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so one of my favorite things to do is to do one of your recipes and a good friend of the channel submitted one of their recipes so let's go and do it hello and welcome back to the channel today i'm excited because we are doing something that i love to do and that is to do a submission done by one of the subscribers the submission or the request was to do a banana rum and the subscriber also sent me a recipe for a banana rum so yeah the recipe we will be doing today is called pirate's life banana rum now the recipe is in freedom units i will be posting it down in the description but i will be converting it for the purposes of this video into metric i will put up on the screen as well as i go through with all the different units and measures but this is a five gallon batch and we are going to be doing a infinity wash or a five-gun match but with a butt load of bananas the recipe calls for super ripe or very ripe bananas now that means one or two things number one the bananas have converted as much of the starches in it into sugars themselves because the bananas have amylase in them so we don't have to add any amylase into the recipe to get those starches to convert into sugar and number two it's going to be very sweet and it's going to give a fantastic funky banana flavor to the final rum so yeah i'm very excited for this one so yesterday what i did is i took all the bananas and i just gave them a quick squish just a light pressure all the way around what you're going to do is you're going to bruise the bananas and by bruising the banana you activate or you supercharge the amylase inside of the bananas to start turning the banana into a mushy mess on the inside the amylase converts the starch into sugars and yeah you can get even more sugar out of the banana as well as more flavour so i just want to point out with a nice close-up as you can see there is a normal banana that hasn't turned converted most of the starches into sugars and over there straight out of the peel you can see it all mushy while the star the amylase converted the starches into sugar so that's what we want we want all of the banana to almost be a mushy mess then after mushing all of them inside of the peels what i did is i took a nice dark bag closed it up so then i left it overnight in this bag allowing the bananas to off gas now the bananas release a natural gas the name escapes me now but it releases a natural gas that makes it arrive really quickly they are now ready to be mashed and the recipe actually says and mashing so that's what we're going to do we're going to peel all of these bad boys get them into a bowl into a crusty dog bowl and then yeah after mashing it up you need to start then the next part of the rest so we're going to use a hand masher to get it all squished up while we prepare for the next step so while the bananas are in the bowl all mashed up that amylase will continue working turning the banana nice and brown and extracting even more sugar and more flavor all i'm going to do is i'm going to cover the bananas with a another dog ball set it aside so there's no buggies or flies or stuff get into it set it aside and start with step number two now according to the recipe step number two is to use a big ass pot get it to a boil to dissolve the sugars now for the next step with this with 2.3 kilograms of sugar or five pounds of sugar in the pot with about five three liters of water what i need to do now is add the molasses now the molasses is one and a half liters of molasses or 1.5 quarts of molasses so what i'm going to do now is it's not part of the recipe but i always do it for all my rum recipes as i invert my sugars now if you want to learn more about inverting sugars better than board has a great video explaining it i'll link it up here basically inverting your sugar means boiling it for a while with a acid so roughly about 20 minutes with any form of an acid whether it's lemon juice or citric acid just to get that bond between the sucrose or the fructose and the glucose to break apart so what we're going to do now is we're going to add a little bit of citric acid just so we can get all the starches all the sucrose inverted i'm gonna add roughly about a teaspoon of citric acid so just keep stirring and checking up until all the sugar has been dissolved we're gonna bring it up to a boil put the lid on and leave it for 20 minutes while we wait for this to come up to a boil why don't you hit that subscribe button down in the corner there if you want to know what's happening with those two little jars at the back bubbling away or those cute buckets now that is something very interesting to do with the millipop moonshine if you haven't seen that video yet there's a link up here where we are trying to make a millipop moonshine generation one came out awesome generation two is in the buckets over there and we are trying two different variants if you want to see what's happening there remember hit that subscribe button down in the corner there 20 minutes have elapsed and this baby has been boiling quite nicely for the last 20 minutes time now to turn off the heat get this down to about 50 degrees centigrade or as the recipe calls for around about 115 degrees fahrenheit so that should be about 48 degrees centigrade so once we get it to that temperature there what we're going to do is we're going to add our bananas in get it back up to 50 degrees and then let it cool down naturally up until we can pitch it so how am i going to cool it down all right that is i have a basin full of cold water i'm going to take the pot put it in the cold water stirring it around getting the temperature down to 50 c with the temperature now below 50 c what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add the banana into the pot then i'm going to bring it up to the recommended temperature between 115 and 120 degree fahrenheit now if we convert that back it's between 48 to about 49 degrees c the wash or the molasses sugar mixture now is currently sitting at sitting at about 40 degrees centigrade so what i'm going to do now is quickly add in the bananas with the bananas in and the temperature sitting at about 35 degrees centigrade what i'm going to do now is turn the heat back on and get it to 50. with us approaching 120 fahrenheit and 50 degrees centigrade what i'm gonna do now is kill the heat keep stirring it for a couple of minutes so we can get all those starches nice and loose and then leave it to cool down naturally according to the recipe what we need to do now is once it's cold enough to stick our finger in the bucket we need to transfer it to our fermenter now if you've ever worked with bananas and you've stuck around this far to get a tip the tip is leave a ton of headroom now the recipe also wants you to leave a ton of headroom but what i normally do is when i work with bananas is i make enough for one fermenter i divide it up afterwards into two fermenters and then let it ferment out once it's done fermenting what i do then is i filter and transfer it back into one fermented allow it to finish fermenting completely after removing all the solids then yeah then run through my stove so i'm going to mix everything in one bucket before i transfer it into two separate fermenters make sure your spigot or your tap is closed they want another mess on the floor so tap those get this to make sure we get all the lovely goodness out of this pot i'm going to add my cold water into this pot stir it around to get everything off the sides as much as i can and then dunk it into the fermenter just going to give this one quick last stir to get everything incorporated test the temperature to make sure we can pitch our yeast now the yeast will be using today will be bootleggers brandy yeast again now the reason why i use that yeast is it loves to chew through sugar number one and as well it ferments up really quickly because the recipe calls for a turbo yeast now i don't have a turbo yeast so what i'll be using is the bootleggers brandy yeast everything nice and mixed up to make sure the yeast is incorporated all through the wash what i'm going to do now is just do a quick gravity reading the recipe does not say what gravity we're supposed to hit but just for my sanity to check what gravity we are at i'm expecting about a 1090 to a 1.1 actually much lower than that we are sitting on a we are sitting on a 1.07 giving us a potential alcohol of about 11 time to transfer half the wash into this fermenter and the other half into the other fermenter so let's get transferring [Music] so with the wash the rum whatever you want to call it in the fermenters now and if you're looking at this and thinking that's a ton of headroom yes it is but if you've ever worked with bananas you'll know why this is your first time going to be working with bananas leave a lot of headroom this stuff is going to expand and as soon as the yeast kicks in it's going to create a big foam head and uh what we're going to do is we're going to stir this every couple of days or depending on how high the head gets probably every day up until it is done fermenting then we're going to filter it transfer it back into a bucket and get it firming out completely dry and yeah looking forward to running this bad boy if you stuck around this floor thank you very much and have a lucky day [Music] you
Views: 259,986
Rating: 4.8875418 out of 5
Keywords: rum, how to make rum, homemade rum, easy rum, making rum at home, making rum, making rum from molasses, moonshine, how to make moonshine, moonshiners, tasting, taste, reflux still build, reflux still, how to, distillers, distilling, whiskey, sugar wash, whisky, beaver diy, beaverdiy, neutral spirit, ABV, how to make alcohol at home, how to make alcohol, whiskey recipe, distillation process, homemade alcohol, making moonshine, how is rum made, white rum, dark rum, what is rum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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