The BEST RUMS you need to try 2023

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hey run fans in this video I'm going to be giving you the top rums you need to be drinking or trying in 2023. welcome back rummies I'm Steve the barman and I'm here to help you on your rum journey by mainly focusing on on rums under 50 Quid but who knows what's going to happen in 2023 we might go a little bit more expensive but there's still going to be a big emphasis on those rums now in this video I am going to be giving you the top Rams that you need to look out for and try in 2023 but instead of giving you my opinions I opened it out to my Rama community on Instagram on Discord in the YouTube comments and YouTube stories in the YouTube Community Tab and I got so much feedback so this is going to be a big Community kind of list that's been put together but stay tuned to the end of the video because I am going to give you my top five picks now I did watch my 2022 video just kind of see how much my palette had changed in in a year or so and whether I had any different opinions and the top 10 I gave there are definitely three without a doubt that I'd still kind of Stand By in that video I mean this is one the plantation Grand Anejo Guatemala police fantastic the plantation EXO of course it is fantastic fantastic rum and I still stand by that the wrong Kube the Suave kind of the Sherry based I mean these three rums perfect for sipping neat I mean all three of those are quite happily Sydney all three of those I would I would I would mix that but all three of those you know I was going to say for mixing definitely those two you know you've got your cocktails you've got your rum and cokes your rum and ginger beers your Stratford sodas I just think I'm well happy with those three still now you'll have to stay tuned to the end of the video to see whether I do actually recommend though any of those make my top five that's going to be interesting but I said this is a big collaborative effort and I do need to give a big shout out to Chris Bingo Ringo one of my members uh he put together a spreadsheet a pie chart of everything everyone said in Discord and that allowed me to add in all the other comments from Instagram for the DMS and Instagram and from YouTube I said the community Tab and my story replies in there and video comments to be fair uh so there's one big there I've kind of I've come up with my own little um how to exclude quite a few because you can imagine there was a hell of a lot of rums like 80 90 rums mentioned so I discounted like a lot of rums that only got one or two mentioned and really focused on the ones that sort of got 15 20 mentions by different people now you can imagine most of my back bar did get a mentioned one or two here uh and the fourth the four closest ones to the ones I'm going to give you uh we're kind of like the plant the obvious one's really Plantation three stars uh Plantation oftd uh you know they they did get quite a few Florida currently 12 year olds it's a standard it's so cheap it's a standard you know it really is but there are better coming and the finer one you know and a lot of people from the US kind of picked this up as well is this smithing cross these are the four what I would call near the close the near misses to the ones that I'm going to give you they also need to give a shout out to some of the US rums that we just don't get in the UK Denizen uh eight got a lot of mentions and the Hamilton's a few of the Hamilton rums got a lot of mentions we just don't get them in the UK so I can't sort of say you need to try these or not I've genuinely I've ever tried them word on the street is though homes key are coming to the UK very very soon so I'm looking forward to that and it's definitely I've tried a few of them there's definitely some that I will be shouting out should they make it to the UK but you know I can't I can't talk about the US rums but you U.S guys you're gonna have to take my word for the Cuban stuff all right I know you don't get the Cuban stuff it's a great shame but there are some belters now just before I dive in and reveal what my community's top Rams what I think you should be drinking I want to give you some of my disappointments from 2022 because there were a few rums that I just had high hopes for but I just didn't really enjoy the first ones I don't actually own and that was after getting back into like what I went off sort of Demerara guy on and runs were on but I got back into them in the 12 and 15. and I really wanted to try the um the single Stills the Mr Versailles and the port Moran now I've only tried the 40 ABV versions and I have to say they'd left with they just left me wanted they were not brilliant rums at all and I was very very disappointed with them however I have heard the the stronger um I think they're around about 56 ABV versions are a lot better but I do not think the 40 version single stills from uh El Dorado are worth trying because they just they were so disappointing for me the other two rums um that I'm going to kind of mention I do have here uh the first one I'm going to bring out this one and Dolly's XO um again as I say I'm not a huge Barbados fan but this is a Sherry Ace run didn't really hit the spot for me and the other one along the similar lines is actually this again this was a revisit for me actually I'd had had this a few years back but again the 1888 again it's another sort of Sherry aged rum for me they do not come close to my favorite uh which is the Ron Kube uh the Ron Kube and Diego Suave just takes every single box that I want from a sort of a decent aged rum that's got that Sherry finish I think this is superb I know you guys in the US don't get it but for me this doll is EXO and the 1888 very very disappointing so here we are these are the top five rums as recommended by you guys and these what you know they were Leaps and Bounds Beyond uh in front of like number six number seven in number eight it wasn't even close these were just way out in front of you what you guys recommended so if you're new to Rum especially sipping your want to get into sipping ramps this is what my rum Community without a shadow of a doubt recommends we'll go through them Plantation uh the EXO so Barbados rum absolutely