The Best NO SETUP Self Working Card Trick Ever Made!

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hey what's up everyone MLT magic tricks here so in this video I'm going to be performing and then teaching you this really great impromptu self working card trick that you can successfully perform all the time so make sure you stick around to learn this one but before we get to the performance I just want to wish all of you a Happy New Year and thank you so much for the support you've shown on my channel this past year in 2019 we gained around a hundred and twenty seven thousand subscribers which is absolutely amazing so once again thank you all for showing support on my channel I really do appreciate it and if you are new here to the channel make sure you subscribe with those post notifications on from our magic content like this and that let's get straight into the performance okay so let's start off this trick by having my spectator shuffle up the deck as much as they want to once they are done shuffling I would explain to my spectator that for this trick I'm going to be dealing cards on the table and we are really concerned with the values of the cards for this specific card trick so here's the pattern that I'm going to follow for the deck I'm gonna turn the first card face up and I'm going to deal cards on top of it until we reach a value of a 13 so we have 8 9 10 11 12 13 we're going to start our next pile right here 10 11 12 13 I'm going to do this throughout the entire deck that won't take too long so we've got 8 9 10 11 12 13 we have an ace which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 you have a queen which is 12 jack is 11 Queen is 12 and king is 13 so 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 we have another Queen that's 12 13 ace which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 we don't play that 13 here so this is going to be our discard pile now we have a bunch of piles on the table each containing a different amount of cards and it is at this point up to my spectator as to which piles they want to keep for this trick they're going to choose three piles that they want to keep it is completely up to them so let's say my spectator wants to keep 1 2 & 3 those 3 piles they want to keep we will get rid of the other piles and they will be a part of our discard pile here now you're going to turn the three files that my spectator wants to keep face down on the table just like this and now we're going to go to our discard pile because I actually need some cards for this trick I'm just going to eliminate some cards from the discard pile I'll just cut off some cards right here and I will keep this amount for me because I actually need a pile for the trick now we are going to take a look at the top card of each of my spectators piles here so we have an eight and a six and in ace so a six and that ace is one and remember at the start I said we are really concerned with the values of cards so we're going to add up the three cards here we have an eight a six and A one together that equals 15 8 plus 6 is 14 plus 1 is 15 and now check out the amount of cards that I have in my pile right here I'm going to snap my fingers and wave my hand over my pile and you will see we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 cards to make for a perfect prediction so guys that is the card trick this is a really great self working effect and if you want to learn how to perform it make sure you stick around for the tutorial okay so I hope you guys enjoyed that performance this is one of my favorite self working card tricks ever so let's get right to be tutorial this one is not too difficult to perform all you need to do is follow these steps and it will work every single time it definitely fools all of your spectators so all you need for this trick is a full 52 card deck make sure you're not missing any cards take out the Joker's and you know double check that you have 52 cards before you perform it to your spectator and that's all you need you can start off by having your spectator shuffle off the deck as much as they want to once they're done shuffling you're gonna ask 30 cards back and explain to them that you're going to be dealing cards for this trick and make the point that the value of the cards is going to be very important because you are then going to get into dealing the cards and here's how you're gonna do it so you're gonna deal with first card face-up in this case we have an ace which is a 1 so makes the point to respect to your that aces are 1 and then if you come across a face card or eleven queens or twelve in Kings or thirteen that is also very important so make sure you know the values of base cards and aces are always one so here's what you're gonna do we have an ace which is a one in this case you're going to deal cards on top of it until you get to a value of thirteen you can explain that to your spectator they may be confused by you you know just talking about it so that is why you're gonna go ahead and do it so you have an ace which is one and you're going to go ahead two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen once you have reached 13 on the first file you're gonna move to the next one so you're gonna deal the next card face-up in this case it's an eight you're gonna go nine ten eleven twelve thirteen you just reached thirteen start the next pile ten eleven twelve thirteen you guys understand the pattern here it's really not too hard just you know make sure you're explaining that you know the valleys of face cards to respect here if you come across one the first time you deal with card I'm gonna speed up the video right now I'm gonna finish dealing these cards so you don't dis it through me dealing them and then we'll pick up the tutorial there so let's go ahead and speed up the video okay so I'm on the last pile here and you guys you guys can see I'm running out of cards so I started this one with two three and then four then the last file does not reach thirteen all you need to do is just turn these cards face down and explain to your spectator that these are going to be the beginning of your discard pile so that's really important if the last file does not reach thirteen make sure you do not keep that pile on the table face-up this needs to be your discard pile so and it will happen sometimes where the last