Light and fluffy cornbread

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hey everybody is shauna again and thank you so much for being in my kitchen with me today I wanted to thank all the people that gave me some positive comments last week on the biscuit recipe I really took that to heart thank you so much it's so I'm back again with some cornbread so let's go what you're gonna do it is so easy you guys this came about because my grandmother made some cornbread after church and uh I was over there to her house and it was so delicious I just completely fired that blue and white box and all these other packages and this is so simple that you can do it yourself and you really love it okay so what you're gonna do first is you want to pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and then you're gonna put your cast iron skillet or your muffin tins inside of the oven case you want them to be hot okay know what you put in the cornbread this is not call this hallelujah cornbread or a holy cornbread because it has nothing but one in threes in the ingredients so we know this three people that make up that one got hit so that's why I call it hallelujah all right the first thing we do is we take one cup it's gonna be one in the third cup of flour and I've already put my one cup in there because I started doing this earlier now I got the 1/3 so there's a one cup of flour that's in there and then just the third so one in the third and this risk really did come from my grandmother but I've heard her stall for quarter cups and I lost my quarter cup so I was like well maybe the third cup of work and so that's what I use and it works and so what we're gonna do now is we have 1 and 1/3 cup of flour in the bowl and then we're gonna add 2/3 cup of cornmeal just 1/3 and just D right on in the bag 2/3 then we're going to add I like it a little sweet so we're going to add 1/3 a cup of sugar okay then we're going to add three teaspoons of baking powder so that will rise this one in three teaspoons baking powder and we'll just add one teaspoon of salt I forgot to mention you are they made a gonna need an egg okay so we're gonna whisk that around just whisk it just to incorporate all the ingredients okay and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna add the egg which I forgot to get let me get that real quick okay sorry about that yeah so they're gonna get one egg my grandmother was always like cracky first in the measured cup before you put it in so that you don't spill any shells inside okay so there we go there's an egg that I just any phone back they could be oh yeah I know what eggs right so it's all good anyway never egg in there and we're going to whisk in 1 and 1/3 cup of milk so we have walk out in turn you know third cup and so this this is different because all the recipes that I looked at there's this like really greedy kind of kind of lumpy but you gotta stirring this up we pulled this camera down a little bit keep forgetting don't put your hand in the way Shawna okay so so we're gonna okay oh my my bad one and two thirds so we're gonna add another third so because what you want to look like is kick back that's the difference and my grandmother's as opposed to a lot of these other ones it looks it drips you see how that's dripping like cake batter that's how it's supposed to look so that was one extra thirst of milk we spray it down with the cooking spray it's not gonna burn so we pour it in here so you don't decide okay now if you want it to make jalapeno cornbread you while I was in here you just cut up I was in a bowl you just cut up some jalapenos I usually put jalapenos and red peppers to like like the color cut them up put them in there we'll put a little flour with them so that they don't stick to the bottom stick him in the cornbread batter that's it all right I'm going to stick this in this over for 20 minutes I would already prepare one for you so you can see what its gonna look like so here is what the cornbread looks like yeah it might be a little like skin to you but it's gonna be good I'm a kind of to us so you can see if you want it to be a little darker don't leave it in longer just put it on broil and let it blow for like a minute or two sort of get a little darker and that's it watch it do not walk away when you put it on boil alright so I want to cut into us just so you can see that that it's really light and fluffy [Music] she probably have a spatula I don't know see look the bottom didn't burn and look at that isn't that pretty so much and airy and it's holding its own now I'm gonna just do this here and I'm gonna take some butter and we put on the inside of it you guys it's gonna be spectacular I better hurry up because I need to go to the church so I'm gonna put some butter in here you guys you can always put butter across the top of it too but this is homemade cornbread fired the blue and white box please Yonex me eat this right quick okay let's see Olli
Channel: Shawna Johnson
Views: 257,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T-Lkarj7KX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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