belting about 20 I'm sorry about 50 pounds uh it's not a 20 year old it was um created to the anniversary of Alexander Gabriel and and Plantation so don't think it's a 20 year old rum it's not but it's absolutely gorgeous and a bottle is stunning now I have to say uh the Dolly's 14 year old do you know what I really did like the Dolly's 12. until I tried the Dolly's 14. that just I and price wise you're only talking you're not talking too much more in the grand scheme of things but quality wise and taste wise is just in a different League it's one of those things once you go um Dolly's 14 you would probably never buy a Dolly's 12 again because that is stunning liquid absolutely phenomenal and as you many of you know I'm not the hugest Barbados unadulterated you know this is has got um dosage a little bit of sugar added to it the door leaves Foursquare won't so you know I'm not a huge fan of the unadulterated Barbados stuff and that goes for Mount gain that goes for um Sir Nicholas Abby as well I do like the plantation vibe that they bring to the Barbados rums El Dorado 12 year old probably one of the biggest rums proper rums the world over that needs no instruction Guyana uh 12 year olds like Blended they've got the three Stills over in Guyana there in the uh this I can never remember the third one for size uh enmore sorry and uh Port Morant it's kind of a blend of those kraken's been a staple for me since the word one of the first rums I ever got into they've stripped back the sugar 2019-ish don't know whether it has got dosage still uh whether it's they've definitely been stripped back whether it's minimal whether it is a tiny bit I don't know but it's very different um to 2018 2019 but amazing banging Appleton 12 again needs no introduction for me I haven't got the Appleton 15 I've tried the Appleton 15. I actually go the other way to dollies I prefer the Appleton 12 to the 15. I don't can't justify the price increase uh to get me to the 15 that just does a fantastic job it really does and then this spiced rum not many spice drums got recommended but again this was Leaps and Bounds about in front of number six number seven number eight and it really does surprise me that Chairman's Reserve quality sponge run one of these best spice runs uh on the market but it really did surprise me that this was the only chairman or this was the first thought of Chairman's Reserve that a lot of you had you didn't really go forgotten cars because you didn't really go Legacy you didn't go rare you didn't go you didn't go the the original just I was really surprised by that but that is my community's view uh what do I think this video is proudly brought to you in association with Stratford soda one of my favorite mixer brands for rum in fact the only dedicated mixer brand to Ram that I know of in the UK and they are amazing for people like me that can't handle too much fizziness or too much sugar they are perfect because they're low in carbonation low in Fizz don't give you the burps they're low in sugar and they're made with like proper natural fruit juice as well well we've got four in the range at the moment we've got the Citrus which is like a long Daiquiri you just I take the lid off and pour it into a glass with your rum and you've got a long Daiquiri amazing we've got the tropical which is like a pineapple and coconut uh we've got this the Hedgerow which I'm drinking today actually with uh lazy dog's slow rum and this is kind of like blackberry and Rose and it is absolutely Divine and we've got the spice not to be confused with ginger beer it's like cinnamon forward with a hint of Ginger so if you want to try these get 50 off your very first order off the taster pack or the party pack there's a link in the description of the video below just click it and it will auto populate the discount at check out so you've got no excuses if you're in the UK I promise you I absolutely love them and if they aren't sweet enough the best thing with is you can add your flavored favorite flavored sugar symptoms to kind of sweeten them up or to make really easy three ingredient High balls what's not to love back to the video now I'm going to quickly break this down into two parts the over 50 because I have sort of developed a little bit of a palette for more than 50 pounds in the UK and the under 50s so quickly diving into the over 50 I have to give a shout out to these I'm only going to get one of them down um this was a birthday present and I've got the other one out there Cuban rum uh so really sorry us guys but this is stunning I'm going to be talking a little bit more about these in a very soon coming up video um Cuban 14 year old white rum stunning absolutely stunning it is over 100 quid and the same as that I can't I can't split them they do very different things that's a sort of a darker rum if you'd like a more um an 18 year old rum so absolutely love that um big shout out to Blacktop I really do love the blacktop so I won't get them all out but the collectors once uh so I've got I've got all three of them here this is the 2022 I've got the 2021 the 2020. I'm going to be collecting those every year today doing them I think it's a fantastic idea fantastic rumps um so basically the very short story very short story they always keep a bit back and from the previous year to then blend in with the next year so in this there's a bit of a blend of the 2021 and in 2021 it's a bit of a blend of the 2020 so obviously in this you've got actually got a blend of the 2021 and the 2020 of the 2020 and the 2021 in it I think it's a fantastic so in 2025 you're going to get a bit of the blend of the 24 the 23 the 22 20 right I think it's a stunning idea yes a little bit expensive but they are cracking cracking ramps I am actually going to recommend uh Dolly's 14 year old as well I've just said it fantastic fantastic but the last one uh in the over 50 quids I've got just quite a taste for this um El Dorado 15. stunning um I I would have the Elder I'd write a 12 I would restock that because I need it purely for videos if it was personal consumption yes it's a little bit more expensive but it's so good it is so so good now there is one caveat coming here as well because while it is over um 50 Quid it's not not that much over 50 Quid