The BEST SPACE MARINES EVER MADE | NEW Mk3 Review | Emperors Children | WARHAMMER: The Horus Heresy

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hi everyone it's Henry here and in this video we're going to take a look at the new Mark III armor kit for the Space Marines from the horrors heresy game now Games Workshop sent us this kit through for review and having painted many Horus heresy Miniatures over the years um I thought it'd be good fun to break it down a bit have a look what's different with the new kit compare and contrast and also stick in a new recipe video uh to add to the 18 odd Legion ones we've got in our heresy playlist anyway that's for that Empress children model I'd really fancy trying that color out and uh I'm glad I had an excuse to do it so the new kit very very similar to The Mark 3 uh Mark 6 kit rather um and one thing I mucked up on the Mark 6 kit a lot and nearly did with this Mark II kit you can see here there's a couple of little locator lugs on the uh arm sockets which uh just help the sets of arms sit correctly um so that when you drop in the Bolter which obviously has both hands molded on it they they sit correctly and the way the sprew joins to the Torso is via those little plugs so it's very easy just to click them off assuming that they are sprew which is what I did so just just be conscious uh of that um and the whil you're only getting the five poses just like the mark uh Mark 6 kit I keep messing that up um The Mark 6 kit you can use all the different pairs of arms on all the different five uh torso and leg sets so you can get plenty of variation uh across the squad and personally I think it's a really nice idea um keeping them the same poses so that it's easy for us to to swap and mix and match and hopefully that suggests that there's going to be more armor marks coming in the future to do that with um and for instance you know the way it allows us to use the existing special weapons and heavy weapons kits um as well as that lovely little extra they've added um so you can use the Mark 6 arms stick a ambrace on I know there's arguments that it's not accurate for want of a better term um but these are very different to what we've seen before and for me this kit in particular is just cementing the fact that we're in heresy's second edition now and things are changing um the established look of things are changing I'm a fan but then I've had 10 plus years of of heresy so you know I'm quite looking forward to a change and actually one of the biggies is what we're seeing here is the old Mark III helmet on the new Mark III kit this about my only not dislike but my only slight confusion or res obervation was quite why they wanted to change the helmet which I felt was so iconic that wedge shaped helmet for the Mark II uh for the new ones which for me still look a little bit too uh Mark 2 um although very cool um so I just tried a few of the different head kits out on them as well as this Mark 7 lid because I am itching to do a um bad Hab project using the heresy kits and I was really Keen to see how the Mark 7 uh helmet fitted in and depending on the PO POS they look better or worse this one's a particularly squat pose and I think it maybe makes the heads look a bit off but the slightly more upright ones I think they look great but the heads from the older kits are definitely bigger chunkier um the the new kit one it's just seems a little bit more refined the whole model is just more refined um and crisper and and just feels like a real sort of contemporary sculpt which is for someone like myself really really wonderful for someone who's got an existing Army and is going to put these in not quite sure um where where they're going to sit on that and I'd love to know in the comments you know how you feel about about it but what I thought I'd do is take some of the new kits and apply a couple of the schemes that we have already done for the channel um for our respective personal armies so Andy's uh sons of Horus Army uh and my white scars Army so we can sort of look at them and again and compare uh and contrast them together so I've taken Andy scheme which you've got some great videos for uh over on our YouTube as well as over on our Patron but on the YouTube we put out how he's painted the Marines I think we've put out how he's painted his just staring uh and then we've taken uh a video that was previously patreon only that nice long hourong contempt to Dreadnaught sort of Master Class and that's on YouTube as well and equally if you'd like to go and see how he's painted his characters so Malik Hurst um he did that lovely just aing sort of prayor model as well they're all over on the the patron um so I've tried to follow Andy's recipe uh as Faithfully as possible the biggest difference is that I don't have the green Sky paint that he used um to make his custom mixup but I had a color called scar Nick Green from Games Workshop which I felt was pretty damn close um so I've just used that instead um and actually I think they've come out pretty much you know bang on um you know it's there's a slight difference um in in the color but you know on on the table I don't think you'd even notice it um but you know when it's when it's one next to each other I think you can tell there's a slight a slight difference uh in the in the Hue or the tone rather of the green but both I think look lovely and for me this is this is becoming the sort of definitive sons of horror screen um it