The Bible's Presentation of the Son of God - Eli Lopez - December 30, 2020

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[Music] good evening clc and friends of clc we're so glad you are joining us this evening the last service of 2020. we've made it through this entire year there's been some great challenges but also some great testimonies of what the lord has done and provisions that you've given us healings and bodies and just so many miracles numerous to count but we know that we trust in the lord and just simply by us still having service right now is a testimony that the lord is faithful and he is with our people and with his people and tonight we're going to ask the lord's presence again to be felt where you are right now whether you're watching this service at this moment or this is an archive message that you're picking up later we're going to ask the lord that he will you will be felt that he will feel you and you will feel him right now as we touch jesus lord we go before your throne right now jesus we ask right now that your spirit will be felt upon every individual that's watching this service right now we are not just simply watching lord but help us to be participants in what your will is for us right now not my will be done jesus not our will be done jesus but we ask that your will be done right now in this moment jesus we submit this time to you we submit our will to you we submit this few moments jesus into your presence and lord we submit jesus that we ask that your holy ghost will strengthen us that your holy ghost will feel us jesus with your hope [Music] and restoration and healing in jesus we ask that your will be done upon every song that sung every note that's played and jesus we know that your word is already anointed but we ask that you prepare our mind our spirits our ears jesus to receive your word tonight for what you have in store for us your church lord jesus we thank you lord for 2020. we thank you jesus that you brought us this far and you're not gonna leave us nor forsake us and you're gonna bring us through the next year jesus we give you glory we give you honor and praise [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus let's continue to worship the lord in song tonight [Music] praise the lord church we invite you to sing with us tonight where do i go when there's nobody else that turns you who do i talk to [Music] when nobody wants to listen who do i lean on when there's no foundation stable i go to the rock i know he is [Music] mountain stands by me [Music] when the earth all around me sinking set on christ the solid rock i stand when i need a shelter when i need a friend i go to the rock where do you go [Music] when there's nobody else to turn to who do you talk to when nobody wants to listen who do you lean on [Music] when there's no foundation stable i go to the rock i know he's able i go to the rock the lord is the rock of my salvation the lord is rejecting [Music] [Music] where do i go all right when the storms of life are raging and who do i turn to [Music] when the winds of sorrow blow there is a refuge in the time of tribulation i go to the rock i know he's able i go to the rock the lord is the rock of my salvation the lord is the soul i run to the house again the mountain stands by me oh yes when the earth all around the lord is the rock of my salvation the lord is the stone that the builders rejected i run to the mountain and the mountain stands by me oh yes [Music] [Music] you can go to the rock you can go to the rock you can go to the rock you can go to the rock you can go [Music] you can go to the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord we hallelujah you tonight we worship you lord we thank you tonight jesus we bless your holy name your wonderful name when i think about the goodness of jesus i can't help but worship when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he feeled with the holy ghost how he heal me to the other most when i think about the lord how he picked me up and turned me around how we place my feet on solid ground sing that together when i think when i think about how we say [Music] when i think [Music] it makes me wanna shout hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] how we raise [Applause] with the holy ghost when i think about the lord [Music] it makes me want to shop [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how he picked me up and he [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] one more time it makes me wanna shout thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah come on if you're thankful tonight can you lift up praise can you lift up thanksgiving can you lift up worship to him right now hallelujah lord we bless you tonight [Music] when we stop and think just for a few moments and let's let's do that right now as we are in our last service for 2020 let's stop and think about what the lord has done for us as individuals and us as the body of christ through 2020. think about the provision that he's given to us think about the healings that he's done think about the miracles signs and wonders that have been performed and just simply the fact that we are still having service right now is a testament that the lord is good the lord is our provider our refuge and strength and he's done it for the body of christ and he's done it for you so let's just right now worship him and thank him lord for what he's done jesus we thank you lord for this year we thank you lord for your provision we thank you lord that you are our provider our refuge and strength and jesus when times were tough and times were dark you were there right now right there in the midst of it though the storm may be around jesus you were the calm in the midst of the storm you brought us through and those that might be in the storm right now jesus we ask that hope will be renewed as we enter into 2021 jesus and your stripes we are healed that you are our provider and you are our refuge and jesus we speak to the north we speak to the south the east and the west that it must give up the souls that belong to you and to belong into your kingdom and we are believing together and binding together for 2021 as it will be a refuge it will be a refuge for those that were weary and for those that were looking for things in this world that did not fill the gap but jesus we know that you are the answer bring those children once that new you back into this home back home where they belong jesus we ask that this sunday morning that this house will be filled with people that once knew you that they will be returned once again that nothing will stop them jesus from coming to the house of the lord and hearing your word and feeling your spirit jesus we ask right now that you will be done that you will be done [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus the lord is good the lord is so good it is now time for our wednesday evening tithe and offering god bless you as you give tonight well good evening everybody and so good to be with you here tonight on the last wednesday evening of 2020 i know many of us are greatly anticipating the turning of the calendar from this year to the next and just hopeful hopeful for much better things for many of us in this coming year i do want to mention just a few moments ago we did take an offering that christian life center is a considered a charitable organization and so all of your contributions all of your donations uh they are tax deductible as long as we receive those before the end of the year you will be able to use those when you file your taxes for 2020. that's not why we give obviously we give because we love the lord we give because we're being obedient to the word of god but it is still a tremendous blessing that our government recognizes the special places that churches have in our society and we are recognized as being charitable organizations and at least this church is and we try to do everything right and abide by those guidelines and so at your contribution you're tithing your offering all that will be received by the end of the calendar year it will go on your 2020 statement that you will receive in the mail in early 2021 we are going to continue our series and so privileged to be able to [Music] read study and then stand before you and share and teach from the word of the lord this is the the greatest document the greatest book that has ever been given to mankind it reveals god it is truth and i love the bible and i know you do as well and so thankful for those of you who have given me some very positive feedback on how this series is kind of helping your understanding and i have received requests for notes and so on and so forth and i want to just give everyone that could benefit from these types of notes the tools that you would need when you yourself are in a bible study or you're trying to witness to someone or you just want greater understanding of god so if you would like those just just let me know many of you know how to reach out and get a hold of me i definitely