The Best Quest in Genshin Impact History: Archon Quest Reaction

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oh baby it's time it's time masquerade of the guilty I um I heard that this is like a god tier Quest it's my favorite archon quest A lot of people are saying this is the best archon Quest oh no what happened here oh [ __ ] did the seawater rise and freaking melt everyone well this guy's alive oh oh [ __ ] help help help me help oh [ __ ] my leg my leg did her leg get dissolved it's so interesting how they're all getting freaking dissolved it's like how do they fix this that's what I'm curious about like how how do they turn this all around thank you we're going to the Grave baby NAIA what's wrong sorry I I just Malo and silver they won't ever come back here again everyone agreed on the rescue plan but still I was the one they were helping Evacuate the residents but they couldn't leave no and and they were caught in the seawater rip actually rip damn she's actually she actually tearing up hey they tried their best to save people they're Heroes they're Heroes my only wish is that we could have better to get them back on our team has has any other character like cried like visual Tears like this like it's definitely adding some emotion to this scene here has any other character like visually like been crying Nita Nita yeah you're right I wonder if it's newer Tech you know changing their model enough to have the tear coming down it it has to be a newer Tech which is a nice touch it's hard to take them seriously when there's like no emotion in their face so that that is that is pretty good pretty good I hope you'll let me be buried beside Master callus demoiselle in that case can I be buried on his other side but but they can't be buried because we can't even find them they've been dissolved in the primordial Waters if only if only we could recover their bodies and put them to rest where they deserve Malo and silver were not the price for saving anyone they're Heroes exactly seems you've become more eloquent in the time since we last met aino [ __ ] she looks cool she looks so cool she just looks lethal tell me she's not cool starting to save right now I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I am saving now trust me trust me she gives she gives me vampire Vibes she gives me vampire Mama Vibes do not be troubled by this token of our sincerity cuz she's from um she she's from Fontaine and she wants to like save Fontaine right like she she doesn't want the prophecy to happen right so the fact that she's coming in here and helping is like damn maybe there's more to her than you than Mei right pretty Coolin like that the Nave might be the hottest character in genjin for me I don't find the Nave hot in the sense of like I want to bang her I think she's like hot in the sense of like she's cool she's like she's like badass it's like yo she's like John Wick I don't know she's just like she's just like really interesting chlorin uh chlorin let's just say I wish I was that shirt button you know what I'm saying this button is is is actually dying right now help help you know what I'm saying Lenny told me that outside of the house the person they trust most is you which is why I want to give you this task interesting working with the fatou I'll go together with you uhoh nav is going to die Dina I mean Navia Navia dead demoiselle to be Karina Tessy Ray shyville Essen is this all the dead people you will be together with us forever huh huh wait just a moment this isn't right our opinion is consistent Navia should stay we and Navia are one and you would call this Justice even Malo and silver yeah we know but they're all dead yeah we know I knew this in the first 5 minutes like come on this is what I'm talking about with the genin storytelling it's like yeah I no like you don't have to explicitly say it like we can tell what's going on here this is a cool scene the the way it happens is you know I get it but the deliver Is Not Great silence that's our boy this shall be our last goodbye and that's beautiful that's a great moment silver it's a great moment I get it quickly you must come now goodbye was at least you got a goodbye at least you got a goodbye I think I saw two oids is protecting you were it not for their intervention I would not have been able to rescue you before your Consciousness dissipated bow and silver meow of silver thank you for your contribution to save our young [Music] Navia Stone slates there's a person kneeling here she seems so dedicated and is that lady finina in the third image did the hydro archon fall into the water the fourth image I know this one weird that's right if the images are in chronological order shouldn't the fourth the waters drowning Fontaine come before the third where the hydro archon herself falls into the water if we go by timing lady finina only emerges in the third image that means that the person in the second image might be the previous Hydro archon aeria then oh snap or or is she not even the archon interesting something's up here something sus is this a ler Lord kusali r rata situation something something's something's weird and I can't put my finger on it oh that voice is that who I think it is Mona oh whoops guess we were getting a little too carried away there I like her voice actor I like her voice like her line delivery is very like wsss who isy you are the hydro Aron falor are you not look at this this is a list of the victims from the recent Pon incident you mean they're all I'll ask you again