THE BEST SPEECH EVER! - Gary Vaynerchuk

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[Music] nobody you know nobody you know nobody you know has become successful outside of it being given to them from their family nobody you know has actually created success without working their face off it doesn't exist so you can sit and talk about luck and you can sit and talk about this that or the other thing but I promise you the only controllable thing you have is your work ethic and if you sit around and ponder well if I didn't live here or if my mom wasn't an alcoholic or if I just learned about this earlier or if I'd been following this person earlier or if I wasn't born a woman or if I wasn't born a minority if you sit and do that you are losing you're not wrong it's just that business and marketing and all this doesn't care they're just no emotion in the market like that's it and so I think we need to start having much deeper much more serious conversations of practicality you know it's fun and I love this face the most but I loved it long before it was sexy I loved it long before people want to take selfies with me I loved it long before athletes and celebrities and rappers wanted to be entrepreneurs I loved it long before that it was my destiny it was who I was it was how I was wired it was the only thing I knew that's why the four year old me ripped flowers out of yards and sold it you don't read about being an entrepreneur at five six seven eight and nine I didn't jump on this cuz it's cool now and it makes me money and girls I did it cuz it's all I ever was and I implore you if you came here to be an entrepreneur but this talk allows you to realize you're really an artist or you're really a number three in a company because you bring this level of energy and you don't want to be a number one because let me promise you something about being a number one I'm not an entrepreneur I'm a firefighter my entire life is taking care of crap putting out fires 24/7 365 my whole life is this is a problem fix this and guess what when you're the last line of defense there's no blaming your boss there's no blaming the logo there's no blaming the government it's all my fault all of it and so it's super sexy but what's not being talked about is the friends and acquaintances I have who have committed suicide in the entrepreneur land in the last four years because nobody talks about the downside everybody thinks they're gonna be sucks everybody thinks they're gonna build snapchat go look at the data the data shows that the far majority of this room will not succeed not even close to building an actual business and I don't come here to be somber I come here to remind you that there's only one thing you can do the only thing you can do that can trump the moment mommy and daddy had sex to make you the only thing that can trump that the only thing that can trump your DNA the only thing that is controllable if you want it if you want this is work started using the word work more than the word hustle just because I want everybody to understand what we're really talking about here if you've got a big mouth and a lot of you do here search the hash tag and a lot of you say CEO founder owner I call that big mouth if you've got the audacity to do it and and so many of you've heard this for me when I audited I do because I'm curious it's how I learned people talk a big game I especially love when somebody hits me up on social like Gary Vee you're gonna buy the Jets I'm gonna buy the Rams you know you know everybody is buying a sports team and I love and I love to look at what that person does and and then I'll DM that person and be like yo bro nobody nobody unless they were a trust fund baby ever bought the Rams when they go skiing for a week when they're 24 everything on you everything's your fault you want to really win in life you want to get real happy you know I'm really happy because I think everything is my fault [Music] you know I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole journey about about how entrepreneurship has become something of a status and and has been put on a pedestal I've also been thinking about how scary it is when something becomes cool or interesting and what that creates and I've been pondering that quite a bit which is the differences between being an entrepreneur and being a successful entrepreneur you know putting the fact that you're a CEO in your Instagram profile doesn't mean that it's what you're going to be able to do for the rest of your life and what I'm really concerned about is that we have lived at both in Canada and the US with basically a 8 to 9 year macro almost a decade of good economic growth we just have you know obviously there was a crash in the US and 2008 or 9 but if you look at the data we're probably on the tail end of economic growth you know obviously nobody knows otherwise they would make trillions of dollars but one of the things that I did want to talk to you guys about today is practicality I think practicality is stunningly not talked about enough so for example if you're running a business right now and it's predicated on raising money or you've raised money and you lose money each month it's probably a really good idea to change course pretty quickly because the biggest issue for me right now is that we have a lot of people who want to build brands who want to become influencers who want to start companies but they're not putting in the pieces that actually allow them to weather the storm you know the thing that I'm most proud of is the two biggest businesses I've ever built I basically started them during very difficult times when I first got involved in my dad's liquor store business it was the late 90s and just about a year and a half into my journey I guess two years into my journey the stock market crashed and all the Internet companies folded and all the people that were making money that I was targeting to sell wine stop having money to buy wine and I built and then right behind that because most of my business was New York and New Jersey base even though we were building an Internet company it was only about a year later that 9/11 happened and not only you know changed I mean for anybody that lived in New York New Jersey area it was much more compounded for us because we lost loved ones and and I remember I lost a hundred employees from one organization in one day I'd go in hand by hand and take their emails out because everybody passed away from Cantor Fitzgerald that worked in that office so and that so I persevered