Sheldon On Teaching Women, And then uses Google

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look I know you guys don't want to do this but we have no choice so you can either [ __ ] and whine or we can just get it over with I got wine I got the B word yeah well it's in our contract to serve on a university committee and frankly this is one I believe in okay here we go encouraging more women to pursue a career in the sciences come on if I was any good at convincing women to do stuff I wouldn't have spent so much my twenties in the shower have you asked me this whole thing is a waste of our time helping women you're helping anyone people should take care of themselves Oh like yesterday when you made me drive you to the dry cleaners the pharmacy and the post office I'm not saying people can't use tools Haley even an otter picks up a rock when you want the clam you don't think it's worthwhile to try to get more women working in science yeah I think that's incredibly sexist of you I believe in a gender blind Society like in Star Trek where women and men of all races and creeds work side by side as equals you mean where they were advanced enough to invent an interstellar warp drive but a black lady still answered the space phone oh I did spend a lot of my shower time with lieutenant Uhura Howard's disturbing recollections aside I don't appreciate being forced to do banal committee work yes I know you're too smart for this exactly like asking the Human Torch to heat up your frozen burrito got it all right I'm thinking one way to counter bias in the peer review process is for papers to be submitted under gender-neutral names like s Smith instead of Samantha Smith I suppose there is a history of professional women using their initials so it's not to be prejudged Harry Potter's JK Rowling Star Trek's DC Fontana Van Nuys pole dancer didi melons all right I think we've really helped women today let's fire up the old Xbox guys please don't make this a school project where I'm the smart kid doing all the work while the slackers sit back and watch yeah we're not this time you're there smart kid doing all the work well that even smarter kids sit back and watch so you think I'm one of the smarter kids no you're a tool I was using to make my point guys our topic is encouraging women in science can you at least play a less sexist game how is it sexist my character wield a battle-axe Wells any man not to mention she has memory glands that could nurse a family of 30 and have enough milk leftover to open up Baskin Robbins mother warrior princess franchise owner I your glass ceiling shattering all over town Sheldon you're always saying how much smarter you are than me it's been five seconds and come up with one idea on how to get more women into science all your ideas address the issue at a university level by then it's too late you need to design an outreach program that targets girls at the middle school level and sets them on an academic track towards the hard sciences that's actually good why didn't I think of that some people are otters some people are rocks I wonder if there's a way we could give the idea a trial run maybe I could call my old middle school see if we can talk to some of the female students yeah that's great try to set up something for the three of us to go over there now hold on well I'm comfortable speaking about science I'm not sure now to spark the interest of school children better google it what exactly are you looking up how do I get twelve-year-old girls excited
Channel: Gunnhfran2
Views: 7,978,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheldon cooper, leonard hofstader, gunnhfran2
Id: g_j869cfKDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2013
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