The Best Split Screen Gallery Ever in After Effects

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in this quick after effects video we're going to put together this really awesome content grid that you can obviously use for photos videos or anything that you need to show a collage of elements and specifically we're focused on creating grid that can be used for any size and is incredibly replicatable so you can be able to put together a full you know one two three minute video within an hour hey what's going on internet Joshua from Sunday film The reason why we're doing this twirl today is because I actually use the techniques in this video to put together you know a 30 second promo within just a few minutes so if you already create something awesome drop a like on this video and let's get started alright here we are inside of After Effects you can download the project file for free if you wish to use this as a template or just break it down so the first thing we need to determine for this video is how big we want our grid to be so I'm doing four by four but you can do three by three five by five and so on it just depends on what you want to do so here we are in our tutorial composition first thing we need to do is a little bit of math so we'll come here to composition settings and we have a width and height of 1920 by 1080 and since I want to do 4x4 I'll take 1920 and divide it by four if you're doing a three by three divided by three so I know the width is me 480 and the height is going to be to 70. right so we need to keep this in mind because we want to build this out quickly and efficiently as possible so we'll take those two numbers that we just had we'll come here to layer new solid and we'll create a width of 480 and a height of 270. so you apply your math right there and click ok so the first thing we want to do is hit a on keyboard for Anchor Point set the Anchor Point X and Y value to zero and then hit prank keyboard for position and we'll set the position to zero on both values as well but real quick we'll come into position right click it and click on separate Dimensions this will come handy in a few seconds so our goal here is to use this solid to just lay out the design of our you know photo or video grid here so once this is set up we'll take our solid layer go to edit duplicate we can bring up position by hitting p on keyboard and we'll come here to the X position and just add 480 in there and this will perfectly slide it over we'll go ahead and duplicate it again we'll we'll do 480 plus 480 which is 960. we'll duplicate one more time and we'll add another 480 which is going to be a 1440. so everything is perfectly spaced out and then we just got to do the Y value so we'll take all these layers duplicate them bring them up in our timeline hit parent keyboard for position and we'll add 270 to the Y position and this is why we separated the values duplicate again bring up PRN keyboard for position do 270 plus 270 which equals 540 and we'll do one final duplicate because we're doing 4x4 and we'll add the final 270 to the Y value now put us at 8 10. so now we have this perfectly set up 4x4 grid across our composition which you really can't see as a grid just yet so let's actually go ahead and create the grid right away and then you'll see how fast this process is for duplicating and editing in as many images or video as you want so to create the grid will come in a layer new solid we'll call it grid click OK we'll come here to effect generate and we'll grab the grid effect we'll apply some very simple math to make this look great we'll come here to Anchor set to zero and the Y to zero as well then we'll come here to corner and we'll set our math that we did so before 80 by 270 and this will create the perfect grid setup for those of you that don't want to have the lines going around your composition just to fix that you can come here to Anchor and just slightly move these to the negative values by four to five points and that will remove it from your composition and once we're happy with this we're ready to start putting in images so before we place in our first image we need to talk about the sizes of the images video that you're going to insert into your grid so for example all my elements here are the same resolution they're 360 by 202 we resolution but for those of you working with photos or a variety of different types of media so for example if you're working with photos you know every photo might be a different size so we need to address that right away before we place down a single image what we want to do is take all of our solids here except for the grid we'll duplicate them we'll toggle switching modes until we see the shy icon we'll make sure that the shy icon is enabled it looks like this and then we'll click on this hide all layers right icon right there we'll select everything that remains toggle shimos again and set the track matte to Alpha matte so everything should look like this and you can keep everything hidden so we can make sense of this so now to swap in your images it's very easy to do this what we can do is select the image video Whatever inside the composition here make sure the layer is selected in the timeline as well so you see how both are selected you select the image in the project panel hold down alt on your keyboard and just drag it anywhere in here and this will automatically replace that solid with the image you may need to come here and hit S3 keyboard for scale and just scale this down to fit perfectly and there you have it so very simple you can also reposition by hitting here and keyboard for position so then if you're working with different sizes for example come here swap out the next one you can scale this down so even though the image is bigger than the actual solid that we have here since this is set to an alpha matte it'll only say within the single block so then you have the ability to easily reposition and scale it to fit perfectly so we can go ahead and just repeat this process for every single layer here until we fill up our entire grid foreign but before we move on if you're looking to save time while producing awesome work we have over 15 000 templates for you to use in After Effects and Premiere Pro with the motion duck extension you can