The Bible's Secret Cycle | The Last Day of Prophecy #1 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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as we sing together Thank You Charles okay folks let's lift our voices and signify to Jesus that his word will be coming true we're now all right Jesus will come on time yes he will come on time dr. Smith and stop first mark let's get ready to do that one more time you got it down yes we will come on time and doubtless will talk and stuff first month our lives with our motor reason his promises are true [Music] in [Music] ah [Music] amen amen let's bow our heads for an opening prayer dear father in heaven we are so grateful to be able to gather together and spend some time in your word studying these very important prophetic truths and Lord whenever we open up the Bible we need the Holy Spirit to come and guard our hearts and our minds so we invite the spirit to come and and lead us into a clearer and a full understanding of Scripture tonight for we ask this in Jesus name Amen please be seated I'm very happy to introduce our speaker for the series pastor Doug Batchelor he is the president director and speaker of amazing facts amazing facts is a media ministry and so we are just delighted to be here in Charlotte pastor Doug if you want to join me on stage we just came from Northern California not too long ago and I think we're getting over the jet lag for the most part from California from South Africa we were actually in South Africa just prior to this event so maybe that's more of the jet lag there's a little jet lag there good evening friends well pastor Doug we're all so excited about this and we want to give you as much time as needed to do the presentation so that's all yours thank you Pastor Ross well we are very excited to be with you here in Charlotte and we've been looking forward to this series we've put together a set of new presentations based on Bible prophecy and especially in light of everything that is going on in the world today the last day of prophecy now that's somewhat of a play on words I need to tell you right up front because we're gonna be talking about the day of the Lord we're gonna be talking about the Lord's Day and they're not the same thing we're gonna be talking about the time of the end and the end of time and they're not the same thing and we're going to be delving into some of the Bible prophecies in Daniel and revelation this series of seven presentations is a cohesive whole so we'd like to encourage you to try to attend every program because it'll be like missing a piece of a puzzle and if you have a friend bring them if you don't have a friend bring your enemies we still have a little room locally some of you are watching at local groups in different parts of the world in the country we know we have friends that were in South Africa said they will be tuning in this broadcast and we encourage you to bring your friends because I think we're living in a very pivotal time in the world's history when God wants us to understand the eminence the nearness of his coming we're so thankful that you're here well we have a lot to talk about tonight and our presentation tonight is dealing with the secret code in prophecy now Bible is a book filled with stories but you know the Bible is also a book filled with the numbers there's even a book in the Bible called numbers and certain numbers appear frequently and I believe after years of studying the Bible that the stories in the Bible give us pictures in salvation and they also help unlock prophecy and the numbers of course do as well you know I remember years ago hearing about the Enigma machine you've probably heard of that as well it was a machine that was built by the the run the Germans this I'm struggling with my own button here pardon me and this this machine is actually built back during World War one they use it for business but when world war ii broke out the nazis found out that it was such an incredibly sophisticated machine with wheels and gears and buttons and wires so that they would transfer a message through this machine and only those with a code book in the machine at the other end could understand that message they figured it was an unbreakable code but what they didn't count on is there was a group of brilliant polish mathematicians who working with some british agents they were able to crack the Enigma code and that along with their capturing a codebook from russian u-boat that they ended up sinking so they Germans wouldn't know that the codebook was captured they were able to understand the correspondence between the German military for the last half of World War two the u.s. even built a computer see once they got them this it didn't they had to decipher it very quickly it was one of the first super computers big as a truck now would fit in your watch and all that computer did was decipher in nygma messages the u.s. built that machine for them so through the combined work of the Allies they figure they took two years off of World War two because they understood the code of that machine well you know in nature and in the Bible we see that there are cycles even in the Book of Ezekiel chapter one it talks about a wheel within a wheel and you can see these wheels within wheels that are taking place in Bible prophecy we're going to talk a little bit about some of those unusual cycles in our presentation tonight now first question we're gonna do this in a series of questions and the first question I'm gonna ask I like using this kind of question-and-answer teaching method did Jesus give us some signs so we could know that they would indicate that his coming was near I'm not talking about the day in the hour near what did he say you can look in Matthew chapter 24 verse 33 when you see all these things know that it is near he lists a group of prophecies and he says when you see these prophecies being fulfilled know that my coming is near he wants us to know and again there'll be signs jesus said in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations things above things in humanity things in nature there'll be signs that will intensify