Dish Reacts to "The Song Burning in the Embers" Full Animated Short | Genshin Impact

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oh I dare say we have a little Harbinger situation to experience is it at the top of my YouTube recommended page yes 7 Minutes of animated Glory are we ready what will we learn from the song burning in the ambers shall we you were born into this world all alone oh but here in the house of the Hearth you will grow up to be strong your goal is to learn to compete to defeat all your brothers and sisters in battle and become [Music] king where's perw didn't she want to hear the story excuse me mother she's doing a funeral for her spider that child maybe her curse is flaring up again oh the hands CL see to her oh okay the [Music] curse I got cake you you want some [Music] sure you must know spiders don't eat cake oh yeah I [Music] [Music] know and I hope you won't be tained by [Music] F to fear so go do mothers usually argue with their [Music] daughters I heard that in smesa colored light dances in the sky at night when we're grown up shall we go see it together [Music] you will be a great king a I'm sorry thank you was that a pottery break noise that I just [Music] heard yeah yes kill her I should have pruned this flower long ago not waited till it wilts how grotusque wouldn't you agree innocence and kindness are such beautiful qualities sadly they're all so useless [Music] a bird tied down will never fly the nest you are no [Music] exception does arlino have a vision here I don't know I didn't see one [Music] surrender let your mother guide you and you shall become the one true king [Music] kill her mother my answer [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh she actually demolished [Music] it she killed the [Music] harbinger oh Her Majesty that Sarita has decreed as follows show her I hereby pardon your crimes and bestow upon you a new name this title and its Legacy of Bloodshed are now yours to Bear my poor mad cursed [Music] name his voice is w oh wait who's that come with me I will raise you as my child like a strict and unfeeling [Music] father I think I have um H just saw a brain R because I my first thought was definitely kakava F was already an orphan when the previous NE was in control at not him yeah it's not fmin either the eyes aren't right nor is it Lenny wait no maybe we don't know maybe maybe it's just a random kid so now we know why she calls herself father instead of mother it hits differently pay attention to the lyrics I think that would require me to listen again Lenny's eye is purple or Rose could be a future character well I wish it was me okay so Baseline Pro storyline here arino as well as what is her name again what is kakavas don't worry about it this is I forgot her name already is is this the actual birth daughter clv because the I'm only asking because the hair is very similar yes is her birth daughter okay they're friends she's weird she's cursed it seems like it could be the same curse that afflicts or that Afflicted conans it's clearer in Japanese the mother explained the story in a fairy tale from the first 202s let me listen then P pure born into this world all alone all alone but here in the house of the Hearth you will grow up to be strong your goal is to learn to compete to defeat all your brothers and sisters in battle and and become king okay so the mother of the House of the Hearth wanted made the her like children compete against each other in combat to create like a like a super soldier essentially it was a it so the house of the hearts was initially like a Hunger Games Battle Royale for kids person the is that Lan's going to be one who who becomes the next father and so they all died and then eventually it was it came down to her and the house of the hearth's birth daughter who she had to kill assumably so she won the orphanage games and then she I have to see that kick again that was crazy right before the explosion actually I want to see this whole part again surrender let your mother guide you and you shall become the one true king [Music] mother that is insane that is insane answer [Music] [Music] so I believe is it right here where she receives her vision although it did seem like she already kind of had that ability like she obviously knew what to do with it I don't see a vision on her though it seems like a extension of her curse I think it's whatever the curse is oh yeah oh yeah because her hands darken and then she's like unhitable and when she activates the Pyro her hand also glows so is it I wonder if it's similar to like a like a dark magic you use it and the curse progresses I mean she has a vision on her body is it a delusion I don't know black hand dark pyy yeah I I keep going back to like the Scarlet Witch in my mind the mother vers of Madness exactly exactly oh it's a delusion so it's possible she doesn't even use it like it's like it's fake so that she Blends in but she's actually like a cursed witch okay so she instead of instead of accepting her role as the her like Champion or the king whatever that means she kills her and blows up the current House of the Hearth and ref founds it as like an actual orphanage she's not a witch Senora is it's a possibility it's the same as caterpillar see this is the part where I say I haven't done that Quest so a lot of the information is missing to me and I will probably do it offline as soon as I have the time to where are the trained soldiers still oh where they train soldiers still well I mean arino puts them to work my guess is the curse came before The Vision but the vision arrived when she was young however this curse I'm curious if it's related to car Andria or the abyss or if it's something separate to those let's not forget she glitches so who knows what this curse ties her to yeah the glitch we don't that glitch is um that is weird that's like the most futuristic visual indication that this is some kind of like simulated world because what the freak why would there be a glitch I wonder if arlino is going