The Best Distillery You've Never Heard Of?

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we just got back from a long weekend of picking some amazing Barrels in Kentucky and we ran across a Distillery Trent and I have never heard of before and due to our good friend Bucky we were able to do some tastings Glenn's Creek Distillery in Frankfort Kentucky unbelievable in my opinion well it was weird too because I don't know about you but like I'm into the the history of like the dusty bottles and that stuff I've been trying to collect some here and there when I can but Glenn's Creek is in the Old Crow Distillery like the OG Old Crow Distillery which I I would have thought that I would have stumbled across that at some point in my research that just goes to show you my research is not good I guess that's why that's why I don't research stuff for the videos but um yeah it's it's right next to Castle and key and there was a there was a one of the roads was closed just just where The Distillery ended the Glenn's Creek ended so I think Woodford Reserve was on the other side it's kind of nestled in between the two right but it's a really cool old like all the all the old Rick houses are still there unfortunately it was a little bit too hot to do a tour of all the dilapidated buildings and like all that kind of stuff yeah uh David did show us some pictures of it which was really neat yeah it's fantastic it was just as cool and just as good as the as the grounds were yeah David is the uh owner Master distiller there at uh at Glenn's Creek and he showed and he he let us taste some amazing stuff he really did and we had a meet and greet there too as well we spent like four hours there yeah so thank you David for your hospitality all right Trent I'm gonna try to fly through this real quick because as you see we got a few things to take but some things you really need to know about Glenn's Creek Distillery sorry I have to cut you off before we get into the to what do you call it the down and dirty or the something um we have a we have a live show this Friday it's going to be a Booker's blind oh yes I have some interesting things yes lined up for this yes unfortunately one of the bottles I was gonna put in there won't be arriving in time for the live show come on but I have I have some good plans so you're going to want to check that out it's going to be Kurt it's going to be Kent I'll be in the background and we have some special guests swinging by yes we do um and we will talk about that probably during the live show yeah but stay tuned it's this Friday 8 P.M yeah and we hope to see you all there yeah the best thing about the live stream your mom's 50th birthday party we're having a birthday party here that night Rebecca's 50th birthday don't miss it she's getting on camera it's gonna be it's gonna be a while it's gonna be a fabulous time you know when Kurt's going doing this oh I'm excited it's gonna be good I'm excited it's a big day I'm excited so anyways a few quick things about Glenn's Creek Distillery Trenton and you're aware of this too but they hand made their pot Stills there yes they hand made their all their own pot Stills so their juice is triple distilled in their own Stills right they they produce roughly one barrel a day that yep so nothing mass produced there at all so everything that that is up here is actually single barrels everything so they don't have a set time frame that this one is aged three years this one's aged four years no that doesn't happen they taste it when they feel it's ready they bottle it and it's bottled as a single barrel that's what I like the most that's pretty incredible we tasted something that was put into a barrel he gave us a sample and he said guess how long this has been aged yeah and I think the range was anywhere from like six months to a couple years it was like nine or ten days and it was like just as dark as these this flavor was really nice it wasn't you know it wasn't anything compared to how long these have been aged with the juice and stuff but just that comparison was incredible a couple more real quick thing all their barrels are toasted first and then charred to a number three Char so that's how they do all their barrels now here's the only catch the first one we're going to discuss here is ocd5 so I'm assuming the OCD came from Old Crow Distillery but ocd5 we'll start with that anyway Trend that one is just distributed and I think I think it was Wisconsin Kentucky and Tennessee only that sounds about sounds about right yep anything else you'll have to buy at The Distillery so what I am suggesting highly a lot of you folks message me all the time that you're going to The Bourbon Trail where should we stop here he has all this stuff for sale at The Distillery you might find the ocd5 if you're in some of those States or here or there but stop you you absolutely will not be disappointed absolutely not no everything up here too is about between 60 and 70 bucks roughly every bottle we're going to show you today is about 60 to 70 bucks so Trenton let's go with this ocd5 Mash bill I think on this one I think he told us it was somewhere around the 80 to 83 percent core level and