want to give everyone the tools that they need to do the word of the lord and i have brother chris padgett here in the sanctuary waving he wants a set of the notes i will get those to you brother paget let's pray lord we love you we thank you for everything god there's none like you there's none god there's none that can compare to you you are great and wonderful mighty and altogether lovely we worship you tonight our hearts are open to you tonight in jesus name we pray amen tremendous worship tonight and uh just so thankful for the spirit of encouragement and victory that is here with us tonight and again thank you for joining us for this this this lesson this is the fifth lesson in this series dealing with the the oneness of god really it's the bible's presentation of god that's what we're looking at how does the bible present god to us and specifically how does the bible present jesus to us and and how should we view jesus well the first three weeks we discussed the divine identity of jesus and we went through scripture after scripture showing how jesus is god and clearly how the bible identifies jesus as yahweh as jehovah the lord god almighty of the old testament is jesus christ he is god manifest in the flesh and so we we we spent three weeks dealing with that last week we begin to deal with um addressing some false views that have arisen within christianity we did kind of a history lesson along with our bible study and uh we took time to to work through that and um and and it was just a a little bit of a lengthy journey and i apologize for going a little longer than i'm accustomed to and tonight i'm very aware i'm going to try to do my best to stay within the time frame so what we're going to deal with tonight in this fifth um portion of this series or the this fifth lesson of this series is we're going to talk about the bible's presentation of the son of god we begin to deal with this last week the bible's presentation of the son of god and we dealt with addressing a a heretical view or a false view that jesus is god the son the bible never calls him god the son but the bible does refer to jesus as the son of god so what we're going to do tonight is we're going to look at at the bible's presentation of the son of god what does that mean what should that mean to us when the bible refers to jesus as the son of god now there is something among oneness pentecostals i've been born and raised in this so i've been around this all of my life i've noticed that we many times don't refer to jesus as the son of god i believe this is because we are fighting against some false views about jesus and because we are taking a stand against those false views we fail to recognize properly that the bible does say jesus is the son of god and i need jesus to be the son of god if jesus is not the son of god i can't be saved because in the old testament there is something presented called the kinsman redeemer and if you ever want to understand this dynamic just read the book of ruth if you read that beautiful story the book of ruth ruth had to be redeemed by a member of the family and so we get the the wonderful hero boaz comes to the forefront and redeems ruth marries her then out of that we get eventually david and through the lineage of david we get jesus christ but you got this beautiful story uh the picture of the kinsman redeemer a member of the family that could redeem you if you were somehow sold into bondage into slavery into debt a member of your family could step forward and redeem you and and there needed to be a member of the human family a member of the human race to redeem us but when god looked around there was none that was worthy remember we looked at isaiah several weeks ago where he looked and he could find no intercessor he could find no one to stand in the gap so his own arm brought salvation we needed a kinsmen redeemer we needed someone in the family of humanity to step forward but there was none worthy there was none good enough so god became a man god joined the human family to redeem mankind so i need jesus to be the son of god because i need a kinsmen redeemer i need someone to purchase me to save me because i can't save myself so jesus i must see jesus as the son of god because i need a kinsmen redeemer so we're going to deal with that subject tonight about jesus being the son of god and because it's in the bible we don't need to be afraid of that terminology we do not need to be afraid to acknowledge that jesus is the son of god so a couple questions we're going to start tonight with if there is only one god and jesus is god why does the bible call him the son of god that's an obvious question right and we asked that question last week and that's where we dealt with some of the false views that have arisen over time in christianity but then there's a follow-up question that i want to deal with tonight towards the end if there is only one god and jesus is god why did jesus pray and and we're going to deal with that question now there's some other questions we could ask it and maybe um if we were able to continue this study uh as we turn to the new year um i know that many times the pastor will want to cast his vision and definitely um i'm submitted to to brother haney but if he wants me to go a few more weeks i do have some other things that we can address some questions that sometimes come up when we are presenting our oneness message to those that maybe don't understand it they will say well why did this happen and why did that happen and they'll point to different events in the bible but we'll let that unfold according to god's will but we're going to answer these two questions tonight if jesus is the son if jesus is god right if there's only one god and jesus is god why does the bible call him the son of god why does it use that terminology right it'd be a lot more clear to us if the bible didn't use that terminology if the bible just called him god manifest the flesh all the time why does it refer to him as the son of god and and then if jesus is god why do we have him praying and we have several instances in the gospels where jesus prayed and we're going to we're going to try to answer those questions i believe we will answer those questions and we're going to base our answers on the bible so the foundation for this series is is the same as it's been every week so far we will build our belief system on the bible alone i don't apologize for that i'm not embarrassed i'm not ashamed to say i'm gonna do everything i can to build my belief system on the bible alone secondly we will allow scripture to interpret scripture what does the bible say instead of me bringing my interpretation or my definitions that are 2 000 years removed from some of the writings of scripture why don't i just take the words of scripture and allow the bible to interpret itself and and allow the concepts and the understanding that's in the bible so we're going to let scripture interpret scripture and that that is the safest way to always handle the bible is to allow scripture to interpret scripture and we're going to look at the bible from the lens of the jewish perspective and i have dealt with this several weeks now that the bible is an eastern document it is not a western book it's not an american book it's an eastern document and the church was born in the radical monotheism of second temple judaism now if i say anything and you're scratching your head chances are i've dealt with it in a previous week and if you want to go back and watch some of the previous lessons it'll probably answer the questions because if i say something i really don't have time obviously to review everything i'm just going to take really the foundation that we've laid in the previous four weeks and and just launched from there so if i do say something and you're wondering where in the world that's coming from chances are we've already addressed that in a previous week and we're just building on that understanding that we've already gained in in when we talk about the term the son of god in luke chapter 3 verse 38 the term is applied to adam as one who came into existence without a human progenitor okay so luke uses this term to describe adam says that adam was the son of god because adam did not have a an earthly human father did not have a human progenitor he the adam there's no one to look at for adam to say that's my my earthly dad or my earthly grandfather or my earthly great great grandfather adam was the first and he was a direct creation of god so he is referred to as the son of god and in scripture adam stands as the federal head of the unregenerated human race in romans chapter 5 verses 12 through 21 there's a wonderful passage there that talks about the first adam and the second adam and and the first adam is the federal head and federal headship refers to the representation of a group united under a federation or a covenant and so because we are all under this federation of humanity the unregenerated human race is under the federal headship of adam okay so