do you you really have no information regarding the previous archon I like him a lot I understand your concerns but I'm sorry I just don't have anything to tell you that's all I have to say we do not discuss this matter again Sprints away later [ __ ] so why did she keep refusing to engage yeah it's like it's like a bunch of people just died we're trying to figure this out and she's like guess we're lucky we've got a local like me to organize things that was a little longwinded don't you think Clorinda many many minutes later could finina really be here Dragon oh I was going to I was going to attack her should I just give up this is all meaningless what was meant to happen did happen after all everyone's dead your voice sounds so different I'm sorry I am so sorry but what can I even do other than to repeat meaningless apologies over and over um nice nice nice voice acting I'm I'm who's that I'm digging it don't worry finina it's just us so it is you blonde traveler from another land hey there she is the Hydro archon's over there quick after her kill her wait what hey finina there's a good hiding spot over here fine fine I suppose haste is warranted they're going to hit her over the head with a [Music] club uh what's happening the ground's shaking yeah a quake of this kind preceded the flooding in P it can't be it's true I've been investigating the prophecy for hundreds of years hundreds I once had informant all over to vat searching for Clues and feeding information back to me I've tried all kinds of ways too to hold back the sea anything to keep the coastline from advancing but all my efforts proed to be futile in the end really the truth has been clear to me for a very long long time we cannot make an enemy of the Divine no matter what we do the will of the Heavenly principles will have its way and the prophecy shall be fulfilled give up I do love the sound of that phrase it would mean finally coming to terms with fate but also for me to finally be free indeed I've thought about giving up so many times especially after we almost lost Pon but just now it all became clear to me I still don't have the right to come to terms with fate on behalf of everyone else as long as the final moment hasn't come it's still not too late don't worry I I will keep hope alive for everyone until the very end well that's enough for now I got the impulse to play the stricken Maiden don't take any of what I just said seriously how could I possibly let Fontaine fall to the whims of trivial prophecy she's a little she's a little [ __ ] little stinker share my burden that's impossible it was faded right from the start that this would be my duty alone a witness yes I've heard that you came to toat from beyond the stars yes in other words you never belonged here I [Music] [Applause] I freaking knew it I knew it I could smell it she just revealed in front of everyone ladies and gentlemen so this is what it is yes yes you deserve praise for the effort you took to raise the dramatic Stakes do not forget however that I am falor the god of Justice the embodiment of Justice itself does it not strike you as even the least bit absurd to bring the very concept of Justice to trial furina you're a faker words as your refusal to stand trial in that case you will have the opport opportunity to defend your honor through a duel oh [ __ ] you you would draw your blade against a God yes cuz I know I'll beat you oh [ __ ] oh she's like she like yeah I see yes it seems like you have made up your [Music] mind she just surrendered what the heck is going on did I just see an archon surrender to a a human how utterly humiliating lady finina what is the meaning of this it would seem that there has been a misunderstanding to be clear the raising of both hands is not always an indication of surrender it's cuz I'm going to scratch you I my hands just now to indicate my acceptance of the trial no duel shall be necessary I Verina will use this trial to show the world the true meaning of Justice that's true but my charge here is unrelated to your conduct as an archon instead I would like to charge you as a fraud who's never been the archon in the first place wait lady fen's a fraud then why the did I pull for her H charge accepted lady finina I plead not guilty how can I be guilty one need only to turn their eyes towards the orrice mechanique DI cardal In This Very opera house or consider the emium that is used in every aspect of [Music] life exactly yeah exactly child's conviction you tried to reference the orrice but weren't you as confused as all the rest of us when the orrice declared child to be guilty without any proof didn't I make myself clear at the time the decisions of the gods are naturally difficult hope for humans to comprehend doesn't that mean that you're a human then instead of having been created by you the manifestations of authority you mentioned have been made by the real Hydro archon the real Hydro archon well now you're really losing me it is true that I did not know why the orrice gave out a guilty verdict that day but the orrice handed out that verdict unilaterally and it has been operating independently ever since it was first created you can't you can't argue that just because a Divine creation is flawed that the god behind it must also be no God at all she's still throwing out all kinds of excuses seems like my power as an archon there are many ordinary citizens in the audience how can I if that poses a concern I'm prepared to extend my protection to the audience um to go she's caught