Spending 24 Hours on Stage 1 Risk of Rain 2 (World Record)

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I spent 24 hours on stage one of risk brain - I don't know how to transition properly so I'm just gonna start it risk of rain Tuesday update reintroduced artifacts into the game there are 16 artifacts to switch up the gameplay and add replayability most of these artifacts make the game harder and don't offer much of a gameplay advantage however some of these artifacts make the game easier by drastically changing the core mechanics and completely altering the way the game is played the most notorious example is the artifact of command which lets players pick their items and eliminates all useless items and basically makes every run a god run but this isn't even the most broken artifact the artifact of sacrifice has the potential to completely break the game's progression system let me explain this artifact makes all items dropped from killed monsters so instead of getting gold from monsters and then later using that to open chests the artifact of sacrifice circumvents this process and directly gives you the item the reason this is so busted is because there's a set amount of chests on each stage I want to say around 15 maybe anyway this capture the number of items obtained on each stage but monsters spawn infinitely so you never really need to move on pair this with the artifact of sacrifice recently being buffed and the artifact of swarms which doubles monsters spawns and halves their health combining these two artifacts make it possible to stay on stage one and get an insane amount of items I pushed this concept to its absolute limits and over the course of a few days I managed to spend 24 hours on stage one enjoy you the first hour was pretty enjoyable I got quite a few items but nothing really notable happened I would like to mention the orange equipment drops are not removable you can only hold one at a time so they'll just keep piling up and if you know anything about game design you would probably know having an excess of entities floating around isn't good every item that drops has its own code and assets that are constantly being loaded and the more entities that are in play more entities that the game has to check and keep track of and eventually this is gonna affect performance right now the game runs like a dream later on I expected the game would either slow down or crash entirely two hours in bosses started spawning monsters were also spawning more frequently and I started getting red items there's a war banner that's floating and that's pretty neat again barnacles are like mother nature's nipples man it's [ __ ] crazy it's just an idea four hours in and with 27 go hooves and 34 sodas I've become a very fast man at six errors in bosses responding very frequently I was got an aspect of lightning which is super rare I'm also pretty sure that at this point I had at least one of every white and green item he's also getting kind of late and believe it or not I was kind of sick of this game so I went to bed and entered a one seven hours in and the second day of playing thankfully nothing catastrophic happened overnight at this point movement was getting really cumbersome due to a certain point with speed where you just can't pick up items effectively anymore it takes just very precise movements and it's really annoying I did discover something interesting though if you're on off the stage you get teleported back because you hit an invisible barrier this barrier doesn't go all the way up and there's no limit on how high you can go in risk of rain - so you can actually get over this invisible barrier and get outside of the map and go under it is far left right north it's out whatever I didn't mess around with that too much because I don't want to fall into an infinite void and lose seven hours of progress so that's something to check out in another video ten hours in and the game was starting to wag I also really apologize for the shitty video quality the footage got really compressed because of the amount of things that are happening I tried upping the bitrate but that didn't help much I apologize videos and teacher will hopefully look a little bit better at 12 hours just over the halfway point the game is now lagging really badly and when bosses spawn the framerate takes a huge dip which is pretty frequent you may have already noticed the in-game timer is out of sync with the timer I have at the bottom the way I recorded this video is every hour or two I would record a clip of what's going on as recording the entire Iran would take a lot of space and strain on the CPU by taking a lot of breaks is really annoying when you have a timer to deal with so for that reason I decided using the in-game timer would be more convenient and for consistency I aligned the in-game time with the timer every time I recorded a clip however it didn't really work this way I didn't account for the in-game lag so when I've dropped the frames in-game it slows the entire game down including the timer by the time I made this discovery who's so far on their own and there's nothing I could do this also means I spent more than 24 hours I probably spent closer to 26 27 hours total in a real lifetime playing this game at 16 hours the gameplay just platillos not a lot changes it only gets more laggy and I don't