in frequency and their currents and this will indicate his coming is near and Jesus said when you see these things lift up your heads they'll be perplexity of Nations and the sea and the waves roaring now what are some of the signs I could stop right here and go into a presentation of about fifty different things that I think are signs that tell us that we are living in what I believe is the last generation but I'm just gonna list a few that I really stand out for me one is found in the Book of Daniel chapter 12 verse 4 where he says but you O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many will run to and fro and knowledge is increased I read a National Geographic article not too long ago that said this is the time in history when people are traveling more than any other time away from the place of their birth you just heard pastor ross and i allude to we were on the other side of the planet a couple of weeks ago in south africa and karen and i this year or within the last year anyway we're in Fiji and New Zealand and just people going around the globe they never did that back in Christ's day he never went more than a hundred miles from the place of his birth how many of you knew somebody did that grew up and spent their whole life and they never traveled a hundred miles I knew a guy that lives 70 miles from the ocean at 80 years old he had never seen the ocean someone finally took him and he was amazing wow that's a lot of water but people will run to and fro and knowledge will be increased how many of you have a smart smartphone you can access all of the wisdom of the ages now by just talking to it and ask it a question I've just discovered this feature on my phone it's been on the phones for a long time and it's amazing my smart phone makes me feel dumb actually but if you had showed something like that to the Apostle Paul he would have thought you were possessed so knowledge has increased more in the last 50 years than all of the history of man combined so that's one of the signs here's another one jesus said this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to the nations and then the end will come he didn't say my crown he says then the end will come and you know even now this broadcast sure the medium of television it is bouncing in about half a second off satellites 23,000 miles up in space and ricocheting through the internet all over the world and this is just one presentation one ministry are actually a group of ministries that are preaching the gospel and there's hundreds I had the privilege of conducting one of the first public evangelistic programs in mainland China about a year and a half ago preaching to a group like this full auditorium free 15 presentations they told me it was the first time that had been allowed in 59 years and so we've seen it happening and the DVDs and the internet the gospel is going everywhere now Jesus didn't say everybody would believe he said but it would go to all the nations then the end will come I think we're living in that generation that will see this now this is a part I need to emphasize right at the front end of our study tonight next question can anyone know the exact date of Jesus return I'm gonna be talking about some signs but we've got to be careful who Jesus was very clear but of that day and that hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son but only the father no man knows and if someone starts acting like they know the day in the hour of the year the Jesus is coming you right away you know there's something wrong with their theology Jesus was very clear but we can know when it's near and that's what we're gonna be talking about jesus said you know how to tell the weather I mean the weather men can try and predict the weather with some accuracy by satellites and they have a perspective and Jesus said how come you can't see the signs of the time so the Lord has given us signs of the times but no man knows the day in the hour of his coming and I want you to make I want to make that very clear in this presentation because I'm gonna talk about some of the signs and we're gonna talk about some times but 9 dates for the Lord's coming all right question number three what number appears most frequently in prophecy you knew it the number seven and here's his one verse in the Bible in the book of Revelation revelation chapter 1 verse 20 talks about the mystery of the Seven Stars which he saw in my right hand and the Seven golden lampstands and the seven stars of the angels of the seven churches and the Seven lampstands would you saw our seven churches it's pretty clear about the number seven I've just got a small list here my Bible that I assembled of some of the sevens that you find in Scripture and you got course seven days of creation seven days before the flood seven days Noah and his family stayed in the ark before the rain started there was a seven fat seven skinny cows and Joseph's dream seven times seven years at Jacob worked for Rachel seven times Elijah prayed on Mount Carmel and it goes on and on with all the sevens matter of fact I think there are about 35 some of the sevens that you find in that yo well yeah I've got some signs from sevens and nature here I was going to show you you know one of the strongest structures in the world is a bees honeycomb which is six hexagons circling the internal one a seventh the cable that holds up the Golden Gate Bridge is six strands with a seventh going through the middle it's kind of how our week has been designed a rainbow has seven colors when you sing you got six notes doremi faso lucky dough whether you sing dough twice and you get eight there are there are actually seven Roman numerals now here's something interesting that comes up later if you add up the first six Roman numerals you know what it comes to 666 of course the D is 500 so you add up the first six it's six six six seven continents seven seas seven wonders of the world your head has seven entrances I don't know what that means right just some of the things that you know you think about but the number seven is also in the Bible symbolic of some things you sevens often associated with judgment six