through that because I was practical because I didn't have a lot of overhead and because I wasn't romantic I wasn't dreaming I knew that I had to buy and sell wine and liquor and beer and I had to make sure that my expenses weren't greater than the money I was bringing in vaynermedia started in the ashens of the economic meltdown of the US when I started vaynermedia people didn't want to pay $5,000 let alone the fifty or hundred thousand they pay us a month now for our services and and when I started vaynermedia you know it's funny I watch everybody watch my journey now and you know there's that cliche thing of like overnight success right I'm gonna have this TV show come out this June and it's gonna change my profile right I'm gonna sit on a stage with and Gwyneth Paltrow and Jessica Alba for this Apple show that I'm about to do and everybody's gonna say where do you come from that happened overnight that you know and it's even really happened and social I'm sure a lot of you and for a lot of you you've only really even have known about me for the last six months or so even though I've been putting out content online for 10 years every single day and so the thing that I've been really thinking about is practicality like vaynermedia even though I had had already built a nice-sized business it wasn't like I was extracting a lot of money out of Wine Library and so when AJ and I started vaynermedia seven years ago we started it out of a company called buddy media's conference room for the first two years that I ran vaynermedia we had no rent we first worked out of a conference room a conference room we then worked out of a co-working space before the whole we work in co-working space revolution and I bartered my time to help that company in exchange for a very small space we didn't buy furniture we scrapped and I'd already made it I was already rich and we scrapped and so the biggest thing that I want to implore everybody here today to do is to take a step back and think about how fancy are they are you willing to be really really really ghetto do you really need that chair do you really need that piece of technology do you really need to fly that class like I just think that we're living through an incredibly fancy culture of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship and CEO status is quite sexy people are selling a lifestyle that is filled with lots of fun and trips and and champagne and bikinis and bling-bling and all sorts of horseshit right and and I just think that that era of this era is gonna come to an end somewhere within the next five years and very honestly I just don't want a lot of people in this room that dreamed to build their own businesses to have to go work at a bank or go work at a retail store and so I would highly recommend something that I think is stunningly not talked about enough which is if you're building a business you have to be making money [Music] I heard that's like a funny thing to say but I think it's important I think the other thing that's important is to shift the context completely the other way which is what is really winning right like what is the definition of winning and I think we all have different definitions right and I think that one of the things that I also want to say is that I'm getting scared that a lot of people that are following my journey hear me talking about buying the New York Jets and I do aspire to buy a three billion dollar sports franchise I do it is what I want it's you can look at my fifth grade yearbook long before business was cool it's what I want to do but I'm awfully scared that it's pressuring the people that follow me into trying to achieve things that they don't necessarily want they just think it's the thing you do if you're trying to be a successful business person let me promise you something I know tens of thousands of people I know thousands of people extremely well I know hundreds of people deeply well there is no correlation between how much money someone makes and their level of happiness I have friends who make $47,000 a year and are the happiest people I know their work-life balance is on point they're part of two soccer teams they play video games they watch every show they want they take two vacations that they scrap together and they're freaking happy as hell and I know tons of people who I grew up with in the Silicon Valley boom who have hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank account and are is miserable and is lonely and is broken as you'll ever see so I implore all of you to please reverse engineer and figure out who you are and figure out what level of monetizing and stuff you need and what level of creativity need I promise you one thing one thing that will catch you very off guard I should be way more rich I leave money on the table every day i I've left ungodly amounts of money on the table I spend tons of times spending sending DMS and engaging with people meeting people randomly and not cashing in I actually believe the statement I'm about to make I think that I love the journey and the game of entrepreneurship so much that I have subconsciously sabot my financial upside to make sure I can play this a little longer because I fear if the numbers keep getting too big eventually it will take the fun out of it when you were lucky enough like I am to actually do something that you love so much do something that puts pressure against the one thing you care about besides it which is the time I spend with my family my family is my whole life and being this and doing this is the only thing that cuts into that I couldn't breathe if I wasn't an entrepreneur I didn't breathe when I wasn't an entrepreneur that's the reason I got these an F since school because I just couldn't be me and I'm not capable of that and so I think being here excites me because I think coming to not LA San Francisco New York London is always more fun for me it always feels a little more practical it always feels like there's a little bit more chips on the shoulder which is what I have but I want to remind everybody just cuz he didn't grow up with a trust fund just because you don't live in Silicon Valley the market doesn't care if you're good enough you will win [Music] going back to the beginning of my talk you need to deploy serious serious self-awareness and figure out who you are I implore you to start matching your work ethic and your actions to your mouth if you're gonna be a billionaire you need to realize that most people that create billion dollars worth of wealth don't do