THE BEST SMASH 64 COMBOS!! | Smash Con 2019 Smash 64 Combo Contest Highlights

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hello everyone and welcome to super smash con 2019 I'm Club Adama I'm Kyra croupy and we have a heck of a show for you all weekend long we've got smash ultimate brawl melee 64 of course and smash 4 we missed something that everybody and all kinds of side events going on but first like we do every year we're gonna kick this off with a combo contest this year fueled by cup of noodles he just gets up and walks off like he's a true combo and the judges always punish them for first try to its relative but you said he dropped it all right take me drop those yeah towards the end he dropped it so well hits the wall it just could be a true one yeah it's dropping mmm interesting ceased trying to eat consistent with where he wants his affairs to go he's really delaying that second quarter yeah oh this looks good at what time oh dude you say the thing I think with no edge grab I think he wants the same reverse uh pair so last year Alvin got put on his last try and he nailed the combo come on open he's gonna be up there honestly I good try waitwhat in each box right you try you try today today two markers all right that's a good try 0.62 his training mode dummy here all right so he's the Yoshi I was thinking his link for a second yeah me too oh wait he just paired that red show these guys so those don't know 164 Yoshi with perfect timing kid oh he is trying to pay me and he parried it the first time Yoshi with perfect timing on a shield they can actually parry an attack take no damage no hit stun I don't know why you're gonna set this up when they were counting Mountain oh yeah so that little twitch thingy doesn't aperi going to the menu mid combo and spawn an item in that scenario and it looks like he's doing a slanted see hot back here which of course is not going to give you the height you need to make it connect so we haven't even gotten to the part of the combo where he uses this star rod on the right no so yeah it depends on what you value more than the technical aspect of the creative aspect yeah well I supposed up here in the beginning once you do it once or twice is not terribly difficult certainly a cool start for the combo I love I love the good tries yeah so for example combo blaze it looks like I don't know if he's warming up or what he's doing but just before you something go for a Down air jab grab and in the past we may not necessarily what okay he's dead blindfolded yes Sophie the same combo that he had in his back pocket last year but didn't break out because he was eliminated or what yeah he's blind 49 faulted this is some next-level like sociopath kind of why you what in the world he doing how do you quantify a blind foot don't care if he does a Falcon standard and he doesn't worry 14 it's a time what is this it's a open here he said but if he can tell if it resets he he that's true I don't know he even knows when he messes up the item he doesn't know okay there it is Wow how did how did he know [Applause] [Music] so you actually might be right so he actually keeps accidentally full hoppin so I wonder if , blaze short hops with the stick there are players that do that and maybe because he's nervous he's now full hops like stick hopping yeah okay he can't tell [Applause] nice box tank for me Sam boobs giving this a seven I'm calling now okay yeah that's generous given that he dropped the combo we know him as we know up boom feels like who's like I could do that much sleep there's like battlefield there's FV all these all these like the training another training with how to play sage all these stages that were encoded in the game but we never had access to you can now play on there we go we talked about the balance of my top player verse combo ur Yoshi right now is arguably the best player in Japan he's I believe won every Japanese national yes he is a Kirby player yeah my hair he is whipping out this bow okay this is first [Applause] I could me I don't even write hit her call what just happened what was that I can't believe that was the craziest thing I've ever seen I gotta be honest did when didn't use the fan dude I think he dropped the fan what what is it did I am I'm sorry that puts hi mates combo on the same level as Chios keys in your mind that was the craziest thing I've ever seen what what if you were giving this a 9 what do you expect out of a 10 what all the 64 judges giving it a 9 that's wild dude alright so we have time with the fan friend we've got so high and we also weren't sure if he was gonna make it yeah and had some late playing things but he's here yeah we did hopefully ready to go but he wasn't expected to meet you wait that's the comple you see that we thought he messed up no way watch this happen okay it's a combo himself what what character is he I'm so confused he's dying what in the world is happening he hates himself to get over there ooh what are you gonna fight the judges manga may know what he's going for but I don't well so sometimes she's getting these weird situations where you know it's possible to get the combo so he'll bounce off that bumper but he might not necessarily know what he's doing wrong yeah but honestly honestly I think I think he gets in I think he gets in over res and Alvin ah yeah so Princeton to just show up three years ago and are winning all our comic contests he's been playing the game for a very long time and time travel back with like five six years this guy was posting like 10 minute while YouTube videos level 1 , level 2 combos and they're all like 10 minute 10 minutes long and many of them would certainly get him through this round yeah it's pretty crazy when you look at his level want combos and you're like nuts that's not me one yeah okay friends what is what is going on