The BEST Weapons And Mods You Need To DOMINATE The First Descendant

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welcome back gang it's deltaa from Deltas here with the top five weapons   you're going to want to collect for the first  descendant whether it's AOE trash clears or   boss melting potential these five should be on  your radar and in this video I'm going to tell   you what they are how to get them what mods and  traits you should be using with them and why time   stamps are below if you wish to skip ahead and if  you got something out of this video like subscribe   and leave me a comment on what your favorite gun  is and why now honorable mention here so if you've   seen glaz sweat glay players they're using this  uh vestigial organ I think I said it right this   weapon only really works on glay and the reason  why is it has a four round magazine and a very   high fire rate for a launcher so what you do is  you shoot out those rounds and boom you're out of   ammunition right away except for sweaty glay  players and the reason why is they have this   unique skill increased sensory where you don't use  ammunition so when you're in a frenzy State when   you activate this you're literally holding down  those rockets and they're just firing out you can   increase your duration lower your cool down so  you have really high up time on this making glay   the quintessential boss killer now if you want  to get a hold of this weapon it's also in the   agna desert making it very accessible for most  players to get you can get it on normal as well   and it is a rare weapon so you come here to agna  Desert you look at this recon mission and there   it is best steal Oregon 50% chance drop rate very  easy to get you can can get on normal as well and   just level up the weapon and use it later moving  on to our first weapon and that's sigor proof did   I pronounce that right it's a high powerered  round explosive launcher so if we take a look   at this launcher what makes it effective is it  unique ability fires a sticky bomb when shooting   while aiming the launch bombs will automatically  detonate after a certain period of time sticking   to an enemy when aim is canceled all attached  bombs will detonate at the same time regard   of Lea the countdown has begin and sticky bombs  will inflict burn so what you're going to do is   load up five of these bombs by aiming down sights  attaching to the boss and then releasing and going   boom with massive damage over time the other way  to use this is ADD clear which is by not aiming   down sight so it automatically explodes whenever  you want it so it's very particular how you use   this but realize what makes this so strong is the  burn status effect the Contin uation of ticking   on damage and that's why this can melt bosses and  other targets not just add clear so don't sleep on   this weapon so how do you get sigor proof well  if you have the premium battle pass you get it   right away at level one but everyone can get one  I think at 16 right here so you can grab this and   not have the battle pass collect this weapon as  well if you have the premium battle pass they've   loaded up this battle pass to get it essentially  five times so you can use it to upgrade the   effectiveness of that unique ability if you have  the battle pass and you play throughout the season   to get it maxed out really really good once you  get to the advanced level and start playing the   game a little bit more the critical one to take  advantage of here is fire conductor it's going   to increase damage to burn and we know burn is all  about this weapon and stacking those sticky bombs   so that's your number one mod priority also for  traits look for attribute status effect explosive   attack toxic attack and electric attack big status  effects on this one and that will do it for number   five let's move on to number four Greg's reversed  fate so Greg's reverse fate is a tactical rifle   shooting special rounds it is an Ultimate Weapon  and it's a little bit more complex to get a hold   of what makes this weapon so unique is when you  hit an enemy with Max Shield approx bombardment   on the enemy's place also inflicts burn on the  enemies but get hit by a bombardment so you're   basically going to look for a Target that has a  Max shield and shoot it and it shoots down three   large AOE radius 3 m at a time meteors that do  a lot of damage and they proc and Trigger damage   over time so the best way to use Gregs is find  a Target as your opening shot that has a shield   full in the middle of a bunch of mobs you shoot  proc that effect those meteors and then hot swap   to something else maybe it's up close maybe it's  high impact round but use it initially another   thing about Greg's fate that makes it really  nice is it's good in boss battles when you're   trying to hit I guess the purple little canisters  on the individual bosses the reason why is it has   nice base stats and it has pinpoint accuracy how  do you get Greg's reverse fate I'm glad you ask   it's going to require you to get master rank  level one you're going to craft it in albian   and there's four components you can find all of  these materials at the end of the campaign in an   area called The Fortress so here's the Fortress  and then here's an individual map of where all   the components are also if you don't know you can  go into weapons always and go into the individual   one and look for the individual parts and hit  the F acquisition it will tell you specifically   you can also track it as well so it's very easy  to track down where you need to go what you need   to do to find this and if you pick up this weapon  here is a look at the beginner mods once again we   have rifle reinforcement weak point sight better  Insight better concentration so folks Fus on weak   point damage and rifle reinforcement Advanced  mods here switch to a lot more purple rare mods   fire concentration fatal critical action and  reaction keep on that rifle reinforcement on   Greg's reverse fate look for toxic attack firearm  attack bonus attack versus order of Truth and   Legion of immortality traits moving on going to be  sleeping on this one and that's Eternal willpower   assault rifle so Eternal willpower assault rifle  is a rare non-legendary assault rifle what makes   it so strong as it has some of the highest base  stats in the entire game and it's extraordinarily   easy to get a hold of in fact you can get a hold  of it very early in the game in the agna desert   zone so I think you just have to beat the Dead  bride or in the main campaign and there is two   simple quests that you can get a hold