adam is referred to as the son of god that term is also applied to jesus just as adam's progenitor is god jesus did not have a human father but came about by miraculous means as the spirit overshadowed mary and we know the story right we've we've seen the christmas plays we we hear the announcement of the angel to mary and you can look in matthew chapter 1 18 and in luke chapter 1 31-35 and and you can see where where the bible tells us about this miraculous birth mary says how could this be i i've never known a man i've never been been intimate with a man how can i be with child and and the angel explains that it's going to be a work a miraculous work the holy spirit will overshadow you this is going to be a divine work and so there there was no human father involved in this it was an absolute miracle of god and so just as adam had no earthly father we see that that this jesus christ had no earthly father and and this is sacrosect to the christian faith we believe that jesus came about by a virgin birth we believe that we understand that we accept the scripture for what it declares and and some would mock that and say man that that's that's just unbelievable but it's core to our faith we believe that jesus was born of a virgin and the bible expresses that in no uncertain terms and so jesus stands as the federal head of the regenerated people of god jesus is the second adam and and all of us that are born again all of us that are saved we are we are no longer under the headship of adam we are under the headship or the lordship of jesus christ okay so what we need to do and i've mentioned this and for several weeks now and already in this lesson i i've prefaced it but let me come back to this point we need to recognize that the bible's an eastern document and we need to stop reading the bible using a trithius lens what do you mean by that brother lopez we we many times read the bible and because we've been conditioned by historical christianity to look for three we look for three even though we know there's only one and we need to stop reading the bible using a trithius lens we need to read the bible the way that paul and the other new testament writers intended it to be read and i highlight paul because paul was a radical monotheist and he presents jesus as being fully god and we're going to look at some of the statements of paul later today we need to read the bible with a radical monotheistic perspective we need to read the bible with the jewish mindset from which it is written okay i've already established established in previous weeks but we're gonna again go down this road a little bit today so there's a man by the name of tertullian i introduced you to to tertullian last week tertullian is the individual that uh he came up with the term trinitas which we now have the word trinity so tertilian is very influential in the beginning of the formation now tertullian's trinity is not the trinity that people believe today really for that we have to look to augustine and we talked about augustine last week but tertullian really kind of advanced trinitarian thought forward he left the the the jewish monotheism behind and he began to teach about god in a way where you are now beginning to see just him being put together in a trinitarian model and really almost in a trithest model where and let me explain real quick the difference between trinitarianism and tritheism trinitarianism says well there's one god but three persons are one god tritheism says there's actually three individuals three so basically there's three gods and and so tritheism uh is is the doctrine of the trinity taken to uh uh its far end where there are three individual persons now the problem is many trinitarians are actually tritheist i was in seminary with a pastor who pastors a trinitarian church and i made a comment about jesus being the son of god i made some some type of comment and he she said i didn't know that you won this people uh acknowledged that jesus is the son of god i said of course it's in the bible of course we would acknowledge that and he said but you have to believe that there's three individuals up there in heaven right there's three walking around in heaven and and i had to look at him and i said no we don't have to acknowledge that one because the bible doesn't acknowledge it number two the very teacher of this class if he heard you say that he would call you a heretic that's not that's not what the doctrine of the trinity teaches that there are three individual beings however most trinitarians will take that doctrine to that conclusion well they will believe that there's three individual beings that are that are walking around in heaven and you could see three individual beings when you get to heaven well those that understand the doctrine of the trinity and it's nuanced they'll say no no there's only one god but but there's three personalities or there's three persons we can't explain how these three persons are one but but and and so they would they would fight against tritheism and i've had teachers in class tell me that that they reject tritheism even though they don't accept the oneness presentation of god well we're going to just go back and say what does the bible say well the bible says hear o israel the lord our god is one lord the bible is very clear that there is only one god so tertilian when you look at him his almost tends towards a tritheism more than it does the modern understanding of the trinity what we would know uh what what is taught today with the augustinian trinity so tertullian said this he said this is a jewish faith this is a jewish faith so as to believe in one god that you are unwilling to comprise the sun with him and after the sun also the spirit he said what you need to do is you need to take this one god and you need to join the sun on this side and then the spirit on this side and if you can take this one god and then join the son to him and then join the holy spirit to him he said he said if you're not willing to do that and you just are going to be adamant that there's only one god he said that that's how the jews are he said that's a jewish faith well you know what tertullian you're absolutely right this is the jewish faith and that's why we want to go back and and read the bible from the lens of the jewish perspective i don't need to come up with some some what's the word i'm looking for a caricature of god where i i'm putting forcing things together because my mind can't understand certain things so i'm making things up and i'm fitting things together and all of a sudden i'm getting a presentation of god that is so far from the bible but i want to go back what does the bible say about god and specifically about who jesus is okay so the hebrew perspective of god understands descriptive terminology for god without seeing multiple gods okay let me say that again the hebrew perspective understands descriptive terminology for god without seeing multiple gods and what is the example we used last week we used genesis chapter one verses one and two and i told the story about sharing uh the oneness message with the uh the guide that we had in israel and as i explained it to her from her jewish perspective she was immediately able to understand what i was saying she was immediately able to understand the oneness message because she looked at it completely and fully from the jewish perspective and all i did was i took her to genesis chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 and in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth in the beginning and and so in in verse 1 we have god as creator in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and then verse 2 says that the spirit of god moved upon the waters okay and i said i told her i said we don't believe that there's two different gods between verse one and verse two the same god that created in verse one is now working among his creation in verse two and she looked at me like like who wouldn't believe that well the doctrine of the trinity or tritheism says that's not the same person it's not the same god that that between verse one and verse two you have two different persons or two different gods at work and that's not the bible and that's definitely not the jewish perspective of the bible and so in verse one we see god and i'm gonna give a theological term we see god transcendent we'll go ahead and put the slide back up i know the media team does such a great job following with me i can be difficult to work with at times and they do such a phenomenal job uh linking the slides with what i'm saying and i appreciate all the media team members great job thank you so much in verse 1 we see god transcendent and what we would term as as the creator or the father and in in malachi 2 verse 10 it says have we not all one father hath not one god created us so in the jewish perspective god is our father because god is the creator so it's not it's not a stretch in fact it's absolutely biblical to say in genesis 1 1 we see the father because he