time we did manage to clear   all of the pallet racking in the workshop  and shift the pallet racks over so we gained   120 square meters of workshop space so as you  can see the space i have gained i have already   started using it for storage and the reason  for that there's just been so much rain around   i could not leave that stuff outside to get  wet and our container shelter also arrived so that is a 40 by 40 foot  igloo and it also has an   end wall to block off the backside from  wind and stuff like that coming through   for our outside boiler making area so that's our  workshop expansion for now it has taken far   longer than i had expected or hoped it to and  the reason for that is we've been doing the   moving of everything and shuffling of the workshop  in my free time which is only on a saturday or   sunday so it is taking a long time and the rain  we've had in the area lately has definitely slowed   us down in the next workshop update we will be  putting up the container shelter and i will be   shuffling the machines around the workshop mainly  the lathe area and i have one machine that needs   to go to the scrap bin so keep an eye out for  workshop update number two thanks for watching how you going guys Kurtis from  cutting edge engineering so today   [ __ ] i already lost it oh my god [Laughter]   right so today is the oh [ __ ] so today is [ __ ] oh my gawd so it's time for us to start making space  here in the workshop for for what what are we doing [sigh] ready yup wait where am i starting from ready yeh right and also our shipping con ugh [ __ ] and our 40 oh [ __ ] and our container dome turned up so  that is a 40 by 40 foot container dome oh my god [giggle] righto guys so [ __ ] up and will end up rusting out the floors good timing bum hole train [ __ ] off train so we've got 12 uprights shut up so  we've got 12 uprights [giggle] every time you   talk it's going to do that yeah so  the first can ugh shut up you [ __ ] [ __ ] skills face that way or the opposite way opposite yup [ __ ] you're OCD [Laughter] [ __ ] hell or go away and I will do this [giggle] there like that yes reeling in a big fish [giggle] hello hello what you doing okay go oi where are ya going stay homeless lay down ready  you watch him [Laughter] ohh close enough you get it
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 427,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, cee australia, Expanding the workshop, container storage, workshop update, workshop upgrade, organizing my workshop, workshop expansion, shipping container storage, shipping container, moving a shipping container, moving a 40ft shipping container, storage container, 40ft shipping container, pallet racking, install pallet racking, workshop organization, moving workshop around, old machine, vintage machine
Id: rASemVAJkt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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