the rest of the course is rye and malted barley so ever proof points different the age is different it should say the age on the back if I'm not mistaken and the proof on the front Trenton 45 months I don't want to speak out of turn here because I'm usually wrong but I think this is the OCD is the old crow like the old crow Mash bill and it's 60 30 10. really I think that's right or is that 60 30 10. Okay I lied disregard everything I just said that's all right but yeah don't worry 45 months so almost four years yeah yeah and all this is a little over 100 proof every bottle we can just we just Skip To That All these bottles are between like 105 and 108 proof yeah single barrels just so you know foreign good Lord peanut butter Dad yes babe chiff Jiff peanut butter right here right here with like a chocolate peanut butter Reese's Peanut Butter Cups yeah this is this smells better than Reese's um I didn't even get this at The Distillery did you but that's what I'm getting right now this is set for a little bit because Trenton had a little bit of mess up with the little cards you put in there we're not gonna talk about that yeah it's fine so it's been a glass about 40 minutes and I'll say we were we were in the distiller and we were tasting these yeah and it was it was hot it was hot there was not a lot of AC and fans yeah fans it was oh fans but you know I was sweating I'm not made for that kind of weather my house is 65 degrees all the time so I'm used to that absolutely horrible Kurt doesn't like it no but oh also hot take I don't think Reese's peanut butter cups are good at all um but yes this is like yeah but I got chocolate peanut butter a little marshmallow I feel like feeling yeah maybe a little marshmallow rich on the nose yeah it was like kind of sour too on this one oh Ducks it's a single barrel yeah wonderful man I'm getting maple on the palette too yeah I don't necessarily get that peanut butter doesn't really flow into the palette for me surprisingly I'm getting some Maple I'm getting caramel I'm getting a little bit of that charred Oak but it's a beautiful because he toasts and chars the barrel it's a real beautiful wood note there Oak no that's that's delicious I think if I recall correctly apart from the Rye this was my favorite of the the samples that we had really good I don't know if too many too many sixty dollar or so bottles that would beat that and 45 months not even four years yeah I've never had a a less than four year bourbon that's that good I think this competes with a lot of the single barrels that I drink at home let's move over to the weeder Trend this one this is sweet it's s-w-h-e-a-t sweet I'm assuming so heat I don't know I can't even speak normal words half the time this is their regular Mash Bill the 80s some or whatever said corn but they just replaced the uh the Rye with wheat and they come up with this bottle here so I think 37 monther yep that's gonna say I don't have my glasses but it appears to be 37 months and again all of it's about 108 proof you can read that without your glasses barely wow I barely picked that out I get some of the same nosings the the different um like there's some kind of a is there like a grain like a like a nice malted grain in there for you I just got like a little bit of like a smoke as I pull what like pulled away I will say that I get like a like a little bit of a Sharpie kind of note like on a sweet level like if if uh Willy Wonka made a Sharpie it would be kind of like that because it's it's not off-putting you have like a smoking this why am I getting a smoke not necessarily no but I can kind of I can I can get your very sweet Sharpie note I mean meat on the nose I get kind of meat on the nose no but I'd be digging it if I did that's for sure yeah it's got some nice like sweet sweet peanuts kind of note sugared peanuts roasted sugar peanuts good one the wheat does soften the palette just to touch yeah but I find it to be the wheat note the seems like the green the Grain on the pallet is a little bit heavier than what we found in the ocd5 yeah but it's a developed grain note it's not a raw young gray note it's a developed grain note but I find it to be a little bit more I can really taste that wheat in there So when you say you can taste the wheat like do you pull off on the side of fields and eat a piece of wheat is that how you kind of know what that's like you tell like a wheat bread when I was a young boy and I worked on the farm and I had the weeds oh sure sure did you have the Pitchfork sure the hat like those that painting that's famous of course yeah of course was that you actually that was my grandpa yes I knew I saw a resemblance there still very good yeah a lot of sweetness there too I like this one it's a really nice bottle all right moving on down here this Cafe Ole right Cafe all they did here same Mash bill only the The Barley has been heavily toasted and malted says so they get more of a coffee-ish chocolate-ish note to it so the the barley in here has been has been heavily toasted I remember you liking this one quite a bit when we were there which was surprising because if you're describing a coffee you don't like coffee I know I know