The Best Recall Training For Your Dog!

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teaching your dog to come back on command is not only a great thing to have when your dog is off leash but it's a life-saving command for any dog and in this video I'm going to show you and tell you everything that you need to know to complete it successfully with your dog at home Smokey come Smokey come come yes good girl all right you guys so we got Smokey out which is one of our boarding trains we're going to start with the introduction I have my 20 foot long line I have my treats my treat pouch in front of me so we're going to start in a level one environment which is nothing else going on in this room very non-distracted now as far as equipment on your dog you can have whatever collar you guys are comfortable with to start the most important thing is to be realistic I see so many people put their dog in a Sit Stay and and recall their dog and at no point when you're recalling your dog is you're not going to be in the middle of a field waiting for you to call them all right so we're gonna let her get away from us because that's important Smokey come yes Target yourself Target yourself good good come so one thing that you guys can do one tip is when you're using the long line when you recall the dog in you can stop and then step on the leash so the dog can't get too far away from you sit good now if the dog ignores you this is what's very successful and I think this is what separates success and not when the dog completely blatantly ignores you and they hear you in a non-distract environment or in a less distracted environment you want to make sure you correct or leash pop the dog for some sort of accountability when they ignore you all right so we got some kibble being thrown out over here for Hawk so this is going to be a heavier distraction Smokey come leash pop this good girl she's doing well you're seeing a couple different corrections but it's normal because she's distracted so what we saw earlier was a non-distracted environment recall she turned around really quickly and got paid now this is because of currency so we have to remember dog's motives right they're animals so I have beef liver there's kibble over there there's people over there there's another dog over there if your dog is more distracted by something else they are naturally intuitively and primally likely going to choose that more higher currency right so if you say hey look at me she's like yeah you don't have much for me but this offers way more to me so you have to make sure that that correction or that accountability is in place many of you at home may be struggling with your dog on any Avenue on any level mainly because that correction or accountability isn't in place so if your dog knows the behavior well and they just don't want to listen because they're choosing other things over you why would they listen to you is there some sort of repercussion for these actions if not then of course they're always going to choose the higher value than you now when recalling your dog make it fun you must Target yourself you must be inviting to your dog and most importantly reward your dog the minute they commit to you you could use verbal rewards the moment your dog decides to come towards you now when your dog is recalling to you you don't want them to come get a treat and run away or come within your vicinity or come within five feet of you and then run away but the reason why this normally happens is because you've taught your dog that that's what recall is you've already told them that all I want you to do is come near me and I pay you so make sure that you're really paying attention to how you pay your dog to ensure that this doesn't happen to you guys Smokey come correction correction yes good calm good perfect good she almost looks like a fake dog recalling that fast but that was a perfect example you guys saw there there's a dog being fed in that room she's a Hound she smells that food she smells the dog she knows what's going on I said come she's like I'd rather not I corrected her ah come sit good and then I corrected her again when she didn't come and she flipped around ah sit now that's a perfect example of why you guys have to follow things through she's going to take advantage over anybody that she can so I told her to come I told her to sit she did she clocked out as I was talking I said nope back nope back so that's why it's important to be paying attention I'm going to do that again I'm going to do it the correct way right there I was too focused on you guys on the screen so I'm going to focus on her and show you how to do that better to make sure that your timing is better with the dog to hold the dog accountable to capture these things better she's going to come out Smokey come yes good cup now watch so good sit good off a little negative punishment there paying the dog good holding good it's the last time she got up boom nope good there holding okay brick so make sure your dog doesn't release themselves because that's going against everything that we're trying to teach the dog now once you've done this for a good amount of time and your dog is recalling to you without any pressure you say dog come they turn and they happily come to you and sit in front of you you can transition to level two to the next environment all right so level two environment two outside I'm not like in the grass I'm not right next to another dog although there's a dog that way which is going to be level three which we're going to work our way that way in a minute but this is level two letting the dog be distracted by these environmentals and just again not going from one to three because that's where people fail Smokey come pop good calm good what we're looking for here is we're looking for the dog to not get any pressure at all we see the dog's name they come we reward them that's when you know you're starting to make progress and that's when you know you can start moving on to the next environment which is closer to the other dog and of course the ultimate goal would be to be out in public or be out into realistic environments with dropping the leash one common question that we get from all you lovely people there on YouTube is if your dog is not responding to the leash pop or the leash correction what should you do you should reconsider the environment that you're in because you may be in a too distracted environment for what your dog already knows you're biting off more than you can chew essentially or you need to switch your tool of accountability which means you're a correction the consequence if your dog doesn't come back what's going to happen so we'll talk about that a little bit later in the video it's very important though now she's doing really well with these recalls and the commitment so we're going to start blending in a level two to a level three which means a another dog so another dog's in the training area here so we're just going to get closer and this is development so again don't bite off more than you can chew she's walking out here there's another dog Smokey come pop good yep good good encouraging the dog good I didn't really go crazy with her on that recall only because she kind of half-assed it there so I'm really gonna go crazy with her and really excitedly verbally praise her break when she fully commits to me without a correction Smokey come yes good girl nice work so that commitment there didn't require warranty correction which means she mentally said okay I'm gonna come so in the beginning of the stages the dog is going to likely need some sort of pressure in order for the dog oh me sorry and we're gonna now we're going to proof this out we're gonna keep working on this all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to hang up the treat pouch I'm going to work on this recall without the motivation and just my voice Smokey come good come yes good girl sit good holding yes good Smokey come yes good girl good girl all right now we're going to do the ultimate test which is going in recalling the dog off of Darby the other dog I am going to bring in heavy rewards for this because if the dog does it that's the jackpot all right so now is the final test I'm gonna recall her off of Darby while in play and notice how I got the leash back in my hands because like we talked about before I do not want to have some bad training protocols here I want to make sure that I can enforce things if need be and I know this is a heavy distraction Smokey come yes good girl really good job good job good job that was so good so that recall right there is exactly where we're gonna end today's session it was absolutely beautiful in a very short time for you guys at home when you're really looking to let go of the leash you want to do this with the leash dragging in new environments to stay safe but ultimately what I suggest to all my clients because you don't want to be an eight we don't have deer running around here we don't have rabbits running around here there's things out there in the environment especially for hound mix or other dog like a terrier that wants to chase things that we can't practice for I always recommend for safety reasons to use the remote collar and introduce it properly I have a link right here that you guys can watch how to introduce that properly I also have a full instructional video and a tutorial and a course in the description below absolutely perfect job we're gonna put this dog away remember when you're going out in your training I would probably do 10 15 minute sessions recall the dog six or seven times do not bite off more than you can chew make sure that you don't go to level two or level three until you pass level one ultimately you will fail thank you guys so much for watching this video I appreciate it a lot we had a good time didn't we I want to call this dog sausage sausage so bad but it's I don't know it's not sausage Smoky sausage good job all right guys bye thanks for watching
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 83,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog Training, Dog Trainer, Dog behavior, dog training tips, Dog Training Advice, Best dog trainer, puppy training, how to train a dog, dog videos, aggressive dog, dog training videos, obedience, tom davis, dog training basics, reactive dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, how to teach a dog to come, how to teach a dog to come when called, dog wont come back when called, recall training, recall dog training, teach dog to come back
Id: eRy6tz8IZtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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