things the Lord hates yes seven are an abomination to them you've heard about the seven deadly sins and again you can read in leviticus 20:6 eighteen and after all this if you do not obey me then i'll punish you seven times more for your sins similar verses found leviticus 20:6 21 and if you walk contrary to me and if you're not willing to obey me then it says i'll bring on you seven times more plagues according to your sins judgment that's kind of frightening but because it's connected with judgment sevens also connected with forgiveness for instance Peter said Lord how often shall I forgive my brother Matthew 18 7 times and Jesus had seventy times seven heathen said not seven times but seventy times seven Mary Magdalene the Bible talks about who was first at the tomb it says he appeared to Mary out of whom Jesus cast Seven Devils again forgiveness when the priests went before the Lord he took the blood of the sacrifice and he sprinkled it seven times before the Lord and so seven connected with forgiveness you may remember the story in 2nd Kings chapter 5 about Nia and the general who was a leper he was told to wash in the Jordan Jordan is a symbol of where Jesus was baptized death burial resurrection baptism seven times and he was cleansed from his leprosy Miriam spent seven days outside of the tabernacle with her leprosy and then she was healed and so seven is sometimes like a cycle of time that talks about a judgment you can also find where it says a righteous man may fall seven times but rise again but the wicked will fall by calamity God will forgive righteous man fall Mary Magdalene Seven Devils cast out she was the first one Jesus appeared to after he rose from the dead so how does an external God view time now we're talking about numbers in time how does an eternal God view time you and I we live maybe threescore and ten which is 70 years it's an average the Bible gives us not too far from the average today depends on what country you're in in your lifestyle but the Bible tells us in second Peter 3:8 but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day if you live forever than a millennium it's like a day for you it's nothing and Peter is actually quoting where Solomon says in proverbs chapter it's that's an incorrect scripture there I think it's in Proverbs maybe 810 a day in your courts is actually Psalms 84 10 for a day in your courts is better than a thousand and King David said something similar in Psalm 91 now I don't know if you've ever heard before of the theory of what they call the Millennial week the millennial week you ever heard of that before they know what a millennium is millennium is a Latin composite of two words mil I means thousand Ana means years there is a chapter in revelation 20 that talks about a thousand years where the saved live and reign with the Lord well if you add up the dates in the Bible you know the Bible is full of chronology there in Genesis chapter 5 it begins with a chronology that leads to Abraham the book of Mathew the New Testament opens with the chronology of Jesus Christ and the dates are given in a number of these chronologies how long people lived so with a little bit of a calculator and some educated guesses you can figure out that the world is just about 6,000 years old now now I'm not we don't know exactly how old there's a few ambiguities around the time of Noah says no I had three boys but it doesn't tell when he had which one unless they were triplets which I don't think and so there's a few vague spots so we're not exactly sure I want to make that very clear but one thing we are pretty sure of is that the world is about 6,000 years old Dibley even if you know for those of you that believe in these long ages of creation you can't argue with the facts of what the Bible says and what I'm talking to you about is what the Bible says is the Bible seminar so you look at Adam was created approximately 4000 years before Christ you notice I didn't say he was born he's created and so you've got about 2,000 years things Bishop bhishma's chronology was 4004 BC you get 2000 years from Adam to Abraham they call that the age of the patriarchs and about 2004 BC Abraham was born again this is just approximate then you got 2,000 years from Abraham to Jesus that's kind of interesting you realize Jesus was not born the year 0 after they set up this ad BC dating method and it was well entrenched they realized they were off a few years because King Herod the Great died 2 BC well we know he was alive when the babies in Bethlehem were slaughtered and we've figured out Jesus was baptized the 27th year to about 27 ad it says on his 30th birthday all you got to do is count back and realize oh if he was baptized 27 ad and it was his 30th birthday he was actually born in 2 BC age Christ was born about 4 BC so you got two thousand years from Adam to Abraham 2,000 years from Abraham to Jesus and where are we today about 2,000 years after Christ you know where we're living right now we're living in this spot somewhere between the birth and the death of Jesus were past the time of 2,000 years from when he was born but were before the time of when he began his ministry and when he died it's a very interesting time in history now some people thought Jesus is coming 2,000 years after his birth I actually am on record in 1999 telling people I don't think that's true you know why because everybody thought so you remember the big fury 1999 any of you alive back then maybe any of you if you remember y2k in the world was gonna end all the planes are gonna fall out of the sky and I said no I don't think Jesus is coming December 31 1999 really why not because all of you think so and Jesus said in such an hour you think not the Son of Man is coming now the church has pretty much gone to sleep it could be any time some people are then setting dates and saying well Jesus is going to come 2000 years not from his birth but from his ministry his baptism his anointing others say no it's 2,000 years from his death don't even go there France I'll tell you why it could be sooner than you think because jesus said except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved it could be later than you think because the Lord is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish he's waiting to the last minute to save as many as he can so we got to be very careful to start trying to pinpoint dates and some of you if you knew the date you'd be like filing your taxes you'd wait to the last minute to get ready so the Lord wants you to just be ready and by the way he could come for you tomorrow because if you die your next conscious thought is the coming of the Lord ready or not this Bible says prepare to meet thy God and everybody is gonna stand before the judgment seat of Christ and so we shouldn't be playing with eternity is thinking that we're supposed to postpone our salvation or our commitment to God until we can pick the day when he's coming you're thinking like that there's something wrong with your relationship it's like saying you want to wait for the last minute to enjoy as much soon as you can and then just before Jesus comes you'll repent and get ready we all know folks who think that way you know someone reminded me one time there are a couple of examples of what they call deathbed conversions in the Bible like the thief on the cross so that nobody needs to lose hope but there's only one or two so nobody dare presume and we need to be ready if you're a believer so let's not set dates but it's interesting 2,000 years Adam to Abraham the age of the patriarchs 2,000 years from Abraham to Jesus the age of the Jews 2,000 years from Jesus we believe approximately somewhere to his second coming and then we live and reign with Christ like a 1000 years Sabbath now look at some of the patterns in the Bible to talk about this and I just I just told you about that one and then you have there in Revelation chapter 20 they live and reign with Christ for a millennium a 1000 year period of time some of you remember when God said to Adam and Eve in the day that you eat of it you will surely die he told Adam and Eve if you sin in the day now the day that out of an Eevee the fruit did they drop dead well spiritually I think all of us would agree something went wrong they died inside but they didn't die physically but if a day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years as a day Bible says Adam lived 930 years and he died and who is the oldest man that ever lived hey that's a trick question Methuselah was the oldest man who ever died the father of Methuselah what was his name Enoch he didn't die so Enoch is technically the oldest man who ever lived Methuselah was the oldest man who ever died and how long did he live 969 years was there any man that lived more than a thousand years in the day that you eat thereof the day with the Lord is like a thousand years you will die and God made Adam and Eve to live forever so when God said you're gonna die in the first thousand years they were heartbroken you think man if I could live five hundred years that really be something but Adam and Eve were supposed to live forever so when they were told you're gonna die in the first millennium it was a day for them question number five did Jesus ever tell the Apostles they would witness the second coming or his coming in glory the answer is yes if you look in Matthew chapter 16 verse 28 you'll find this in mark chapter 9 as well it says assuredly I say to you there are some of you standing here who will not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom they were going to get miniature picture of the second coming after Jesus makes this cryptic statement it says after six days why did he make the statement and in the book of Matthew in the book of market says six days later something happened it's very clear after he makes the statement he makes a statement and Luke - the next thing that happens is this experience what happens after six days he took Peter James and John his brother led them up on a high mountain by themselves his face was shining like the Sun his clothes became as white as the light and the old Moses and Elijah appeared to them and were talking with him this was like a miniature picture of the Second Coming he said you're not gonna die until you see the Son of man coming in power it says that Christ is surrounded by clouds of glory will he come in the clouds Moses is there because Moses is someone who died but God resurrected him Elijah is there because Elijah is somebody who did not die but he was caught up to meet the Lord in the air there's gonna be two kinds of people when Jesus comes the dead in Christ rise those who are alive and remain are caught up these two individuals represented the two classes of people and God the Father speaks he says this is my beloved son hear him Christ said I'm coming in the glory of the Father this was a miniature picture of the second coming and even more than that what they call the Mount of Transfiguration is the ultimate endorsement because here you've got Moses who represents the law Elijah who represents the prophets they're both pointing to Jesus and saying he is the one he is the Messiah this is and God the Father says this is my son so you got the mouth of two or three witnesses saying Jesus is the Messiah and they're talking to Peter James and John now if you're Jew what could be the best testimony you could get if you said well Moses says that he's the Messiah and Elijah says he's the Messiah could you get a better endorsement than that you know we're in a political season right now the time of this recording kind of nauseating isn't it and everybody's trying to get endorsements they try to get the most powerful and portable important people to endorse them nobody more powerful than Moses and Elijah you know how the Old Testament ends Malachi chapter 4 remember the law of Moses behold I send you Elijah the law and the prophets is another way of saying the Word of God Moses represents the law Elijah the prophets that's the new in the Old Testaments it's the law and the prophets and new tests and even part of the prophets the testimony of the word is that Jesus is the Messiah but this was a miniature picture of the second coming so what are some of the other Bible stories question 6 that reference