is the creator so in verse 1 we see the father in verse 2 we see the spirit of god moving among his creation we we would the theological term is is is god imminent or his imminence what that means is is god in action or god's imminence is god's presence among us okay there's no way there's no way that the jewish perspective whether you're talking about god and his transcendence his aboveness or his beyond this right god is creator god is father if you're talking about god's transcendence or you're talking about god's imminence god working among us god working among his creation there is no one that is looking at the bible from the jewish perspective that is going to say well that has to be two gods the jewish perspective understands there's only one god so whether you describe him as god eminent i mean excuse me as god transcended as god the father as god above and beyond or you describe him as god imminent god among his creation working and and moving and and the spirit of god moving here and the spirit of god doing this however you describe god the jewish understanding is that there is only one god even if you describe that one god in different ways so you can you can look at genesis 1 and 1 and 2 and you can see god showing two different ways as creator and then as the god moving among his creation but the jewish understanding is that there is only one god it's the greek understanding or the western understanding that gets superimposed over the bible that later says well there has to be two gods there there's not two gods there's only one god in verse one god created in verse two god worked or moved among his creation so in genesis 1 1 and 2 we have god transcendent and we have god imminent so if jesus is god himself we're going to put that on the shelf for a few moments and and and let's focus on jesus now if jesus is god himself how should we interpret the term son of god how should we interpret that term if jesus is god and we the first three weeks we were very clear going scripture by scripture by scripture that jesus is god himself the one true god of the bible yahweh jehovah the lord jesus is god himself how should we interpret the term son of god simply we let the bible interpret itself because the bible is going to tell us what the term son of god means and the way we do that is we ask this question what does the bible say about the identity of jesus well if you can answer that question what does the bible say about the identity of jesus then you can answer the question what does the bible mean when it says jesus is the son of god if you answer that one question what does the bible say about the identity of jesus then you will understand what the bible means when it says jesus is the son of god amen isaiah 9 and i use this verse and i've used it several times throughout this series because i think this verse does such an incredible job of showing multiple ways to describe god and multiple ways to describe the messiah the savior that would come his identity and yet still understand that only one god is in view here jesus is the son of god for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given clearly the son is jesus christ and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name or his identity will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace so if we could answer the question what does the bible say about the identity of jesus the bible says that the child that the son is the mighty god the son is the everlasting father that is the identity of the son and we're answering that question what does the bible say about the identity of jesus well the bible clearly teaches isaiah 9 6 that jesus is the mighty god and jesus is the everlasting father let's continue john 1 18 says no man and i'm going to give a lot of scriptures because again we're building our belief system on the bible alone no man have seen god at any time the only begotten son and i have that underlined for a reason which is in the bosom of the father he hath declared him that word begotten is vitally important it's vitally important because there are some that that teach about the eternality of the role of the sun that that there has always existed you go back in time there has always existed the sun alongside the father but the bible teaches that the son is begotten which means that the role of the son came into existence at a particular point in time that is the language of the bible that is the language of the bible and then there's this statement he hath declared him the greek word zia jiomai ziya gioma excuse me means to reveal so this god that we see creating in genesis 1 1 this god who is above all this god who who is the father the creator this god who is beyond this god who is our creator and stands above creation you and i could not get to him and we could not fully understand him he sent messengers to teach us about him those were the prophets of old and and and he he used these messengers to show us ways about him and and yet we were still we were still separated from him we we could not fully grasp him we could not fully understand him and we definitely could not reach him so the reason the son had to come was to and and this this greek word zia jiomai means to reveal i would i could not see god i could not understand god until the sun came and then the son is the one who reveals god to me when i see the son i now can see god i can now encounter god i can now have an experience with god before the sun came god is distant god i have no way to reach god he's beyond me because of the great gulf of sin that is between me and him but now that the son has came now god is revealed he is revealed and now you and i have access to god because the son has come and has revealed god to humanity so we have to understand now what the role of the son yes i understand the identity of jesus jesus is god but there is a role for the son the son is revealing god to mankind because man lacked the ability to reach god so god took the initiative and came to reach man i could not cross that gulf to get to god so god made a bridge called his flesh and through the bridge of his flesh he he he bridged the divide and god came to me when i could not get to him colossians 1 15 he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation now uh pastor haney uh i'm privileged to to teach with him the theology course we have at christian life college and there's three teachers in that course pastor haney uh brother redell and myself and brother haney i've never heard it taught better by anyone the image of god and and i know brother haney has taught it to our church many times about the image of god and brother haney's presentation of the image of god which is just based completely on the bible really makes it clear about the identity of jesus when you look at him through the lens of the old testament when we talk about the image of god god's image is shown and i'm just going to real quick just give a real real brief synopsis of this but god's image is shown in several places in the old testament for example in the book of job in job chapter one the bible says there was a day when when the sons of god referring to the angels presented themselves before the lord and it said and satan came among them so there was something there was some image we know that that god feels all things right we know the spirit of god uh is is everywhere all the place you know all the time the spirit of god is limitless right and and we know that we understand that about god and and and yet god would manifest a a visible image at times and and in the throne room in the heavenly throne the angels came to present themselves before something and so we see that this this god even though god the universe actually is inside of god god who's so expansive his spirit has no limit yet god would reveal himself at a particular point where the angels could come and present themselves before that revealed image we see that in the book of job we see theophanies and a theophany is is a revelation of god in visible form and in the old testament we get these theophanies right we get we get theophanies like for example abraham one day he's sitting the door of his tent and he looks up and he sees three men he runs out and he summons them in he said let me prepare a feast for you and as the story unfolds we realize that two of these men are angels but the third is god himself and in genesis 18 you get this incredible story and this is the passage where god where god and abraham have the conversation and abraham intercedes for sodom he intercedes for lot he is praying to jehovah he is praying to the lord but jehovah reveals himself in an angelic form to abraham we call that a theophany a visible manifestation of god it was not a permanent manifestation but it took place at a particular point in time and it allowed a man a human like abraham to see god with his own natural eyes just like the angels had an image to see in the book of job when they presented themselves before god we see that abraham was