2 Facts about Heaven Many Don't Know (New Earth Revealed)

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the Heavenly City all over the world there are many beautiful cities however we have yet to find a city that we would prefer to the one that we will return to at the end of our journey the word City appears 11 times in Revelation in chapters 21 and 22. it is a place where God and his people will co-exist and because we will be living in that City in our physically resurrected bodies we will require a physical city to live in it's not some Fantastical place it's not just an idea it's a real place the city of Heaven Jerusalem is a city this should not come as a surprise given that the desire for a city has existed since the time of Abraham in Hebrews 11 we read about Abraham looking for a city whose Builder and maker was God in Hebrews chapter 12 the Hebrew Christians were told to come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem Paul mentions this city in his letter to the Galatians he refers to it as the Jerusalem above and it is referred to as the city of my God and the New Jerusalem in Revelation chapter 3 verse 12. the New Jerusalem also known as the Tabernacle of God Holy City of God Celestial city city Foursquare and Heavenly Jerusalem is a Heavenly Paradise on Earth the Bible mentions it in various passages such as Galatians chapter 4 verse 26 and Hebrews 11 12 and 13. however it is most extensively described in Revelation 21. there is an end recorded history in Revelation 21. all of the ages have come and gone the tribulation has passed the battle of Armageddon has been fought and won by our Lord Jesus Christ Satan has been chained for the one thousand year reign of Christ on Earth a new glorious Temple has been established in Jerusalem the final Rebellion against God has been quashed and Satan has received his just punishment and Eternity in the Lake of Fire the great white Throne judgment has taken place and Mankind has been judged the New Jerusalem is a city that is in heaven Revelation chapter 21 verses 1 through 2. then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away vanished and there is no longer any sea and I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God a rain like a bride adorned for her husband we see in Revelation chapter 21 and verse 2 that this holy city was made ready and it came down out of Heaven from God and the phrase made ready implies that the New Jerusalem has already been completed by this time John does not say that he saw the New Jerusalem created claimed to have seen the New Jerusalem emerge from the heavens Revelation chapter 3 verse 12 calls it again him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name the idea of a new Earth with a new atmosphere and sky is a familiar theme in the scriptures many of the prophets both all the New Testaments spoke of this new Heaven and new earth Isaiah chapter 65 verses 17 through 18. behold I am creating new heavens and a new Earth and the former things of life will not be remembered or come to mind but be glad and rejoice forever over what I create behold I am creating Jerusalem to be a source of rejoicing and her people ajoy second Peter chapter 3 verse 13. but in accordance with his promise we expectantly await new heavens and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells the ancient Greek word translated new here Cain means new in character fresh it doesn't mean recent or new in time this isn't just the next Heaven and the next Earth this is the better heaven and better Earth replacing the old the first Earth had passed away the holy city New Jerusalem this is the Jerusalem of Hope the Jerusalem above the place of our real citizenship Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22. but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of Angels in festive Gathering the city is set apart by its Holiness and newness making it unique from any other Earthly City the name Jerusalem gives it continuity with Earth especially with the place of our Redemption the fact that this magnificent Abode of God and his followers is referred to as the holy city holds great importance cities are places with many people and people interacting with each other this isn't isolation but a perfect community of the people of God throughout history humans have never experienced a community that is entirely free from sin Adam and Eve only knew a limited community and community in a larger context only came long after the fall in the New Jerusalem we have a completely unique community one that is sinless pure and righteous it is a holy city problems arise when Believers expect this kind of community now this city cannot be attributed to human achievement but rather is a gift from God Revelation chapter 21 verses 3 through 4. and then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying see the Tabernacle of God is among men and he will live among them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be death there will no longer be sorrow and anguish or crying or pain for the former Order of Things has passed away John overhears a proclamation from Heaven that the Tabernacle of God is with men and that he will dwell among them because they are God's chosen people they will have a level of closeness with them that they could never have dreamed possible God will be present with him the Tabernacle that Moses built was meant to depict the dwelling place of God here on Earth that was passed the representation of the dwelling place of God this Tabernacle of God is the reality of his presence he will set up residence among them and they will serve as his people this beautifully condenses the core of both God's desire and man's purpose simply said God's objective is to live in close fellowship with man and man's purpose is to be a people under God we read that the former things have passed away the New Jerusalem is distinguished by what it does not have no tears no sorrow no death or pain later it will be shown that the New Jerusalem has no Temple sacrifice Sun Moon Darkness sin and Abomination we read God will wipe away every tear from their eyes the phrase gone will wipe away every tear from their eyes is not meant to imply that there will be tears shed in heaven rather it is a poetic way of expressing the idea that there will be no tears death sorrow or crying for God's people in heaven these hardships will be permanently eliminated the one who sits on the throne will make all things new his words are true and faithful and will surely come to pass we then read an authoritative announcement coming from the Throne of God itself this is one of the few times in Revelation where we clearly see God speaking directly from his throne Revelation chapter 21 verses 5 through 8. and he who sits on the throne said behold I am making all things new also he said right for these words are faithful and true they are accurate Incorruptible and trustworthy and he said to me it is done I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end to the one who thirsts I will give water from the Fountain of the Water of Life without cost he who overcomes the World by adhering Faithfully that Christ Jesus as Lord and savior will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be my son but as for the cowards and unbelieving and abominable who are devoid of character and personal integrity practice or tolerate immorality and murderers and sorcerers with intoxicating drugs at idolaters and occultists practice and teach false religions and all the liars who knowingly deceive and twist truth their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone which is the second death we read all things new at this point in his plan of the ages the plan is complete all things are new our instinct is to romantically consider innocence as man's perfect state in which Adam would have never done what he did but we fail to realize that redeemed man is greater than innocent man that we gain more in Jesus than we ever lost in Adam God's perfect state is one of redemption before I go any further allow
Channel: Grace Digital Network
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Id: KNba3TVmcjw
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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