The Bible Project: The Holy Spirit

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and let me ask you the question how many of you have been doing the read scripture app with us over the course of this year like you've been invested in the Bible project calm even reading with us originally let's see yeah that's mediocre so what if so what if what if today I just want to encourage you go get your phone to get it right now you can ignore all my first comments alright get your phone out and download the read scripture Apple and whatever App Store you use and join with us read the scriptures through over the course of this year the Bible project is an incredible organization that has taken some big ideas from Scripture and really help people understand the scripture in a better way help them understand and engage with it and so what we decided to do over a few months a few weeks over the summer is to take some of their theme videos and watch them and discuss them and look at some of the big picture ideas from Scripture so last week was holiness with pastor Russ Walker and he's amazing in so much taller than me and today today we're gonna continue the Bible project with the holy spirit so everybody watch this video if you've ever heard the phrase the holy spirit and you want to know what it means where do you start well you have to start on page one of the Bible where the uncreated world is depicted as this dark chaotic place but then above the chaos God's Spirit is there hovering ready to bring about life and order and beauty okay but what is God's Spirit yeah so the spirit is the way the biblical authors talk about God's personal presence the Hebrew word is Ruach ruoff yeah got a clear your throat at the end so what is it well I can refer to a number of different things but what they all have in common is energy energy how so so there's an invisible energy that makes the clouds move or the tree branches sway right with so in Hebrew that's Ruach okay now take a big breath so you feel that inside you yeah the air well specifically the energy right the vitality in your body that you get from breathing deeply that too is rule and this is the same word used in the Bible to describe God's personal presence just like wind and breath are invisible God's Spirit is invisible wind is powerful and so God's Spirit is powerful and just as breath keeps us alive so God's Spirit sustains all of life yeah rule now as we continue on in the story of the Bible we see God's rule giving special empowerment to people for specific tasks the first person in the Bible this happens to is Joseph God's Spirit enables him to understand and interpret dreams and then it happens to this guy named bet Salah and he's an artist God's Spirit empowers him with wisdom and skills he's given creative genius to make beautiful things in the tabernacle and we also see God's Ruach empower a group of people called the prophets they're able to see what's happening in history from God's point of view that's exactly right and here's the problem as the prophets side while God's rule had created a really good world humans have given in to evil they've unleashed chaos into it through their injustice a new type of disorder yes and the Prophet said the Spirit would come just like in Genesis 1 but now to transform the human heart to empower people to truly love God and others how will this new act of God's Spirit happened well centuries pass and we are introduced to Jesus and at the beginning of its mission there's this beautiful scene where Jesus is being baptized in the waters of the Jordan River yeah the sky opens up and God's Spirit comes and rests on him like a bird the story's saying that God's Spirit is empowering Jesus to begin the new creation and we see this happening when he heals people or forgives their sins he's creating life whether once was death now Israel's religious leaders oppose Jesus and they eventually have him killed but even here God's Spirit is at work the earliest disciples of Jesus who saw him alive from the dead said it was God's energizing spirit that raised Jesus this is the beginning of new creation yes and is still going when Jesus appeared to his closest followers he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit and soon after that the Spirit powerfully comes on all of his disciples so that they can become a part of this new creation and share the good news and how to live by the energy and influence of God's Spirit and so today the Spirit is still hovering in dark places yes pointing people to Jesus transforming and empowering them so they can love God in others and the Christian hope is that the Spirit is going to finish the job the story of the Bible ends with a vision of a new humanity living in a new world that's permeated with God's love and life-giving spirit and the great man I love that video I really like the end of the video and in case you missed it I just want to recap for you kind of what they were saying they said with the Spirit we become a part of God's new creation we shared the good news and learn how to live by the energy and influence of God's Spirit pointing people to Jesus and transforming and empowering them so that they can love God and others the Christian hope is that the Spirit is going to finish the job the story of the Bible ends with a vision of a new humanity living in a new world that's permeated with God's love and life-giving spirit I just love those words because it's a clearer picture of what God is up to in the world and it's an invitation to you and to me to be a part of it and that really really excites me and most of you know that when we start into the New Testament it opens up with four four books right the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and those books tell the good news about Jesus they talk about his death and burial and resurrection all those miracles everything that he did him paying the sacrifice for our sins then you get into the fifth book of the New Testament which is the book of Acts and the book of Acts starts to tell about the birth of the church the birth and