The BEST Mods for Risk of Rain 2

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risk of rain 2 has an amazing monster on PC that makes modding the game incredibly easy I browse through hundreds of mods myself and ask the community for their favorite mods to compile this giant list of the best mods that are available for risk of rain 2 right now I've categorized them into four sections so you can jump around through the video and find exactly what you need we've got Quality of Life mods aesthetic mods gameplay mods and lastly Survivor mods quick disclaimer not all of these mods are going to be compatible with each other or multiplayer lobbies make sure you go and visit and read the website for each mod you plan on trying okay let's go ahead and jump into Quality of Life mods okay so first up is better UI this is probably the single best mod to use when you're first starting to learn the game better UI can potentially do a lot like add a DPS meter show various stats on the right side of the screen like your jumps and crit chance but I primarily use it for the item description and skill proc coefficient information when hovering over any item in your inventory better UI shows you exactly what that item does how it stacks and how your current Stacks are being calculated it also shows you the proc coefficient of all of your skills too both of which are insanely helpful when you're first starting to learn how the game works next up is item exchange Notifier have you ever used a 3D printer and had to think to yourself man what the [ __ ] did it just take for me well with item exchange Notifier that'll never happen again because every time you use a 3D printer a chat log pops up notifying you of what item got traded out it's super convenient especially on Long looped runs where it gets really hard to keep track of all your items so just install this and never think about it again next up is chest spigon which removes all looted chests from the level once they're off screen no more mistaking opened chests for new loot again just install this and never think about it again it's so nice random character selection allows you to select a random character if you click this button in the top left of the menu it'll select a random Survivor for you and you can click the button below it if you also want a random Loadout I don't know how this isn't just in the base game already by default it's perfect for when you want to just like casually play and relax and feels like a very vanilla option next up is command Q command Q lets you queue which items you want during artifact of command runs honestly this mod is a must-have for you command players out there because it saves you so much time and headache from picking out your items every time you get a new one set your build at the very start of the run and let the mod take care of it all for you no boss no wait causes the teleporter to charge instantly once you've killed the boss no more waiting around for the teleporter to reach 100 while you just kind of sit there it even adds the time that it would have taken to charge it to the timer so it doesn't throw off the difficulty scaling too much next is RT Auto Sprint don't stand still don't get hit right this mod attempts to make sprinting easier as you automatically Sprint whenever possible this is definitely going to be a more personal preference thing as some players will definitely want to keep the finer control of Base game The Hunters players go crazy you know what I'm saying skip intro does exactly that skips the intro spots gives the intro cut scene so you no longer have to spam the space bar after loading into the game install it and never think about it again next up is actually faster which speeds up the use of things like Scrappers printers and the shrine of chance no more waiting around for the animation to play out before you can throw in your next item this mod kind of speeds up the game a little bit technically so it makes it easier technically but uh it's very minuscule and you can be your own judge on if you want this or not see your ping helps you identify which stages are being displayed by these seers in the bazaar just ping them and their name pops up in the chat no more squinting trying to figure out if you're looking at Sirens call or sundered growth just install this and never think about it again next up is quick restart which adds a button in the pause menu that allows you to restart your run with the same Survivor and Loadout did you make a mistake in your run and you want to restart or do you want to just re-roll the first stage until you get something other than siphon Forest then this mod is for you it also adds a button that just takes you right back to character select screen if you want to just change survivors quickly next up is unlock all which unlocks everything in the game do you not want to do all the challenges to get all the items skills or Eclipse levels then just use unlock all and get access to everything immediately next up is errolt which is an insanely powerful cheat engine for risk of rain too you can edit basically everything in the entire game and I mean everything of course you can change your own items but you can also change your own character's stats you can spawn in anything that you want including enemy survivors which I think is pretty neat it's insanely useful if you're a content creator and you're trying