more moonshining with Popcorn Sutton

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my good at modeling from up here and back in here it's tank 72 years old I guess it's got a right to burn some more like Mitch Mao had its better days my small cap I had to make me one would you say that moonshine is less common than it used to be my hair D can't find it no more I mean decent liquors don't cuz ain't nobody gonna work as hard what you've seen me work today anymore what about the moonshine you can get for five bucks five $5 - yeah I'll tell you what I don't want reckoning of it goes I'd say it take her off a wooden leg so that stuff mate isn't made the same way that you're making oh no a new sheet metal pots and put rubbing alcohol in it I wouldn't do no such a thing as that if I do that it had this quit you ain't got that rocket laying on there put it on top of him damn trees then you've lost your liquor also when you blow the cap be liquor it's art oh I blow to many of my blowed one off one time hit blowed that hot slutting it went down my overhaul and I grabbed a water hose and stuck in here right I got I'd hadn't went to hospital I guess for blisters but I didn't blessed her and I knocked old water took care of the reckon Oh Krypton many many times how many times I can't remember you can when you take a bite open your tongue slap your brains out that's at Tennessee clay it'll stay there so you can't make a steel furnace how this mountain dirt hit fall louder than it got hot this won't fall out yeah see once I pull that still out there I saved a bookie that redmud some more I'm going on I'm going to hire the British partly down to get it out all right I'm going to take it my time and fix it back like it was so to stay here if somebody will come up here you bust this down he'd be here 50 years from today but I'm going to give this away every bit of it JB won't see Jordan the old ones yard the Bradley boys and we'll give em a jar piece and make them from camp proud of you put any kind of candy or hounds better candy a die some black pepper some lemon juice and some honey shower would honey better if you can get it awfully expensive and you pour you honey in your candy in you black pepper in your lemon juice in your bottle and then you're finished filling up with liquor and it has to sit and dissolve eat itself up for a while and then hits good for the flu cokes you can be a coughing like one thing and take it in and stop it it's better than that robitussin stuff you buy oh [ __ ] how damn I got a hamster drunk tell me now though if you wanted to do some buy some harm get them hold her head to that port that's going to know you could punish him I mean when we get done I was a lot stouter back in I am now I'd uh she'd hang on him back at my overalls Oh she'd be drunk and he'll not have a load of liquor tied on the back of - into sacks and she'd hang on my over hose not drag her up at them Laurel ticket and we got to the top she'll say well now I don't need your pulling no more now in mid one to the house and then by God both of us would get done when not been laid down our drunken hell she asleep she's left in the back room I slept on the couch in the living room when night with set burn sometimes we'd get token nice tea I said lady I said a man when he gets old I said he quits wanting it Donny she said I've heard the dead I said when I howled as a woman had to get full she quit wanted she said damn fine oh you let that somebody man she's about 80 years old when she said that much weight doesn't you throw it in the floor ha ha that blue fire come out her eye you starting the fire like that naked raise hell wastin liquor you quit that this cost money that Lisa Hicks says how to give up to be one of the best old mountain cooks they are what's fun time yeah then a time on the mouth very few mice is good I'm going bow hunter eat it well guard oh okay I've girl Gordon how did you my she is important how much liquor you're gonna get and that there should be top line Mike you got high school night for that take that breath yonder full of that you not get off with Sam Mountain I guarantee no you'd be laying somewhere give me pilot better bun in with and if you run your liquor hot it makes it mean if you didn't get to enough water to keep that worm-ridden to you when you run it hot it makes it mean fire and hail and burn you get throw gas naked I forget this tampered I Morgan take me better - down teacup pull out and Nike to fit nice nice come on in weed you now people signs ain't nothing to making this liquor but they're damn bad Broncos it took some work set this up the town how many jars of licorice you think you've made no heart they hail far I don't even guess I make number damn long I know Oh that got him in ER I did now if you get me in the groove I'll pick a [ __ ] well where did you where get me other
Channel: SuckerPunchPictures
Views: 1,602,791
Rating: 4.8970103 out of 5
Keywords: moonshine, moonshiners, Appalachia, mountain, culture, popcorn, sutton, bootleg, whiskey
Id: UQ7b3EqsB6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2010
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