The Bible WARNED Us: Never Trust A MAN Who Does This

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Proverbs 18 21 says the tongue can bring death or life those who love to talk will reap the consequences The Right Use of the tongue will impart life and conversely the wrong use will impart death we will be looking at specific diseases that affect our tongues these diseases commonly infect our lives through the misuse of our tongues and in some cases can be fatal if left unchecked number one excessive talking this disease is so common that people accept it as normal when it is not proverbs 10 19. we see that too much talk leads to sin be sensible and keep your mouth shut another version of the same scripture verse reads when there are many words transgression is unavoidable but he who restrains his lips is wise in other words if you say too much you are bound to say something wrong there is no alternative we are also warned in the Bible not to use too many words toward God himself this is a warning that most of us need to hear this admonition is found in Ecclesiastes 5 1 and 2. as you enter the house of God keep your ears open and your mouth shut it is evil to make mindless offerings to God Don't Make rash promises and don't be Hasty in bringing matters before God after all God is in heaven and you are here on Earth so let your Words Be Few if you are not going to give your life to God do not tell him that you are surrendering at all because God is going to hold you to account for the words you speak in his presence a little further on in the same chapter the Bible indicates that an angel records what we say when speaking praying or worshiping one day we will be confronted by that angel and the record of what we have said then the Bible says it will be too late to say I didn't mean it because we will be held accountable for all we have said sung or prayed one day those words are going to be held up before us and we are going to have to answer for them if we have been insincere and have not lived according to the things we have said in Ecclesiastes 5 3 we read too much activity Gives You Restless dreams too many words make you a fool to use too many words is the mark of a fool the King James version of Ecclesiastes 5 3 is even blunter for a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a Fool's voice is known by multitude of words when you hear a person continually talking you need no other evidence that person is a fool what is the root problem I believe it is restlessness compare that to what James said in James 3 8 but no one can tame the tongue it is restless and evil full of deadly poison people who are always talking are restless excessive talking is a sure indication of someone whose heart is not at rest number two idle or careless words in Matthew 12 36 Jesus said and I tell you this you must give an account on Judgment Day for Every Idle Word you speak one day we are going to have to answer for every word we have spoken we are going to have to answer for words that were idle insincere that we did not mean that we were not prepared to stand behind or that were not worked out in our lives in The Sermon on the Mount Jesus stated the following in Matthew 5 37. just say a simple yes I will or no I won't anything beyond this is from the evil one this is an astonishing statement if we say more than we mean then the exaggeration in our speech comes from the evil one let's sum it up in just one simple word of advice if you don't mean it don't say it if you follow that one rule I promise you it will change your whole life you will be a different and much better person number three gossip Leviticus 19 16 says do not spread slanderous gossip among your people going about spreading slander idle untrue exaggerated malicious talk is Gossip the very title of Satan in the New Testament the word rendered devil means a slanderer in Greek that is its root meaning and the main description of Satan in the Bible if you gossip or tell Tales you are actually doing the devil's work for him you are a representative of Satan not only must we be careful not to give out gossip but we also have a responsibility not to receive gossip Proverbs 18 8 says rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one's heart how true this is of human nature when we hear something about someone that is bad or shows them in a bad light something in the human heart rejoices be careful so that when one of those Choice morsels of Gossip is placed in front of you you do not swallow it they are poisoned they taste sweet but they poison us and as we receive these morsels of Gossip in our hearts Our Lives will become poisoned by them Proverbs 20 19 says a gossip goes around telling secrets so don't hang around with chatterers see how closely these various diseases are related if you listen to gossip you become an accessory after the fact if you receive somebody who has stolen something and accepts those stolen goods from them then in legal terms you become an accessory after the fact so if you entertain gossip and listen to their words you become an accessory to the gossip this is what Psalm 15 1-3 says who may Worship in your Sanctuary Lord who may enter your presence on your Holy Hill those who lead blameless lives and do what is right speaking the truth from sincere Hearts those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends there are various requirements for access to God's presence to dwell on his Holy Hill we must walk with Integrity we must work righteousness we must speak the truth in our hearts then three things we must not do are listed we must not slander with our tongues we must not do evil to our neighbors also we must not take up a reproach or receive a reproach against our friends it is not enough that we do not slander we must not receive the slanderer we must not take up a reproach against someone whom we know we must not eat those Choice morsels of the gossip because they are poison and they poison many relationships number four lying we need to be careful that we use the right word to