to get to like specific stages to take certain shots of stuff like that it's so strong and one of the coolest things is you can spawn in as any enemy that you want like look at us we're a clay Dune Strider now that's just who we are it's awesome and with that we are done with quality of life let's move on to the Aesthetics of course we can't talk about Aesthetics without first talking about stage aesthetic this mod changes the textures and the color palettes of all the stages each stage gets about five or six additional looks that can be randomly selected on your runs and this does a ton to add some variety into how the game looks it's also highly customizable from within the game's menu this is one of my favorite aesthetic mods and I never play a game without it next up is risk UI risk UI is an attempt to completely overhaul the heads-up display in risk of rain too it's highly customizable and uses a very crisp and clean design that almost looks minimalistic you can have the text color change depending on the difficulty that you're playing reposition any element of the UI and change the color to almost anything give this a look if the default UI is getting a little bit too boring for you the minimap mod adds a minimap it looks kind of goofy but if you like mini masks from a top-down perspective this Mod's for you it shows you all the near enemies around as well as all the interactables within your vicinity next up is photo mode this adds a photo mode that you can use whenever you pause the game use it to take pretty pictures of yourself anytime during your runs next up is first person Redux first person Redux adds a toggleable first person camera mode to the game it can be a bit clunky and look a little weird with certain survivors but I always use it whenever I play railgunner because it makes zooming in feel much more natural and less disorienting Discord Rich presence is a mod for all you Discord Warriors and admins out there this mod adds a ton of information about your game to your Discord profile it allows your friends to see what level you're on the Survivor you're using the difficulty and a few other things if you use Discord just install this and never think about it again next up is water tweaker and water tweaker changes the water texture in Wetland aspect and makes it far easier to see chests and items when they're underwater again install this load this up set it to about 0.5 that's what I have mine at and then never think about it again and lastly there's mad veteran skin pack which is a skin pack that aims to create skins for all survivors that are references to their meta builds engineer gets mushrooms Commando gets little machine guns loader gets armor and so on it's one of the only skid mods that I feel is somewhat vanilla in design which I really like and the Skins just look really good too there's also an insane amount of skin mods in the mod store way too many to talk about in this video so I encourage you to go and check some of them out for yourself but with that we're done with Aesthetics so let's move on to gameplay and strap in because we've got some really crazy stuff in this section okay first up we have the genetic artifact mod and this is one of the most interesting mods I've ever played it adds a genetic modifier to the game that is insanely cool all monsters have four stats that the artifact can change their health move speed damage and attack speed as the Run progresses the artifact randomly modifies these stats for each monster and then gives each monster a combat Effectiveness rating after it dies this rating then influences the next generation of monster stats and so on this leads to monsters adapting over time to these specific weaknesses of your build and exploiting it this forces you to adapt your build and your playstyle constantly and you can really feel these changes in the monsters as the game goes on and the best part is the mod adapts you differently on each run which leads to a ton of replayability this mod is seriously super cool and I highly encourage you to check it out okay next up is star storm 2. star Storm 2 is a general content update mod that brings a ton of stuff to the table it includes two new survivors who both feel pretty good and fit along with the rest of the cast really well it also brings new events and challenges that can happen during the runs and brings over 20 additional items to the game if you're looking for a single mod that adds the most amount of content this is probably it next up is the ancient wisp mod which adds a new late game Boss the ancient wisp this boss is pretty fun to fight it's got a lot of new and interesting attacks and they can be pretty dangerous if they're stacked on top of each other it also adds some good variety to late game bosses which is pretty nice next up is the Standalone ancient scepter mod this mod adds a new red item to the game the ancient scepter this item randomly upgrades one skill on every Survivor every vanilla Survivor has an upgrade to multiple skills so engineer could get more turrets Commando could throw eight grenades at once and mercenary could get a huge upgrade to his ultimate these upgraded skills are super fun to use and each skill will significantly impact your build in very different ways multitudes is a mod that allows you to scale the game as if you had more players in the lobby you can get the loot equivalent of eight players