The BEST things to do in Iceland | Iceland Honeymoon Part 2

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I'm Tori and I'm Matt last video we ate our way through Reykjavik in 24 hours drown meat and lobsters too and in this video we'll be checking out the Golden Circle Tour Diamond Beach and all the must-see spots in Iceland [Music] this is day two we have the Golden Circle Tour today so we're just out here at the crack of dawn waiting for the bus to arrive tomorrow's even earlier so yeah tomorrow we got to be up at five because we've got to be at the bus stop at Seven we're getting warmed up this is gonna be really really yeah hopefully it doesn't rain too much it's it's sprinkled a little bit already but hopefully it won't rain too much we'll check in once we arrive at our first destination it's called Reykjavik excursions and we had the option to add a mini tour to our day and we decided of all the different options they had we had to check out the lava tube and so that was the first stop of our day are you ready yes all right oh my God I underestimated we should have got ski packed what were we thinking I'm not gonna try to explain to you in this safe please but in account how the cables work when all the lavas left everything starts to cool down and in the cooling period everything is shrinking forming all these cracks here and then everything just collapses so all of the Rockets you're seeing in standing on right now they all belong to the walls and the roof at one point the note sounds really scary uh but you do not have to worry we bought the most expensive helmets they're all gonna be good okay sorry it was a very bad joke you do not have to worry this is only happening the first hundred years so 5 000 years ago everything was solid wants to be done but that's when we got this whole so they are natural informed and yeah we have named them skylights a very fancy word for a hole in the ground I know but we like them a lot because they are the ones that bring the daylight in here so that's why you can see some lightings and well the Moss over here so this is the last Skylight of the cave so now we're getting into the dark side of the cave so I recommend you all turn on your headlights and tilt them down [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Ty platform yes we have now already have six weddings down here we've had several wedding proposals of course not today okay before we start to walk out I was wondering that we can do something really cool and we are now quite far in the cave which means we're away from all daylight and I here have the remote to the lights so I can turn them all off and you can experience total darkness instead okay with everyone yeah are you ready oh [Laughter] my gosh right where that was okay thank you for joining the tour have a lovely day [Applause] [Music] so we just got out of the lava cave which was absolutely amazing the different colors you could see in there the most one in the ceiling anybody wants to guess which mineral this is yes exactly they have these little like drippy I don't know what you called them but they were like it was like drips of lava that have hardened first of all this is the lava triplets they are here on the wall I want to rename them lava tears yeah because it's cute they had these beautiful uh like skylights in the ceiling they were just where the cave kind of fell through but that was so gorgeous it was freezing freezing cold it was four degrees Celsius um it's super windy outside but not windy inside so there was no wind chill so now we're going back to Reykjavik and then we're going to do the full Golden Circle Tour so this is just stop one and we have a few more to go but I loved it oh my God what so if you're confused about that last clip that was literally us running down the highway to catch our bus a word to the wise if you're on a tour they run a very tight schedule and you won't want to be late it is possibly going to blow any minute now um they usually blows every five minutes yeah so we'll see if it does it's raining like crazy we had to go to Nebraska but hopefully we'll see something happen here soon oh there it goes we got it oh my God I want to stay again I want you to shoot it that was amazing but yeah I mean this has been such an informative and beautiful tour tour geyser blows again and see if we can get some slow-mo yeah [Music] so we're at the waterfall and it is the most beautiful thing I've seen oh my goodness this was also created after the after the Ice Age when everything melt milk came pouring through and created massive cascading waterfalls which is really super cool we've really gotten to see Iceland um and I like really appreciate the country here it's gorgeous it's beautiful if you want to go down closer apparently we're going to get super wet if we'll get soaked but I think it's worth it let's do it foreign [Music] thank you foreign this is the final stop on our Golden Circle Tour I definitely don't know what the name of where we're at is I can't pronounce it I'll put it right here but it's a it's like a historical place it's where they used to gather the first parliament of Iceland here and it's gorgeous it's it's a lava lake so inside the lake you see all these islands that have popped up from the eruptions also we're standing right now in the North American Plate yes that's why over there is the Eurasian which is where we just drove from so we drove across and we can see the little fissures between the plates because they're splitting up every uh every year it's about two centimeters but this is just such beautiful country oh my goodness the rain is cleared up so this is wonderful this is our last stop on the Golden Circle yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right it is day three I don't even know but it's our second day of Excursion second day of excursions we're back at bus stop number six which is right by the uh where is it culture center right here so we're chilling out it is currently uh 6 30 in the morning because this is an all-day Excursion it's like a four hour drive to the Diamond