Fool All Your Friends At School With This NO SETUP Card Trick!

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this video is brought to you by cat beast calm design your own custom snap backs and hats hey what's up guys ml team magic tricks here so before we get into this card trick I just want to give a thank you to cat beast for sponsoring this video they have an amazing website where you can customize snapbacks fitted hats beanies and many more types of hats I will be leaving a link in the description to cat beasts comm so make sure you guys do check them out and for this video I am going to be showing you a awesome no set of card trick that will get some amazing reactions and with the new school year starting this is a great trick to show all your friends at school and get some great reactions and if you are new here to my channel make sure you subscribe but with those post notifications on for more card and magic trick performance and tutorial videos like this one and now let's get straight to the performance of this trick okay so since this is a no set of card trick I would have my spectator start off by shuffling up the deck as much as they want to so once they're done shuffling I would now ask them to cut the deck into roughly three equal piles so let's say my spectator cuts the deck right about here as long as we have three different piles we're good to go so I would ask my spectator to choose one of these three piles so let's say they select this one and I would tell them to look at the top card and memorize it because that is going to be their selection so I'm just going to be showing you guys the card I promise I'm not looking at it make sure you memorize your selection right there now I would tell them to turn this pile face up and place it on one of the two remaining piles that we have so let's say they place it right here and we're gonna go and place the rest of the deck on so at this point we have a lot of face down and face up cards and we're going to make an even bigger mess out of the deck right now so it asks my spectator to cut the deck roughly in half and we're gonna shuffle these two piles together my spectator knows how to riffle shuffle I would ask them to riffle shuffle them if they don't the magician would go ahead and do it so either way we're gonna go ahead and just riffle shuffle these two piles together making a big mess out of the deck as you guys can see here we have a bunch of face down and face up cards in our deck now what I'm gonna do here guys is just go ahead and cut the cards a little bit more to randomize the order and I'll even say I'll say flip flop some of these cards here just to make a bunch of face down and face off cards to completely randomized the order now at this point guys I don't know what your selection is I don't know where it is in the deck but I am going to now show I spectator some the face-up cards that we have just like this and I'm gonna go through them one at a time and I would just ask my spectator to look out for their selection so I'm gonna separate the face-up cards from the facedown card so as I'm spreading through look out for your card guys I'm going to be going through all of the face-up cards here just so we can split them in half but both be face down so keep watch for your selection as you guys can see you're able to take a peek at all of these face-up cards that we have so once I am done going through all of them I would ask my spectator if they saw their selection so I'm going to assume my spectator said no I'm just assuming they didn't see their selection so since you guys didn't see your card in this pile of face-up cards it's reasonable to assume that your selection is one of these facedown cards that we have here now what we're gonna do here guys is turn over the deck so now all the cards are face down but like I said earlier I don't know what your card is I don't even know where it is but the deck itself actually does because check this out I'm gonna snap my fingers over the deck I'm going to spread out the cards face down and you guys will see that all the cards are face down except one card right here in the middle reveals itself I believe this card should look familiar because it is your selection - you four of diamonds so that is the trick I hope you enjoyed this one if you want to learn how to do it make sure to stick around for the tutorial okay so I hope you guys enjoyed that performance and I let's get right into the tutorial so credit - totally magic for this effect and this is not too difficult of a card trick to perform it's a excellent no setup trick all you need is a deck of cards and you're good to go so you can start off by having your spectator shuffle up the deck as much as they want to once they're done shuffling you were going to ask them to cut the deck into roughly three equal piles just like so once you have three different piles ask your spectator to choose one they're going to go ahead and pick up the pile can be anyone and they were going to memorize the top card that card is going to be their selection just have them look at it in the performance but for the toriel we'll go ahead and look at it together so in this case we have the two of clubs your spectator is going to memorize the card place it back on top turn this pack face up and place it on one of the two remaining facedown packs just like this and they're going to go ahead and place the other facedown pack directly on top so at this point we have the two of clubs as a selection from here you're going to ask your spectator to cut the deck roughly in half and it is essential that your spectator cuts to basically a face-up card like this because you want to shuffle the two packs together where you have a face-up card on top and a facedown card here on top of the other pile so let's say your spectator comes really deep in the deck like this you don't want to shuffle two packs together where there's a facedown card on top of both packs because it makes it harder to locate your spectator selection later in the trick I will explain that later in the tutorial but if respect here does that just tell them and now we want to really equal piles so then they'll go ahead and cut more in the middle and you'll be good to go with two packs here one with a face-up card on top one at the facedown card on top from here you were gonna ask respect here to riffle shuffle these together if they don't know how to riffle shuffle you can go ahead and do it so you're gonna go ahead and straight riffle shuffle these