to die soon and she wants Lenny to take over could you imagine arlino being our first Dead playable character why would she glitch exactly why would she glitch you were born alone in this world is the first line oh okay so then she gets imprisoned but the Serita pardons her and there at that point she gets recruited to become a Harbinger why Lenny bro just a magician I don't know he's done a lot of investigative stuff too she could be related to the sustainer of heavenly principles too from the visions of their powers yeah you killed the harbinger and replaced her that's crazy I don't think they will kill another Harbinger I wonder I wonder I'm excited for her story honestly me too I mean this is obviously once we finish her Quest and get like more full information on her this animated short will everything everything leading up to this point will make more sense so to speak I think it's going to be fremin looking at the trailer because Lenny just wants to be a father scarm Moosh looks so silly he does he does he his little just little guy with the coat on and the hoodie big fluffy hoodie but yeah he's very much Gremlin energy and that is uh that is very interesting okay anything else to point out we don't have any even guesses on who this is it could very well just be the first kid that she ever like adopted I think the question I'm wondering about most is once we're once everything is said and done is she going to be like a good guy like relative to the greater story cuz we don't really even necessarily know who's right and who's wrong because there's so much clouding about what tat even is there's no actual playable bad guys in GHIN like she'll be like ridden where we have to change her mind well if that's the case hopefully that story plays out a bit better who even is the bad guy in genin I I don't know I don't know I I almost feels like there's not one arino is willing to do what's best for her children that is definitely true she definitely has compassion I mean she says the first mother says that what is it kindness and kindness you agree you agree where did she say that innocence and kindness are useless I should have pruned this flower long ago not waited till it wilts how Gres so is she talking about her own daughter when she says that wouldn't you agree oh in the middle of the Flight of the fight innocence and kindness are such beautiful qualities sadly they're all so useless useless does she ask her a question what is arino saying no to my answer is no is that to becoming king or that the flowers should be pruned notes becoming king bird will never fly the nest exception oh yeah she was using the Pyro power already just not like effectively I guess until after this point I didn't even notice that it seems like this is happening without her okay so is her arm turning black is that a direct response to her using the the Pyro I don't think it was no to being King but rather no to following mother I suppose it could be both let the mother guide her to be king because in Chinese she said you are not fit to be mother interesting are delusions given out to only harbingers or basically anyone uh uh well the only person I can think of who had a heart of delusion was the soldiers of Sania teepe had one oh as well du's father crepus also had one I don't actually know how they're distributed mass produced and sold gosh random fouille mobs have them it looks emotional based rather than power based because this it spreads when the spider died too oh really curse is flaring up again that child maybe her is blaring up again flaring up okay so we don't exactly know what is causing it it seems like something that Teeters perhaps BTW the flower there talking about is a part of the girl's necklace at the start oh this one dang you're right that's effed up I don't know how else to saying are delusions bad not the ones I have about Risley oh my can you be serious for one second man okay this is beautiful I love are now yours to Bear the title and the leg its Legacy of Bloodshed the title and its Legacy of Bloodshed are now yours to Bear my poor mad cursed Nave Bloodshed mad cursed mad I don't know where mad comes in Ry is a serious matter maybe the curse is connected to emotions yeah it seemed like it oh it would give some reason as to why she has to be an emotionless father but also mother drama that could actually explain why she's she seems just like so cold this is probably one of my biggest questions if delusions are bad and cause bodily harm then why are so many faty members able to wield one is there some kind of magic at play that keeps them from decaying and I'm interested as to what will happen with alako and her children since Al Kino had to kill her mother you'll probably have to ask the faty about that I'll take all three of your different answers into account what do Nave mean deceitful person servant Rogue or bad person interesting okay the FI the FI know about it there's a theory that the fatou members wear masks to protect from the delusion effects yeah I feel like we're going to have to or at least I'm going to have to leave it to the the lore lore experts to answer that question it's like how spider babies kill their mother because there's no other food oh I lowkey forgot about that I forgot about that don't a lot of like spiders die when they give birth it's like a Charlotte's Web this is very interesting little little little so cute baby di cycle with her through her fight with the children of the halfth there's something about Linny that makes her want him to be the next king father I also haven't done Linn's Quest so there's probably a lot of context I'm not I don't have from that web connects all I still haven't seen Madam web I want hair like that it's fire Linny is kindhearted he's so little don't watch it I feel like we got to watch it just for fun Lenny's quests kind of boring does that mean she took upon the name arino Justin Fontaine yeah uh so she has three names now Nave oh no four Nave Harbinger arlino and then her what was is