Filmmaker Reacts: Genshin Impact - Focalors Ultimate Sacrifice

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what a transition and so tragic and the music has an innocence to it almost like a childlike innocence which is what furina is it's been some time since I've reacted to a genin impact cutscene though I've enjoyed playing through many of them with you and the past and so today we react to falor ultimate sacrifice full cut scene from genjin Impact because the character of furina has been so intriguing to me I really wanted to continue to cover her story if you've enjoyed our time together please check out some of the other videos we've covered on this channel including our World of Warcraft cinematic Journey all right mihoyo let's see what you cooked up for us today oh there's clearly a big moment here I love the music I love the atmosphere what's happening with the orri all right I believe it is preparing to carry out the death sentence the death sentence I love the cast of characters here and this is it the death sentence of the Fontaine righten okay we got traveler all right no I still need answers interesting sort of like selfish response there I like that oh really nice shot the clock is ticking no man that's so sad the tragedy of Vina here let's see how plays out what a cool setpiece when I love the music did you hear that instrumentation they're mysterious look at the SE I love the floating stuff and it looks almost like uh a trial chamber or stage audience yeah now is this her true form wait a [Laughter] second cool sorry that shocked expression on your face is just just too amusing I couldn't help myself you are not finina no the voice is who are you a different register The Sweet Sound of bewilderment official marvelous a sure sign that my attempt to deceive everyone was a resounding success but to answer your question I am falor the god you know the God foso why did you deceive us a deception wasn't my goal just like acting goodness no acting is a deception I had to fool everyone else too was to stand any chance of deceiving the Heavenly principles oh she went deceiving the Heavenly principles because of that percious prophecy Dreadful wasn't it everyone doomed to dissolve Fontaine condemned to be flooded I spent a terribly long time mulling it over alone on the ocean floor really nice shot here almost growing Barnacles by the time I really really nice placement of the characters in composition there was only one possible solution to this confounding conundrum I had to outwit the Heavenly principles allow the prophecy to be fulfilled sensibly at least while saving everyone at the same time a deception I love it I'm a genius it's know I can only assume that's why aeria chose me as her successor like what a cool through line to have run through this whole culture and story hardly The Inheritance one dreams of between the task of saving the nation the quotidian duties of the hydro archon and not to mention the original sin of creating a new race of humans I dare say she left me quite a a new so is Fon a different like can they breathe underw or something can only play the hand one is dealt I did not choose this anymore than I chose to be one of her oate familiars ah Little Greek you were also once one of the oits influence transformed into a human by eger's head the original NY yes I was in Greek mythology I always dreamed of becoming human I think there's about 3,000 of them and I still do even now in my eyes to be human is to be part of the greatest Opera ever known after a God I love that I separated my Divinity from my body nice shot here leaving behind only a self that was as naive and bewildered as my past self on her first day as a human being a that's so sad though you see before you now is that Divinity and the human counterpart I left behind I named finina and what's going to happen to the human Joy sorrow and everything in between she could be as Vain and conceited or the reflection here really cool Choice there reflection human could possess I love this background I'd be using it in every sh my eyes fina's Humanity was what made her perfect she was perfectly human and every way so cool the person I always wanted to be anyway so then I cursed her oh she did this as a part of her master plan remember the final scene of the prophecy nice shot this is the sort of stuff I would be using more utilizing the environment on her throne in order that the prophecy might I invited finina to be an actress to play the part of the hydro archon in the prophecy under the C I placed on her so long as I F L's Divinity continued to exist she could not die but nor was she free to live her life in the pursuit of happiness huh instead she was forced to take the stage in the opera house to embrace the role of Leading Lady to Forever play the part of the god from the prophecy I love the double meaning of that to create a deceitful appearance of that prophecy now did you notice they put her out of focus in this shot the background was in focus that she's not the focus of you know her real identity really cool choice but fin is only human isn't she even though she has had a long life her mind is no stronger than that of any other ordinary human being I cannot begin to Fathom what she has had to endure so sad must have been torture for her like that's not her true self yeah and although she is in a sense me in human form I most definitely owe her an apology for it yes it's been 500 years I love this shot too long she's been playing her part in the most unimag Lon yeah there you go unbearably lonely and agonizingly painful Opera of