Once You Try Shepherd's Pie This Way There Is No Going Back

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dishes like shepherd's pie have that instant nostalgic effect for me transporting me right back into my childhood and on a cold winter's day like today it really is the perfect choice no time to waste my friends now let's go gonna be using the mighty russet potato for this recipe here's how i like to peel potato i start at the top and i'll try to get one whole peel all the way around back to where i started see that and then i'll do the same thing on the other side so two peels and then from there i'll just hold the potato and peel down and i'll go over any brown bits like right here for instance just peel it out for me that works really well now if you're doing this with the kids fork it like that so they can protect their cute little hands and then just peel like so actually works very well do the top i think i just did that way faster than the other way i might just switch don't you dare throw away these potato skins cover them with cold water and change that out a couple times i changed out the water until it was clear now just make sure they're submerged and i'll do this as a bonus video over the weekend now the most important thing when you're slicing a potato is just that everything is the same size so i'm gonna half these and then i'm gonna half again and then again and then one more time right here just get nice little pieces like this drop your potatoes into some cold water drain out that water and we'll just change this out two times also don't put too much water when you do this you want to just cover the top of the potatoes get those on the fire just add about a half a tablespoon of salt and let them roll onion all right so for the onion i'll do a sort of larger dice for shepherd's pie i don't need it to be tiny something like this okay no blood on the onion let's keep going drop that in a bowl moving on we'll do some celery we'll just take off those white bottoms the tops if need be and then celery is really fibrous i like to peel it i mean some people think this is what weird but i'm not trying to floss while i eat my shepherd's pie you know what i'm saying so once it's peeled i'll just chop that in half and we're just going for a similar size piece to the onion right so i cut that in thirds and then i'll just do squares now i'll just take some carrots remove these tops now you can peel these but you can also just take them in the sink and keep one of those scrubby green sponges and clean them like that works really well it's just these are a little older so i'm just peeling them now now with the carrots same exact deal just similar size to the celery and onion and add everything together so potatoes took about 35 minutes for me i'm going to drain off the water but then leave them in this pan to sort of steam and dehydrate a little bit over here i'm warming up some milk and cream full recipe is always in the description and i'm adding unsalted butter and we're just going to melt that all up make it hot all right ricer couldn't live without it gotta have it i need it i'll put a link all you do is load up that chamber with potatoes put that on top and it's just gonna push it through these really fine little holes and make the fluffiest mash also let me tell you this is satisfying we'll then just pour our hot dairy over and using a rubber spatula we'll just begin folding it in gonna need a little salt because remember it got a lot of salt from the water this is absolutely perfect there is one more trick to the perfect shepherd pie mash but for that we need to wait and let this cool down a little bit so just set it aside hot pan a little neutral oil don't need much because the lamb is really fatty that's just to start the process we'll go ahead and drop in our lamb and i'll just begin smashing this up i'm not supposed to use metal on these pans that's why i'm doing this rosemary salt if you know you know and if you don't know i'm gonna put a link to this recipe in the corner right now to staple here on this channel so please learn it really easy you'll get so much enjoyment out of it and so did gilbert reporting for duty fine ground black pepper cooking this down over high heat all right been cooking for about five minutes at this point needs to keep going i want to see a little more color on here all right lamb's been going for about 10 minutes now and what i'm gonna do is push it off to one side and then i'll just drop the veggies over in that reserve side and we'll just begin cooking those down over here and all that lamb fat okay veggies have been going for 10 minutes now we'll combine everything back together and that lamb is still continuing to brown now i'm going in with some tomato paste this is really going to help give it some body and rich flavor and with tomato paste it's really good to cook it off a little bit first sometimes when it comes from a metal can can have a nasty little tinge to it and so toasting it in this pan with all that lamb fat is really deepening the flavor and taking away a certain tartness also the beautiful color so you want to cook down the tomato paste for about five minutes just medium heat and now i'm going to add in some frozen peas gotta have the peas and when they go from frozen to hot like this they get really green beef stock obviously if you had lamb stock that would be good shepherd's pie is made with lamb cottage pie is made with beef tea that gets confused a lot online so there you go add in some more might seem like a lot of stock right now but we're going to simmer this down and let all these ingredients get to know each other and can only do it a lot of good so after about 15 minutes we're looking like this still a little juicy but holding together that's when we want to shut off the heat and let this cool down now once those potatoes have cooled down for about 20 minutes we're gonna add one egg yolk per pound of potato so in this case three just go ahead and work those yolks in you don't want to do this while it's hot otherwise you'll cook those yolks and this is great because it's going to give your mash some incredible color as well as puffing it up a little bit meaning it's going to slightly rise really not necessary but i'm going to drop mine into a piping bag you can certainly just spread it on with whatever now i always like doing this in individual portions shut up oven i'll treat you like the fridge you keep lashing out rather than one giant baking dish although that's fine too it's just very hard to kind of scoop it out and serve when it's hot and plus these little cast iron things and ramekins i just like them okay our filling here has cooled down it's now room temperature i'm gonna flatten some of our filling in here now going with my potatoes starting from the outside i'm just gonna spiral my way in like that same deal with the ramekins maybe maybe i'll try something new here you know once you're in a piping bag you just kind of do whatever i don't know and we're ready for the oven which is set to 400 degrees fahrenheit which is this in celsius my friends and we're just going to roast those okay 35 minutes later and here we are i'm going in nice little crunch on the top oh some of that crispy topping on there it's so hot i'm not going to be a fool i'm not going to be a fool i'm going to let it cool down all right that's been three seconds that'll be good oh yes it's a psych decide to spin oh and by the way that recipe was enough to make one extra like this which i'm gonna give to my neighbor and until next time my oh oh it almost slid off dude i caught it caught it the chef catch okay until next time you know i love you enough
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 353,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shepherds pie, shepherds pie recipe, how to make shepherds pie, comfort food, shephards pie, easy recipes, lamb shepherds pie, mashed potatoes, how to cook shepherds pie, best shepherds pie, best shepherds pie recipe, thatdudecancook, comfort food recipe, comfort foods to make at home, comfort food ideas, comfort food cooking, comfort food dinner recipes, comfort food for sick person, comfort food stew, comfort food recipe easy
Id: nk0k7kv5tL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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