seems to be particularly with heresy there's there's no real specific color for nearly any of the legions everyone's kind of got their own interpretation of them and I think that's I think it's absolutely brilliant not only do I feel like it's a bit more realistic if I one of a better word um but it's just I just think it makes it more interesting it lets you make make it your own and whilst a lot of people are fans of of trying to treat heresy a bit more like a historical game um so you know there's certain accuracies that people enjoy trying to uh represent on their Miniatures or in the the composition of their forces and all the rest of it I do really like that there's still that that large degree of you know individual takes on them but you can see here I think they look really really nice together the Mark 6 and the Mark 3 and as I say I think this Heralds in very much a new era uh of heresy orbe it 18 months or whatever it is we're into the the new edition now speaking of the new edition when they launched it uh Games Workshop asked us to paint up an arm me for the launch uh myself and Andy chose the wh scars and we've done some videos on this in the past if you want to check them out um but I painted up the box set the age of Darkness box set and Andy painted up jatti khon the primar model to go with it and it was a very very tight uh time frame on this project so it really forced me into our real army painting um to get these sort of knocked out and looking cool particularly on mass you know I wanted them to be viewed as this big you know big box is worth of of Miniatures and heresy on the whole providing you don't go too vehicle heavy um generally you're getting tons of stuff on the table and the games the games can look absolutely wonderful um so I've painted this Mark II up in exactly the same way that I painted up the rest of that Army for which again in the heresy playlist there is a whole video dedicated to that recipe um I suppose the main difference with this is I had chosen partly as an aesthetic choice but also for expediency I chosen to keep the majority of the trim uh on the original boxes worth of stuff uh White I really like that utilitarian look um you know and and it happened to be I say slightly more efficient as well for painting but on the Mark III we offered a bit more trim and I thought would you know what they can represent sort of more veteran Marines um and there's no reason not to have a little bit more of the gold on there so that's sort of definitely definely gives it a different look um but I think it I think it works very very well um and whilst we've got him here next to his his Mark 6 Chum and I haven't had time to build up the base because you can see the bases are a little bit more involved on the ones we did for the uh for the launch um I've tried to match the colors pretty close you can see that they look you know again just like the Suns of Horus really really lovely together um and here's some shots of him with a few more units just so you can get an idea of that size and scale um with the dread and with the the Terminator one of the things I was concerned about when we were getting the new Mark 6 and the new Mark iiii you know this this better proportioned um Power Armor was would it make the Terminator armor look a little bit weedy um and actually I think it's fine you know at the end of the day the Marines inside is still the same height so you know if you if you I should have done a picture if you stand these next to the indomitus the new indomitus Mark Terminator armor which we got with the um release the Leviathan release and recently that new box they're huge compared to these and whilst that's cool for me maybe doesn't quite make sense um because say the Marine inside hasn't changed shape so he's still kind of got a fit um you know his feet and his his arms his hands things like that they have to they have to go in the right places don't they it's not like that Corum model where they've modeled it where you can see it's a smaller person inside a Terminator suit so um so actually yeah I think I think the the cata fry certainly still work well against these which is really cool cuz it's such an iconic thing for for heresy I think caty armor but yeah looks lovely with the um with the rest of the four so yeah I was going to I was thinking of selling this this Army I've had some fun with it don't get me wrong um but I was kind of thinking of selling it shifting it on um but yeah temptation is to to maybe add these in I don't know H we will see um but new scheme wise I really really fancied having a go at some Emperor's Children whilst I really like the sort of Royal purple that we see a lot of people do for instance on Ben our commission Chief's Emperor children Army and actually on the uh tutorial I've already done on the emperor children for the heresy playlist there's this one piece of artwork from the full Grim Prim Mars book and I just think this color is amazing um and there's some similar colors from the the early visions of heresy or Collective Visions books as well and I just I wanted to use this as inspiration not a direct copy by any means um but just lean more into that magenta and pink side of things rather than uh the purple so I'm starting off with a really strong pre- shade or pre highlight here using Tamia flat white I've thinned this about three drops to four drops of Tamia x28 thinner to every drop of paint I'm spraying about 25 25 psi