all time jeez I like the loneliness aspect uh in the shots of their show completely isolated the truth you've never once let her in the full plan she couldn't for the deception it had to be done to deceive the Heavenly principles you must first deceive yourself so interesting she did very well if she had let her resolve falter even once in these five centuries Fontaine would have been doomed to the most puppet copy of herself that trusting Humanity was the right decision after all I believe that I understand how your deception works but that is only half the truth is it not how would you build on this Foundation to save the people of Fon the lighting here is really cool too has a warmth to it ah good good of course the udex of Fontaine has pinpointed the Crux of the issue right right I'm sure you've long sense that the orrice is no simple machine yes I've always suspected that it had its own Consciousness and Linny did mention that he heard a human voice within the core chamber it now seems that that person was you uh hidden within the machine all along am I right and then I became one with trees taking fontaine's nose is with me yes it would seem so wouldn't it interesting alas your understanding of this device still lacks sufficient depth in truth it is no enactor of Justice it is in fact a device created to kill the God of Justice oh no I beg your pardon there's a sword hovering over her this whole time you have it and to be more precise not only will the orries take down the God of Justice it will also take down the Divine Throne upon which she has been placed just destroy the system that's actually really I mean did you think I would be the sort to enjoy peaceful Repose Malina suffered wow my work over these last 500 years to constantly accumulate indom nidum within the orries but really some have already discovered that only a small fraction of the energy generated by the device was ever used to provide Power to Fontaine the vast majority has been had to be accumulated to enact this death sentence wild so that's a solution just all part of your plan then both the trial and the sentence indeed this power accured over five centuries could have sustained fontans for Millennia only been used for that purpose almost all of it has now been stored within the orries but only Power of this magnitude could hope to destroy the hydro archon's Divine Throne shaking the rules established by Celestia and breaking through the institution that massive Lord so the orries call for death was for neither finina nor falor but in a game with this much long story like you probably have to do this once in a while in other words is all done to return the authority of the hydro archon 2 the Hydro Dragon of this planet Hydro Dragon but very cool yeah it's like an anime episode's length of lore no what getting sad again are we ah poor net the authority of the ancient dragons shall soon be yours once more oh Hydro Dragon Sovereign yeah he's going to take over the power isn't he this is the face you make what a bitter sweet feeling all you've done throughout the years is just so you can sacrifice yourself at the very in and he spent so much time with humans like he's I've never quite seen it that way you know even now emed at how well my deception worked it was a clean deception but I love that it's it's acting you know the the double meaning has been so cool throughout this whole thing and the whole culture of Fontaine hyro Dron Hydro Dragon don't cry I like the music too it's kind of I must it's tragic but it has a within my rights has a resigned feeling to it heavly principles themselves were they not guilty of essentially the same crime long the way she talks is so like inhuman I like it judge in our land it's cool Will you regain your whole power as an elemental sovereign what verdict shall you pass upon us that's so cool when I was invited to the court of Fontaine to serve as udex I see now that that was your idea too at last his outfit so cool I Now understand the true purpose behind this position in the beginning interested in human existence but these five centuries of living alongside them have gradually brought about Mutual understanding between us and I have even attempted to feel Les they feel beautiful you are a devious one foror what a great character maybe that was part of her plan they are surely you know that I could never declare them to be guilty huh love it really was like a genius move okay here we go the shots have become more filmic of my execution is almost here oh the stage lighting for The Sinner The Curtain Call has come man what a I may not sound it but a powerful image faced with death I find myself a little afraid sad perhaps this is one thing both gods and humans have in common wow she going to perform there's going to be performance right farewell nervet no I hope you've enjoyed the part you played these 500 years yeah the lighting is really nice here and this kind of pre-rendered wow I love that it's going to be a performance and it's so Bittersweet this is it this is the performance that has you know oh what a transition and so tragic and the music has an innocence to it almost like a childlike innocence which is what furina is that's her whole Consciousness is you know bereft of understanding and and having to kind of suffer and ignorance and has that childlike innocence but now you have the choir coming in which feels more like go like and understanding and she bows out and her final performance and there it is what remains is the human the human aspect of herself I love that she bows out and is proud of her 500 years of