this cycle of seven they got quite a few now I hope you are taking notes you will be some of you maybe got a flyer that has some of these in there but for example how long was Moses on Mount Sinai getting the Ten Commandments forty days and forty nights but you remember there was another time period before he went up now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it for how long six days and on the seventh day the Lord called the Moses out of the cloud and Moses went up and he spent forty days on the mountain you notice it says Jesus said you're gonna see a miniature of the second coming after six days he took them up a mountain and now Moses goes up a mountain after six days and a day where the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day I think I'm suspicious that after six days we're going up then after six millennia I don't know when that's gonna be but I think the Lord does things and patterns in the Bible and he's gonna stick to that another law they had to some of the other stories if you buy a Hebrew servant Exodus chapter 21 - he will serve six years and in the seventh year he'll go free now as Jesus gonna set the captives free when he comes so six years of people in the world have been enslaved to the devil he's a hard taskmaster but the Lord's gonna come and he's going to set the captives free and those who've trusted in Christ will be liberated at that time Jericho you know when the children of Israel the first battle to take the promised land was a city called Jericho how many times did they march around the city of Jericho 13 times everyone gets that wrong you all remember how many times they march around the city the last day but it says they march around the city once for six days then on the seventh day they march around the city seven times that's a total of thirteen how many were at the Last Supper thirteen what does that mean I don't know but I just think I always just thing about these numbers just stir up your pure Minds you might give me your ideas anyway but notice six days of marching around the city then the seventh day they took the promised land are God's people gonna perhaps get to see the promised land when we enter the seventh day another sir by the way I would say two hours by the way you know how you say Joshua in Hebrew I'm in Greek Jesus and way to see Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua Joshua same name Joshua comes to Jericho and they blow seven trumpets does revelation talk about seven trumpets and they shout is there a shot when Jesus comes the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout the voice the Arkans or the Trump of God the dead will rise and everybody died in that city of destruction except Rahab because she had a red token in her window the blood of Christ everyone in the house with her was saved everyone in Christ and in the Church of Christ meaning his body will be saved when he comes these stories are giving us an insight into the themes of the second coming it came to pass on the seventh day they march around the city seven times and in the same manner on that day they march around the city seven times they blew the trumpets the Wall fell and they took the promised land how about the story of King joash now this is a story some of you may not know I'm teaching as though some of you have some Bible background King Joe asked you find this in second Kings chapter 11 was one of the young sons of David he was one year old when his father died in battle his wicked grin her name was Ethel ayah when Ethel ayah the son of Ahaz ayah saw the mother of Ahaz I saw that her son was dead she Arroyo rose and she destroyed all of the royal heirs the royal seed but toshiba took joash and hit him and his nurse in the bedroom from atholea so that he was not killed and he was hidden with her in the house of the Lord for how long six years why laughs Alya reigned over the land he was one year old she rules over the land for six years tyranny by the way a falaya is the daughter of Jezebel right away you know she's bad she is synonymous Jezebel was called a harlot by the other prophets she is the daughter of a harlot in revelation 17 it talks about Babylon and mother of harlots and they worshipped pagan gods with harlotry back in those days and and but the son of David what does Jesus called sometimes what did they say to David Jesus when he came down the Mount of Transfiguration hosanna to the son of David son of David have mercy on me joash the son of David the only survivor of David's lying is hidden in the house of Lord where's Jesus right now he's in the heavenly temple pleading he's our high priest Hebrews said pleading his blood before the Father we come boldly before the Father through Christ but the Bible tells us after six years you know what happened the high priest hush a joy Adam brought joash out of the temple Christ is gonna leave that holy place and he's gonna come back they blew the trumpets and you know what says it's very interesting they did it as the Sabbath began when everything would be quiet in the city and people were gonna be getting ready just as the Sabbath began that's at the end of the week right they all came together he told the soldiers blow the trumpet shout I'm gonna bring the son of David out we'll put the crown on his head he received the kingdom alaya and all that followed her were slain this is what's going to happen when Jesus comes there'll be two groups those that are loyal to the son of David and those that are not the same thing that happened in that story the people rejoiced the wicked were slain for six years she ruled over the land did God give these people a law about farming connected with the Sabbath question number eight yeah you know this six years you will sell your land and gather in its produce but the what the seventh it will rest now they didn't listen to this law because they were trying to make too much money God told him rescue land let the poor eat of it just leave it desolate let it grow volunteer but they want to do it so God carried him off to babbling for 70 years he said if you're not gonna let the land keep Sabbath I'm gonna give the land