if you want but you'll also have to fight the monster equivalent of 8 players it's a very fun and customizable challenge if you want risk of rain 2 to just be more risk of rain too but it's also pretty hard the footage here is me fighting an eight player Lobby version of a teleporter event plus Shrine of the mountain it can get pretty crazy but I've heard that the mod has also been tested with up to 250 players so I guess go nuts next up is vanillavoid which adds more void items into the game in its current state it adds five white four green and one red avoid item into the game some of these items even have multiple variants that you can choose from in the mod settings if you like the concept of void items this mod is for you fog bound Lagoon is a mod that adds a new stage 3 to the game this stage is incredibly well made in my opinion and really feels like a stage that hopu could have implemented themselves in the fog bound Lagoon you will spend a decent amount of time underwater as there is a gigantic Lagoon for you to explore and loot through and the change in gravity when underwater makes the stage very unique and as a bonus it works well with Stage aesthetic next up is bigger Bazaar and this mod makes the bizarb slightly bigger behind the lunar items that you can buy are a row of regular items to buy from chests as well now the mod does limit the amount of items you can buy so it's not like insanely broken but it's still a little broken you can get some crazy runs using this thing next is The Inferno mod which adds another difficulty setting after Monsoon you can see all the stats that it changes here like increased enemy projectile speed improved enemy Ai and some reworked abilities of enemies this mod is actually crazy hard and it took me a lot of attempts just to get past stage three but if Inferno isn't enough for you there's always the more difficulties mod which adds 5 new difficulties to the game including Armageddon and Armageddon is an exercise in masochism among other things enemies start with a behemoth shattering Justice 57 leaf clover molten perforator oddly shaped opal and a cautious slug oh and they have a 10 chance to crit I tried for a long time and could barely get past the first stage after hours attempt this at your own risk and while we're still on the topic of difficulty mods let's talk about umbral mythrix this mod completely overhauls the mythrix fight making it much much harder mythrix has an entirely new moveset different phases new mechanics and a new look to go along with it overall I'm just shocked at how high quality this mod is all the new visuals look amazing and the flow of the fight from face to face is arguably better than vanilla even though it's harder much harder I love charging pillars said not a single [ __ ] person in the history of ever instead let's make him into boss fights with lunar Apostles this mod replaces all the pillar events on the moon with boss fights with the souped up scavengers from a moment whole these fights are great tests for your build before fighting mythrix and it's a great way to farm lunar coins as well one of the latest mods on this list is Boss Rush Boss Rush is an alternate game mode that sees you fighting against nine bosses one after the other after you kill a boss you get a bunch of loot to choose from to further progress your build and to get ready for the next boss you also have the option of hitting one of two shrines before each boss fight starts hitting the void touch Shrine makes the next boss become void touch but also has it drop void items upon death and the Moonshine makes the boss perfected but also has a chance to drop lunar items it's a great risk versus reward for a Boss Rush this mod is also very new and kind of bare at the moment but the maker plans on continuing working on it and updating it in the future also the mod works with other boss mods so here I am fighting umbral mythrix instead of regular mythrix all right last but not least for this section I want to talk about the risk of rain to randomize her yes the randomizer mods popularized by Souls games and Pokemon have made their way into risk of rain this mod randomizes pretty much everything in the game stages enemies enemy attacks items status effects you name it it's probably randomized you can get a run like this where the very first stage is a moment fractured and you end the run without killing a single enemy or you can get a Helicon seed that spawns a tiny Beetle to help you during the teleporter event I also called in some backup drones but instead got friendly parents thankfully this mod is highly customizable and it has some really nice replayability potential as well you can also pair this mod with the randomized artifacts mod to get some really crazy runs going okay and with that we are done with gameplay mods let's move on to the last section character mods and first up we have the enforcer the enforcer is a very popular character mod that lets you live out a giga tank power fantasy you're equipped with a mediocre shotgun that has insanely good prop coefficient and a riot shield your special ability as you get behind your riot shield to block 100 of incoming damage from the front while also buffing your shotgun look at how this Stone Titan just crumbles in front of me while I block all of its abilities sure it causes you to no longer Sprint or be able to jump but who needs to when you