able to see god in some type of a form in the form of an angel we have jacob right jacob in genesis chapter 32 wrestling the bible calls him a with a man wrestling with a man it was it was it turns out that this is god in the form of an angel the angel of the lord and and how do we know it was god because in in verse 30 of genesis 32 uh jacob called the name of the place penile for i have seen god face to face and my life is preserved so he's wrestling and he's wrestling with god that is somehow revealed in this angelic form in joshua chapter 5 joshua there he is overlooking the city of jericho they're about to attack the city of jericho and he looks over and he sees an individual with his sword drawn and joshua approaches him and says are you on our side are you on their side and and the response is nay but as commander of the army of the lord have i come and then the command is take your sandals off of your feet for the place where you're standing is holy ground and joshua did so just like moses did at the burning bush when he found himself in the presence of god joshua removes the sandals from his feet because he is now in the presence of god god revealed himself to joshua in in some visible form these are not permanent manifestations but we see in the old testament these times where the image of god would appear to a man like joshua or jacob or abraham we see in the book of job again where the angels they they came and they uh presented themselves before some form some some image of god and and and so we we see that now we get to the new testament and it says jesus is the image of the invisible god so just as in the old testament god would reveal himself and allow humans in some cases or the angels in other cases to see a physical manifestation a representation of him that when you would see this image you would recognize that you were looking at god yet at the same time you still knew that god filled all things and was everywhere all the time and paul said jesus is the image of the invisible god the god that you can't see has now revealed himself and made himself permanently visible and i'll explain that a little bit later in the person of jesus christ he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation second corinthians 4 4 whose mind the god of this age has blinded who do not believe lest the light of the gospel the glory of christ who is the image of god the one that jacob wrestled with the one that abraham prepared a meal for the one that joshua approached and soon found himself kneeling before with his feet bare in the holy presence of his holy god jesus is the image of god he is god revealed i've used this verse several times first timothy 3 16. great is the mystery of godliness god god god was manifest in the flesh he was revealed then it goes on to say he was seen by angels just like the angels saw him in the book of job they again saw him when they looked at jesus christ seen by angels so by using the language of the bible we see jesus as the visible form of the invisible god he is the visible form of the invisible god he is the manifestation of god in the form of a man so if we use the bible then we can understand what the bible means when it says jesus is the son of god jesus is god incarnate or god revealed or manifest in flesh jesus is the union of god and humanity jesus is god made visible and so that's why with with joy i can declare that jesus is the son of god because by using the language and using the descriptions and using the terminology of the bible i understand what it means when we say jesus is the son of god jesus is god incarnate jesus is the union of god and humanity jesus is god made visible that's what it means to declare that jesus is the son of god we must remember that the hebrew perspective would have understood understood descriptive terminology for god without seeing multiple gods right we dealt with that in genesis 1 1 2 the jews would never say there's two gods at work in those two verses it's god no matter how you describe him he is god and so if we were to bring that jewish perspective we see the father you can refer to that as god transcendent the creator we see the spirit of god the spirit of the lord the holy spirit we see that as god imminent god working among his creation working among his people his presence among us now we also see the son of god which is god incarnate i don't see multiple gods i don't see multiple persons i see one god in the various ways that the bible describes him because he is the father he is above he he stands as create creator over all that is created over all creation he is the spirit of god the holy spirit that works and moves among his creation and among his people and he is also god who came in the flesh god incarnate the son of god jesus christ and jesus said something very intriguing in john 14 verse 1. he said let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me okay i'm going to change this up i'm not committing blasphemy i'm not i'm not doing anything untoward i'm using this as an example what if i stood here tonight and i said christian life center don't worry about it don't worry about a thing let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in eli lopez there's laughter in the building you may not be able to hear it but there's laughter among the media team that's here what a preposterous statement just hearing it in america in 2020 you're thinking what a crazy thing to say you're not god but we go back 2000 years in a jewish context see it's more than preposterous it's blasphemous unless you understand the identity of jesus how can believing in jesus be the equivalent of believing in god how can believing in jesus be the equivalent of believing in god think about that for a few moments he said you believe in god believe also in me how can the believing in jesus how can believing in jesus be the equivalent of believing in god and how would the jewish mindset the jewish perspective how would jewish ears have understood this statement it's either blasphemy or it's a declaration of jesus divine identity and friend it's not blasphemy because it's a simple formula whether you talk about him as being god transcendent or you talk about him as being god incarnate or you talk about as being god imminent and i'm using those those theological terms those terms are not found in the bible you'll find them in theology books but i'm using those terms god transcendent god incarnate or god imminent however you are going to talk about god you are not going to find multiple gods or multiple persons that comprise god you will find in the bible multiple or various ways to describe god but you will not find multiple gods in the bible so whether you see him as father and we need to see him as father we need to see him as the creator we need to see him as such we need to see him as the son we need to see him as god incarnate as as god come in the flesh as god revealed in the flesh to redeem us and to reach us and to save us and i also need to recognize the holy spirit is not some lesser form of god the holy spirit is god himself who comes to dwell inside of me the holy spirit is god himself and i and i often tell my students in bible college i said you know we have this perspective that when we get to heaven we're gonna run up to adam and eve and say what was it like adam and eve what was it like to walk with god in the garden in the cool of the day what was it like to have to have god come down and walk with you in those special moments and adam and eve are going to look at you and say what was it like that god loved you so much that he came to live inside of you and never left you because he would walk with us for a few moments and then he would depart and we would be left on our own yes it was paradise yes it was a beautiful place but the presence of god would leave and we'd have to wait till the next day for him to come back and he's going to look at you adam and eve are going to look at you and i and say what was it like when you went to the altar and you were filled with the spirit of god and god himself came to live inside of you and he never left you but every day you woke up he was there you lived throughout the course of life and he was there you went through valleys and you went over mountains and he was always there and adam and eve are going to say what was it like when god came into your life and never left you see you need to view the holy spirit as god himself who has come to live in your life and to be with you forever i don't see multiple gods when i read this bible i see one god you can describe him in multiple ways and the bible does but there is only one god and i have to understand the roles that god plays in the story of human redemption in this this story where god is doing a work among humanity there are roles he is father absolutely and and he is is is the holy spirit who fills us and he is the son of god who has come to redeem us it is the same god the one true god of the bible who is filling these roles remember what