think I can emphasize enough just how difficult it is to control hitting the slightest angle causes you to fly out of the model and in order to maneuver to collect the items impact it lightly press W for a fraction of a second otherwise you'll overshoot your target and have to try to get I have so many war banners now that the area of effect is bigger than the entire stage the war banner is give the game an ugly orange tint which at first I was really annoyed by it but it actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it's so much easier on the eyes this was also the point I decided to go to bed and stop thinking about this game for a while the third day of playing and I'm 20 hours in I only record these updates every four hours now because I didn't want to destroy my computer because every time I started recording my computer would literally wheeze and pain also nothing notable was happening so I didn't feel like I needed to document it although I did have a scare when I tried lowering the graphics settings and the game almost crashed the not responding window popped up and I clutched my chest in pain after a few minutes it started working properly again thankfully before I went to cardiac arrest anyway at this point the game is barely running the bonkers movement speed coupled with the constant frame drops is the epitome of [ __ ] and ball torture it's finally been 24 hours and I'm about to activate the teleporter to end this excruciating experience the reason I haven't activated the teleporter until now is because once he complete the event no new monsters will spawn which means no more items I stood still once I activated the Goblet sceptered thing I just hoped and I prayed to the Almighty gaming gods that they would smile upon me and the game wouldn't crash luckily I was able to complete the event without crashing so I picked up all remaining items before I attempted to load stage 2 [Music] I saw the not responding Lindo and I had no other choice and to put my faith and tay zonday the god of rain you you after what felt like an eternity stage two loaded thanks to the almighty deity Tay Zonday surprisingly once I got into level 2 the game was running really smoothly which leads me to believe most of the lag experienced was due to the unfathomable quantity of orange drops on the ground there were like at least 10 since dying is impossible I had to reach stage 8 and obliterate myself to end the game I also stopped picking up items as they weren't part of the experiment the game ran very smoothly and I was able to quickly make it through stage 8 without much of a challenge after 24 hours I had 163 monster teeth 169 bundles of fireworks 57 Hoku feathers 149 gasoline 179 sticky bombs 68 wax quails 173 energy drinks 175 fresh meat 148 focus crystals 158 lens maker glasses 157 backup magazines 165 goat leaves 64 chrono baubles 139 soldiers syringes 163 topaz brooches 161 4 potion armor plates 152 med kits 151 stun grenades 165 tougher times 157 tri tip daggers 78 predatory instincts 59 ATG missiles 156 rusted keys 73 debt marks 65 the stealth kits 64 Rose buckler's 73 infusion 133 bustling fungus 143 crowbars 135 personal shield generators 81 opiate hands seventy-three kaiser roll bands 54 squid polyps 151 armor-piercing rounds 86 harvesters sizethis 66 will load the wisp 57 leeching seeds 162 cautious slugs 57 Renauld bands 163 war banners 61 Gore's tone 71 berserker pauldrons 68 red whips 62 ukuleles 66 bandolier to hard light afterburner 64 razor wire 63 fuel cells 60 Lipton Daisy 3 agus the agus ages Angus 5 interstellar desk plants 60 warhorns to resonance disks 5 brilliant behemoths 8 frost relics 6 shattering justice for soul bound catalyst 3 sent into mitosis 1 unstable Tesla coil 2 happiest mass for H 3 8d v TV 2 three new kahana's opinion 3 ceremonial daggers 1 wake of vultures for Dios best friend 3 of rejuvenation racks 157 leaf clover two alien heads and 6 brain stalks here's my full stats page in HD you're welcome to pause as you'd like I can't say this experience was particularly fun but I'd be willing to do something similar in the future I also think I might have a world record now for time survive I could be wrong maybe someone else has gone longer but I couldn't find it if they have if you've gone longer or you know someone else who has feel free to correct me in the comments this is my first time making a video like this and I have a really good time doing it constructive criticism is always appreciated I want to make my videos the best they can be I know I seem kind of robotic and some of my jokes didn't land those are just things that will improve with time and lastly thanks for watching if this video is taking a lot of time and I appreciate everyone who's made it this far later [Music] you
Channel: Disputed Origin
Views: 1,660,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Risk of rain 2, World record, Most time survived, Risk of Rain, Artifacts 2.0, Artifact of Sacrifice, Artifact of Swarms, 24, 24 hours, twenty four, Day, monsoon, challenge, Hopoo, Items, Most items, Game breaking, Stage 1, First Stage, Max items, Glitch, Rain, Risk, ROR, Ror2, ror 2, 24 hour challenge, Xbox, PS4, risk of rain 2 gameplay, risk of rain 2 review, risk of rain 2 dlc
Id: 8q4ml5OvJxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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