The Best Moonshine Corn Mash Recipe

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[Music] so we've gone over quite a few different ways that you could go about making a mash for moonshine now we're finally going to get to making a corn mash that you should enjoy very much here we have all the ingredients that we need to make a decent corn mash first we have some yellow cornmeal it doesn't matter what kind of cornmeal what makes it doesn't matter just some nice yellow cornmeal white cornmeal might work just as well too you'll just something you'll have to play with it try this is just something that the my local store had that had came in two different packages this one was from a bulk supply that they broke down into smaller packages this is going to be the base of our corn mash so next on the list we have some dried fruit mix we're adding this to the corn just to give us a little extra flavor it doesn't matter where you get it doesn't matter what kind you have this has got a little bit of everything in there we've got some we've got some banana got some golden and regular raisins there's some papaya there's some pineapple I think there's some apricot or dates in there too this is going to give us a nice extra boost of flavor in our mash next we have some ordinary granulated sugar you can find this anywhere on any shop in store this just gives us an extra kick to our moonshine if you don't want to use sugar you don't have to but it will give you an extra quantity of drinkable moonshine next we have some red star active dry yeast this is just ordinary bread yeast that's all you need if you want to use other yeast you go right ahead and use them nothing wrong with them turbo yeast is very good it gets you a high quantity of alcohol in your mash but this is on any shelf in almost any store perfectly okay to use when you're using grains the starch needs to be converted to sugar and then the sugar can be converted into alcohol now without moulting grains this cannot be done so you either need to Walt gray ins or you need some a meal ass enzyme so we're going to go with the MLS enzyme because it's a very easy process to do this came from homebrew stuff comm I found it to be a very good supply you only need a little bit it's very cheap you can order it online on eBay it does a very good job so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to prepare the dried fruit we're going to do that by taking a couple quarts of water and we're going to heat it up once the water is heated up we're going to add the fruit to it and let it simmer just to get all the sugars released okay so now we have a couple quarts of water boiling and now we're just going to add our dried fruit to it [Music] and we're just going to let that simmer for a while and let all them sugars get loosened up okay while our pot on the right here is simmering away with our fruit the pot on the left is a three gallon stockpot and we have that filled about halfway up with water and then when it gets heated up we're going to add our cornmeal to it okay so now we have our water good and hot since our corn is already ground really find into a powder this is going to be good enough it'll get everything released so we're going to add our cornmeal now [Music] we've added the we've added the whole five-pound bag I'm good stir it up turn the heat back on okay now you see how this is getting really good and thick now the corn is starting to absorb all the water in there this is getting really stiff this is a strainer spoon this is a strainer spoon but as you can see not much is going through it we heat this up just a little bit more okay good and stiff we're not going to take our any last enzyme we're going to add it to this mix the heat is shut off it's still good and hot [Music] we're just going to take the aimless enzyme and we're going to slowly just sift it in there and stir it back up now as you're working this you're going to see that the thickness of this is going to start to change it's going to go from thick to thin again because the starches which are stiff are going to be converted in the sugar which is going to be a watery substance [Music] okay now we need to keep this not boiling what we just need to keep it hot we're using a thermometer we're keeping it around 150 degrees that's the temperature that Amy laughs works pretty good at okay so now I want you to take a real close look at something before we had a pretty thick substance here with the cornmeal cooked up and now we've added the MLS compound and we've been stirring this for about five to ten minutes and I want you to look at this going back to soupy our starches have broken down and now we are our substance is soupy this tells us that we now have converted our starch into sugar now we're going to leave this just like this and let all that Amy last enzyme do its job okay so now we have the Amy last enzyme in here and it's set for a good long while and now as you'll notice before I had a very thick substance from all the starch now this substance is soupy very because all the starch is broken down into sugar so now this is ready we're going to add this this is the main part of our mash we're going to put this in our tub and then we're going to add a lot of water to it and then we're going to take the liquid from the fruit we're going to take the liquid from the dried fruit we're going to add that to it and then we're going to add our yeast okay so now we have about three tablespoons and four tablespoons of the bread yeast and about an equal amount of sugar and you get some warm water to that and stir it all up let that activate well now pour our corn into the bucket we give our fruit a good mashing and throw that in we have our activated yeast we'll throw that in let a couple more gallons of water to that okay now in the same pan that you just had the cornmeal in take your sugar nor water nor water stir them together and add to the mix and cover it up there we have some really good bubbling going on there this is sat for a couple hours okay so now our mash is set for a week take a look at it it stopped bubbling and we have a lot of stuff to sink at the bottom a lot of our fruits are still at the top and as you see what we have here is a lot of our fruits like these these were once raisins but the fermentation has pumped them back up so that's a good indicator that these raisins are now full of alcohol we'll have those squeezed out everything is pretty much sank to the bottom it's all stopped bubbling we'll have a little taste here very high alcohol content we've done a good job here very good job and this might make a decent beer if you catch it early enough before it stops foaming yes this would make a very good beer [Music] it's almost good as it is okay so now we have to strain this and the way I'm going to do this could be almost like the last time with a little little upgrade to it we're going to just do ladle this into the soup pot for an extra container and I got two strangers here but we're going to have the big strainer we're going to have a cheesecloth lining the bottom one that's going to catch all the small particles then we're going to put the strainer in the top of it and that's going to catch all the bigger particles and instead of pouring it in there we're just going to get a ladle and we're just going to slowly ladle everything into there we're going to get a bigger ladle [Music] okay now we've filled up the soup pot to capacity now we need to let this drain take our fruits and say those [Music] okay now I have to rinse this out and start over luckily I have another soup [Music] going to get our another bowl to put this in while we're in between here [Music] [Music] now there is a whole lot of alcohol in here if you do not squeeze this out like this there we have a lump of old corn mash with all the alcohol squeezed out of it okay that's the last bit of our corn now we'll squeeze the rest of our juice out of these fruits [Music] okay there's our fruits now we'll clean everything up and give it all one final filtration because a lot of corn got through the sift there [Music] okay now we're all cleaned out okay now give one more location [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we have a nice corn beer ready for distillation or drinking as is
Channel: wcemichael
Views: 1,959,907
Rating: 4.6834531 out of 5
Keywords: maize, beverage, moonshine, wcemichael, food, species, moonshine corn mash, high-proof distilled spirits, illegal appalachian distillers, tennessee white whiskey, mountain dew, white lightning, brand moonshines, call-in webcasts, ole smokey, corn mash, distilling, popcorn sutton, westcoast exterminator, early english smugglers, large grain plant, maize kernels, leafy stalk, clandestine nature, english-speaking countries, indigenous peoples, prehistoric times
Id: d_N3PbopL28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2013
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