here I'm so not sure okay Falcon kick some elaborate setups yo there's three items already and they're all like starting in different spots where it was the what is going on yo the cloud shot yo he's using the cloud drop to his advantage what this is almost somewhere two tacos combo where he's like and what's this setup what are you setup okay so he's waiting for the closet drop he has to start the week there oh dude didn't it was a falcon punch my mistake that maybe he wants to send them back [Applause] okay I think that's not fair he wanted yo my god this is insane so like what's the probability you actually hit this right so in like princess at home practicing this combo how many times you do you actually get this they got really lucky he got really lucky that I mean that's definitely not what he wanted but that's gonna be enough to give it to the next round for sure he knew this was his last Drive so he was like I can do better than that we can dare thing I did earlier that's that's that's a fair point I've never seen somebody go back and forth so many times yeah he ain't a combo contest scenario possibly yeah so he's getting AIDS he's simply from his countrymen he's in you guys what utilize the the same there's no patient safe states yeah they really like to have walls to extend the combo and I don't think any of the newer stages that we have access to have walls on them no I mean the the the spawn look like saving a swamp edition gotcha okay 2 motion sensor bombs all right so a little bit of a same setup almost or similar to princes in the last round oh I just want something straight up I'm not gonna lie I think wasn't the ocean trade up maybe drop the rod and Falcon punch again I think I think what we can count on is a falcon punch to Falcon punch for sure right Oh both of us off guard that is not what I saw coming at all that's amazing yeah I am I gonna get you his first combo contest files I think you might yeah we see I bet I love these like these finisher like you these moves that are obviously finishers and they start and end with them I think it's very creative and then the down arrow would have drops the fan oh and I didn't even notice that he bounces off another bomb in there there's like a bomb on the 10th 9 honestly ain't strong enough to get you in the next round I think breeze set the clock I don't think they started it yet that way it didn't freeze I thought it did freeze what is going on right now I wonder if he's having trouble controlling it looks like he has one at his feet the way that he's looking down we cannot see his feet but I'm thinking he has a controller by his toes I am wildly confused as to what's happening right the crowd people in the crowd are standing up trying to get shots of this man definitely has two different controllers we see both his hands one of them is by his feet dude I'm pretty much guarantee that I'm gonna pass out if he does a combo and he switches control first I guarantee what is happening okay so he wants to put it to sleep is that pretty is that stop it Prince there is a second controller confirmation from gamer and second Couture by the food is he he's up being with his feet so he's probably gonna hit this mine over here and fall asleep walking on a puff yeah I was dead what what what how did howdy okay wait what was that there's a glitch where Pikachu uh pees through Jigglypuff sang and he will actually instead up falling asleep he will just teleport across the stage which is what we just saw is that is that calming not like I've been playing the dogs dude I actually gonna pass out yeah I didn't even know you can upbeat through sales to one just talk about the hand-eye coordination he drops the combo I think he's going for the gun I think he's he's beating himself up yeah I really I really like this is oh this is a little biased but I hope the other two contestants or the other contestant butchers their combo no its Kyousuke though oh no will this be the year that we don't see Prince completed combo it's possible it's looking very likely I I do not see Kyousuke getting up there and getting less than 37 by didn't see Prince getting up there doing that either well you can charge up your punch and still do the menu of course I didn't do it I'm such an amateur when it comes to the know that oh good yeah yeah that's actually hard to do while he's still going why their choice what he was gonna throw it in Como at the punch there were two unused items on the stage still put the stick in the direction he wants to attack and then control his character to move and there's a lot of okay here we go oh he sends it in the right direction could this be it he goes with your parents a combo oh man party he just delay that drop I think it was moving sidewalk thankee soft throat through the fan but either way it's not the direction he wants to send him in oh just barely landed on that top platform he wants another reverse down to reverse down to a Donkey Kong it's so hard so punch oh so the only question now is who's gonna be in the final verse high made is it gonna be Kiyosaki or Prince because they can't both be there that's so [Music] so something that we need to talk about [Music] [Music] come on let's see how he does so pretty excited for this first try again that would be crazy love you I first tried twice around Oh Kirby I love when they go there man's OC you know is she doing no items okay the other have it up tilt off the wall what oh my god dude that was in see him here to win no hurt no items I was so creative yeah he was like all the chumps he I mean he's in he he has to be in right now I think so yeah he stays loyal with the points of the camera he's got a real chance she does so there's a kind of a saying it's statement in 64 that Sheamus can't calm though right so to do a combo like this oh it's pretty balls yet