preview apply and modify any of the templates within a few clicks be sure to check our links in the description below to take a look at all the template packs that we have and of course you can download our free after effects and Premiere Pro packs as well those links are in description below alright so now that all of our media is within our grid setup we only have a few more things left to do here one will apply some overall animation to this to give it movement you can add a title and then ultimately if you wish to create a hundred of these you can easily duplicate this and be done in a very reasonable amount of time so first things first We'll add some animation to this so we'll come here to layer new null object we'll rename it the zoom and we'll unhide our layers by clicking this icon and we'll go ahead and select everything and make sure that the zoom null object is deselected as hold down control and click it and then grab the pick Whip and parent everything to that null Zoom layer and then we can hide it all again come here to our Zoom layer and we'll ask our keyboard for scale We'll add a keyframe move this forward in time maybe by a half a second and we'll come here and scale into our uh work here and simply we can grab both keyframes to F9 on keyboard to make them easy go to the graph editor we'll come here to the value graph and we'll grab both of our keyframes you'll see our handles just drag both these handles out to the edges here so now we'll have this very beautiful Zoom within our composition and it looks really nice and one thing you should do is make sure motion blur is turned on for all your layers make sure it's turned on right here as well now I actually want to go ahead and create a title in this composition for those of you that don't care about the title and you want to duplicate this into you know a million different slides go ahead and just skip this section in the video and I'll see you in a second but for those of you that want to create a quick title here's how we're going to do it we're coming at the top we'll grab the rectangle tool and I'm just going to draw out a rectangle like this all right we'll make sure it's centered in our composition and then we'll simply hit srink keyboard for scale come here at the beginning of our timeline break the chain for scale add a keyframe for scale move it forward in time set the x scale to zero percent we'll go ahead select these keyframes to F9 keyboard feel free to graph editor those as well then we'll grab our textile tool we'll type out our text here in the center once your text is typed out we'll open up a layer come here to anime add a position here we'll bring down the Y value maybe below our rectangle and then we'll come in a Range selector one we'll add a keyframe for start move forward in time maybe by a second maybe less than a second it doesn't matter it's up to 100 feel free to make them easy ease by hitting F9 on keyboard and one thing you'll notice if we come here the title is below the box so to quickly fix this we'll grab our shape layer or rectangle duplicate it bring it above our title layer toggle switch the modes set the track map of your title to Alpha map and my title combo is already set to Alpha matte and that's because I like to jump around behind the scenes but make sure to set the alpha map and then the most important part make sure that all your title elements here are parented to that Zoom layer and turn on motion blur and now if a title in here here's what we have and now we can move on to quickly duplicating this and building a master sequence so we'll make sure everything's selected to hit Ctrl a to select everything go to layer pre-compose we'll call it grid one click OK and maybe we only want this up for maybe a second and a half so what we'll do is we'll just drag in the out point of this layer so then we know where everything's at so then simply what we can do is come here to our project panel we can find this grid of one composition duplicate it and now you have grid two we can bring it into our timeline and then we can just move this over so right now we'll have our first grid and then we'll have our second grid it's the same exact thing but then it's up to you to go into this composition and swap in the images with something new so for example I can come here and I can start bringing in my own images and swap everything out you may need to rescale everything and position but that's up to you and now we've swapped everything out and now we go back to our main composition and here's what we have between the two compositions two completely unique grids here and you can continue this process and duplicate out a thousand of them now one thing we need to talk about is the transition between the two having a transition makes a massive difference so for example I pulled this transition that's being used right here from our seamless transitions pack for after effects in Premiere Pro however I'm going to link another tutorial that we've done where we've shown how to create transitions like this here in After Effects so you can kind of pick and choose what transition you want to manually create but for those of you that would like to have a transitions pack for Premiere Pro and after effects I'll go ahead and Link this pack from us in the description below alright so now you can create a really cool and quick grid effect here inside after effects of course you can download our free after effects and Premiere Pro templates that comes with our motion duck extension where you can preview all these templates for absolutely free those links are below and always be creating
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 38,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, Split Screen, After Effects Split Screen, Split Screen Effect, Adobe Tutorial, Picture-In-Picture Effect, Adobe After Effects Picture-In-Picture, After Effects Picture-In-Picture, SonduckFilm Tutorial, After Effects Montage, After Effects Montage Effect, Adobe After Effects CC, Create a Split Screen. Create a Split Screen Effect in Adobe Premiere, Split Screen Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial Split Screen
Id: Ep2i6996Nc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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