i said i'll go back to genesis 1 1 and 2. in verse 1 we have god who created in verse 2 we have god who worked among his creation and we look at jesus we now have god who has joined his creation it's that simple don't over complicate it don't add all these philosophical ideas in and and mess up the simple truth of the word of god it is the same god the one true god of the bible who is filling these roles and jesus is the name that fully represents god to us that's why when you call on the name of jesus you have heaven's attention when you call on the name of jesus incredible things happen when you call on the name of jesus there is that divine response because jesus is the name that fully represents god to us jesus is the ultimate manifestation of god and the name of jesus is the name that fully represents god to us i asked our students i said what's mankind's greatest need and you know some students said well you know we need to eat some said you know we need we need provisions like housing and care for i said no but what's our ultimate greatest need finally one student said well we're lost and the name of jesus means yahweh or jehovah has become salvation you see god looked at mankind's greatest need and said i'm going to meet that need and the name of jesus means that god has revealed himself and he is meeting our greatest need because he loves us so much he has joined creation he's become one of us to save us and to reach us so when i say the name of jesus i'm speaking the name that is above all name because that is the name that represents everything god wants to be to he wants to be your savior because when he is your savior he will be everything that you need him to be because it starts with the salvation of my soul but then his salvation fills every area of my life jesus is the name that fully represents god to us jesus is 100 god and a hundred percent man i know that that's odd right it's odd and i've spent the first three weeks really highlighting jesus deity that he is god but let me take a few moments to talk about his humanity in genesis 3 15 i'll put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her seed i have that word underlined for a reason he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel the word seed is to be translated or be understood as offspring or descendants so the seed would be a physical descendant of eve jesus is a genuine human being he is a physical descendant according to genesis 3 15 of the woman jesus is a genuine human being he's not just a human being in appearance he's a genuine human being in galatians 4 4 says but when the fullness of time had come god sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law and again i have born of a woman underlined up there because we must understand mary was more than an incubator some people have the view that mary was just an incubator and and she contributed nothing at all that is not the message of the bible jesus was actually born of a woman she contributed to the humanity of jesus christ mary did jesus is he joined jesus is a part of the human race very important romans 5 15 but the free gift is not like the offense for if by the one man's offense many died talking about adam much more the grace of god and the gift by the grace of the one man this verse paul is highlighting his humanity the man jesus christ abounded to many first timothy 2 5 for there is one god and one mediator between god and man the man the flesh very important the man and a verse i've already used tonight first timothy 3 16 without contrary to grace the mystery of godliness i've been highlighting the theos there the god being manifest but now let's look at the latter part of this statement god was manifest how in the flesh not in the appearance of flesh he came in genuine flesh he came as a man he came and joined creation it's astounding it's it's amazing the love of god that compelled him to such such lengths acts 2 22 men of israel hear the words here's these words excuse me jesus of nazareth a man and in this verse peter is highlighting the humanity a man attested by god to you by miracles wonders and signs john 1 14 and the word became flesh flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory glorious only begotten of the father there's that that concept there about the begottenness of the son became flesh real flesh not not a mirage not not something that was just in appearance real flesh john first john 1 1 that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life now many times in the bible i shouldn't say many times there are several times in the new testament specifically where the writers are beginning to deal with heresies paul dealt with the heresy that christians are bound to the law of moses and so the book of galatians and a lot of the book of romans deals with the church's relationship to the law of moses because paul is dealing with heresies well john is dealing with the heresy in 1st john and it's a heresy called docetism you've probably never heard of it but docetism and dosatism taught that material was evil whatever's in the material universe is evil but whatever's in the spiritual realm is good so only only things in the spirit are good but whatever's in the material world that that is evil and so as a result docetism taught that jesus flesh was a mirage it wasn't real so he really didn't die on the cross it just looked like he died on the cross he didn't have real flesh it just looked like he had real flesh because whatever's in the material world is is evil and and because jesus is a good being he could never be evil so jesus obviously did not have a physical body because he could not join the material world well well john begins to write against this early christian heresy called dosetism and look what he says here he said i've saw him with my eyes i looked upon him and my hands handled him john said i reached out and touched him and his flesh his body was real he said my hands handled i i actually touched him i know that he was real it wasn't just a mirage it wasn't just an appearance of flesh so what do we see we see jesus is fully god we've established that colossians 2 9. but we also see that jesus is fully man he's not half man half god that that that's that's the greek mythology right you got these beings that are half gods and and half creatures of some kind half gods half men that's not what god is the bible teaches that jesus is fully god in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily jesus is fully god but jesus is also fully a man he lived the human experience and i know we don't think about it in these terms but when jesus woke up in the morning i bet he had messy hair he he he we call it bed head right he his hair was messed up he had to comb his hair he had to brush his teeth otherwise jesus would have had bad breath jesus ate we see times where jesus is eating in the gospels in fact uh they called him a friend of publicans and sinners a drunkard because he he would sit down and he would eat and and enjoy these feasts and allow people to approach him that that the religious leaders didn't think should get near jesus and and so he ate which means he had natural bodily functions so after he ate his digestive system went to work and and jesus your jesus my jesus would have to use the bathroom we don't think about him in those terms because he is so holy to us and we think about him with catholic imagery right he's wearing this white glowing robe and he's walking the foot off the ground and there's a halo over his head that's not jesus jesus was a rough individual the bible says he was a carpenter if you shook hands with jesus you shook hands with a working man he had working man's hands calluses and he had he had those rough hands of a man that that worked was a woodworker and and and i guarantee you his feet were dirty when he walked down the street as he wore those sandals on on those dusty roads i guarantee you that his clothes got dirty as as the dust just washed over him as he's walking down the street and and just living life the way that they lived back then i guarantee you all these things that we can't imagine about jesus he had and he experienced humanity he experienced what it was to be a human being he was a genuine man so he is fully god we make that confession because the bible declares that but also the bible teaches that he is fully a man and i i can't get away from that that's that's the bible jesus is fully man and so jesus is the union of divinity and humanity jesus is the son of god and that's what it means when you say jesus is the son of god you are saying jesus is the union of divinity and humanity jesus is god in flesh real flesh genuine the genuine human experience that's why the bible says he was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin because he lived the genuine human experience and you can read about those temptations the bible tells us those temptations when the devil tempted him those three temptations and he defeated every one of them with the word of the