yeah kiss Thomas telling me without items of course it's Louise comma potential in the game Brett enemy niggas okay one more try I I don't see how he gets to this Raygun yes Samus is so slow that is hard for that was so clutch and look at the excitement on his feet last attempt that was the difference between us a kind of almost losing by default or for having a real shot of taking this event high they would be the underdog if he can win this event that would be a real Cinderella story that we create would absolutely be a Cinderella I would be crazy that was his last attempt there's no there's no way that mean that first film is just nuts the respect it deserves that judges I think so - it was crazy easy yeah I mean you know what I'm really good than have me finish like remotes here so a theme of this event is that maybe the comments are getting too hard oh man it cinches nice it's nice that he actually completed the combo yeah I'm speaking of completed combos this man Yoshiki has been there I happen normally consistent with his with his combos like how many hours you practice is in training mode and then to come on this enormous stage in front of thousands of people and just do it first hour so try and I feel like it's similar if I'm remembering correctly another combo contest he's competed in it's been similar wait where did that he punched that shell into existence I don't didn't oh oh that taper up there was so quick what did this is that night that turnaround up here he does like a few seconds in click so fast I like that a lot he's turning around that's like the hardest Tech in the game how's he doing a turn our turn loke turnaround is super hard he's turning out almost reminds me of high knees combo from last rounds yeah which honestly it seems like both of them are pulling from princess-cut this could be respect to Z with two shells that's actually a really I've never thought about that it they probably do pull so much inspiration from the other contestants definitely oh well that I feel I feel good about this one oh never mind so he's actually coming dude he's the time the clocks running out right yeah if hi they win south of us again I think both of them have one more combo in them yo but this is true so far hey what is he going for I don't understand he just missed the - right no but the shells going for him I wonder if he drags the show over by running and then gets out of the way the combo drop nice no gonna go for it yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so almost snuck in another round let it be it the the comma the scores of the combos are gonna be averaged right so he fell behind Kyousuke so in order for Hyman I take this and paint he's gonna have to win with this combo so far it's an amount okay what do you what do you offer them that was great even even boomers like what are you doing proud of a client huh well when you do this so many times in a row you know you just get the wrong trajectory on a hit this is no this is the first Fox time of the night that is true we've seen a lot of Falcon this way oh this year yeah yeah yeah a lot of Falcons going for just gonna run it he's wobbling him dude what do you go it for what is he is he waiting for you can't do this infinitely by the way whatever what are we gonna see they're doing the days that you see in melee is he gonna just throw them off guys you know crowds are bad and chanting in rhythm Judas he's gonna get it tonight j9 I think so at first I was like okay so like this is a cool chemic but the fact that he hasn't misses he cancels crazy dude he's done 57 times dude if he gets him to 99 that would be the most consistent composed nah there's no way he tries that I can don't have time you don't have time you're nuts if you try that twice I feel like that's that's a one track thing here we go come on Marty just keep doing it again he's just gonna keep going dude look at hbox bomb in his head today's age box is like I'm so glad I'm not the one behave so so last year as to what combos he had in store and he mentioned a capo you know got some red shells on Mushroom Kingdom blah blah blah and then he also said infinite off air combo and I thought he was joking Comic Con it's with the drop combo yeah but here's the thing he's guaranteed second all you can do now is beat Kyousuke that's true I don't know he needs to get like he's already like five six points behind here we go approaching 69 here one this is the lasso so much characteristic of Jaime by the way Jaime so here quiet shy guy this piece for this play wow that was amazing a 69 hey combo let's go what is 62 fight for it Zachery oh that's no that's that's gonna be the new 64 hell banner this is 69 420 that was great he needs a 39 - Wayne a 38 - time all right so we got Falcon on Yoshi here no this is like top tier combo contest by the way don't know why maybe he's still going wait that down wait that was the setup that's a setup well do not go down there Yoshi wait what oh wait so if you throw it straight up and what hits a wall oh he left he threw it left in so he's gonna send them into the abyss and then pray him out it doesn't think he's gonna run with it [Applause] [Music] like four times [Music] [Music]
Channel: VGBootCamp Ultimate
Views: 334,491
Rating: 4.9411368 out of 5
Keywords: ”vgbc”, “vgbootcamp”, “video game boot camp”, “Smash Bros”, “Smash Bros.”, “Super Smash Bros”, “Super Smash Bros.”, Super Smash Bros Ultimate”, Ultimate”, “Smash Bros. Ultimate”, “Smash Bros Ultimate”, “Smash Ultimate”, Highlights, Smash Highlights, SSBU Highlights, Ultimate Highlights, Smash Con 2019, Smash Con 2019 Combo Contest, Smash Con Con 2019 Smash 64, Smash Con Smash 64 Combo Contest, Smash Con 2019 Smash 64 Combo Contest
Id: wnEc92pzxDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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