The Best Way to Light A Charcoal Grill Without Lighter Fluid

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[Music] [Music] we're having a barbecue is what we're doing and what we're going to do is the goal is not to use any bad chemicals or anything that is poisonous so what we're going to do is we're going to use a paper towel soaked in olive oil and we're going to use some real wood lump charcoal bizarro all natural hardwood charcoal that came from brazil and we're going to light it with the method that a brazilian taught me that makes more sense to me than lighter fluid than anything else so we're going to take olive oil we don't need the most expensive olive oil to do this method we're just going to soak this towel in olive oil this is going to be our catalyst to get our fire rolling get this bad boy soaked it takes a little more olive oil than you think [Music] i'm not afraid of getting this wheel on my hands as i get automotive dirt and oil on my hands all day long every day probably actually good for my hands take the paper towel lay it flat where you want to have your fire i will stress one paper towel is all you need you might think you want to put two or more in there but you will have a nice roman candle going i'm going to take some of the stuff that i pulled out of the grill that we had already burned i'm going to lay it on that paper towel [Music] you don't really need to use charcoal that it's been previously burnt um i'm using it because i have it and there's no sense of wasting it's not bad so we just created a nice little pile leaving the four corners of the towel exposed because that's where you're going to light the towel from and what we're going to do take a little bit of the olive oil i'm going to drizzle it all over the wood [Music] what that's going to do is soak in the hard wood paper towels prevent it from going in the wasting into the bottom of the stove this method here really impressed me because basically in a nutshell we're burning olive oil which romans and ancient time people did in their lamps and it adds a really nice flavor to your food believe it or not where lighter fluid adds a nasty naphtha petroleum-based taste so use a propane torch or use a lighter propane torch is a little easier to start the fire only basting where you're at you can just light up your corners or you could use one of those long reach lighters i personally don't own one i have a torch and i have a zippo and then you just let the four corners burn into the wood leaving the lid open that is a key element don't close the lid while the paper towel is trying to get your wood lit on fire because it doesn't seem to work as well [Music] i learned this from my brazilian neighbor down at my garage who taught me this method and he cooked for me while we were doing a project here at this house and i was so impressed with his cooking that i had to build a grill and learn his method of cooking because i've never had barbecue taste so good you can see how it's burning in there [Music] we can close this great [Applause] let the grates start to warm up a little bit slower not like a propane grill but the benefits sure outweigh the propane where the kingsford plus the smell is intoxicating so basically we're waiting for all this to get real nice and cherry and glowing and some flames cooking oh we got the smoked cooking baby we have a fire so as of right now as you can tell we have a nice good ember base going and we have a good wood burning fire that's safe for cooking over without any lighter fluid of any kind used to light the fire just good clean olive oil and a paper towel which is probably all gone now and real brazilian hardwood charcoal could be used with any charcoal of course but i was taught with the brazilian charcoal and i bought the brazilian charcoal because that's what they use and i'm going to follow suit because it tastes so damn good also let me know in the comments section if this helped you improve your barbecue because i know this it increased my barbecue game from from nothing to wanting to barbecue like a madman and as you can see our fire is really starting to rip brewer now getting ready to uh close that lid on this grill let this baby heat up our grill we'll spread our embers around throw some fresh charcoal along and we'll be in good shape we're gonna let the temperature rise [Music] one paper towel that's all it takes one paper towel so we're gonna close it up let it get some heat in there [Music] and if you uh like this grill we have a little treat for you i happen to film the entire process of the manufacture of this homemade grill for your viewing pleasure all right let's get the food [Music] oh [Music] here and that right there is your brazilian barbecue fire starting method with the use of olive oil and a paper towel and real brazilian hardwood charcoal not using charcoal brick hats you
Channel: Mechanic Secrets
Views: 295,288
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Keywords: best way to light charcoal, how to light a charcoal grill, BBQ, grill, charcoal grill, weber, brazilian charcoal, healthy alternative to lighter fluid, healthy grilling, organic charcoal, how to, cooking, lighting a bqq, lighting a grill, how to light a grill, cooking over fire, grilling, how to grill, how to bbq, how to light a bbq, charcoal grilling, grilling tips, how to light charcoal without lighter fluid, light charcoal grill quickly, light charcoal without lighter fluid
Id: EFC_K02B18k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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