the growth of the church and so you get to acts 19 as the church is growing in verse one we read this while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus and there he found some disciples and asked them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed and they answered no we've not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit now this is pretty close to till to the day of Pentecost right this is a concerning especially where we are today but even still today I think that this is kind of the way that it goes like a lot of people love God and a lot of people serve God but not and a lot of people are going to heaven but but not everybody is so sure about the Holy Spirit and in some cases they may not want to know about the Holy Spirit because it kind of makes people nervous when you start talking about we all have our own way of thinking about him we all have this box that we like to try to put him in to try to explain him and we might think things like oh the Holy Spirit yeah he's he's the he's the weird uncle of the Trinity I know who that is Holy Spirit yeah yeah he's the third wheel of the Trinity right that's that guy like I know the other two guys they're great the other one I don't like to talk about as much or he's somebody yeah that was in the scriptures and that was really fun and cool but but he's not really around and operating today but I think the Holy Spirit's gotten a bad rap I think people get nervous when you start talking about it and I think typically we say God the Father I love him he's good he's great you know he loves me and that's wonderful God the Son he's the best like he paid the price for my sin he died for me he rose again like I really like that guy God the Holy Spirit I'm not so sure about I mean you know some of them they call him the Holy Ghost like what is that all about and if they're really spiritual like they say it weird like no ho let go yeah and I'm it makes me uncomfortable because like the s and the T just fall off because it's so spiritual is the whole let go right and I know let's do that my parents told me I shouldn't want to see ghosts and so I try not to do that they scare me and if I get in this Holy Spirit thing what's really gonna happen you know I mean yeah this is what's gonna happen either I'm gonna wear too much makeup or I'm not gonna wear enough makeup like that's the way it's gonna go depending on the tradition that I'm in or am I gonna be rolling around on the floor or am I gonna be you know am I gonna be swinging from the lights I mean what's gonna happen if I kind of let this guy in still others of you you're not like that at all in fact you're fully on board like yeah bring it on let's do it right now let's pray right now let's receive the Holy Spirit right now I'll jump over these pews right now I know we don't have pews but it's the thing that you should do when you get crazy like this you jump over pews so you feel like that here's the thing today regardless of where you are on the spectrum I just want to ask you would you just pause for a moment and and give this message a chance and give the Holy Spirit a chance to speak to you about the kind of life that he wants to live with you and the friendship that he wants to have with you I think this is hard because it's one of the areas of our Christian faith where we really have a hard time coming with a blank slate because we all have our own ideas of how this works or how this is supposed to go and a lot of us have had bad experiences through the years I have most of you probably have and so today I want to ask you would you just give him a blank page to write a new story in your life about who he is and how he wants to partner with you so today I want us to just take a few moments to meet him again this morning I want us to look a little bit at his characteristics because it's important for us to understand a few things that the Holy Spirit's a person he's a person he's not a human but he's a person he's not a cosmic cloud he's not this mysterious force he's not a ghost he's not those things he's a person and what that means is that you can relate to him personally like you can communicate with him he could communicate with you you couldn't relate to him as if you would relate to me the Bible talks about all of this like in Romans 8 27 it says that he has a mind and first Corinthians 12:11 it says that he has a will the Spirit has a will in Romans 15:13 says that he has emotions that are described by his love for us in Hebrews 3 7 it says that he speaks like he's he's a he's a he's a he's a person you can relate to him personally it's important for us to grasp that as we get into this which kind of leads me to the next thing and that is the the shocker for a lot of people is that he's not a weirdo the Holy Spirit's not a weirdo and like up nope nope you're wrong I know it he's a weirdo I've seen it I've experienced it he's a weirdo no that's not true the Holy Spirit's not weird people are weird just embrace it just accept it you're weird I'm weird all right that's the way that this works the Holy Spirit's not weird we are weird and most of our bad experiences happen most of our bad experience with the Holy Spirit happened because we've had a bad experience with people they've handled it inappropriately but the problem is is what happens is we take those bad experiences and we decide to base our thoughts and feelings and opinions our belief system on those bad experiences with people rather than what the Word of God has to say rather than what God Himself has to say about this and God Himself says he's in fact in John 16:7 he says Jesus says very truly I tell you it is for your good that I'm going away unless I go away The Advocate the Spirit will not come to you but if I go I will send him to you the English standard version says it's to your advantage that I go away the New Living Translation says it's best that I go away it is better for us that Jesus leaves and sends the Holy Spirit most the time we don't think that's true we tend to think if Jesus was just here like if I could just talk