lord but he underwent temptation the flesh was tempted and thankfully jesus showed us how to have victory over temptation by using the word of god to defeat the attack of the enemy in his ministry jesus operated as an anointed man acts 10 38 says god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power that's why jesus stands as the ultimate example jesus shows us what can be accomplished through an individual that will be completely filled with the spirit of god and will not have any human will that would rise up to in any way subvert the will of god jesus operated as this anointed man he is the forever example of what a man can and should be that is fully surrendered at all times to the will of god fully fully submitted and filled with the spirit of god he is the ideal that we are to reach for and uh i understand that eli lopez i will not get there this side of glory but jesus is the standard he's the ideal that i am trying to live up to because he showed us what it means to live that ideal life that fully pleases god because he had the genuine human experience he is fully god and jesus is also fully a man this explains why jesus bears the title of the servant in isaiah 42 49 52 and 53 we get this term that talks about the coming messiah of being the servant and in acts 3 and 26 jesus referred to as the servant well how can god be referred to as the servant because in his humanity jesus fulfilled the role of the perfect servant he completely fulfilled god's will even offering his body up to death completely fulfilled the will of god in his humanity even while we recognize his identity as deity as being god revealed in flesh matthew 26 39 jesus prayed right this one gets thrown at us well if you want god people explain this one it's actually not that hard to explain it's not that hard to explain he went a little further fell on his face and prayed saying o my father if it is possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as you will okay let's let's talk about what's going on here there's a several things that we want to unpackage here first of all the human experience we've already established that jesus is fully a man the human experience has something called the survival instinct right uh if you're in a building and you believe the building is on fire the survival instinct that's in you is going to find a way to get out of the building it's what we do because we don't want to die i ask the students in my college class i often ask them how many you want to go to heaven and they will all raise their hand i say how many want to go to heaven today and those hands come down i'm not ready to see this natural life end just yet yes heaven's my home one day just not today you know and we all have the survival instincts we if someone is attacking us we're either going to fight back or we're going to escape we it's a survival instinct that's in us and it's part of the human makeup it's how we're made and if jesus is a genuine human being and he is then he also has that survival instinct and so jesus is looking and he realizes that there is a cross in his near future there is a a sacrifice to be paid there is a mission to be fulfilled but he also has genuine flesh that does not want to die just like you don't want to die and i don't want to die the flesh of jesus did not want to die because he experienced the genuine human experience of living a human life and that flesh did not want to die and we look at the prayer he said if it's possible let this cup pass from me is there another way to accomplish the mission without this flesh having to suffer having to be beaten and broken and bruised and nailed to a cross and to bleed out and die is there another way nevertheless not as i will but as you will so let's look at the options here there's three possible conclusions to this this verse well the tritheist is going to say this well this is jesus praying to a separate god who is greater so we have these these three gods that exist and we have jesus god junior god junior praying to god's senior because god senior has more power than him and god's senior can rescue him so we have god junior praying to god's senior asking for rescue from what's about to happen well well i mean my goodness you um if you just have any understanding of the bible you can mark that one off as a possibility because you know there's only one god there's not multiple gods so the tri-theist option is is just out just because we know the bible right number two is the trinitarian perspective that says well one part of the godhead is praying to another part of the godhead but that's problematic if you believe the trinity that's problematic because according to the doctrine the trinity these these members of the trinity this this community that comprises god they are co-equal co-eternal so and so forth but they're co-equal which means they have equal authority they have equal power why would one part of the godhead need to pray to another part of the godhead if they have equal power equal standing there's something wrong here if one part of the godhead needs another part of the godhead to rescue him they're not co-equal and so the doctrine of the trinity itself defeats itself looking at this story because they're obviously not equal if one is praying to the other what does the oneness perspective say we say well it's the flesh of jesus that is subjecting itself to the will of god i see jesus praying and i have no problems with that as a oneness believer because i see the flesh the genuine flesh of jesus subjecting itself to the will of god because remember jesus set the standard he gave us the ideal of the perfect servant the one that fully completed his mission and did the will of god the the man that lived fully empowered and filled and led by the spirit so when that flesh ran up against a survival instinct the flesh was subjected to the will of god and the mission was accomplished and the cross took place a crucifixion crucifixion happened as the flesh the genuine flesh subjected to the will of god tritheism fails and the trinitarian dogma fails when you look at this story but the oneness perspective holds up so strong because we acknowledge the genuine humanity of jesus jesus is fully god and yet he's also fully man he lived a genuine human experience and the flesh is subjected to the perfect will of god and the crucifixion took place because jesus lived that perfect ideal life of being fully surrendered to the will of god in his flesh so the question i ask which view aligns with scripture well it's simple the tritheus view has nothing to do with the bible the trinitarian view fails of its own accord it doesn't hold up under its own weight and the oneness view aligns with scripture that jesus is fully god and jesus is fully man i came across a quote i have this book in my library uh there's a theologian by the name of aleister mcgrath and i have a tremendous appreciation for him this man holds three doctoral degrees just a brilliant man by by research and by study he is a scientist but he's also a theologian uh he is a renowned apologist he an apologist again is one who defends the faith i love uh the way mcgrath approaches apologetics he has debated uh men like richard dawkins and and some of these uh these atheists these neo darwinians that are on the scene nowadays and and he has done an excellent job representing the christian faith uh he's anglican so he is not uh apostolic pentecostal uh he's not our flavor of what we know um in the way that we uh worship god and the way that we live out our faith he's he's anglican part of the church of england and but he's a brilliant man alistair mcgrath is a brilliant brilliant man and again i i kind of overstate it a little bit but i really really love and appreciate his writings and this is what he says as he's describing god you know what let's take that off the screen for a few moments i'm going to back up and tell a story and uh i was in seminary and i was in a class called systematic theology one i'll make sure i got that right i was in system at theology one there was two uh two sessions systematicology one and two and in system methodology one we discussed the bible's perspective of god right the biblical presentation of god and of course systemic theology you're going to deal with that and the teacher he said i'm going to first teach you two errors two false views of god and then i'm going to teach you the correct view of god so the first view of god that he taught us that was wrong is something called modalism and he said modalism teaches that there's one god who has changed and has taken on three forms so he's god the father then he changed and became god the son or the son of god or jesus and then he became god the holy spirit and he says modalism teaches that that you've got god in these three modes so and and and many times when people think about us they think that we're modalists but we're not modalists we never say that god stopped being the god who filled the universe we we don't teach that the