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hey guys this is iffy and welcome back to my kitchen welcome welcome okay so welcome back but guys before we start today let me give you just so my cinematographer he just got married come and see him and wish him happy married life let him tell us how married life is well just how many days now like four or five days and come come now come around a short thing okay he is a congratulations let's see a ring now come on WOW wow congratulations wow it hasn't been so far you know it's been like how many days like four five last week I buy a week almost a week okay so how's it been has anything changed oh that's true he's not wearing me Mike oh yeah yeah go and put on the mic and come back okay so he's back and he's wearing a microphone so how's it been it's been like four or five days almost a week has anything changed what's happening like being married that's a nice change how'd you feel wearing a ring weird and I've been instructed that if I yeah I take it out that I'm I'll be in a problem but trust me oh my gosh can't take my uh I can't do that something is in my hand and I'm not feeling comfortable so I'm not even me after how many years of marriage you know before I sleep or I always have to take off my ring I cannot sleep with it but don't worry you'll get used to it so they said yeah it's fine because has anything changed uh I started telling you something has changed now I'll be like um those people that get into marriage a few days and they want to write books so I don't know maybe two weeks from now I will say a month she call me again and I'll ask okay what I think changes but for now uh nothing I'm still here so guys you see it's always good when you marry your bestie yeah so Timmy we wish you all the very best thank you in your married life yeah so wish all the very best God bless you your mind will be long and to be sweet will not come and hear anything have scattered it'll be so so lovely and amazing and it will be blessed with as many kids as you want and you have so much money to spend for your family and it'll just be bliss all through in Jesus name amen Grace okay guys so let us start the business of the day so today I'm going to share with you guys my recipe on how to make lumpy egusi soup that's a Goosey with love I know some people don't like it and I know some people love it so if you like it you're in for a treat because I'm going to show you the easiest way to get your lumpy eggs soup yeah so without further Ado let's get right into it and as usual make sure you check the description box that's right down below for list of the ingredients because I listed out so YouTube can make yourself so without further ado let's start let's start so the first thing we're going to do to make a delicious egusi soup with lumps we're going to add some palm oil to our clean pots so there you go palm oil we're gonna wait for this oil to get hot okay as soon as your oil gets hot enough go ahead and add in your onions lots and lots of onions so I'm going to cook this for about 30 seconds you know it's after about 30 to one minute you're going to put in your Blended pepper mix now this is a blend of tomatoes peppers and more onions yes egusi soup really loved onions so don't be afraid to put in your onions lots of it Okay so pull it in and then we're going to mix this and allow this to fry for a little while I'm going to show you at what point we can add in the next ingredient and then we'll just cover it and allow it to fry so while the steel base is cooking we're going to go ahead to prep the egusi okay this is a good see that has been grinded I use the dry meal of my blender to grind this into a powder form okay so this is how you want to blend your everything is melon seeds all right wait now I'm gonna add onions this is Blended onions as you can see purely Blended because it is ah you want to make tasty eggs be very generous with the use of onions just just put it in there I'm also going to put in some seasoning cubes because I want every layer of my dish to taste so nice so I've got some seasoning powder here okay now I'm going to mix this to create a thick paste [Music] see everything is coming together now I hear that some people put eggs raw eggs inside this to make it Lumpy I've only had I don't know how it's done I wish I could tell you okay at this point put the egg but I never used it before have you ever heard of putting eggs in a goose if you have let me know how it's done in the comment section now I'd love to learn but I don't do it and I still get good results so this is what we want a big taste good so just blend your onions with some water and that should do the trick all right we're done so back to my steel base my peppermint has not fried very well it's not yet fully done but that's okay also going to leave it on the fire to get well cooked in the meantime I'm going to drop in my bowls of Embassy so everything can start cooking together so I'll just take my Gucci paste and then I'll start dropping it gently like this just drop it involves okay not too big tiny balls like this you can make it bigger or smaller does not really matter because you'll still break it up anyway so just go ahead and do this patiently until you've exhausted all your exit paste so I'm done putting in my egusi