The best Vanilla Latte | Obviously better than Starbucks

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I'll show you how to make the most amazing vanilla latte. Vanilla latte that's better Starbucks Well, what's so special about this vanilla latte recipe? when all the vanilla lattes look pretty much the same. and it's all about this homemade vanilla syrup. and it makes all the difference trust me this is so much better than the store-bought ones because they use real vanilla beans to make this therefore this syrup has the real flavour and aroma of vanilla. It is simply the real deal if you want to find out about how to make homemade vanilla syrup. Please take a look at my previous upload. It takes less than 10 minutes to make it and it's delicious so it's definitely worth it. I like coffee and I like coffee in its simplest form. So that would be an espresso, brewed coffee Americano cappuccino latte mocha and vanilla latte which I'm showing you today ingredients are extremely simple - milk, vanilla syrup. This is homemade vanilla syrup that has been aged for a week and espresso, which I'm going to extract in a minute. So essentially you just need vanilla syrup Added to your regular cafe latte, Now the first step is to pour my homemade vanilla syrup into the espresso glass. because I'm going to extract the espresso into the same glass it makes it easier to mix them together. Some people add them separately but I prefer to added it in either to the milk or to the espresso and especially into the espresso and you'll see why later. Now I'm going to extract the espresso into the same glass. I'm going to prepare my ice and milk Now here's my freshly extracted espresso and you see the vanilla syrup below. I'm going to mix them well together. Right so that's well mixed. I just have to pour it, and that's it! btw, if you want your beverage to look really nice and add icing on the cake. I would add milk foam on top There are many different ways of making milk foam but from my experience, I think using the French press gets you the best results. So just pour a bit of milk and just start pumping That creates foam that's extremely silky. Now, this is the reason why I've added vanilla syrup to the espresso That makes the mixture heavy so that when you pour it, it kind of goes down the side of the glass. and just makes it look nice. and finally a bit of milk foam on top. It's vanilla so this white milk foam does make sense Now there's your vanilla latte - better than the one from Starbucks That homemade vanilla syrup...itt's amazing the natural vanilla flavour is definitely there. but at the same time It's not overpowering the espresso or the coffee. Honestly this vanilla latte is fantastic. Hopefully this video on vanilla latte was useful. Please make that homemade vanilla syrup. It just tastes fantastic. and you cannot only use it for vanilla latte, but you can use it anywhere else. I'll come back next time with another beverage recipe that uses this amazing vanilla syrup.
Channel: Hanbit Cho
Views: 1,640,493
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Id: BjpaJB6NxbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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