to Jesus right now hint you can but if Jesus was right here in person right now then everything would be different I could believe I'd be okay but isn't really true like think about what would be required if that was really the case if Jesus was the one still here on the earth in flesh then how would you get to him like you'd have to jump on line and you have to find out where he's ministering currently what what country he's in I'm sure he has the best website possible there's no doubt about it his insta story would be absolutely insane to be incredible he'd be on water all the time we out here it'd be really cool but he wouldn't be on Facebook because he's a Christian but I'm sorry I was at Camp I just I was a camp I don't really believe that about Facebook Facebook is fine for you if you like sin so I really don't think that I really don't think that but but what we'd have to do is you'd have to book some plane tickets you'd have to you'd have to rent a car you have to pack your bags you go find him you travel you'd find the big crowd you'd have to work your way through the massive crowd you'd have to get up to the front where Jesus is and there would be the poor and the lame and the sick because that's where Jesus would be and you'd get up there and you'd say Jesus and he said son daughter I love you so much and he's lay his hands on you it would be an incredible experience and then he would continue to move through the crowd and you'd left be left standing there going that was awesome that's not the way it works though he left and when he left he sent the Holy Spirit to us and the Holy Spirit comes and he resides in us and he lives in us and he's in me and he's in you it's better we all have access all the time to God it's better he's not a weirdo look when he interacts with people okay I can't guarantee that everything's going to be normal and fine because when an Almighty God comes into the life of a small human you can't guarantee that everything's just gonna be real normal but he's not a weirdo here's my advice to you don't look for the weird don't avoid the weird just look for him right don't look for this stuff just look for him and find him and get to know him because he's God the Holy Spirit is God we have acts 5 verse 3 Peter said Ananias how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit you've not lied just as human beings but to God you've not just lied to the Holy Spirit you've lied to God the Holy Spirit is God they are the same person now there are three crucial truths that kind of help us to figure this construct out and and it's a bit challenging but but I want you to write them down really quick the first is we talk about the Trinity God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit that God is three persons he's three persons and each person is fully God Father Son Holy Spirit fully God every one of them and just to make it really clear and there is one God you got it piece of cake easy no it's very challenging it's very mysterious but it's an important thing that we've got to settle today he is himself the Holy Spirit is God important and big ideas but for the next few minutes I just want to talk a little bit about his nature now most of you know that the the the the Bible was written primarily in Hebrew and in Greek right so when we come to read it these Bible authors as they were writing it in the Old Testament these Hebrew writers they didn't exactly have the perfect word to use to help us really understand this then the word that we end up with this spirit or ghost or go but usually not that spirit or ghost and it's not exactly accurate but the Hebrew word that they would use is Ruach you start in the video ruah everybody say it Rua yeah you got to get a little phlegm out ruh ah now turn to your neighbor and say it ruh ah yeah now wipe the spit off their face because that was gross you shouldn't have done that in the Hebrew they would use Ruach and it was a wind a breath of violent exhalation a blast of breath and the Greek word in the New Testament would be Numa current of air a blast of breath a strong breeze so in the Old Testament when you read wind you read spirit you read breath all of those words they're rule that's the word rule and primarily the first and most basic meaning in the Hebrew Bible for Ruach is breath it's the invisible life energy that you breathe in and out it's God's gift to humanity that energy that vitality that you have that would be Rewa breath but Ruach would also mean spirit to them it would mean spirit spirit like the invisible life animating energy of God that's present in all of creation sustaining all of life it's why I can move it's why I can talk to you it's why I can think it's why I can do all of these things because the Ruach is animating me the spirit is animating me rueake them was also mean mind it would refer to like a frame of mind or kind of a conscious purpose behind things and Ruach would also mean wind when like the invisible power that that animates us in our breath but also the stuff that animates all creation and I can see it in the trees as it blows in fact often through Scripture the presence of God the Holy Spirit shows up and it's talked about like wind in Acts chapter 2 a wind fills the room Ruach is the invisible energy that animates things and it makes them move God's Ruach is animating everything this is how they would have seen it and it's a pretty incredible picture and you can see why they'd have a problem we can't say God the Holy air we can't say God the Father God the Son God the Holy breeze that's not gonna work we can't say God the Holy that's not gonna work either we're not gonna be able to say the holy wind because frankly that just sounds inappropriate to me like we can't say we can't say all of those things it's not gonna work woahhh you can see why they had a problem but you can also see how the Old Testament authors would view the Holy Spirit God's rule in the earth he's the very breath you breathe he's the energy in you he's the energy in all of creation that sustains all of life he's the conscious purpose