The Big Bang Theory - Explained (Short Animation)

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since the dawn of time mankind has always struggled to explain where we came from hmm the ancient Mayans believed that two feathered Gods created the heavens and the Earth and the humans were made from corn in the Congo fought the godmen Bumbo one day Universe into existence while Christians believe that everything was created by one God who did it all in only six days [Music] and for the longest time creation was left completely up to religion to explain but then in the 1920s it was finally time for science to get involved when astrophysicist and priest George Le Metro noticed something strange the universe seemed to be expanding had served in the trenches during World War One and had seen firsthand how far things move apart when they are blown up and this got thinking in 1927 he decided to publish his ideas in a paper he called a homogeneous Universe of constant mess and increasing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extra Galactic nebulae a title which I think we can all agree is pretty damn catchy but the scientific community at the time was set in its ways so when George showed them his work he didn't get the response he was looking for however over the years more evidence emerged that supported his ideas Einstein's theory of relativity proved that the physics were possible Edwin Hubble showed that the galaxies were indeed moving away from each other and then in 1965 a groundbreaking discovery was made by two radio astronomers Penzeys and Wilson when they found the cosmic microwave background radiation that proved the existence of a massive explosion throughout the Universe but it was only when the BBC decided to Rebrand the paper to The Big Bang Theory that Georgie's ideas went mainstream and it blew people's minds and now today George lemetre's Big Bang Theory is widely regarded as the best idea of the origin and evolution of the cosmos but how exactly does the big bang theory explain the creation of the universe well to answer that we'll have to go back 13.9 billion years to a time before time even existed to the nothingness before creation when everything that could ever exist was the size of a single atom that's for reasons we don't understand violently exploded all right in the first trillionth of a second after the big bang the temperature peaked at a toasty 180 million trillion trillion degrees Fahrenheit only subatomic particles like quads the building blocks of atoms could survive in this radioactive soup less than one billionth of a second has passed and the universe has grown to the size of a grapefruit but it's already starting to cool down as the universe reaches one second old the first and simplest element is able to form hydrogen and it changes everything for around 1 billion years the universe was a bit like you an enormous bloated void full of gas with absolutely nothing going on until suddenly Bright Lights started to appear in the Darkness the clouds of hydrogen have become so massive that they had begun to generate their own gravity and were slowly being drawn together to create Stellar nebulas inside under the immense pressure and heat of their own Mass the hydrogen atoms were forced nuclear fusion giving birth to the first stars and these nuclear furnaces created the perfect conditions for hydrogen to be converted into more complex elements like helium carbon oxygen and iron basically all the things you need to create life [Music] during this process all the naturally occurring elements of the periodic table were created every atom of everything that has ever existed first began life in the burning core of a star [Music] even Today hydrogen still makes up 74 percent of the universe helium 24 and all the other elements combined make up only two percent of the total matter in the universe but the star's role is far from over they also helped to spread these key elements throughout the Universe as it ages over billions of years burning through all of its hydrogen fuel and converting it into heavier elements it begins to cool until the nuclear reaction that powers it is no longer hot enough to withstand the forces of gravity and it begins to collapse under its own weight some go out with a fizzle While others turn Supernova and explode scattering elements into space where they can be pulled in by the gravity of other stars to form galaxies some of these rocks come together and create the moons and planets of a solar system and if the conditions are just right over billions of years as the Rocks cool and fuse together water May develop on their surface then an atmosphere and maybe even life and that is how the Big Bang Theory explains how the universe and everything within it was created so the next time you're feeling down just remember that you are made of Stardust you still won't have any friends though [Music]
Channel: Simpletoons
Views: 34,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE BIG BANG THEORY, SCIENCE, UNIVERSE, CREATION, BIG BANG, astrophysics, earth, sun, animation, (Short Animation, Short Animation
Id: kvakY3mAB4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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