and enforce Sabbath while you're in Babylon here's the verse that talks about that as long as she the land lay desolate she kept Sabbath to fulfill 70 years when Jesus comes next when the Millenium begins what direction do we go the Lord will come down we will be caught up to meet him in the air and this world is going to be in a desolate condition during that 1000 years while we live and reign with Christ and glory what are some of the other patterns of seven in Scripture we got a lot friends question number nine Enoch you can read in the book of Jude Enoch is the seventh from Adam he prophesied about these men saying behold the Lord comes with ten thousand the Saints now we just talked about Enoch the father of Methuselah what direction did he not go he went up what generation was he he was the seventh so if you count from Adam Seth eNOS you make your way up to Enoch he got six before him the seventh goes up and the seventh Jude says talks about the Lord is coming very interesting I don't know maybe I'm seeing stuff that isn't really there but to me I just see a pattern you can read and Joel in six troubles he will deliver you yes in seven no evil will touch you why does no evil touch us in seven they were caught up not gonna touch us then Jacob how long did he work for Rachel it didn't seem like anything to him cuz he loved her by the way if you love the Lord working for Lord is no problem as you love people that complain about the burdens of being a believer you just kind of fall in love with the Lord and if Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments and after seven years first his father-in-law tried to trick him so he had to have a honeymoon with Leah we didn't anticipate but then he said I'll also fulfill her week and then I'll also give you Rachel but you got to work another seven years but there was a wedding after seven years according to the Bible after millennium the New Jerusalem revelation 21 comes down adorned like a what like a bride and you get the wedding supper of the Lamb another story in the Bible it kind of bears out this big picture of salvation you remember there was a famine in the land and Elisha prayed for rain and he sent his servant to the ocean he said any rain yet he said hasn't rained for three and a half years there's nothing you prayed again he prayed again he prayed again came to pass after six times the servant came back said nothing nothing nothing seventh time he prayed he said you know there's a cloud coming up out of the sea and that cloud grew and it filled the sky and had poured and there was a storm and by the way there's gonna be a storm friends in the future just before Jesus comes Christ said there's going to be a time of trouble such as there never has been since there was a nation even under that same time you've heard of the tribulation this is why Jesus said he that endures to the end will be saved we've got to have a faith now where we believe his word and we love the Lord amen there was a small a cloud small like a man's hand rising up out of the sea question number 10 did Jesus foretell there might be an appearance of delay connected with his return all right now I just gave you a number of and I didn't get them all because they're time constraints I just gave you a number of examples in the Bible of these cycles that you see you know one thing I didn't mention I got this here in my notes I told you you got kind of wheels within the wheels in the Bible and for example in the Bible there is a week of days I got a seven-day week at the end you got the Sabbath you get a week of weeks in the Bible every after Passover you go seven weeks a week of weeks and then you'd had Pentecost you've heard of that before that's when I was fifty days or 49 days and the 50th was called Pentecost you had a week of months in the Bible after Passover they waited seven months and they had their Feast of Trumpets you out of week of years every seven years you rest the land and you'd let the captive go free if you had a Hebrew slave you had a week of decades you might say they would count seven sets of seven years and the 49th year you had a jubilee on the fiftieth amazing facts is just celebrating our 50th anniversary as a ministry so it's kind of our Jubilee and then you had seven decades 70 weeks is in Daniel chapter nine comes up to four hundred and ninety years Jesus talks about forgiving 70 times seven so since you've got seven days and weeks and months and years and decades and centuries why why don't you have seven millenniums and that's what I'm saying I think it's all a package biblically and that it all fits together all right back to question ten what were some of the other examples in the Bible that Jesus gave us to tell us don't be disconcerted if people even believers start to think maybe he's late I mean here six thousand years have gone by it's been two thousand years since Christ was born how come he hasn't come back yet don't forget when Jesus came the first time was the church ready for his first coming did his own people with the Bible grow tired of waiting for the Messiah why would we think the devil is gonna be any different it's gonna be the same way the second coming as it was the first and they weren't reading the Bible there was a few wise men in the east a couple of people in the temple Anna and Simeon some shepherds in the field but most people were not ready for first coming the devil hasn't changed so what are some examples gee even Jesus gave us so we can know that he told us prepare for a time of delay that will test your faith or at least the appearance of delay after Jesus gives the signs in Matthew 24 talking about the second coming he tells the disciples if that evil servant says in his heart my Lord is delaying his coming and he begins to eat and drink with the drunken why would he mention if that servant says my lord delays you know it sounds like Christ is quoting what happened when the children of Israel got tired of waiting from Moses to come back Moses went up the mountain to get the Ten Commandments but he was you know over 80 years old and he went up there and there's thunder and smoke coming out of the