behind everything he's the invisible energy that makes things move this is who he is that's a little bit different than how we look at him today isn't it as maybe the third wheel of the Trinity that maybe we should avoid it's a different picture so if he's called wind often to the spirit through the Scriptures let's just talk about wind for just a few moments and maybe you can get a little more comfortable with him because wind is wind is unseen wind is unseen you can't see where it's blowing you can't see what it's doing hopefully today as we walk out after church there will be a nice breeze that will blow on us and we'll stop and say oh that feels good hopefully but if you're a church and you're in a worship service and afterwards you come out and say oh that felt so good feel like what excuse me that felt good what's that mean that felt good what did you feel you felt something am I supposed to feel something I didn't feel anything what am I supposed to feel what am I doing wrong oh you're one of those people I get it I know who you are you're one of those go stirrers that's who you are when is unseen now listen obviously we don't base our faith on our feelings faith is not based on feeling but the Spirit of God is meant to be felt he is meant to be experienced John 14 15 and 16 tells us about the last discussion that Jesus has with his disciples before he goes to the cross in John 14:16 he says I will ask the Father he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of Truth the world can't accept him because it doesn't see him nor knows him but you you know him free lives with you and will be in you he's saying hey look the world wasn't gonna get it they might think it's a little weird they might even laugh at you but that's not who you are that's not who you're supposed to be he lives with you he's in you when Chapel these are the people that we have to be we have a great purpose in the earth we have a great purpose in austen to partner with God and what he's doing in the earth through his Spirit we have this purpose we can't be the people that stand off and say oh I don't know about this I can't see it I don't get it I don't know how I believe it we need to be the ones that say no I'm an accept him and say he's with me and he's in me and I trust him in fact it's funny just last night we at camp we had this time at the end of the service where I invited all the students forward and a whole bunch of them just came and said I want to receive the Holy Spirit and we prayed about that and we have powerful encounters with him and there's kids crying and there's kids that are kind of weeping and there's kids that are kind of giggling and laughing and having he's powerful it encounters experiencing the presence him invading their lives and a powerful and they're not going to be the same in fact it sounds like my nephew had a crazy experience if he was he was out for a three hours my ears out for three hours and he was just kind of laughing and enjoy and experiencing all these great things they even took him and they put him in the truck with my father put him in the truck with my father because they were running around doing stuff if anything can make you stop laughing immediately it's beating in the truck with my father just kidding I love my dad so much I know you do too but but he still he just experienced the presence in life of God that's the way it's meant to be wind is unpredictable windows shift on you it's why we used those orange cone flags at the airport we use those flag so that pilots can see which way the wind blows this way or that way so that they can land safely some of us don't like that part of God we want him to fit right here in our box we want to be able to explain him we want to be able to understand him we want to be able to communicate and talk about him he needs to make sense but God doesn't always make sense and God doesn't always do things the same way all the time and you know why I think that is I think there's lots of reasons probably but I think one of the reasons is because he wants us to worship Him and not a system or a way or a structure or an experience he wants us to look to him what happens is we haven't experience with God and we make that experience holy and then we say well that experience is how I experience God and then we take that experience and then we found denominations out of those experiences and then we get ourselves in lots of trouble and it shouldn't be that way John 3:8 says jesus answered the wind or in the New Testament the pneuma it blows wherever it pleases you hear it sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it's going so it is with everyone born of the Spirit just like the wind the Holy Spirit has an unpredictable nature you could see it in the Old Testament he shows up with Moses and he shows up like a burning bush the bush isn't burning up it's just it's just a flame and he talks to Moses out of the burning bush you can imagine Moses going home to his wife to the pora and talking with her and said you wouldn't leave what happened there's a bush in the desert it was on fire that God spoke to me out of it she would've been thinking yeah okay I don't think the bush was the only thing smoking out in the desert you know I'm saying like I I don't think that was it in fact Moses what kind of a bush was it and how close you standing Moses didn't take that experience and go it's a burning bush God speaks through burning brewskis if it's not a burning bush it's not God that's not true and then God begins to deal with Moses in other ways you see it in in mark chapter 8 in the New Testament a guy brings his blind friend to Jesus and he says Jesus lay hands on the guy it's my friend lay hands on him do the hand thing Jesus do the hand thing to him let him see and Jesus looks at him and you know what he does he spits on him no he spits on his eyes and then he lays his hands on the spit on his eyes you could imagine the friend the friends like oh my god I'm so embarrassed I've I had no idea like I thought I didn't know about the spit thing I only know about the