in a lie baby I aren't you the hydro archan or is it that you can't even wield the power of hydro much less the authority of a god IND demium yes it's all because of indium isn't that a huge stretch yeah no matter how generous an arhon can be how could they give up all their power hey come now everyone please don't stare at me as if I was a liar I'm still the same finina you knew right the one that you love please if what the prosecutor said is true she really has committed a grave offense did she deceive all of us and all of our parents and grandparents too and all of our enough sh that's enough now I've brought some seawat from Pon if we are to believe that you are indeed the real Hydro archon touching the sea water would have no effect on you but if you don't dare to touch it then we would have basically proved the reverse oh and I must remind you that after the disaster at pant nobody wants to I do hope you'll act prudently and choose the simpler path of admitting guilt grandma grandma what [Music] hey I I'm fine look look at me everyone my hand is still here I haven't been dissolved will you believe me now I really am your Aron I'm nothing like a normal human who would fall apart as soon as they touch this water Miss sein if you're present Miss sne please don't be nervous it'll please announce the results of your evaluation as everyone doubtlessly saw Miss Pina was displaying symptoms of hyperventilation and flushed skin these indicate that she was experiencing the adverse effects of exposure to primordial seawater the extent to which she was affected is the same as other humans when exposed to primordial seawater of a similar concentration oh wait what did she just say I didn't get well considering your tendency to run from your problems we did originally prepare a direct sample of the seawater around Pon however after extensive discussion we exchanged it for a sample that is not concentrated enough to dissolve an actual human we don't want anyone else to lose their life to the sea oh it's like she gave her the um cuz the synth or whatever they were using primordial um is like getting you high I I can't believe she just tried to on St what the listen to me listen to me everyone please don't give me such cold think about it how can you conclusively prove that an archon can't also be affected by the primordial seawater also also if I was really just a human why would I dare to just put so don't go to jail please everyone anyone just listen to me I swear I really am your archon if there are no objections we will move on to the final judgment she is more willing to lie than tell the truth I don't think anything she says at this point will s against her now she has a mental condition in my capacity as chief justice I shall now render judgment on fen's misrepresentation of herself as the archon of Fontaine as a human who knowingly deceived her fellow citizens finina is guilty there she is on her throne crying now me c to render the final verdict on the charges machine blows up to the Judgment of the orrice mechanic Denalis cinal finina is the exact wording of the verdict is thus to be punished via the death sentence dunker head in the water H not only is fina's sentence overly excessive the very point of our trial today was also to prove that finina has never been the hydro archon in the first place but now the aura tree seems to have deliberately invoked the title of the hydro archon maybe it's not talking about furina then maybe um it's talking about nalet if I may interrupt and nalet is guilty and needs to die is that the first first prophecy slate wait a second that's a boy that's a boy when we were at the ruins I tried to decipher the hidden information recorded oh oh we got a Twist coming uh-oh we got a Twist here I believe I should share this truth not only with you but with all the people of Fontaine as well your hypotheses regarding the origin of fontans and the sin of the hydro archon were both correct in the Fontaine of old the previous Hydro archon sensed the yearning of her oenid familiars for life on land the oceanids were enamored with the beauty and Romanticism of human beings and wishing to have those experiences for themselves expressed to the hydro archon their desire to become of a similar kind not one to give in she eventually found a way to create permanent humanoid bodies for her familiars by appropriating the power of this planet's primordial sea she poured primordial sea water into into the oan its blood vessels creating humanoid mimics in the process but if fontans were to ever come into direct contact with water from the primordial sea the power within their bodies would Escape these artificial restraints yeah but they're like also having babies and stuff right as a result their forms would collapse and they would be reverted to their original forms as oits of course the hydro Aron never received permission from the Heavenly principles to create a new human race and thus the hydro archon and all of her Creations came to shoulder the original sin of appropriating the power of the primordial sea that is the true history of how the people of Fontaine first came into being but if that's the truth we can't let the hydro Aron be sentenced to death after all her only sin was creating us this is pretty cool so far if we're talking about a true culprit that could only be that thing inside the primordial sea right uhoh youa let [Music] go [Music] damn sicko mode [Music] child how sick would it be if they released released like delirium [Music] child so we've met At Last I understand very well why it is chosen to make an appearance here that whale does not belong to Tat It is a monster that has traversed the Stars weeping all the while it has been greedily consuming the energy from the planet's primordial sea using it to grow and once it is finished consuming all of the energy contained within you said that when the hydro archon first created fontans out of oids precisely that whale finds the blood of fanian n impossible to resist so the prophecy will be fulfilled no matter what huh not if I can stop it wait notice how we haven't seen furina in a in a while what's she doing she just sitting up upstairs crying still what's happening with the orrice I believe it is preparing to carry out the death sentence finina Verina no I still need answers how did you jump that high [Music] bro [Music] what in the what in the what in the what is that the actual archon why did I pull for a faker why did I pull for a fake what the you yo she looks so cool there that shocked expression on your face is just too amusing I couldn't help myself she looks so much cooler this skin is worse but to answer your question I mean her other one's cool but what's going on here foso why did you deceive us oh that wasn't my goal of course goodness no but I had to fool everyone else too if I was to stand any chance of deceiving the Heavenly principles deceive aing the Heavenly principles it's all because of that pernicious prophecy Dreadful wasn't it everyone doomed to dissolve Fontaine condemned to be flooded it hardly gets more disastrous than a pre-ordained national catastrophe now does it so yes as you have no doubt surmised it was a rather impossible situation that I found myself in I spent a terribly long time mulling it over there was only one possible solution to this confounding conundrum I had to outwit the Heavenly principles allow the prophecy to be fulfilled ostensibly at least while saving everyone at the same time I did not choose this anymore than I chose to be one of her oate familiars so you were also once one of the oits transformed into a human by eeger's hand yes I was I always dreamed of becoming human and I still do even now after becoming a God I separated my Divinity from my body and spirit leaving behind only a self that was as naive and bewildered as my past self on her first day as a human being the me you see before you now is is that Divinity and the human counterpart I left behind interesting I named finina interesting she could feel Joy sorrow and everything in she's just like a puppet she could be as Vain and conceited or as Meek and vulnerable as she wished do you still remember the final scene of the prophecy the Hydra archon alone weeping on her throne so has falor been alone weeping on her throne watching everyone else be human around her for 500 years the arena has been 500 years of like pretending to be something in order that the prophecy might appear fulfilled I invited Farina to be an actress to play the part of the hydro archon in the prophecy under the curse I placed on her so long as I fur's Divinity continue to exist she could not die but nor was she free to live her life in the pursuit of happiness instead she was forced to take the stage in the opera house to embrace the role of Leading Lady to Forever play the part of the god from the prophecy all to create a deceitful appearance of that prophecy coming to pass but finina is only human isn't she even though she has had a long life her mind is no stronger than that of any other ordinary human being I cannot begin to Fathom what she has had to endure it must have been torture for her everyone she knows and loves has died it's been 500 years and all along she's been playing her part in the most unimaginably long unbearably lonely and agonized ly painful Opera of all time wow interesting twist so but but where is falor is falor in like another realm is she in a dream where where is this Divinity hiding CU it's like she's hiding in the shadows away from from God's eye so but like where finina Vina huh who's that who's calling me be not nervous be not afraid I am before you wait a moment you're Mir me how can this be what do you wish to say the prophecy what prophecy wait the people will all be dissolved into the waters and only the hydro ar oh but doesn't that mean everyone will die oh don't worry magical meetings exist in this world precisely to give I will tell you how to save everyone but you may have to suffer somewhat oh oh so there's still hope after all goodness you frightened me you spoke so much and was as for the suffering well I will admit that the first thing that came to mind was why do I have to be the one to suffer but if the prophecy will come true I'll also die anyway right so if I've already met you as my magical meeting in this world if there were scales with all the people of Fontaine on one side and my pain on the other is it not obvious where scale should tilt that is deep this is good this is good this is actually I I feel bad for her also be the justice that belongs to you listen well Fontaine has just lost its Hydro archon I need you to play a role that of the new archon play as a God that's right you must begin a NeverEnding masquerade you must never let anyone suspect your identity if you can keep it up then I shall have my way of defying this prophecy but should your identity be revealed then all hope will be lost but how will I do this a human assuming the role of a god without being exposed don't worry what