incarnation limits god we teach that the incarnation reveals god but we never teach that the incarnation limits god but modalism says well he was the father and then he became the son and now he's the holy spirit and so you see god kind of changing shapes or changing modes well we don't believe that we believe that god always has been the father because he's always the creator and his spirit fills all things and so we don't again we don't believe that the incarnation limits god but we do believe the incarnation reveals god that's very important uh tenet of oneness uh apostolic doctrine okay so he taught us about modalism and why it was wrong okay and again a lot of times they think that we're modelists we're not modalists but but he was saying modalism's wrong then he said tritheism's wrong and he went through a lot of the things i went through tonight and he explained why tritheism was wrong there's not three different gods there's not three people walking around in heaven that's that's absolutely unbiblical and then he said the right view of god is the trinity right and i'm i'm in class i'm listening very respectful and i want to see how this goes and and he gives the augustinian presentation of the trinity and then and he says he says i know that's that's confusing he says i know that's confusing he said he said let me tell you how i believe the trinity and he said he said when i think of the trinity he said i don't think of the word person like three different beings or three different personalities he said i think of the old latin word persona and i'm thinking okay this is interesting he said a persona in the old in the old plays in rome you would have one actor that would change his mask throughout a drama so you would have a drama with an actor and you would have an actor and this actor sometimes would play four or five different characters he said in the bible you have one god that he changes his mask and he said and the old latin word for mask is persona so he said the way i present god is there's one god and he has three personas or three different masks but it's the same god and i'm there listening like that really doesn't sound like the trinity to me and he stopped and he says he says that sounds a lot like modalism doesn't it and uh and then he went back and he to his augustinian definition of the trinity but it was amazing that when he just kind of let you know kind of let let the wall down and and let his guard down and said this is how i view god he did not view god as a trinity he said there's only one god there's only one god even though i see god as father here and i see him revealed in the sun here i see god in the holy spirit that works among us he said you need to recognize there's only one god so i came across this quote by allison mcgrath and look what he says it's kind of along the same lines as my seminary teacher he said in the great drama of human redemption three different roles are played out these are the roles of the creator the redeemer and the sanctifier all of these roles are played by the same actor god the roles of father son and spirit are not played by three independent actors he said there's not three persons behind the richness of the scriptural account of redemption is to be discerned the action of one and the same god wow wow well you know i i love reading that but i also want to say this i don't need to go back and use a roman drama to explain god i don't need to use a latin word persona to explain god if i just stay in the bible if i just stay in the bible and let's go back to isaiah 9 6 unto us a child is born unto us a son is given the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace just stay in the bible and you will understand the identity of jesus christ just stay in the word trinitarianism says that jesus is in the godhead jesus is in the godhead but the bible says that the godhead is in jesus for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily just stay in the word john 14 1. let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me jesus i believe in you jesus i believe in you because when you have jesus you have everything that god wants to be to you and for you when you have jesus you have everything that god wants to be to you and everything god wants to be for you when you call on the name of jesus i don't have to pray to the father in this prayer and pray to the son in this prayer and pray to the holy spirit in this prayer i pray to jesus i called god by his revealed name i call him jesus and when i call upon jesus all of heaven is at attention because when you call on the name of god everything god wants to be to you everything god can be for you everything god wants to do for you it is summed up in that name jesus jesus is the name that reveals god to us jesus is the ultimate manifestation of god and if you just stay in the word and we come to the final moments of this last service of 2020 and again i went a little long tonight i i i kept looking at the clock here and and i i apologize for that but i hope and pray that the word of god has fed you tonight that you've been nourished by by the words of this book and if we would just stay in the word we will see god the way that we are supposed to see him when we look at jesus we will see that the words that jesus said are still true today when you've seen jesus you've seen the father you will understand that when jesus said that before abraham was i am you will understand the true identity of jesus so that when the bible declares him to be the son of god you will understand what that means the son of god is the union of divinity and humanity the son of god is god made visible the son of god is god revealed in the flesh so whatever you need tonight the answers in jesus whatever you need tonight the answer is in jesus the answer is found in your kinsmen redeemer the one who joined this human race to save us and to reach us because he loves us that much the answer is found in jesus i'm going to invite musicians to come back and as we close out this service as we close out this year i want us number one to thank god for his goodness to us for his truth his word his love his faithfulness his mercy i want us to thank god for his goodness to us and i want us to pray that as we move into a new year that god would bless our families and god would bless our homes and god would bless this church with great apostolic revival because we are built up on the truth of the word of god our families our lives our homes and this very church is built on the truth of this word and let's pray for there to be a great revival in this coming year and that apostolic truth would be proclaimed all throughout this city from the north to the south the east and the west that there'd be a great revival and that people would come to jesus because jesus alone is the answer jesus alone is the way the truth and the life and everything you need it's found in jesus lord jesus tonight our hearts are filled with with gratitude such gratitude thank you for being so good to us so good to your people we love you tonight as we count down the hours into a brand new year first we're gonna say thank you thank you for your faithfulness thank you for your goodness even through the difficult times of this past year thank you that you've been faithful to be with us to give us the strength that we need the grace that we need your mercy is new every morning thank you god for never giving up on us and thank you for giving us the strength to march into a new year full of faith full of hope march into a new year rejoicing believing you for even greater things believing you for a great apostolic revival and outpouring of your spirit as we proclaim truth as we stand on the truth of your word as we teach your word and share your word and proclaim your word that there be a great outpouring of your spirit all throughout this city and all throughout this valley and all throughout this state and all throughout this nation god do it and do it in our homes and do it in our families and do it in our lives we love you and we thank you god in jesus name we pray in jesus name god bless you tonight thank you for joining us we're going to sing and we're going to pray for a few moments and you're welcome in your homes right where you're at to join what this in this time of worship and this time of dedication god bless you tonight [Music] he is lord [Music] he has risen from the dead every day [Music] jesus [Music] he has risen [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he has risen from the death every knee shall bow every time [Music] can we sing that he is lord declare it [Music] tonight he has risen from the dead [Music] every time [Music] that jesus christ is [Music] you
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 2,231
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Id: FDa1o5LWRv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 12sec (6252 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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