hand thing if I would have known I would have told you I would have warned you I'm sorry I didn't know but you know what the blind man didn't care you know why because he could see why would Jesus do that I don't know but maybe it's so that that man wouldn't just look towards the hand thing but that he would look to the one who had all the power in the authority he would look to him instead and that's what he wants of you and me everybody we've got to embrace this we need a move of God in our families in our churches we need a move of God in our nation god help us we need a move of God we need him and it's not gonna happen because we've got systems and structures and everything makes sense it's gonna happen when we say I embrace you Holy Spirit unpredictable and all I'm glad one person agrees with me the wind is also powerful it sprout you've seen its power it can create electricity it can sail a ship it can destroy a city some of you have seen that firsthand others of you you've watched twisters so you know that it's true like it's powerful it's the energy and some of you today are going through a difficult experience that you can't get out of human power isn't going to cut it you need more than that god help us if we decide to simply live in only the things that we can take care of as humans we need more and acts 1:8 says that you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you'll be my witnesses power that's what I want I want his power some of you need that today you need to wind in your sails you need the breath of God to come and fill you up you need him to pick you up you need him to propel you because you've been trying to do it yourself and it's not cutting it and it's not going to you need more than you can do and not only that the spirit is not just for those moments when we've screwed stuff up the spirit is creative life we need that as we enter into our families and take care of our kids we need his creative life and his energy as we're walking into our workplace we need his empowering presence that's what he does he gives us his anointing is the word that you might be acquainted with his anointing so that his abilities his power comes on our ability and he uses us to perform his works in the earth like that's what we need everybody I know it can make you a little nervous but we all need it wind is also refreshing we're gonna walk out here and get in our cars and nobody likes to get in their car and a Texas summer you know I'm saying nobody enjoys that you get in it's like 120 degrees and then and then you know you sit down and it's like it's like 120,000 degrees your skin is melting off on the leather seat like you've got burns like it's a terrible experience and then you turn on the AC and it comes on and you say oh that's refreshing all that feels good all right it takes 20 minutes to get there but still the point is valid it's refreshing first Corinthians 2:9 says no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him but it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit the Holy Spirit he wants to refresh you in your life he has so much for you and if you could get everything that he has your eyes would be able to see it your ears couldn't hear it all you couldn't contain it all but he wants to get it to you and how does he get it to you he gets it to you through his spirit it comes through his spirit some of us are uncomfortable with it we grew up in traditions where they said stay away from those people stay away from those holy spirit people they're dangerous I get it I understand why but it concerns me because I think when people say that kind of stuff what they're actually really saying according to everything that we've talked about here today what they're really saying is you need to stay away from God I mean he's father son Holy Spirit all three in one he's not to be stayed away from people people start to get uncomfortably talk about this and say oh so I get it so you're one of those holy spirit people so you think you're better than me no not by a longshot not by a longshot I don't know what pastor said it but I heard a pastor say the Holy Spirit doesn't make me better than you the Holy Spirit makes me better than me I'm better because he's in me and that's what I'm concerned about today so everybody take a deep breath Ephesians 4:30 says don't grieve God don't break his heart his Holy Spirit moving and breathing in you is the most intimate part of your life making you fit for himself don't take such a gift for granted it's a good word so how do we do it through really quick things we're close number one I think we just have to let go of fears and misperceptions you gotta let him go all your bad experiences all the baggage all the stuff with people you just got to let it go you got to give them a blank page to write on today what do we do instead I want you to research I want you to go and look in the Bible I want you to read about him I want you to invent don't just listen to me look read get to know him yourself and trust him proverbs 3:5 says trust God from the bottom of your heart don't try to figure out everything on your own trust God most of you are used to doing this you do it all the time but if you switch and you say hey trust the Holy Spirit oh I'm not sure I could do that he's the weird one and that's what you think let go of that let go of the fears and misperceptions and understand what God wants to do God the Holy Spirit partnering with you you can trust him father son Holy Spirit the second thing I want to encourage you to do would you just go all-in like go all-in on this Holy Spirit thing go all-in on getting to know him this is what I want to encourage you to do take a season of your life up coming soon I know that you may have to be strategic with how it works but just take some time three months six months whatever it is take some time and commit I'm gonna go all in on this I'm gonna worship I'm gonna pray I'm gonna seek Him I'm gonna do all the things I'm gonna I'm gonna ask for more of the Holy Spirit in my life I'm gonna go all-in I'm gonna give him everything