anything besides work every single day of their 20s and 30s all of them every person that works at vaynermedia has taken more vacations in the last 13 months than I did in my entire 20s and early 30s my family went on to family vacations my entire childhood I was married to my wife for five years before we had a family we took two vacations it's the price you have to pay if you want it at the level that I wanted at and by the way I advised nobody to want it at that level I'm being dead serious this is a very true statement and I think most of you will not believe but I'm telling you it's the goddamn truth if there was a drug that could take some ambition out I would take it it is so extreme it is all in the reason I started dailyvee was to remind you that I'm out working you that when you talk and you're trying to figure it out when you're trying to say you're gonna be like me I want you to see it I want you to see every other day 5:00 a.m. I want you to see every day midnight all of them every day always forever that's what it takes for what I want good news is between what I want and what is achievable and it's considered unbelievably all-time happy is a big gap so there's plenty of vacation time I know tons of people who are taking time I know tons of people with work/life balance I know tons of people that do tons of fun activities and that make seven figure millions of dollars a year and love it I'm playing for legacy I'm playing for all time I'm looking to impact every generation that comes behind me because I want to show that you can build all time wealth all time greatness doing it the right way and the old way that's what I'm up to so please make sure you understand that and more importantly make sure you understand yourself so that you can reverse engineer that blueprint and figure out where you fit within that and then deploy it but I promise you but I promise you you will not get there with your big idea I promise you sitting around and saying oh I had that idea for uber before Ober did nobody gives a [ __ ] I've got every idea that's gonna be successful over the next hundred years it's all about AI and VR and they are and augmented in all this I'll give them to you all it doesn't matter cuz most of you won't execute against it the reason I put out all my best stuff and I'm liked and I don't charge for it is somewhere along the line I realize that 99.9% of you aren't gonna do anything about it you're gonna ponder it you're gonna get super pumped up when you watch me say it and then three weeks later you're gonna give up cuz you're not willing to pay the price and that's cool everybody's different but you need to figure out what price you are willing to pay for what you want it has been insane to me how many people have emailed me in the last month about the 2017 flip challenge which for you that don't know was a video I made in December which is so many of you email me asking me for five thousand dollars and meanwhile there's five thousand dollars worth of crap sitting in your house right now go grab it post it on ebay flip it and make your money how many people have flipped something since they saw that video raise your hands just want to say higher higher don't be shy sit you know like it's insane people emailing me like hey this like I just made eight thousand dollars cuz I sold a hundred dollars of this then this happened and this happened and this happened funny thing happens when you actually work go figure funny thing happens when you actually realize it's money that gives you the opportunity everybody's got a big idea everybody's got the Oberer of lawn mowers everybody's got the air B&B of ice cream it's not gonna happen and if it does please take the clip of this talk email me and say in the title Gary Vee you were wrong and I will be the first to call you me say Mazel Tov I am so pumped but I just want to remind every especially 20 and 30 year old in this room I came out the gate and I worked every day for 13 years before I said a goddamn word to anybody I talk a whole lot now and I've made up for those 13 years of silence but I just want to remind everybody that I didn't make a video to the world about anything about business until I was 35 years old after I worked every single day from the time I was 22 and in reality 14 and then I started talking there's a whole lot of talking going on how about more action have a more execution have a more paying prices for what your mouth is saying that is what I hope you do [Music] I think everybody has different strengths and weaknesses I break things up into black and white and gray EQ and IQ I think those are the two pillars that I kind of look at when I look at somebody and some people have hard skills out their ass right they can do everything but they don't know how to interact with the other boys and girls and that ultimately tumbles them right then so the reason I started talking about something called the honey Empire is that's what I want everybody at Vayner to know in the beginning I valued honey more so I call it honey Empire so if you were a good person and you could get along with everybody else you worked at Vayner for quite a while because that was what I valued we're now seven we're now bigger you know if you've raised a child you know things change you expect more as they get older and so I expect more of the organization's so we went through a tough patch over the last six months where I haven't let go of certain people because I deemed that they didn't have the hard skills the actual intellect the actual ability the output crossing T's dotting eyes black and white stuff the math skills the the email copy skills to have a client you know the strategy skills to come up with an idea that mattered and it was very shocking to our company and a lot of feelings got hurt but it's the right thing to do because meritocracy matters if you don't do that the winning players leave you
Views: 792,921
Rating: 4.870645 out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivational speech, gary vaynerchuk, gary vee, best of gary vaynerchuk, garyvee, motivation, speech, business, gary vaynerchuck, best motivational speech, entrepreneur, inspiration, vaynerchuk, motivational video, motivational, success, gary v, vaynermedia, inspirational video, inspirational, gary, best motivational video, entrepreneurship, daily vee, success motivation, motivation video, work, motivational speaker, work hard
Id: gQi9CJDbwms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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