performance there really really well oh that's a great shot and look at that sort of the personification of of water is what that was so it makes sense wow what a Gambit oh the music is so tender here thank you f so what's going to happen finina oh no this feels like a death please live happily as a human oh yes just as I wish we could uh so sad The Immortal and beinging the Mortal you know it's an inter concept yes the music's ramping up to me this is you know the male choir here is is is him finding the resolve to do his duty amidst the tragedy it's beautiful UD powerful hereby declare oh great shot the analogous colors your sins are forgiven this is just like we talked about World of Warcraft the analogous colors punching through vibrant and that's it oh man I'm getting Final Fantasy Advent Children Vibes ff7 Advent Children the the healing rain comes down upon the people to cure them what a beautiful uh beautiful ending there yeah I love it that this whole sequence was fantastic it was really fantastic I love the stage lighting but it's also you know sort of like the markedness of her demise it's it's the almost like the target of the sword that's going to come down on her um and she's per forming you know amidst that tragedy and amidst that death sentence and then she bows and what what I love about it is she says that you know even the gods for your death perhaps is the one thing we share with humans but notice not for one moment does she falter in her extreme you know uh dedication to her purpose to her plan which is like a Godlike aspect right um not even even once she bows out doesn't show Fear And there's that moment where you see the closeup of her eyes that you know maybe Curtain Call has come one thing both God maybe there's a slight flicker of fear in the shop but you know you don't really see it um because she is she is not human she kind of just you know closes her eyes and and washes it away yeah I think the use the use of Music here again is a really a lot of a stand out like again this sort of childlike sort of um playful like it is a play it's fun it's a dance and then you know you have the traveler here like uh observing this like what is this reality that's being witnessed right here how much of this The Travelers see of this whole conversation um perhaps it was the whole thing because you know it's the player you're meant to understand this and maybe The Travelers as well but I love it it's so Whimsical this whole thing there's a there's a feeling of uh ah and that duality of human and divine is so well voiced in the choir yeah and that choir like it's so meaningful like the choir comes in for this little section right when it transitions back to her to fosure and you have this little performance from the choir which feels Divine and then it cuts out is is like the final the final moment of being Divine I think that's really beautiful and I mean what's he going to do against that it was kind of implied that it's like a very powerful force as would need to be to destroy Divinity hence why she built it up for 500 years and then that's it you know the Hat Remains the the Innocence the the suffering the humanity right that's what it is to be human it reminds me of a fantastic fantastic line from Kingdom Hearts 3 um where it's essentially the idea of is without you know I'm paraphrasing here uh you know it is human to feel pain like pain is is to be human and it's like wow but how much strength it must be to be a human and I think I see that idea voiced very well here um this is what happens when you're human you know beaten down and and and broken at times we all are but that's what it means you know to be impermanent beings live happily so now I'm so curious what happens to fear after this and uh we'll we'll have to wait and see I suppose but yeah really really well done this was this was cool it's like an anime episode length uh cut scene which is really interesting to to to enjoy with you guys I really thought it was awesome um like I said sort of for pacing reasons it was a massive lore dump like kind of right at the end of this but they kind of had to say a lot of that so I I I think it was great I think it was well done and then this was the payoff this amazing cut scene at the end and sort of again the pre-rendered grandiosity hereby declare what a great what a great thing but yeah thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed it I hope you've been enjoying uh We've putting out a lot of content on the channel the last few days and uh want to continue to do it so thank you everybody for being here make sure to subscribe if you're new and um you know if you want to join us on our World of Warcraft Journey we're working on that we've got Final Fantasy content on the way I'm still working on that video essay it's just taking a long time and uh I can't wait to uh share all this stuff with you guys thank you very much and let me know what you think in the comments of this amazing scene see you guys
Channel: Philip Hartshorn Gaming
Views: 349,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact ost, genshin impact trailer, genshin impact tips, genshin impact best characters, genshin impact best character, genshin impact how to, genshin impact news, genshin impact reaction, genshin impact leaks, Overture Teaser: The Final Feast | Genshin Impact, genshin impact final feast, genshin impact fontaine, Furina, Genshin Impact Furina, furina reaction, furina trailer reaction, GENSHIN FOCALORS
Id: VuqgPMp1MnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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