and I'm gonna give him everything and not filter it I'm not gonna say Holy Spirit give me everything that you have to give me except for that that's the weird part I don't want that Holy Spirit give me all of it except don't touch that part right there I want to keep that part like don't filter him if you're gonna invite him in let him all in just let him in take time three to six months and do everything that the church does come on Sunday morning and worship with abandon be a part of a group and watch the spirit moving in your relationships join a team and serve and let the Holy Spirit move in you and pour out of you to minister life to people like just do it all three to six months invest in him and if you'll do it I can guarantee you your life will change your life will be transformed things will happen you can't invest in the spirit like that and not have him transform you just can't do it so go all-in join me Jeremiah 29:13 says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart so just pray God if you got it I want it if you got it I want it and lastly really the point of today I want you to develop an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit develop an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit ultimately that is his role in your life God the Father has a role in your life God the son has a role in your life and God the Holy Spirit has a role in your life and they're all wrapped up in this benediction prayer from 2nd Corinthians 13 it says the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all amen that that's my prayer for one chapel that all of us would live lives like this the message version I love it says the mess the amazing grace of the master Jesus Christ the extravagant love of God the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you that's what I want us to have I don't want us to miss out on it I'm concerned that some of us are going to know God the Father we're gonna know and love God the Son is sacrificed for us but we're gonna miss the presence the rule the power the energy the refreshing the wind you just close your eyes for a minute please and I just want you to take a second to reflect on those roles the roles in our life that our God plays God the Father is incredible he loves you God the Father loves you God the Father loves you he's not mad at you he's not angry with you he's not just waiting for you to mess up some of you have that imagery he's mad he wants to get me I tend to screw up a lot any he wants to get me listen I can tell you as a father myself when my kids grew up I don't want to get him I want to help them I want to come close to him I want to be nearer to them when they screw up then other times in fact that's when they need me the most he loves you some of you need to reckon with that today I know you've had bad experiences with your father your Heavenly Father is not that father don't be blinded by the circumstances of the earth to make you miss your heavenly Father and how much he loves you God the Father loves you I've got the son he saves you his amazing grace the price that he paid on the cross sacrifice he paid for your sin once for all time so that you don't have to it'd be a real shame if you kept deciding to try to pay for it yourself it's all read been paid today you just decided I'm gonna receive that free gift of salvation I'm gonna let him pay the price God the Father loves you God the Son saves you and God the Holy Spirit he's with you he's the one that resides with you he's the one that counsels you he's the one that guides you he's the one that reveals the father to you he's the one that teaches you truth he's the one that's with you walking beside you daily and you need all of that so right now if you need to receive the love of God would you just kind of lift your hands out and receive it you're a little bit broken a little bit messed up because of your dad or cuz of some other experiences and right now just receive the love of the father just choose to give the father a blank slate and let him come in father would you pour out your love on all of us help us today to see our identity as sons and daughters of God children of the King whom you massively loved would you heal those hearts that are broken right now would you mend them would you give them the strength to trust again thank you for doing that some of you need to receive the gift of Jesus the Sun would you just do that right now Jesus I choose to believe in you in fact you could just pray a prayer like this Jesus I receive you I believe that you died on the cross I believe that you paid the sacrifice for all of my sin all the death that I earned because of my sin you paid for it and I don't have to I receive that gift and I want you to come into my life and I want you to be my Lord and Savior I want you to have all of me I receive your gift today Jesus forgive me of my sins I repent of my old life I give my life to you it's that simple and then finally would you just maybe join with me and praying Holy Spirit I want intimate friendship with you I want to know you you know me I want to know you I want to let you in because friends they hang out together friends share life together friends help when things don't go wrong friends encourage friends give advice friends come to the rescue and there's no greater friend so today would you begin to develop in all of us as one chapel friendship intimate close friendship with the Holy Spirit so that we can be the people of God partnering with you and the earth so that other people can come to know your love and partner with you to thanks for including us in all of this and everybody would you just receive that whatever piece of that is for you just take it right now it's a free gift just say yes to it just say yes to him [Music] God we love you God we thank you and we ask all of these things in Jesus name and everybody said
Channel: One Chapel
Views: 1,549
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Kq3-bwr25j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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