probably her birth name King where's perw perw pewar PE arino claims her Homeland is from Fontaine yes she does but is that true it's hard to say the x is on her eyes that seems like a result of the Cur of like a curse and I would I know there's speculation that maybe she's tied with cona but I think a lot of that is based on Le so I can't talk about it ironic that she seemingly wanted to break free from the tradition of fighting to be king to having to take the spot and pass it down yeah that uh that sucks that sucks but the eyes of the conran that we know is kind of like a diamond shape that's what Ka has and it's what Dan SLI has what if that's true what if she's forgotten about it well they do say they did say mad mad Nave so it's possible that she's forgotten something or or is in some form of like rejection I don't know it's hard to say there's no way to do an arino story Quest without there being a ton of lore right like I don't want no dinky going to the market and being normal with arino I want the the meat the meat cuz we have the archon quest oh no not the Aron Quest we have her Quest and then we also have Sino second Quest we need dlift to tell us more now exactly I feel like there's room for Dan sff to show up somewhere in here we he normally shows up in 0. five I think it's more like she's been cursed with forbidden knowledge as possible it gets worse every time she gets closer to remembering it ooh so it's possible I wonder if there will be any connection between her Quest and sino's Quest they're going back to suu and there was a decent decent bit about it in the trailer cuz it's kind of about like sino's past dear diary if father doesn't kick me into the Sun during her story first then it wasn't worth 0 comedy yes I I need to do unfinished comedy that is clear Lino Quest we go shopping at the boutique I will throw myself off a bridge Forbidden Knowledge could could be a part of it because it seems like forbidden knowledge is anything that's not supposed to be known by the people who exist into that so if we kind of zero in on the idea that ar oh sorry that tat is some kind of simulated world with a fake sky could it be possible that her existing inet could could with in some correlation to Forbidden Knowledge could be the thing causing the glitching there are new areas filled filling in the gap between Fontaine and who knows there might be some connection well when I saw the trailer they were kind of interweaving both of those quests so I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of connection between them right so there's a good more likely than being from Conway I would argue it's more likely arino is a descender maybe they for B just from Silver Wolf now we're going to maybe she's the closest to honai ifying genin that we've gotten so far maybe the glitching is just imagine the glitching is just a design choice no please kit no way no waying we also we are known as The Travelers but has any other person that ever thought about traveling as well like us I have no clue were we given an explanation to the descenders not exactly we got like we get like bits and pieces we got bits and pieces from um it's been way too long since sumuru the archon of dendro for all the slack we give gench the design choices are intentional you doubt their design choices are int are not intentional yeah Nita yeah well genin can't really give us fully straight answers because if they did it would reveal the mystery of tat too clearly so a lot of the stuff that's currently in the game like you the lore Theory Crafters have put in work to like read the books and translate the titles in honor of a good point made by my friend she mentioned someone pointed out that she points out the T no's Throne is shaped similarly to the blood clots in elina's body based on this I don't believe the glitch is for the emo Vibes there's got to be more to it this one I don't get is giving more lore to Soo well because I think Soo is associated to desit there's very clear design changes so I think oh the one in her Idol animation okay oh oh I can Envision it but isn't that leaks have we even seen her Idol yet I haven't seen it you haven't seen it maybe I saw it did I see it the they show it in the live stream well then I totally saw it so all of all of the little pieces of information we get is disconnected because if if it was too clearcut people would be able to solve the mystery of tat before it gets presented however the theory Crafters who like read all the books and translate like names and look at mythology and religion are able to like draw pretty solid guesses or conclusions so if you're watching people like ashikai you're probably they're they're probably going to guess it but for the normies and casuals dirty casuals like myself there's always kind of like a other side of the coin like we're never getting full information on like most stuff yeah I think the the soo it's I've been waiting for more Soo lore because his he looks exactly like the images of King D so that's definitely not important that's that's definitely important Elena's existence into fat is poisoned and Elena himself is very childlike causing chaos but but thinks it's playing around yeah that's the big the big creature dragon not dragon yes no yes Dragon I remember that Quest okay anything else to pull from this especially with the heavily INF heavily in heavy influence from the Opera of the harbingers and the sheer volume of L yeah even just looking at the names of the harbingers you can draw a lot of conclusions I haven't drawn a lot of conclusions but other people have will you pull for her yes I'll pull for her and her signature weapon for reasons okay no cons no no cons unless I get really lucky but probably not all right I'll stop here
Channel: daily dish
Views: 91,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, honkai star rail, honkai starrail, honkai: star rail
Id: CCllfV0phjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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