mountain Mountain shaking and and after a few weeks you'd start to worry you know old guy up there he could have tripped he's by himself he's probably not coming back after three weeks four weeks doctor forty days they said oh this is it he's not coming back we can't go up the mountain we're forbidden we got to get someone else it says while Moses delayed when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down the mountain they were being tested what did they do many of them failed to test they made a golden calf they compromised their worship could the church be faced with the same kind of test today we're in a time of waiting right now when our faith should be growing stronger and some are compromising trying to be like the world another example in the Bible you've heard of Samuel the prophet Samuel anointed king to be Saul to be king and he said you're gonna have an epic battle with the Philistines don't go into battle till I offer sacrifice for you Samuel was the Prophet he was the priest he was the judge of Israel well he said notice what he says you shall go down before me to Gilgal and surely I will come did Jesus tell you that I will come again does he lie surely I will come down to you to offer burnt offering and sacrifices of peace offerings seven days you'll wait wait till I come wait till I come to you very clear instructions but then the Bible says Saul Philistines were gathering his men were kidding afraid many were deserting six days went by samuel was not even there I think I made him a little nervous tonight before the program because there's a lot of preparation and recording one of these things I had to go back to the hotel room and put on my suit and I had a beard before the program if you folks Tommy today had a beard Karen said that beard gotta go so I had to shave and and you know we weren't that far from starting I think the crew started getting a little nervous they thought where's Doug I thank you dear you look nice too oh by the way that's my wife Karen she's up front wave your hand dear I didn't introduce her after she had headphones on a minute ago I didn't think you wanted her she looked like she's feeding me information or something you ever heard about these pastors that their wives they got your pieces and wives are telling them what to do no really it's happened no she doesn't she's not telling me anyway so the army of the Philistines was gathering the people were afraid and the Bible says he waited seven days but Samuel didn't come and Saul finally said look we've got to offer sacrifice when the seventh day came he was being tested he did something that he was forbidden to do the King was not the priest he was not supposed to offer the sacrifice and he went and he did it because the other nations did it so he thought it doesn't matter if I do it he offered sacrifice and as soon as he was done guess what happened Samuel came the same thing that happened as soon as they made the golden calf Moses came there's gonna be a big test in the last days of God's people that's why Jesus said many will come to me in that day saying Lord Lord you'll say I don't know you depart from me II who work iniquity they lost patience waiting time of testing why do you think Jesus said in Matthew 25 Matthew 24 signs of the second coming Matthew 25 while the bridegroom delayed who's the bridegroom in that parable he's a symbol for Jesus we all agree did Christ is he trying to tell us something there was a period of testing for those where there is ten virgins five wise five foolish right you know the parable there's a time of testing half of them failed the test because they thought what he's not coming back you can look in John chapter 11 when Jesus resurrected Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus when he was up in Galilee saying come quick your friend Lazarus is sick and Jesus dilly-dallying it doesn't use those words in the Bible but it seems like he waited finally by the time he got there he was not only dead he been dead for days and Martha and Mary who loved Jesus I said Lord what's up you healed so many people he was your friend you stayed with us we told you is sick why were you late it's too late now is it no I'm not late you think I'm late but I'm gonna do something now that you didn't anticipate and though you've been sad you're gonna rejoice he resurrected Lazarus but it looked like he was late the Lord sometimes tests our faith will Jesus actually be late for his return what do you think let's read some prophecies on this it says in Habakkuk can you say that book Habakkuk the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it will speak and not lie notice it says though it tarries wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry in other ways as though it tarries but it will not hear though it appears and many of the world are saying I guess the Lord is not coming back you can read here in Hebrews 10 37 for yet a little while and he who is coming will come and will not tarry and that just will live by faith friends is your faith hanging on Jesus said I'm coming again this ought to be the the the great hope the Blessed hope of believers that will mobilize us and if how would you live if you thought the Lord was coming in a week we got to be living that way every day he said I will come again and he will reward everybody you can read in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 if anyone draws back my soul has no pleasure in him that's the rest of that verse here's one from second Peter 3 verse 3 and 4 knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days that's in the words of our song mockers and scoffers walking according to their own lusts saying where is the promise of his coming forever since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation until now what is Peter talking about scoffers in the world I've always been scoffers in the world maybe's talking about structures in the church in the last days walking after their own lusts and I'm walking godly life saying aw he's never gonna come yeah we've heard it Jesus is coming jesus is coming he preachers been saying that for years that's right one of