together like this now at this point you can just go ahead and show them that you have a big mess out of the deck like this bunch of face up and face down cards now it is very important that once you have completed the riffle shuffle you're gonna want to turn the deck over like this and you're gonna spread through again and this is where you look out for your spectator selection so I'm gonna show you how you find their card and now you're going to spread through show them a bunch of a face up and face down cards and you're gonna run into a section where you have a big portion of face-up cards in you as you guys can see here is our big portion of face-up cards so at the end of this big section of face-up cards there's going to be a facedown card here and this card is going to be their selection as you guys can see right there so the first facedown card you come to after the big portion of face-up cards is their selection you can just spread through and your need to get a break and what you need to do is leave two face-up cards above their selection here maintain a break like this I just got a pinkie break and you need to cut this portion to the top so you can either just straight cut it to the top like that or to make it a little bit more convincing that you're mixing up the deck you doing double undercut so one more time you're spreading through you find the facedown card leave two cards on top of it get your pinky break like so you can do a double undercut or a straight cut bring these cards to the top from here you have to face up cards their selection is going to be face down and the rest of the deck it doesn't matter now once you have done that what you can do to make it more convincing to your spectator that you're mixing up the deck turn the pile over just completely flip flop these cards here it doesn't matter really as long just don't go too far and screw up your order at the top so just do that a little bit make it come in seam turn the pack back over and you're gonna spread out the cards like this because you need to get a pinky break below the top three cards so at this point you're making small talk with your spectator you're telling them see I don't know where your card is I don't know what it is and as you're square up the cards get a pinky break below the top three to face up cards which are random then they're selection right here you have your pinky break just like this it makes it easier to do this next move so you're now you're going to show your spectator all the face-up cards and tell them to keep an eye out for their selection you're just going to be showing them the face-up cards currently with the setup now what you need to do push over the top card now you have this little pack of two a random card and their selection directly behind it as you guys can see and you need to keep this pack and this pack of two cards very square so you spread off the first one get the second one like this keep it square just like that and you're going to mix basically separate the face-up cards from the facedown making sure you're holding on to this pack that you have here try don't flash the facedown card right there keep it as square as possible now you're going to go through the deck you're gonna tell your spectator watch out for your selection as you guys can see as you can see I'm showing you the face-up card just say something along that and you're gonna show them all the face-up cards that you have and they were obviously not going to see their selection because it is one of the facedown cards currently so once you are done separating the pack you're gonna ask them did you see your selection they're gonna say no now what you need to do here guys is make sure you you're able to separate them to make sure this doesn't happen you guys try and keep that facedown card which is their selection flush with these face-up cards so they don't see it you're going to separate them you're thought your spectator okay sent your card is not one of the face up bars it means it's in this pile but obviously here's what you have all you have all face-up cards and the only facedown card is their selection so from here just keep that face up back on the table tell them okay that means that your selection is somewhere in this facedown pile i would recommend spreading out all these cards just show them that all of them are facedown to reassure them that not one card is face up or anything like that you're gonna turn these cards now face out place them on the deck turn the deck over and tell your spectator okay all the cards are now face down but in reality the only face up card is their selection they obviously have no idea that is about to happen so you can tell them you can do the reveal in a couple ways you can just say okay go ahead and tell me throw for the first time your selection they will say the two of clubs you can snap your fingers wave your hand over the deck do whatever you want to spread out the cards like this and they will be completely blown away that the only face-up card in this entire facedown deck was their selection you can also just not even ask them what their card was you you can just you know not tell them or to say their card once you're set up to do the reveal you can just go ahead and do it or if you want to you can you know spread out the cards face up and have the only facedown card be their selection play around with the reveal that anyways at the end you will reveal that the only card that stuck out whether it was face down or face up was their selection this trick has amazing effect definitely give it a try so that's gonna wrap it up for this video thank you so much for watching I hope this tutorial made sense definitely give this trick a try and fool all of your friends so thanks for watching I'll catch you guys in my next video peace out [Music]
Channel: MLT Magic Tricks
Views: 1,611,331
Rating: 4.8841906 out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card tricks, card trick tutorial, card tricks revealed, best card trick, card tricks for beginners, easy card tricks, card trick revealed, magic tricks, amazing card trick, beginner card tricks, simple magic tricks, easy card trick revealed, best card trick of all time, no setup card tricks, 3 card monte tutorial, shin lim card trick, magic, visual card trick, penn and teller fool us, no setup card trick revealed, card tricks for kids, impressive card trick
Id: z9-wzS-7BZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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