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[Music] [Applause] the way hey y'all and welcome back to my channel and today we are making a southern homemade buttermilk cornbread with a honey butter recipe and i'm going to be using my 8 inch cast iron skillet because that's the only way to go so let's get started all right so let's add in about two tablespoons of salted butter this is real butter y'all make sure you use real butter as well as two tablespoons of vegetable oil and we're just going to put this together and let it melt in our preheated oven at 350 degrees it'll probably take about two to three minutes for it to melt and this is what it should look like you're gonna pull that out and set it to the side because we're gonna need it for later all right so you need your large mixing bowl and today we're going to add in one and a half cups of yellow cornmeal as well as one cup of all-purpose flour the flour in this mixture is going to make sure that our cornbread is not gritty alright so please do not skip this step we're also going to add in about three and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a few pinches of salt so honey grab you a whisk or a fork and with all of these ingredients together you always want to make sure that you whisk the dry with the dry and then add in the wig all right get that whisk together really well and look here if you want to add some sugar add about a fourth cup of sugar or more i mean you know it'll be all right but southern cornbread ain't sweet everybody knows that you know sometimes we'll do a little sugar every now and then but this is buttermilk cornbread so i will not be adding any sugar however we are going to add in 2 3 cups of buttermilk that's whole buttermilk and i'm also going to crack in two fresh large eggs all right and then we're going to whisk that together again also if you want to add just a tad bit of sweetness like let's say you do like sweet cornbread honey is your go-to but don't forget we're making a homemade honey butter sauce to go with this so make sure you stay tuned for that in the end [Music] all right honey so this is a little secret that we do in my family and that is duke's mayonnaise all right you gotta add some mayonnaise it has the fat and the oil in it that's gonna keep that cornbread moist and nice just add in about a tablespoon just a little tablespoon um and i recommend dukes if not dudes uh maybe helmets would do and that's that's it don't use under that craft crap i mean if that's what you like then hey go for it but this calls for real mayonnaise all right and we're gonna add in the oil and butter that we melted just a second ago that's also going to give this cornbread some moisture to make sure that it's not dry and all crackly when we take it out of the oven you want to mix that in and then we're going to pour it into our 8-inch skillet [Music] [Music] all right so we're gonna add this into our skillet once again this is a 8 inch cast iron skillet that i'm using and all of that leftover oil and butter that's in the bottom is going to prevent this cornbread from sticking because honey when you cut it you want the slice to come right out you don't want it to be all stuck to the bottom of the skillet so make sure you have a little bit of that leftover in there and this is going straight into the oven at 350 degrees and we're gonna bake it for about 18 to 20 minutes it may take less time it may take a little bit longer but for my oven it's about 18 minutes and you want to make sure you keep an eye on that don't don't let that sit still too long all right so now we're going to work on our honey butter because even though i don't like sweet cornbread i do like a nice sweet honey butter to go with it so you're gonna need one stick of salted butter not margarine butter real butter now and we're just gonna press that together and we're gonna add in a good tablespoon of honey any kind of honey that you have all right but um i'm using a local raw honey and it is delicious honey all right and i'm gonna also add in about a teaspoon of heavy whipping cream all right just a little bit just a little bit and if you can use that at room temperature when it's colder to make it clump up a little bit all right but we're going to mix that all together and then you want to make sure that you taste it because you want butter that is sweetened with honey not honey plus butter all right you want to make sure that you have the right ratios with it so taste it make sure it's right where you want it make sure it's sweet enough the saltiness will definitely be there from the butter but you want to make sure that it's sweet enough [Music] all right so it's been about 18 minutes and i'm taking this cornbread out it's actually cooked all the way through but honey look i want some nice color on it all right so i'm gonna take a little bit of my honey butter that i just made if you don't want to use honey butter you can use regular butter and i'm just gonna slather that all on top i'm gonna massage it right on top give this a little honey butter bath all right i'm gonna get all of the creases on here i'm gonna make sure it gets around all of the edges and it covers every single spot i don't want to miss a spot all right and then i'm gonna stick this back in the oven to brown the top all right i'm gonna cut my oven on broil and i'm gonna brown the top just a little bit but do not walk away or you'll have black cornbread we don't want that and this is what my finished product looks like i browned it for about maybe two to three minutes it did not take long at all now let's cut into this let's cut into it oh goodness y'all this is fresh out of the oven i didn't even wait not one second to cut this look at that oh my goodness check it out check it out it's coming you want to make sure you get the cut even because you don't want it to fall apart i want the perfect slice the absolute perfect slice y'all when i tell y'all that cornbread was delicious y'all this is some of the best cornbread you will ever make all right look at that slather on some of that honey butter in a little drizzle of honey and look at it honey it was good do y'all hear me i'm not playing with y'all and i want y'all to try this recipe and let me know what y'all think okay this recipe also pairs very well with my homemade chili recipe so go ahead give this video a thumbs up if you found this recipe easy to follow and let me know what you think in the comments and i'll see y'all next time in the next video bye
Channel: ThatGirlCanCook!
Views: 197,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cornbread, corn bread, cornbread recipe, easy cornbread recipe, Southern Cornbread, buttermilk cornbread, cast iron skillet, southern cornbread recipe, how to make cornbread, southern recipes, southern cornbread, SOUTHERN CORNBREAD, Buttermilk cornbread, stovetop kisses, cornbread muffins, jiffy cornbread, jiffy mix, how to make cornbread from scratch, sweet cornbread, honey butter, martha white cornbread, food wishes, natashas kitchen
Id: S6MbbZm06ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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