have a hundred percent damage reduction not the most balanced character ever but insanely fun and well made next up is Pathfinder which is a little less popular Survivor mod but a very well made one you get a pet Hawk named Squall that accompanies you on your runs and obeys your commands Squall inherits all your items and can be ordered to attack enemies based on a cooldown your abilities beside Squall are kind of underwhelming and crowd control based so the Survivor primarily relies on managing your cooldowns effectively and positioning well during engagements if you like engineer or minion based builds in other games I strongly encourage you to check out Pathfinder the Millennium mod lets you play as one of the hardest bosses in Elden ring Millennia she's a strong Melee character with a slow attack speed but every attack heals you for a percentage of your total health skills that she has you perform are some of her most famous in-game Combos and of course her special ability is waterfowl she's extremely similar to mercenary in a lot of ways but is slower tankier and relies a lot more on healing It also says Victory achieved at the end of each boss fight which I think is [ __ ] awesome is Chef who is an original Survivor from risk of rain one he is a cook that specializes in throwing meat Cleavers and roasting enemies to death his M1 throws a Cleaver that pierces all enemies and boomerangs back to you piercing all of them again his M2 and his Mobility skills work together in the sense that you're meant to use his Mobility skill to lay out all this spoil on the ground and then use your M2 to light the whole thing on fire barbecuing anything that happens to be standing inside of it Jeff is a very simple character compared to the others on this list but I kind of like that his combos are super fun to use and his builds are very straightforward all in all very fun Survivor to play if you're a fan of Dragon Ball Z you're probably going to want to check out this next mod Goku Goku is probably the most complex character in this video you have a ton of abilities at your disposal at all times abilities don't work off cooldowns and rather work off a Mana system called key key slowly builds up over time and as you fight things and you can spend it to do stuff like teleport fly and Kamehameha you can also go Super Saiyan for a short duration which changes and Buffs all of your abilities and as you level up your Super Saiyan level also increases leading to very insane late game potential timeout if you're a fan of the series or if you just like pressing a lot of buttons and if you like this mod look out for the trunks mod which is another Survivor from the DBZ universe next up is rocket who is a Survivor that focuses exclusively on explosives you are equipped with a rocket launcher and some C4 to cause explosive Mayhem on the planet your rocket launcher needs to reload but it packs a very large punch and the AOE can be great for clearing out large clusters of enemies this is another pretty simple but very well made Survivor and since I already know you're thinking about it yes ICBM is completely busted on the sky if you like rocket launchers and explosions do yourself a favor and check out rocket the next Survivor mod is soldier soldier is a direct rip of the soldier class from Team Fortress 2. you come equipped with your rocket launcher shotgun and trusty shovel to take down your foes and yes you can Rocket Jump I know the community seems to really like this mod but personally I was a little underwhelmed the sound design is very weak they can be really hard to tell if you're firing your Rockets or not and the only way to do real meaningful damage is to rocket jump into a shovel attack which for some reason doesn't obscene 2 500 damage and is guaranteed to crit if you like tf2 it might be a good pickup but the previous character is better in almost every way in my opinion next up is Ganondorf and this mod tries to take Ganon from Super Smash Brothers ultimate and Port him into risk of rain too he comes with a lot of attacks from the game including Jabs Dash attacks neutral air down air and neutral B among others his side B allows you to grab any enemy and do massive damage including bosses but watch out because this move is a little bit buggy he's a slow and tanky melee Survivor that has some pretty crazy damage potential and is overall just really fun to play and rounding out the list is heretic heretic is a Survivor that utilizes all the heretic lunar items that replace your skills this is probably going to be pretty personal preference based if you like the heresy skills you're probably gonna like heretic he looks pretty sick as a Survivor but besides that what you see is what you get it's just all the heresy skills in one place say from that what you will and that does it we have covered over 50 mods for risk of rain too what do you think did I miss any of your favorites let me know in the comments below I also stream risk of rain 2 on Twitch come by and yell at me and chat tell me I'm bad at the game I already did subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and I'll see you guys next time thank you [Music] wiggle your fingers that's all there is to it
Channel: Cascenn
Views: 380,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LQfQMt1yhzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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