you must do is not to turn yourself into a real God you simply need to play the role of a God as humans imagine them to be being a human yourself I'm sure you already know what such an entity would be like remember your true challenge will not be pursuing Divinity but contending Against Humanity um I'm still not so how long to accomplish this Mission you will have to stay on the stage for many many years you will endure and not grow old until your task ends but I promise you all will eventually end in a magnificent and dramatic trial and everyone a trial huh yeah this is really cool it it also it also it makes her character make more sense too of like she has to be this like grandos um fake the whole time it's it's really interesting like I've said before I like the story it's just the filler in between the good parts of the story are what tilt me so like this is this is really interesting to me like I I want to know these things it's just the like the tea time and eating Bon bonss like sometimes it it it really slows slows this down I I could have cut down 50% of this Quest and had way more impact and happiness and effect in my opinion so that's that's it what should I say to most appear like a god to be honest I still don't know perhaps I should first ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome welcome to the Opera epic Clays I'm sure you've all heard about how I have taken on the role of hydro archon indeed I am Verina de Fontaine your new archon in truth I know little about becoming a nation's new God but as the god falor the God of Justice I shall do all within my power to lead you into an age of fairness and Justice once again thank you all for coming if you should have any questions or suggestions please this should do it I thought I might stammer but thankfully that's the new Hydro archon is this some kind of joke by the maon I would have thought that a being that surpasses Humanity would be a bit more hey did you hear that she even told us to send her suggestions there at the end shouldn't Gods be all powerful she's being so mod what's the difference between her and an ordinary person exactly wait what's going on why is everyone suspecting me of being a fake right M me said that I just need to calm down finina think think assertive with a strong sense of presence one who can dispel all doubt that [Music] is oh very good my people only ones such as you are deserving of my rule she's actually crazy bro she's actually forced to be wearing a mask not herself like it's it's quite sad right it's deranged it's it it's it's it's like yeah well then let us be reintroduced ah so that was just a performance how could I have forgotten that we were inside an opera house her personality it's quite shocking to be honest but suppose it's a better look than before such a fascinating and full deity how wonderful our future may yet be bright after all it seems I've turned them around best follow this flow and restart my dear people whether you acknowledge me or not whether you trust me or nay I say to you keep faith in your order for justice we have heard it said that this nation's sins can no longer be washed away well I say that Justice is most fragrant when it blooms amid sin the scales of Justice should not weigh heavy in the hands of its God on one side it must carry fairness and Justice and on the other pise and Applause May law be the prayer on our lips May judgment be our worship let us light the fires and drink to the future of Fontaine there is no trouble in this world that Justice cannot solve all that is needed is for you my people to believe in [Applause] it yes yeah this is this is awesome was it [Music] 182,000 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I've heard that the first member of our family who was honored to receive an audience with you was oh my God 500 years ago Generations ago oh my God and what a fine family yours is indeed it brings me great joy to meet such a faithful believer a descendant of a line most Ardent are you crying oh my god really now I didn't even notice this must be the Overflow of hydro from my person well can't quite help being the god whose Dominion is the waters can I no wonder no wonder a manifestation of your oh my God bro this is like this is like this is like emo M tach like Dad you just don't understand me oh my God this is messed up bro this is this is messed up holy cow I want to tell someone anyone about this but would that not destroy all I've done so far all I can do is keep heart I must maintain this act your people are more than willing to share your burden with you share my burden after 500 years it's like I want to just tell anyone that's impossible maybe the traveler from that isn't fromat you know my duty alone just share it with me a witness yes I've heard that you came to and if tat is in its entirety a show on a stage then you're just a spectator jeez yeah if that's the [Music] case then then then you're not a Heavenly principal you're not oh man I guess he's right I could confide in him unless he's secretly a secret agent from the Heavenly principles and you're going to get exposed but if things don't play out as expected no finina you should but what if finina you've worked so hard for so so long surely it would be okay to put yourself first for once is it such an outrageous thing to do anyway to find someone in whom you can confide your frustrations and Sorrows surely it could not hurt if you let this opportunity slip through your think about it long and hard no I have nothing