balls just be patient to put it in bowls like that and what you do it please just step away don't go too fast so it doesn't burn because you still need to keep an eye on what you're cooking but you don't want to stir this you don't you don't want to disturb it so you're just going to cover the pot like this and let it do its thing okay so while we are waiting guys this is the perfect time to hit that like button and the Subscribe button and to join my channel membership of course so join so you can support this channel so I can keep bringing great content to you and did I say like yeah like it and subscribe we'll be right back let's check on our soup okay guys so I checked on this several times while it was cooking and if you feel it's burning instead of stirring it this is the way I like to shake it just move around the pot okay so it won't burn or stick to your pot so this has been cooking for about 15 minutes now on really low heat I'm going to go ahead now to add in my meat stock so just add it and if you notice I still haven't you know used the spoon to scatter the lumps so I'm going to go ahead and add in my smoked fish so use smoked fish dry fish whatever kind of fish you have just put it in there and my beef has been cooked already I'm using both goats and normal beef it's been cooked so I'm just gonna add it in here I also have some stock Fish Head and some more I mean this is the joy of soup right when it's filled with different different yummy good things so I'm still not going to shake it yet so I'm just gonna leave it so everything can keep cooking so after about 10 minutes check on your soup now I'm going to Stir It so while you're stirring it see how big the slumps are you can use your spoon to like break it into smaller chunks the bigger you like your lumps the bigger you leave it at this point I'm going to add in some more liquid because this isn't enough make sure you add some warm water because you don't want to bring down the temperature of your soup and I'm adding some peppers this is yellow and red peppers I'm going to give it a lot of flavor and color of course so add as much or as little as you like I'm also adding some crayfish now well lots of crayfish some seasoning powder I'm also adding this Tower guys I love it this is a powder form and it just makes your soup taste so good I love it love it love it so I'm going to be using some of it in this soup to just put it in [Music] I'm gonna stir my soup we had all those delicious lumps quick taste this tastes so good already so good I'm just gonna finish adding the remaining pepper because I want it hot I think a little more water it's too thick so I'm adding some more if you have meat stock at it I think that's a moment stuck here I'm gonna cover it and let it boil up that means another 10 minutes 10 minutes I'm back here oh this is so good now I'm going to put in some uziza leaves a handful of oziz this is a game changer in any soup trust me well most soups now this soup is is it's a pot of different balls of exclusive from the tiny balls and it's all those tiny balls to the bigger balls let me show you so you can break it if you want right to what other side of those are there okay to be semi I don't know if you guys can see this we have more everywhere so that's how you make your examine can break it off to whatever size you like or you prefer we're going to give it at least a minute to cook that I'm going to add in some ugly leaves and we're done thank you now the reason why I added the wood dessert first is because that is the tougher of the vegetables I'm using ugu as well so just a handfuls I mean put whatever you like whatever quantity if you like a lot of vegetables that is fine and it gives you so much joy we are done this looks good right and there you have it I'm just going to turn up the heat cover the pot and let the residual heat finish off the cooking of the vegetable that's how I like it that's it the food is ready I can't wait to adjust this to this of course I'm pairing my busy soup with some pounded yam what else did you think I was going to use okay so if I do justice I want to give a massive shout out to You abiodu Adele welcome thank you so much you're watching all the way from Canada thank you for the love thank you for everything I really really do appreciate you okay so if you want to shout out make sure you let me know where you're watching me from all right in the comment section nice and soft nice some of this lovely Embassy soup with fish with everything oh cheers [Music] wow this is delicious all the onions that I used in the soup definitely has a wool in making it taste as delicious let me take one of the lumps let me taste it by itself so here is one nice lump hmm that lump was delicious you know when I added some onions and seasoning to the lump I knew what I was doing that's because if you want to eat the Lamb by itself it still tastes really really delicious this whole thing is too good thank you so much for watching I'll see you in another recipe video until then stay blessed and keep eating good food bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ify's kitchen
Views: 178,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oyp1JVxx6W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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