a lot of chocolate on those lots lots of chocolate for days on the nose milk chocolate [Music] that's right I have to be honest this wasn't wasn't my favorite just because I don't know if you've ever had it but hard truth as a chocolate malted rye and that it has that like bitter bitter note that I'm just not a huge fan of um the flavors and the sweetness are not but but that like chop like that bitter chocolatey malty kind of thing going on it doesn't really Jive well with yeah yeah any any he's he's on he's on the right track there for me it's not bitter enough to where I don't like it but there's definitely like a bitter chocolate note with a little bit of that coffee grain uh with some uh maybe a like a dark brown sugar or molasses note yeah that's what I get out of here I've had a new riff winter whiskey that is also distilled using a chocolate malt um like a grain that is very similar to the to the aspects of this that don't really Jive well with my palette but there's good aspects in it apart from that this kind of reminds me trying to have a hot chocolate I don't think I've had hot chocolate no Lord help us babe seriously I like that is that another one I swear is that like that Swiss like the Swiss pack okay I've had that well but when people put marshmallows on my hot chocolate just get out of it no no no I'm not whatsoever no it's like putting marshmallows on a on a sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving it's not that's just nasty that's just not nice that's just wrong I think this is the first time you've ever agreed with me on both on both marshmallows and marshmallows this is a win marshmallow is not my thing no nasty maybe a s'more I don't know I can I can I can do us more with a marshmallow yeah one but it's like burnt to you know what it shares no resemblance to a marshmallow wrapping up the cafe Olay you know molasses is what I get Trend almost like a dark a dark chocolate bitterish to it to a touch of a hot chocolate note with with a hint of coffee that's what I get out of that one yeah all right let's move on to this one here at Trenton querv I got it cuervito Vivo cuervito Vivo so the exclamation point is upside down at first so is it like you're supposed to be the opposite of excited I I have the slightest clue okay now this one here would know you have your glasses just read a little bit of that there because that's that's what you're talking about before when you are privileged to operate on the grounds of one of the most iconic bourbon distilleries in history it is imperative to honor the tradition of those who make this place great we created this premium bourbon as a tribute for James Crow and to all the men and women who were a part of creating the legend that we get to enjoy every day yeah so if you remember that Nashville from our conversation I do not 60 30 10. one of these is 60 30 10. I'm assuming that would be that one so yeah because I I apologize you I do not remember that this is completely different from these other few that we've just tasted this I remember that from the store this is 33 months and if it's anything like what we tasted at The Distillery very unique extremely in a wonderful way yes yes and yes it's on the nose Aromas are completely different very light caramel Savory notes I struggle with that savory but like I don't even know how to describe it peppers [Music] chiles [Music] that's like a it almost is like a like a grilled poblano pepper in a way on the Finish it's really sweet up front but then like at that end it's like you just took a a poblano pepper off the grill 100 correct this is so different than pretty much anything that you'll find now I will say this trend I think this might be might be a bottle that I could enjoy an ounce or so and then I'm done it's kind of a treat you know it's something I couldn't pour uh in your everyday Drinker category or you know I would do it on occasion with a one ounce and be done almost like my peated scotch once I pour an ounce or so and I have that I'm pretty much done right so this has gone the same line but it's it's just it's gorgeous because it's different it's the light in the caramel notes when it hits the front of the palette and then hit you with that chili is there's like a roasted chili note there it's it's just great it's different it's Unique yeah I get what you mean about not not it not being like an everyday-ish kind of pour or something you'll sit down and then pour five things up for for me and from what it sounds like you as well it's it's Savory though very love it it's like a dessert but not a dessert yeah but you know ask your mom because she a lot of times tell me when I do cook I like to put peppers in a lot of things she'd be like babe oh I know you do you know I'm kind of like a Southwestern type of vibe and a lot of stuff that I cook so this is like right at Mallet I love this I love this sip yeah it's really really it's salad all right last but not least Trent this is 100 corn and um amazing cob oh I see what they did yeah a little play on words a dash m-a-i-z-e dash ing cob 100 corn whiskey very interested in this you made a bold claim when we were sick I did I want to taste it