to say I am finina the archon of Fontaine everything will surely get better and she's saying that cuz she's just having faith in falor and she put her hand in the thing cuz it's like she would rather die than tell the truth because if she tells the truth what if it what if she they can't be saved she's been shouldering this burden for 500 years she probably wants to die but also it's like she's come so far she can't give it up she can't give up everything now so it's like I'm shoving my hand in theing water it's so good all you need to do dear spectator so good is to witness my performance until the curtains [Music] fall [Music] fine so even finina doesn't know the truth you've never once let her in on the full plan yes it had to be done to deceive the Heavenly principles you must first deceive yourself if she had let her resolve falter even once in these five centuries Fontaine would have been doomed to the most tragic fate I'm sure you've long sense that the orrice is no simple machine yes I've always suspected that it had its own Consciousness and Lenny did mention that he heard a human voice within the core chamber it now seems that that person was you hidden within the machine all along and then I became one with the orries taking fontaine's nosis with me alas your understanding of this device still lacks sufficient depth in truth it is no enactor of Justice it is in fact a device created to kill the God of Justice I beg your pardon oh you have it and to be more precise not only will the orries take down the the God of Justice it will also take down the Divine Throne upon which she has been placed I mean did you think I would be the sort to enjoy peaceful Repose Malina suffered she made a a a giant death machine she made a suicide box this power aced over five centuries could have sustained fontans for Millennia had it only been used for that purpose almost all of it has now been stored within the orries but only Power of this magnitude could hope to destroy the hydro archon's Divine Throne shaking the rules established by Celestia and breaking through the institution that is the seven so the orat trec's call for death was for neither Farina nor falor but for the hydro Aron the destruction of that Divine Throne if I do not misunderstand your intent you must be so they're removing the archon entirely returning what's rightfully yours to you of course in other words this was all done to return the authority of the hydro archon to the Hydro Dragon of this planet but no shot you're making it the six now instead of the seven and now nalette I mean everyone was saying he's like he seems more than just a normal character of the ancient dragons shall soon be yours once more oh Hydro Dragon Sovereign and this is the face you make you've done throughout the years it's just so you can sacrifice yourself at the very end I've never quite seen it that way you know even now I'm quite pleased at how well my deception worked I'm must say had it been within my rights I would have loved to judge the Heavenly principles themselves were they not guilty of essentially the same crime aeria stole the power of the primordial Sea and the Heavenly principle stole the power you ancient dragons possessed so just to understand like devalen or some like the other dragons they had their power taken by the Heavenly principles and given to the archons I actually didn't know that so then my question is is the fouille potentially going hey you guys are corrupt [ __ ] that's not how this works and trying to do essentially the same thing on a grander scale saying this whole system is corrupt maybe the fatou aren't as bad as you think cuz maybe they're they're recognizing like this is wrong right very interesting always I mean who knows exactly udet the highest judge in our land when you regain your full power as an elemental Sovereign so when I was invited to the court of Fontaine to Ser as udex I see now that that was your idea too at last I Now understand the true purpose behind this position wow in the beginning I was uninterested in human existence but these five centuries of living alongside them have gradually brought about Mutual understanding between us wow and I have even tempted to feel as they feel interesting you are a devious one falur things being as they are very good surely you know very very good declare them to be guilty wow that's so smart that's so good damn the hour of my execution is almost here for the sinner The Curtain Call has come I know I may not sound it but faced with death I find myself a little afraid perhaps this is one thing both gods and humans have in common farewell nervet I hope you've enjoyed the part you played these 500 years wow this is this is quite incredible very [Music] good wow no wonder he is so powerful F in [Music] chat [Music] I udex select hereby declare people of Fontaine your sins are forgiven wash away their sins nalet iil question mark so he he's broken the curse it's time to end this we must meet out punishment to that beast wow I have gained the strength sufficient to deal with it through certain means I now have the ability to separate the power of the primordial see from that creature traveler now that the orries can no longer function I require an Executor to help me meet out Justice the root of the calamities befalling Fontaine the Beast that enacts the prophecy its name is the all devouring narwhal come with me traveler the hour of execution has come holy [ __ ] this is so sick this is so good I'm really enjoying this this is the