Beach yeah we're gonna go see uh the glacier Lagoon which is on my bucket list of life so yeah it's going to be really amazing I'm kind of hoping we have a really engaging tour guide again like we did on the last one it's supposed to rain pretty heavily so we have rain boots today packed yeah I have some boots on too because yesterday it rained like crazy until like the end of our trip so hoping it doesn't rain too bad but prepared in case it does I'm ready for the rain Bring it on Bring It On rain we are now stopping at the waterfall of four of us 62 meter high waterfall [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we're here at this beautiful waterfall this is a different one from the one that we were at yesterday but this drive has been absolutely gorgeous we've driven up through the south of Iceland where there's these massive craters and all these all this Farmland that's built at the base of it most of them are self-sustaining like one of them even has their own power plant there's tons of horses and sheep around there's actually a million sheep in ice yeah this is the most beautiful country I think I've ever seen I mean like I would totally live out in the Iceland Countryside yeah I'm trying to retire in the Iceland Countryside for sure but look at this waterfall I didn't think they were going to get to do this I know it's this is worth the 11 hour yeah we're gonna be on the bus for 11 hours I think we've already been at least a couple hours um I I ate a gas station hot dog I took the risk which is something you definitely can't do in the United States but here it's like a gourmet hot dog yeah it was really good so we're just kind of kicking it now until our next stop and we'll be at the glacier Lagoon and the Diamond Beach yeah so more stuff to enjoy [Music] [Music] all right we're out here at the glacier Lagoon we've driven it feels like six hours no it has been six hours we're in this moment and on the other side is the Diamond Beach it's really windy and it's very cold but but we're surviving out here you got it there's a bunch of little seals um swimming around in there I don't know how they're swimming it's so freaking cold but they have their little blubbers there's a few boat tours but we decided we're gonna stay on land and check out the glaciers from here but yeah it's gorgeous out here highly recommend thank you foreign Beach we did it this is the moment we've been waiting for we did it the reason why they call it Diamond Beach is because all these ice all this ice breaks off from the glacier and floats onto the sand honestly we weren't sure if we wanted to do this at first because it's so long of a bus ride it's it's a full day Excursion to see it but it was absolutely worth it it was only like 150 uh dollar US dollars per person we had hot chocolate and a crepe too we we took a little rest had some nourishment and now we're out here gonna do some beautiful shots of Diamond Beach yay [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] on the way back from Diamond Beach we stopped off at one more waterfall and it was particularly special because you could take a trail to see the back side of the waterfall it really just was the most amazing ending to an incredible day foreign [Music] oh yesterday to be honest was the longest day we were on the bus for I think 10 hours it was way more we got on the bus at 7 30 in the morning and we were home at 11. p.m yeah this trip so far has just been amazing we've really gotten to see like all of Iceland and today we have our dive at silphra um where there you can dive between the two tectonic plates the Eurasian and uh the north North American yes um so that's going to be super fun we got a rental car today it was a little daunting but uh we got that so we're gonna drive ourselves to sofra I'm excited to dive I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little bit nervous because it's going to be really cold oh my gosh like three degrees Celsius so I'm like a little nervous about that I'm also not a big it's like once in a lifetime timing but yeah it's going to be super cold hence the thermals that we're wearing um but yeah we're ready to go it's gonna be another fun day we're almost there another car we've been navigating fairly well for those that are uh wondering if driving an Iceland is difficult if you're from the U.S it's not too bad because they drive on the right side um there's just the roundabouts that you have to kind of pay attention but other than that it's a beautiful countryside where we're going I prefer to rent a car I would say in retrospect rent a car go drone paints do your thing yeah I mean you get information if you get a good tour guide you'll get a lot of information but um going your own pace uh is kind of nice because you can stop off if you want you can really take in the scenery um the bus is a bit of a bumpy ride so yeah it's not cheap but worth it to get a car I'd say thank you [Music] how you feeling are you ready are you gonna get cold yeah yeah it's gonna be okay [Music] [Music] snorkeling in the Silver River is a once in a lifetime experience and a must-do Excursion for anybody traveling to Iceland we wore special thermal wetsuits but our faces were exposed so it took about 15 minutes to fully acclimate to the icy water since the water is glacial water we were able to actually drink it straight out of our snorkel and it's some of the clearest water in the world so we had about 100 meters of visibility it was truly one of the most magical experiences of my life [Music] next video we're headed to the famous Blue Lagoon Resort we'll experience the hot springs stay the luxurious silica hotel and even try a seven course meal at the Michelin rated Moss restaurant see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tori's Stories
Views: 9,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceland, Golden Circle, Excursions, Lava Tube, Moss Restaurant, Reykjavik, Diamond Beach, Glacier Lagoon, Waterfall
Id: X1jd6XWbHeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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