and I want to give a shout out to the UK guys we're going to be doing a lot of work with ukrum in 2023 this uh this is actually my second bottle of this this is nine folds this is kits Edition two this got released last January so it's nearly a year old and class three he is doing the cast three or in addition three I should say so stay tuned for that in 2023 this is stunning this for me at the moment is kind of like that and I haven't tried many but this is The Benchmark for me of UK um sorry British scratched aged rums I flipping I love that so do keep an eye out for nine folds edition three whenever that drops so they're my over 50s what am I recommending under 50. so there you go the these are my I was going to say five but four I are genuinely gonna leave it at four there was one thing I was going to quickly mention when joining you guys my community gave me the list of rums Mr flor de carnev was the only example of what I would call a Spanish style rum or even a columns an out and out column still run everything came back part or at least a blend of part and column but English country Barbados Jamaica um obviously solution for the the spiced but there was no Cubans there was no Dominican Republics no Nicaragua no it was just it really really threw me really did because on the other way I really do love especially the Cuban styles of rum so I am going these are my top picks yes you know I long-term viewers will know I adore the Cubase I really do adore the Cubase the Suave I've already mentioned it it should be down here because I I think it's I think it's brilliant absolutely do but the white for the for the cocktails again absolutely stunning um but that's more of a a passion project and I know it's an acquired taste I get it it's very different to what they're so these I think are capsules the plantation Guatemalan Belize grananejo I think is an absolute must pick it's my top pick of all the sort of signature range from Plantation absolutely stunning um the Florida county 12 speaks for itself is is it 12 year old Ram we're not sure they claim it is now on the labels the labels have changed to say 12 year old but for the price point and the quality you can't argue with it it's under 30 quid for a 12 year old run it is banging it is amazing absolutely love it uh so I will always recommend that all day long uh this might be a controversial one for you this has grown on me in 2023 purely from a cocktail angle I adore this to add like 30 ml in a split base cocktail so 30 and a 30 or something else this is the uh busy run company signature number one uh Jamaica and Martinique always get the two muddled up Jamaica and Martinique the other one is Jamaica and Guyana uh signature number two just tucked away in there this is a fantastic addition for me and I would pick this it gives a slightly different Vibes I would pick this in this over Smith and cross in my cocktails although I'm not dismissing that this is lovely and it does make a great Daiquiri to be honest I do prefer the sort of the the Cuban the the sort of the Spanish Town there is the Daiquiri but I absolutely adore that that for me is kind of it just kept winning the cocktail officer I was having uh late last year uh I just I just loved it I just absolutely love it and then I come on to this Santiago de Cuba 11 year old for me The Pick of the range uh I don't actually have the 12th I wouldn't bother with the 12 just stick to the 11 the 11 is fantastic in my opinion they don't even need to bother with a 12. if I'm being brutally honest ditch ditch the flipping eight as well we've got the eight we've got the um the Carter Blanca up there as well ditchum put that into supermarkets you will smack it's an age rum Diageo that owned this now it's an aged rum in the supermarkets that will absolutely smash it because it is just stunning liquid my pick of the Cuban aged rums I do love eminente I do obviously love Ron Cubase but the price point under 50 Quid I think it's actually under 40 quid uh if I remember Riley it's stunning stunning so let me know your thoughts well you've already let me know your thoughts uh but if you're going to try any of these rums in 2023 dive into the comments uh and let me know which one you are going to try now some of you especially in my membership in my Discord Community will be thinking well hang on a minute you've not mentioned two of too many of the UK or the British scratch ramps and you do quite shout quite loudly about them well the truth is I by including them I thought I might be getting a little bit too patriotic I can't genuinely stand here hand on R and say some of them are as good as some of the rums that I have got behind me from all around the world I think they are but as I said I might be a little bit biased in my own thinking so I just want to sit on them for a good sort of three to six months and see how I feel about them uh in the next sort of in the next year or so this time next year could be very interesting because I do really think that some of them are as good as any rums I've tried but I'm not gonna give in to biasedness I just want to let them sit there are 10 distilleries at the moment in the in the British Isles in the UK that I'm kind of keeping track on uh nine folds obviously as I have mentioned them the others have listed out matuga Lazy Dog uh scratch two drifters outlier retribution old mother hunt Portsmouth and Rose mullion they have some of the best rums that I've tried and I'm so looking forward to following their Journey even more through 2023 so watch this space for this video next year because you may see have some of the UK some of the British scratch ramps in this top top Rams that you need to try for 2024
Channel: Steve the Barman
Views: 11,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rum comparison, rum, best rum, rum review, rum tasting, sipping rum reviews, the best rum, rum comparision, best sipping rum, best rums, rum reviews, best rum for rum and coke, what is the best rum, best rum to, best rum to drink straight, best rum to drink, best rum to drink neat, best rum to buy, best rum to try, best rum drinks, steve the barman, aged rum
Id: dov7hqA6rTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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