most I've enjoyed genin in in ages really cool we're going to execute it but how are we going to do that it's huge I've already done my best to separate the power way considering the size of Beast I can't reach the power source unless we can find a way to attack it from within I shall share part of the ancient dragon's power we shall look for opening together I can feel his sorrow turning into hostility instinct to devour present it's time to get [Music] sucked let the world come why why is there a h thingy over there scary R oh yeah this guy's this guy's fasted this is trouble I have granted you my protection do not fear seize the moment and use my power to suppress its root from within way to the [Applause] wicked [Music] oh that's that skirk or whatever child where you going bro she's him into the abyss thanks for helping with the cleanup it should have been my job but oh well I'm starting to save I'm saving I'm saving it was just supposed to be a short private training session for me I didn't think that my disciple and my Master's pet would start brawling in the meantime well actually I had a feeling that it would happen at some point but they bumped into one another earlier than I thought what a blunder I suppose I'll have to swing my sword 3 million times as Penance that power pman has an idea from what she said earlier she must be child's Master it's just that he has the impression that she was um I simply did not have anything to say to the weak but you on the other hand M so you may speak to me as equals I have to agree it's a strange use of a planet's primordial Waters just to raise an all devouring narwhal that kind of power is wasted on it it's not Cooperative it eats too much and I have more important things to do with my time than pet sitting the only thing that creature has going for it is its looks all in all I miss skirk the point well being just this pet so what sort of person is your master well child's Master's Master oh right so you don't know him his name is siroi Who The Who I Am unfamiliar that would be cool they add a new element Quantum to the game that' actually be kind of cool I know her legs and arms are like covered in in like void have you heard of the name the fowl the fowl still nothing well how about the Visionary veter then or gold Rin daughter o that one we've heard Rin daughter's part of the hexen circle she's oh so you do know that name to be honest I also heard all of the but I suppose you understand now yes my master is likely a similar sort to rauter they are both pursuing some form of perfection wait didn't you also mention a Visionary person actually never mind that I believe it expedient to inform you that the all devouring narwhal used up nearly all its strength fighting you such roing Hydro energies will prove difficult ult for the planet's deep seas to digest as such the Fontaine back on the surface has most likely been thrown into chaos I am looking respectfully I'm looking very respectfully in other words the prophecy that you've been fretting over should now be in full swing what not to worry falor has in the end the people will all be dissolved into the waters and only finina will remain weeping on her [Music] throne only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away hey help over [Music] here [Music] All Hands initiate emergency rescue [Music] hurry Airship hey Linda [Music] Hand [Music] look the water's [Music] receding it's a mirle receding we didn't tool the prophecy was wrong the prophecy was [Music] wrong [Music] POG are you right yeah we're safe wow the prophecy was wrong it was all worth it it was all worth it wow that is awesome that was sick my honest thoughts are um that that was like the best Quest I've seen in a long time if not ever I think that is the best quest in genjin Impact at least for the payoff and uh and wrapping up that that kind of story um I think they they they nailed it like they definitely nailed it again like I know I always complain about like the filler and I still think that that is a bit of an issue is like how brief some of these sections could be the payoff is amazing but it's like if you're making people fall asleep with like tea time and Bon bonss in between sometimes like just the pacing seems off but the payoff is awesome and um like fur I I see her in a completely different light as a character like like now I'm looking at this character and I'm like damn she's she's a badass bro like she's she I was so I was annoyed with her at first I was like a she's kind of kind of cringey bro and now it's like I have a new respect for her as a character I suppose really uh really good I was impressed by that that whole thing I think it was so good and um you know I said looking at 4.2 I was like this looks really good and I've been enjoying playing this week and and getting into the game again and seeing some of this this lore happen like always I want to find out what happens in this story I want to keep playing while I'm having fun and this was really good this is really really cool now I want to see what happens next thanks for watching have a good day and I'll see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 87,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, furina quest, furina archon quest, fontaine archon quest, archon quest reaction, genshin impact archon quest
Id: rmIjZxi9JMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 13sec (3793 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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