these days we're gonna be right he is gonna come he told us to let people know how does the Bible in even so come Lord Jesus we can't lose faith in that friends it says Peter says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat and the earth also and the things that are in it will be burned up he's gonna come Romans chapter 13 verse 11 and knowing the time but now it is high time to wake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed what were those how many of the ten virgins were wise how many of them are foolish how many were sleeping I wonder if the Lord's telling us something about the condition before the bridegroom comes we need to wake up the Bible says the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light friends I believe we're living in the most exciting time in the Earth's history I believe the Lord has told us in his word in through the signs of the times through the stories of the Bible through the cycles that we see in prophecy and we'll be sharing a lot more you need to stick with this program because we're gonna be sharing things that you maybe never heard before but I promise you it'll be from the Word of God and it's all gonna tell you that Christ is coming soon what's happening behind the scenes in prophecy right now much of the world is confused about and how we can be ready the Lord has not forgotten us he is gonna come again I remember back in 1995 when all this unfolded during the Bosnian war one of our fighter pilots captain Scott O'Grady was flying over war-torn Bosnia when his f-16 with an a SAM missile tore through his aircraft and as he pummeled towards the ground he pulled the ejection lever and he exploded out what was left of the cockpit burned his face injured his eye a little bit and he parachuted down and they saw the enemy on the ground saw that they hit him they saw him parachute down they couldn't get to the spot quick enough and he dropped his chute and went he hid like a scared animal in the brush in the woods and for six days he was trying to evade the enemy in strange territory and he was hiding under Bush and sometimes he saw the boots going just right near him of the enemy looking form they knew if they could get that an American pilot it would be quite a trophy he had a radio and he kept calling for help he saw the battery was slowly fading on his radio and he wondered if anybody was hearing him and he said the only thing that sustained him during that time was his love for God his love for his family and his love for his country for six days captain o'grady he had drank dirty water and he ate bugs and and did all he could to survive kept calling for help and finally he heard somebody called back on his radio they were afraid to call him for fear that others would pick up the transmission and he was given some instructions and after six days there's a clearing he set off a flare and a helicopter descended with 20 Marines jumping out to create a perimeter he ran to that chopper and jumped in as fast as he could and the whole thing took seven minutes and and he got back and you know it was amazing whenever I hear this right now I'm getting old and emotional or something just it was amazing to me that while he was going through that ordeal he wondered has my country forgotten about me is anybody doing anything for me are they gonna come back maybe I'm just one soldier and they don't care and if he can only know what was going on behind the scenes the whole United States military plus the military of Allies had been mobilized to save one soldier now if faulty man can do that for their fellow man well god forget about us is he gonna come again friends you can count on it and I think that the time is coming near it's not an accident that you're here whether you're here in person in Charlotte or one of our locations around the country I believe the Lord has brought you to these meetings and there's others he may want you to invite because we don't have much time left I think the Lord is coming soon he wants you to be ready and once you are ready he wants you to help get other people ready because friends can you tell me what is more important than eternal life Jesus gave His life he died that you might be redeemed from this enemy territory he's gonna come again we'll be caught up to meet him in the air and he's gonna take us back those mansions that he's prepared that's why he said don't be troubled you can have peace there's room for you in my father's house do you believe that friends now I don't know what's going on in your background I believe you're watching are you here by divine appointment the Lord wants you to be ready we've just kind of giving you a big sweeping picture of the Scriptures tonight to illustrate that Jesus is coming soon do you believe it can I pray for you Father in heaven I just want to pray that your presence will be with each person those that are here in Charlotte those who may be watching all over the world and that the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts right now they'll know that there is a plan that you have not forgotten that you are not late that this is all by divine design and that you will come again this world will not go on forever but there is an end to these things bless these people Lord so that they might be ready bring us back again and I pray that we can be prepared for your soon return we thank you for hearing this prayer and we pray all these things in Jesus name Amen now friends we would like to encourage you not to jump up because we've got a few more things both for the local group we're gonna give to you real quick and a closing presentation those who are watching online you have group leaders in your churches and your home groups they should have some materials they've downloaded that they can share with you tomorrow's presentation is going to be the lost day of history we look forward to seeing you then
Channel: Aaron
Views: 81,823
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Id: Yr1lmjCWvuI
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Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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