and I'm using a 0.4 mm need nozzle there and that's in one of our Harden steam Beck Signature Series Infinities I want to say strong pre-ad I mean I'm leaving the Shadows really dark and making sure the Highlight areas are really bright and this is because colors like red and pink they can really benefit from this kind of of pre- shade and I'm actually going to apply the colors almost in Reverse so you've just seen me apply the the highest highlight color there which is Warlord purple VI valer game air I've had to thin that about 1 to one but with normal thinner but you need to uh obviously see check what your bottle is like and and depending on your your uh your spraying situation so sprayed that just onto the areas of brightest highlight then I'm going to spray on the main color which is screamer Pink by Games Workshop and the reason I've done it this way around is I want the white underneath the brightest color whereas if I'd sprayed the screamer pink on and then highlight it up that wall or purple would have been going over um the screamer pink and it's not strong enough to get that really lovely vibrant pink uh over the the top um so we just I say we just work backwards with it you take your time doesn't take that long and you can see here um I I think it's already looking really really nice but I want to push the contrast just a little bit more um I'm not a fan of of over um use of of contrast particularly value contrasts the light and dark on a Model particularly heresy models I prefer mine to look a little bit more like those earlier Forge World um takes on it you know the sort of filer shinsa Mark Bedford uh military modeling inspired paint jobs but obviously it's still a ludicrous color um so you know it can have a little bit of um little bit of fun with the contr contrast so I'm spraying in here some barck Nar burgundy into the shadows and this is just to give the Shadows a bit more color but also just if I've gone a bit wide with any of my highlights I can just trim them up there with the barck Nile burgundy and I've thinned that one about two drops of thinner to paint cuz that's a Bas paint it's a little bit thicker um once that's dry I glossed it I applied the decals put a link up to the decals video there uh and whilst the model was glossy I decided to do some pin washing panel lining you might hear it called uh and again I'll link up to a video dedicated to that technique but essentially I've taken a very very dark gray color this one's called Smoke by abong 502 and I'm just washing that uh into all the recesses and this is an oil wash now once that was dry I gave the model a coat of Ultram matte varnish by ammo by Mig and you can see already it just changes it an awful lot now we've got it sort of tidied up um with a with a uniform finish across it and every stage that we do from now on is going to reduce that level of sort of in yourf face contrast anyway on the armor so it's always good to go maybe a little bit too far uh to start with uh for the chipping color on this I just added um it was called uh flesh tone uh by valo model color but you could use something like Kad and flesh would be absolutely fine by gain's workshop and I just mixed that in to the warlord purple just to uh to lighten it up up a little bit so it's almost a sort peachy color but I think it works really really nicely and then for chipping I've chosen to use um dark rust by valo Panzer races but you could use something like rhox hide be absolutely fine dark rust is just my go-to chipping color um it's probably more by habit than deliberate Choice um but it's not as effective on this color of armor but it's still important to have it in there if you wanted to push the contrast further you could use perhaps something more like a gray here rather than a brown for the chipping color um but I just like like that dark rust color I just haven't done too many so I've just put fewer of those dark brown chips where the uh the lighter ones are and one of the things I really like on the Mark II armor is when you do the different uh the back of the leg different cuz the idea with Mark III is it up armored Mark I where they sort of strap extra plates on um so you'll see on all the three models I've done with here I've left the back of the legs a different color and to highlight the uh black one I've just sprayed some Eclipse Gray by scale 75 on there just as a simple highlight before chipping up like I would the rest of it now for the gold on the model I wanted nice warm gold and because I'm Army painting here we rely on our old favorites our Old Faithful paints um for me one of those is scale 75 decayed metal um this is the base coat I use pretty much all my Golds bronzes brass colors things like that thinned it down ever so slightly on my palette um and then just go around you know around the trim and what not you want it and then for the actual gold color itself the Highlight I've chosen skull crusher brass I picked this one up recently um from Games Workshop and actually really really like the color of it I'm just picking out the edges the rivets things like that so still leaving lots of that decay metal there in the recesses and then once everything was dry I'm going in with uh some more oil here just to add a little bit of Interest a little bit of dirt and grime not too much and this is raw umber by Windsor Newton this an Artis oil color thin this with normal mineral spirits it's going to dry a little bit quicker and just