again though this is my claim was when I was at The Distillery this is the best 100 corn whiskey I've ever tasted ever have we had a lot of do we have a lot of 100 corns down here not necessarily we got the old 55 and the Mellow corn um this one's better than elephant we gotta sip it gotta find out oh yeah this is kind of like a this is kind of like your grandma used to make I'm getting like a root beer bottle cap on the nose like a great bottle cap like a subtle sweetness but still has like some and I love bottle caps I know you do you know that you like that root beer ones I like a ball that's disgusting I like them all yeah I'm getting like some bottle cap Vibes or I don't know where that came the ding dong put that in my head and of course now I smell bottle caps you're welcome but I love bottle cap so that's good what I'll say I'll make another bold claim if when we did the Heaven Hill um the 20-year corn whiskey forgot about that if that was actually a hundred percent which I've seen very conflicting information about if that was a hundred percent I would say this is very on par with the flavor profile that I got from that you age that a little bit longer 35 months on the Aging say you age that six seven years something like that five years I don't know and I'm speaking out of turn because I am not a distiller by any stretch you should be but to me if you add some age to that it would blow that Heaven Hill out of the water yes without question I agree it's really good the way it sits I agree better than any 100 corn whiskey I've had yeah yeah you add some H to it game over extremely enjoyable it I I know of some cocktails that I want to make with that too I I struggle with getting much uh apart from the sweetness and some oak on it I don't know if that's normal with 100 corn whiskey to me it's like it's it's legitimately like there is smoke in there so I'm gonna grant you that it's on the back of the pallet yeah you know you get that Oak but I get some some buttered corn creamed corn yeah it's all good dude that's great stuff right there great stuff cream corn buttered corn what's the difference what is cream corn you had cream ew and it's like kind of a little bit soupy and gets thicker the cream gets thicker on there you add some spices in there a little Citrus or something in there a little acid in there oh got yourself a sweet deal there then you put some chilies in there too with it oh I just go on and on I was forced to eat cream corn as a kid not by Mom or Kurt I did not make you eat cream corn I was at a babysitter's house and they had cream corn for dinner Brandy [Laughter] we were in the we were in their basement and she brought down this this stuff it was in like this Ziploc bag and it just looked like a big old bag of mush and I was very worried because I mom never made anything like that we were getting corn dogs and good food chicken tenders and she took a spoon and put it in the bag and just like here's some sloppy joe like the Billy Madison thing but with cream corn and I was like I I don't like that I'm not gonna eat it and she's like well you can get up when you eat it and I waited till my mom picked me up I didn't eat it I sat at the stool for hours you know that doesn't surprise me one nope I'm not eating cream corn man can't do it I wonder if Brandy all right now it's on now because I'm making some no oh without a doubt is that crinking cream coloring cocktail I did very yeah why not it's on we're gonna do a hot dog water cocktail might as well do a cream I was challenged to that The Distillery I want her meet and greet hot dog water cocktail what's happening honey hot dog water cocktail I was challenged come here I gotta pick it up Chicago dog I'll figure it out oh we'll see I don't know but we'll figure it out there's no question about that all right let's get back to some more serious things here we appreciate our time at Glenn's Creek Distillery once again Bucky thank you for lining that up it was a real real treat if you are ever on the Bourbon Trail and if you're in Kentucky do not pass up Frankfurt do not pass up Glenn's Creek Distillery you'll find some amazing things there and it's all I think he only has like maybe two three or four employees and they're all they all work together yeah with this they're not I should even say employees because they have a real good relationship they work together to try to to try to come up with the best product that they absolutely can everything's handmade hand tasted I was super impressed I had a great experience so thanks for everything all right that's all we got for you today I hope you enjoyed it we had a great time I can promise you that as always we ask you to please drink a responsibly we'll see you next time right down here with Trent and I in the good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 41,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, old crow, dusty, old grand dad, old crow bourbon, glenns creek, glenns creek bourbon, frankfort, kentucky, old bourbon, vintage, rare, allocated, unknown, abandoned
Id: Cyr0ec4vdmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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