pile does reach thirteen in that case you're going to start off with no discard pile and that is fine so just make sure you guys know that so I have my discard pile right here these cars are gonna go ahead and be facedown I do have my piles now on the table and once you're done dealing the cards make sure you explain to your spectator that all these cards I mean all these piles have a different amount of cards which is completely true because they started by shuffling up the deck at the start now from here you're going to Hydra spectator choose three piles that they want to keep they do have a completely free selection you're not doing magician to choice or anything here it's completely completely up to them so let's say our spectator wants to keep one two in three piles so whichever they want to keep you're going to turn the ones they want to keep face down just like this they can even go ahead and do it you're not doing any sleight of hand or anything you're gonna then you're going to take the other piles that they don't want you're gonna collect them and then place them on top of your discard pile and the way you collect those cards it doesn't matter it's completely random you can even give this pile a little shuffle if you want to but make sure you don't shuffle any of these piles you need to keep these cards in the exact same order so once you turn those piles face down you know line them up here on the table make the point your spectator that they did have a completely free selection as to which ones they wanted to keep now here is the one I would call it you know move that you need to do for this trick in order for it to work because it's basically all self working except this one part so what you need to do here is explain to your spectator that you want a pilot yourself you have this discard pile you can just call it that and what you need to do is remove exactly ten cards from this discard pile so what you can do is just spread out these cards to your spectator you're just talking to them explaining that we have the discard pile here and you're going to count off in blocks of three so three six nine and then one that's ten uhm we do it any way you want to but I just like to do it this way three easy you're gonna you're gonna separate after ten cards like this because you're gonna ultimately get a pinky break as you screw up the card so I have a pinky break now below ten cards and then all I do is I tell my spectator okay I'm just gonna remove some cards from the Spile I'm just gonna riffle down then you're just gonna grab from the break remove these ten and at this point you're ready to do the reveal that's all you need to do remember you need to remove exactly ten cards from your discard pile that you have here if you are a complete beginner and don't really know how to do the pinky break or anything like that what you can do is just spread out these cards on the table until your spectator is gonna remove ten or just remove some cards then you're gonna count off ten in your head just by taking off cards like that you can also do it that way but regardless make sure you have eliminated ten from this pile and you're ready to do the reveal so I have my 10 eliminated like this do it any way you want to you're going to tell your spectator that they want you to turn over the top card of each of their piles this is going to be you know a random card it doesn't matter these are all random make sure you explain to your spectator but we are concerned with the values on this case we have an ace is 110 and then Jack is 11 you're going to add up the value of these three cards so 1 plus 10 is 11 plus another 11 is 22 and then you are ready to do the reveal you'll have like you will have exactly 22 cards in this pile in this case because that is how it worked out for this trick and let's double check that we did it right so if 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 and 22 now guys this is a really great self working trick it every time it will work make sure you follow these steps so basically you know the sum of the three cards that are on the top of your spectators chosen piles will always equal this discard pile as long as you remove 10 cards you know before you do your reveal and you can also guys reveal do the final part of this trick in another way so let's say you have you want to do like a prediction type thing so what you can do is Agra spectator turn over two of their cards first and then you're gonna tell your spectator okay I'm gonna predict the value of this last card you buy you know checking out your prediction packet here so what you do is you just count these cards you'll count them to yourself and realize you have 22 then you do 22 minus 11 and then you'll know that this card is a jack or you know you can do it another way by just you know turn have your spectator turn over any to 10 plus 11 is 21 22 minus 21 is 1 you'll know this is an ace so play around with how you guys do the reveal but make sure you guys give this one a try it's really easy to do it's perfect for any level magician just follow the steps rewatch any parts of the tutorial you need to in order to fully understand this one but it will blow the minds of all your spectators so you can do it multiple times you know and end it off in different ways if you want to so I hope everything I explained my cents it's a really easy trick to do and thank you guys for watching this video once again thank you all so much for the support in 2019 I really do appreciate it bigger and better things coming this year in 2020 or the channel thank you so much for watching I will see you all in my next video peace out [Music]
Channel: MLT Magic Tricks
Views: 164,770
Rating: 4.8620362 out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card tricks, card trick tutorial, card tricks revealed, best card trick, card tricks for beginners, easy card tricks, card trick revealed, amazing card trick, beginner card tricks, easy card trick revealed, best card trick of all time, no setup card tricks, 3 card monte tutorial, penn and teller fool us, no setup card trick revealed, card tricks for kids, impressive card trick, beginner card tricks no setup, beginner card trick tutorial, card tricks no setup
Id: 1gH84M8nlL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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