giving this a fairly liberal wash all over but it is a thin wash so it's not going to change the color that much and for instance on the metal areas I might reapply it a couple of times just to get that that color in there but I am very very happy with how this one's comeing out I probably changed the eyland color I went for the same thing I did on the white scars just for just to be nice and quick about it but um yeah as a color big big fan I feel like it it Treads that line between when they were still loyal but a little bit obnoxious and all the rest of it and you can see how easy it was for them to to fall into that real over-the-top um just ridiculous uh colors particularly if we think back to sort of Rogue Trader in second edition we used to see Emperor children in 40K in all these incredible like sort of pastel colors these pinks Blues greens things like that um I think it'd be a lot of fun but I equally I think this works as a as a loyalist scheme and that's the nice thing about using this Mark II and if I'm honest this Mark II with these new helmets which I still glance at it and think oh it's Mark 2 um it's going to be really interesting to see if we get a Mark I plastic kit um my guess is that we're getting this Mark II kit and perhaps we will now get add-ons for this which will give us say despoilers and breaches and and things like that but I'm not sure but that would be my guess but as I mentioned at the top of the video one of my biggest concerns uh about this new kit in the mar 6 was how is it going to make my old heresy Miniatures look and I love them you know I was into heresy from the very very beginning it happened to coincide the first Horus Rising novel came out as I was getting back into the hobby the just followed a few years later um and you know I've been heavily involved in the heresy painting scene since yeah since day dot really um so I've painted an awful lot of them and I love them I adore the heresy I adore the the look of the heresy armor and stuff but I'm also someone who enjoys um updates and a modernization of the miniature process whether that's sculpting uh or or you know production or whatever and say these Mark 6 and particularly these new Mark III they do feel much more modern they they're crisp the level of detail on them is is just it's lovely that they're an absolute joy to paint these models um even though all the joints got these weird weird little extra straps which I guess is representing that armor being extra armor being strapped on um so if you wanted to you could spend a little extra time and maybe do that strap a different color to the ribbing that's underneath it for me for Army painting which is what I've done on on these three Miniatures um I've just done it black and and highlighted it like it was the ribbing um but yeah there's I think they're beautiful but but for me I I can't have these in the same Army now as my old markv we're seeing the Thousand Suns there or the old Mark III like we're seeing on that death guard um heavy heavy flamer dude for me it's there's too much of a disconnect now um and yeah I don't really know where that leaves Le leaves me with with it you know do I want to start a whole new Army do I want to do what I'm really not sure but I I really be interested to know from those of you that that collect and paint um heresy stuff whether whether that difference in in scale cuz it's quite considerable um and not just scale but the execution of it as I said they feel a little bit more uh slim isn't the right word but and delicate isn't necessarily the right word either but everything's just a little bit crisper you know things like the rim around the shoulder pad it's it's it's thinner it's sharper um you know the heads the helmets they what will be a completely different style but again they are they're crisper they're sharper you know that they're a bit smaller um it's it's really interesting um but either way I think if you have an old heresy army with the with the old Marines in there it'll still look absolutely incredible and I think if you have a new one it'll look absolutely incredible um just for me I'm not so sure on mixing the two anymore but I'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments so yeah this was just a sort of quick recipe video and also my thoughts on on this amazing my opinion amazing new kit possibly my favorite Space Marine kit they've ever done um certainly close to uh and for next week I'm going to do uh a normal sort of standard classic heresy tutorial video uh on a scheme I've wanted to do for ages and I was waiting and waiting and hoping we were going to get a mark 2 or Mark II kit in plastic for me to have a go on and that is the preh heresy World eaters known as the warhounds so if you enjoyed the video hit the like button hit subscribe if if you're not already thanks ever so much for your support that you give us over here but particularly over on patreon and I'll see you next time if you've liked any of the models in this video and you're fancy having an army of them yourself but perhaps you don't have the time or wherewithall to get it done consider dropping us an email at commissions cof and maybe Ben can sort you out
Channel: Cult of Paint
Views: 44,304
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Id: rMdEAml5suI
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Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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