describe this disease of the tongue it is vital that every one of us be very careful not to be found guilty of lying in Proverbs 6 16-19 we see seven things that the Lord hates hate is a very strong word this is what it says there are six things the Lord hates no seven things he detests haughty eyes a lying tongue hands that kill the innocent a heart that plots evil feet that Race To Do Wrong a false witness who pours out lies a person who sows Discord in a family out of those seven specific things that the Lord hates there are three that are related to the tongue first a lying tongue second a false witness third a person who sows Discord in a family so out of seven things that the Lord hates there are three that affect the tongue and out of those three two are connected explicitly with lying this is stated again in Proverbs 12 22. the Lord detests lying lips but he Delights in those who tell the truth in this verse we have two sets of opposites we have the word detest and the word delight the Lord detests lying lips he Delights in those who tell the truth there is nothing in between then we have the other two opposites lying and Truth again there is nothing in between if it is not truthful it is a lie if it is a Lie the Lord detests it if it is truthful the Lord Delights in it our problem is that we have so many gray areas in our thinking but I question whether those gray areas are found in the Bible if I traced to its source every lie comes from the devil that is a frightening thought but I will back it up with the words of Jesus himself speaking to the religious leaders of his day Jesus said in John 8 44. for you are the children of your father the devil and you love to do the evil things he does he was a murderer from the beginning he has always hated the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies it is consistent with his character for he is a liar and the father of Lies every time a lie passes through our lips it comes from the Devil one more significant frightening fact about the disease of lying is that unless the disease is arrested and healed it is fatal Revelation 21 8 says but cowards unbelievers the corrupt murderers the immoral those who practice witchcraft Idol worshipers and all liars their faith is in the fiery Lake of burning sulfur this is the second death notice the groups of people cowards unbelievers the corrupt murderers the immoral those who practice witchcraft Idol worshipers and all liars the result of that disease is incurable there is no way out their fate is in the fiery Lake of burning sulfur once a person is consigned to that second death it is Ultimate I repeat what I said unless this disease of lying is arrested and healed it is sure to be fatal revelation 22 15 speaks about the city of God outside the city are the dogs the sorcerers the sexually immoral the murderers the idol worshipers and all who love to live a lie so each of us must determine am I willing to be healed of this disease of lying or am I prepared to lose my soul forever unless arrested and healed the disease of lying is ultimately fatal number five flattery Psalm 12 1-3 says help O Lord For The Godly are fast disappearing the faithful have vanished from the earth neighbors lie to each other speaking with flattering lips and deceitful Hearts may the Lord cut off their flattering lips and silence their boastful tongues in this scripture David was speaking about a state of moral decline in the human race I believe it is not unlike what we see around us today Godly men are difficult to find the faithful have vanished what is the result neighbors lie to each other speaking with flattering lips and deceitful hearts this scripture pronounces a judgment of God upon these flattering lips may the Lord cut off their flattering lips and silence their boastful tongues in Proverbs 26 28 we are warned a lying tongue hates its victims and a flattering words cause ruin if we listen and receive flattery or if we become flatterers the end is ruined Proverbs 29 5 says to flatter friends is to lay a trap for their feet number six hastiness of speech Proverbs 29 20 says there is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking this verse says if we are Hasty in our words our condition is worse than that of a fool this is a solemn statement because the Bible has nothing good to say about the fool there is one example in the Bible of a man who was Hasty in his words just once and it tells of the price to cost him the man was Moses he was told by God to go ahead of the children of Israel speak to Iraq and it would bring forth water but he was so angry with the children of Israel that he said to them listen you rebels he shouted must we bring you water from this rock numbers 20 10. then instead of speaking to the Rock he smote it numbers 20 7-12 that act of Disobedience expressed in Hasty words cost him the privilege of leading the children of Israel into the promised land this is described in Psalm 106 32 and 33. at meribah two they angered the Lord causing Moses serious trouble they made Moses angry and he spoke foolishly notice the diagnosis a provoked Spirit causes us to speak unadvisedly with our lips and these Hasty words cost us many Privileges and blessings if Moses had to pay that price for that one Hasty statement let us beware that we do not also say things hastily that will cost us dearly in the spiritual Realm help me grow in my relationship with the Holy Spirit Lord Jesus you promised but the advocate the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you John 14 26. we thank you for all that you have provided us thank you for remaining faithful to us thank you for the Redemption you gave us to return us to Fellowship we pray for the Forgiveness of every sin that we have committed in Jesus name amen
Channel: Grace Digital Network
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Keywords: grace digital
Id: t627ufdDvTc
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Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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