of and  get this weapon very very quickly and have a   great assault rifle there's only one downside  to the Eternal willpower and that's that the   magazine size isn't massive so you're going to  have to reload constantly but the base stats are   insane it has great power for a low-level easily  accessible weapon high accuracy weak spot crit you   name it this is a good weapon that will carry  you throughout the beginning of the game plus   it uses General rounds as well so it has a lot of  flexibility a lot of utility you can always get a   hold of it it's just that it doesn't have the big  magazine size nor doesn't have a unique special   effect if it wasn't for that it would be even  higher you're a beginner player look for rifle   reinforcement better Insight better concentration  as your priority as you become a more advanced   player look for concentration priority and Rapid  Fire insight and max out that rifle reinforcement   if you can for the traits on this one you're going  to look for critical hit damage critical hit rate   weak spot damage and Firearm attack versus  a Colossus next up is all the bunny lovers   favorite and that is thunder cage submachine gun  all right we all know and love the thunder cage so   what makes it unique is the AOE damage we come in  here to the base stats look at overcharge when you   defeat an enemy it has a chance to trigger that  electrical shock wave dealing additional damage   to enemies it's basically your quintessential ad  clearing weapon that is absolutely amazing at the   beginning the game you can get a hold of it put  it pair it with bunny clear tons of content and   leveling another strength of this weapon that you  want to not sleep on here is the movement speed so   with the the submachine gun you get 600 movement  speed that's a big bonus in comparison to a   machine that's a bit heavier with a movement speed  of 400 so you're going to be really quick really   effective in AOE trash clear it's also General  rounds so you can get ammunition very easily and   this works on every single character every single  class and is your best bet for clearing content   quickly when the enemies are dense and they're not  specifically boss rounds you can also use this in   boss fights cuz the fire rate is so high and you  can rack it up but you will have to be reloading   constantly is one of the downsides of this weapon  one of the strengths of the thunder cage is that   it's really easy to farm the parts and the  sterile lands so they all come from here I'm   going to pop up an image and it shows you where  they specifically are to farm so just do a few   different missions and you should be able to have  this pretty easily I got it passively just paying   the quest didn't even know it had it crafted put  it on bunny maxed out those mods and I still use   it on almost every character constantly throughout  the missions so beginning thunder cage players you   should be looking for rifle reinforcement better  concentration and better insight as you become   more advanced look for concentration priority  reload insight and fire rate concentration as   far as the best traits on this weapon look for  fire attack firearm critical rate electric attack   and weak point damage I typically don't bring  this in with me to boss fights but you can the   big downside of the weapon is its damage falloff  is right around 23 M so when you're beyond 23 M   you're going to start producing less and less  damage meaning you're going to have to be up   close and personal for this to do the most damage  so be aware it's not necessarily applicable for   everyone who's always in close range to bosses and  might take a lot of damage Switching gears let's   talk about number one and that's the Tamer rare  machine gun so what can we say about the Tamer   it is amazing now my DPS numbers are not that  high cuz I don't have all the module capacity   leveled up but I would highly recommend doing so  the develop ERS recently said they are not going   to Nerf this weapon so it is safe to upgrade and  lean into this thing and get it rocking it is your   number one boss killer what makes it a boss killer  is the rounds per magazine so you have 100 with a   very high fire rate this allows you to Simply hold  down the trigger aim on those weak points on those   bosses and produce credible consistent DPS now  another advantage of this weapon is it's extremely   easy to get as well so if you come to the the map  here you look at agna Desert this specific meion   up here gives you a 50% chance on hard mode but  there's a bunch of different spots to this drops   from and you can do it on normal as well so even  beginning in the game you can get this weapon this   will help you progress and not be stuck on those  annoying bosses that you just can't DPS down it is   the best boss weapon for general purposes besides  one I'm going to show you with clay that you need   to get a hold of so you don't hold your team back  and do a lot of damage so beginning mods look   for rifle reinforcement better Insight better  concentration and fire up rate Advanced mods   look for Commando markmanship rapid fire insight  and chill priority Focus your module capacity on   getting the Tamer maxed out to 80 and getting  the proficiency leveled up and starting to add   sockets to it this will radically increase your  DPS and it's almost mandatory in the hard mode   boss fight so highly recommend investing in this  weapon investing the mod capacity and the socket   because it's not going to go anywhere that's been  confirmed by the developers well gang that's the   top five list I hope you got something out of this  video I have links in the description below for   all the written guides that I have on this with  recommended mod settings and so on so if you miss   some come to the website deltus leave  me a like and a subscribe if you got something   out of this and let me know what video you would  like to see next thank you so much for watching
Channel: Deltia's Gaming
Views: 5,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first descendant thunder cage, best character the first descendant, the First Descendant, the first descendant beginners guide, the first descendant, first descendant starter guide, first descendant beginner guide, the first descendant update, nexus the first descendant, the first desendant weapon guide, the first descendant thunder cage unlock, free to play, looter shooter, Vestigial Organ, Sigvore’s Proof, Greg’s Reversed Fate, Eternal Willpower, Tamer
Id: n5-zpW5Xbgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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